MSNBC slammed as ‘freak show’ after host Chris Hayes melts down defending gender surgery for children

It seems that trying to protect children from you monsters is what you want us to stop doing.
Nah. We're just pointing out that you're lying, and that you do so because it gives you a pervy tingle up the leg.

You really thought it wasn't obvious? Come on, tell lies that are less stupid. And less pervy. Please. You're creeping everyone out.
Nah. We're just pointing out that you're lying, and that you do so because it gives you a pervy tingle up the leg.

You really thought it wasn't obvious? Come on, tell lies that are less stupid. And less pervy. Please. You're creeping everyone out.
What lies? That children are given these treatments? I’ve already posted two links.
Do any of you conservatives understand that it's _not_ normal to obsess to spend your lives obsessing about the genitals of children? Apparently not. It seems that so many conservatives do it now, those conservatives watching are starting to think it's normal to act like that. I'm here to tell you that it's not.

It makes conservatives look like megapervs. Nobody talks about the genitals of children except conservapervs, who do it 24/7. They're sick deviants who creep the hell out of everyone around them. That's why decent people shun them, and keep their children and pets away from them.

That’s really a dishonest comment as it’s obviously the left who are the groomers. You seemingly want to sidestep the fact that leftist politicians are the ones promoting child grooming. The left is a primary advocate of child grooming that focuses on doping children with dangerous drugs as a gateway to mutilating surgeries.

Leftists getting angry, emotive and violent in their defense of child grooming is really an antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) that is focused on children who the left see as an "easy mark".

You might want to reflect on why your self-loathing and insecurities are directed at children who you want to exploit
Excellent point. It's one of those obvious things liberals have a hard time comprehending. In their eyes 5-year olds should be allowed gender surgery and to attend drag shows. And when you call them out on it they just shrug their shoulders and say, "I don't see a problem with that."

Liberals have very warped morals. Well, that's assuming they have morals at all.
These are not liberals. They are authoritarian leftists.

This group psychosis they are experiencing has nothing to do with liberalism and everything to do with being brainwashed by their big brother masters.

Ten years ago, none of these idiots believed this shit. Now it is their latest virtue-signaling fad.
None of these little proles has the intelligence necessary to ask why.
That’s really a dishonest comment as it’s obviously the left who are the groomers.
This is another scary, scary example of the infallibility of the "every conservative accusation is a confession" rule.

If you see someone constantly raving about grooming or pedos, keep your distance. It's especially important to keep children and pets far away from them. After all, normal people don't fixate on such things. Only the deviants do.

No, not all conservatives are such deviants. But so many of them are.
This is another scary, scary example of the infallibility of the "every conservative accusation is a confession" rule.

If you see someone constantly raving about grooming or pedos, keep your distance. It's especially important to keep children and pets far away from them. After all, normal people don't fixate on such things. Only the deviants do.

No, not all conservatives are such deviants. But so many of them are.

Concern over child welfare is now considered a fixation by the cult?

Who’d a thought?
Funny how you Demoncrats howl when actual democracy is happening. The vast majority of people support these laws outlawing the mutilation of children. If you sycophants attack this, this means you support the mutilation of children. So the OP is right on.

DeSantis is signing law passed by the state legislature. Why do you hate democracy so much?

The majority of Americans know nothing about trans children, or how they should be treated. The majority of Americans have never encountered a trans child.

How would the majority of Americans know what the proper treatment would be?

Let’s take a poll on every illness and have the American people decide health, and how sick people should be treated. That’ll work.
Concern over child welfare is now considered a fixation by the cult?

Who’d a thought?

You people aren’t concerned over “child welfare”. If you were concerned about “child welfare”, the USA wouldn’t have the highest rate of infant mortality in the first year of life, in the first world.

If you were concerned about child welfare, you would have banned AR style weapons. You bbanned them for 10 years after Columbine and there wasn’t a single school shooting during that time. Now the AR weapons are the biggest selling guns in America and you’ve got the body count to go with it.

If you were concerned about child welfare, you wouldn’t spend so much time trying to destroy the public school system.

If you were concerned about child welfare, gun violence wouldn’t be the leading cause of death for children under the age of 18
The majority of Americans know nothing about trans children, or how they should be treated. The majority of Americans have never encountered a trans child.

How would the majority of Americans know what the proper treatment would be?

Let’s take a poll on every illness and have the American people decide health, and how sick people should be treated. That’ll work.
We know it is a mental illness based on a lie. There is no such thing as “transgender”. You cannot change genders. That is scientific fact.

You people are biology deniers.
You people aren’t concerned over “child welfare”. If you were concerned about “child welfare”, the USA wouldn’t have the highest rate of infant mortality in the first year of life, in the first world.

If you were concerned about child welfare, you would have banned AR style weapons. You bbanned them for 10 years after Columbine and there wasn’t a single school shooting during that time. Now the AR weapons are the biggest selling guns in America and you’ve got the body count to go with it.

If you were concerned about child welfare, you wouldn’t spend so much time trying to destroy the public school system.

If you were concerned about child welfare, gun violence wouldn’t be the leading cause of death for children under the age of 18

None of what you stated has anything to do with children being castrated, surgically or chemically.

You want to deflect because you can not defend this as anything but child abuse.

I get it, you are a member of a cult that tells you reality ain’t real. Sucks to be you.
I thought the vast majority of people believed in parental rights? That's what Republicans have been saying, what DeSantis has been saying. Or is it only until a parent doesn't comply with Republican rules?
Don't deliberately be a moron. No one thinks parents should have the right to deliberately harm their children or kill them (well, okay, they can kill their children as long as they haven't been born yet), and this mutilation falls under that umbrella of harm.

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