MSNBC slammed as ‘freak show’ after host Chris Hayes melts down defending gender surgery for children

Banning gay porn books at schools?
IDK, why not?
GAY is a thing now days.
Children have questions.
I had questions about sex, when I was in grade school.
Evidently, so did, if I remember 60 years ago, Barbera did too.
Evidenced, by my first trip to the principal's office and parents called.
You are the ones having a meltdown over that.
I'm NOT.
Just regurgitating the teabagger/religious nut jobs HYPOCRISY.
Did she claim to be a man?

you claim banning book is bad. If it is, than it’s wrong to ban pornographic books in grade school. That is your argument.

She didn’t pretend to be a man, but she chose to dress and live like one. That’s gender. And they murdered her for it.

Using the excuse of “pornography” to ban history and cultural books, is the first lie of fascism.

There is nothing pornographic about any of the books that they’re banning. They’re full of celebratory stories about being Jewish and or being Latino. They’re banning books which show European/white history as anything but positive.

Books about the holocaust, slavery, or even Latino culture, are being banned because they portray white people in a negative light.

Ron DeSantis doesn’t want white children to “feel bad about being white” but he has no compunctions whatsoever about making Black people feel inferior, or Latinos, or Jews. He seeks to erase their history because it reflects poorly on white people.

Ron DeSantis isn’t banning pornography, his white washing history.
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The "book banning" slogan has everything to do with the left melting down because parents had legitimate concerns about leftists putting pornography in school libraries. The overt images of homosexual acts, tranny story time and the various means employed to groom children should be an obvious concern to everyone. None of the porn material pushed by leftists deals with obvious health risks such as transmission of STD's. As the groomers would have it, it's all just fun and games when little Johnny and Joey are having oral and anal sex, until they get AIDS.

Putting pornography in school libraries?
Right Wing Religious Nut Jobs have a vivid imagination.


Washington University in St. Louis › i-know-it-when-i-see-it-hist...

When Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart was asked to describe his test for obscenity in 1964, he responded: "I know it when I see it." But do we?
Yes they are putting in disgusting books that depict gay sex in children classrooms.
Got a link?
You should probably pay attention if you are going to weigh in on the matter. Otherwise you come off as looking like a defender of groomers.
I'm a defender of freedom.
I disagree with the parents, the doctors and an underage patient approving a sex change operation.
Kids are impatient, parents and doctors shouldn't be.
However if that's what THEY decide, then the "gubmint" shouldn't be involved.
Putting pornography in school libraries?
Right Wing Religious Nut Jobs have a vivid imagination.


View attachment 787967
Washington University in St. Louis › i-know-it-when-i-see-it-hist...
When Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart was asked to describe his test for obscenity in 1964, he responded: "I know it when I see it." But do we?
Your perceived "right" to groom children with explicit gay pornography doesn't supercede the rights of parents to have a voice in their children's education.

Your perceived "right" to groom children with explicit gay pornography doesn't supercede the rights of parents to have a voice in their children's education.
WTF?'s explicit?
Do they have pictures?

The "VOICE" parents have is the one at home.
Do Right Wing Religious Nut Jobs think the kids can't get the same information on the internet or the public library?
At least MSNBC doesn't have to wonder why their ratings are in the toilet.

Who watches this crap? Well, according to the ratings, not many people. How can any rational human being support gender surgery for children? Did I miss something? When did crap like this become remotely acceptable?

MSDNC has been a freak show since the Keith Olbermann days.
WTF?'s explicit?
Do they have pictures?

The "VOICE" parents have is the one at home.
Do Right Wing Religious Nut Jobs think the kids can't get the same information on the internet or the public library?
Oh, I see. This is what we see from the retrograde left where "our" children are wards of the state when in schools. Obviously, a freak show trans teacher knows what is best for the state's children and attempting to trans them without the parent's knowledge is just fine.

When an adult pushes sexually explicit material on children and demands that activity remain a secret, the police need to be involved.
Obviously, a freak show trans teacher knows what is best for the state's children and attempting to trans them without the parent's knowledge is just fine.
These fantasies are what occupy the minds of the right.

Unfortunately, since they only hang out with other deviants, nobody is around to tell them that they're not normal.

That's why it gets left up to me to stage these interventions.
IDK, why not?
GAY is a thing now days.
Children have questions.
I had questions about sex, when I was in grade school.
Evidently, so did, if I remember 60 years ago, Barbera did too.
Evidenced, by my first trip to the principal's office and parents called.

I'm NOT.
Just regurgitating the teabagger/religious nut jobs HYPOCRISY.
^^ and there we have it.

First “it’s not happening”.
Then it is proven it is happening, “oh it’s a good thing, kids need to learn about homosexuality.”

You people are nuts. You are a groomer.
These fantasies are what occupy the minds of the right.

Unfortunately, since they only hang out with other deviants, nobody is around to tell them that they're not normal.

That's why it gets left up to me to stage these interventions.
Parents across the country are demanding that porn material and tranny story time are not the function of schools. No one is saying you can't introduce your children to gay sex, maybe have them spend time alone with a obese man dressed as a vulgar caricature of a woman, that's just not the function of schools.
This is why these arguments are so affected with the simple minded. How can any right thinking person object to porn in grade school? Think of the children!!!

But they’re not banning porn. They’re banning history books that talk about the Holocaust, slavery or lynchings. They’re banning books that celebrate, Black culture, Hispanic culture, Asian culture, or Native American culture. Anything that doesn’t support the view that white American people are exceptional.

The “whitewashed” version of the Rosa Parks story is that Rosa Parks was asked to give up her seat to another passenger on the bus, and she refused to move. She was arrested for refusing to give up her seat. She’s a hero.

When you take out all of the references to race, and segregation, the story makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. This is why you have race riots, every 40 years, because you failed to teach your children, the true history of your nation.

Those who are not allowed to learn, from the mistakes of the past, are condemned to repeat them. You are now relitigating segregations, civil rights for minorities - for the third time since Lincoln freed the slaves.

Until white people learn how you got to this point, it’s just gonna keep happening.
See post #79

So well said.
The "book banning" slogan has everything to do with the left melting down because parents had legitimate concerns about leftists putting pornography in school libraries. The overt images of homosexual acts, tranny story time and the various means employed to groom children should be an obvious concern to everyone. None of the porn material pushed by leftists deals with obvious health risks such as transmission of STD's. As the groomers would have it, it's all just fun and games when little Johnny and Joey are having oral and anal sex, until they get AIDS.

This is complete bullshit. There were no such books in any Florida schools. Kindly provide evidence that anything you posted is true.

These are the books being banned:

This is complete bullshit. There were no such books in any Florida schools. Kindly provide evidence that anything you posted is true.

These are the books being banned:

No books are being banned.
Parents across the country are demanding that porn material and tranny story time are not the function of schools.
Tranny story time? This is where you mind stays all day? You're not normal.

No one is saying you can't introduce your children to gay sex, maybe have them spend time alone with a obese man dressed as a vulgar caricature of a woman,
And it just gets worse.

that's just not the function of schools.
We agree. That's why it's not happening. So why do you obsess about that fantasy?
Oh, I see. This is what we see from the retrograde left where "our" children are wards of the state when in schools.
Obviously, a freak show trans teacher knows what is best for the state's children and attempting to trans them without the parent's knowledge is just fine.
A trans teacher?
Trans them?
Without parents knowledge?
Exactly, how many rabbit holes do you even remember, going down?
When an adult pushes sexually explicit material on children and demands that activity remain a secret, the police need to be involved.
Yeah, they do.
And have been, for like.................DECADES.

A trans teacher?
Trans them?
Without parents knowledge?
Exactly, how many rabbit holes do you even remember, going down?

Yeah, they do.
And have been, for like.................DECADES.
I'll leave it to you to remain in your "safe place" of denial and self-delusion, but there are pages and pages of what a web search will find.


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