MSNBC slammed as ‘freak show’ after host Chris Hayes melts down defending gender surgery for children

DeSantis is signing laws by a legislature gerrymandered into place, the majority of voters don’t agree with.

Fox entertainment just settled for 700 million dollars being exposed as proven liars.

Of which they fired their number one ratings host, to further mitigate more damages.

DeSantis is a fool and a laughing stock.

Fox is an even bigger laughing stock, watched by fools.
WTF does Faux News have to do with DeSantis and the fact he is signing laws passed by legislature?

Your excuse that everything is “gerrymandered” is ridiculous. Dems gerrymander just as much if not more than Republicans.
The majority of Americans know nothing about trans children, or how they should be treated. The majority of Americans have never encountered a trans child.
It's such a miniscule issue in America, but Republican voters are suckers, and their leaders know that they're suckers, who will be willfully led around by their noses to whatever fake outrage they can dream up, whether it's Trans people, "caravans" of illegals, Liberals wanting to take all your guns, or any of the other bullshit. Even when Joseph Biden (God's choice) reduces the flow of migrants coming through the border they still lie about it, and the suckers eat it up.
This is the weak mind of the rightwinger, always accusing the other side of whatever it is rightwingers are guilty of. They are in the Trump cult, so they accuse the left of being cultists. It's simpleton, mindless debating.

So you disagree people are free to make themselves freaks?

You should be ashamed of yourself. You’re cult leader weeps
But you defend the right to decapitate a child with an AR15.

No, I’m against it and support laws making it illegal.

And your support for castration of children is?

Don’t need to answer, your cult leaders are probably monitoring this thread.
your cult leaders
This is the weak mind of the rightwinger, always accusing the other side of whatever it is rightwingers are guilty of. They are in the Trump cult, so they accuse the left of being cultists. It's simpleton, mindless debating.
At least MSNBC doesn't have to wonder why their ratings are in the toilet.

Who watches this crap? Well, according to the ratings, not many people. How can any rational human being support gender surgery for children? Did I miss something? When did crap like this become remotely acceptable?

Sometimes people will say ANYTHING to make money. The US political system seems to be the place to go if you're that sort of person.....
Oh, I see. This is what we see from the retrograde left where "our" children are wards of the state when in schools. Obviously, a freak show trans teacher knows what is best for the state's children and attempting to trans them without the parent's knowledge is just fine.

When an adult pushes sexually explicit material on children and demands that activity remain a secret, the police need to be involved.

What a lie. Hayes didn't defend the right to operate on children. You didn't watch it, did you?
No, I’m against it and support laws making it illegal.

And your support for castration of children is?

Don’t need to answer, your cult leaders are probably monitoring this thread.

How many children have been castrated in the past decade?

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