MSNBC's Ed Shultz: On Air Calls Radio Host Laura Ingraham A 'Right-Wing Slut'

I never thought much of Ed. He's not too bright.

His comments towards Laura are totally inappropriate.

She's brilliant, successful, a cancer survivor - and I have met her - a wonderful woman.

Technically speaking though, surviving cancer and being a slut are not mutually exclusive.
He should have called her a 'tart' which is essentially British for 'slut', but sounds SO much nicer.
He's been suspended. Good for MSNBC. They should fire him, IMO.

There is no reason to be such an asshole and get paid for it.
I never thought much of Ed. He's not too bright.

His comments towards Laura are totally inappropriate.

She's brilliant, successful, a cancer survivor - and I have met her - a wonderful woman.

Technically speaking though, surviving cancer and being a slut are not mutually exclusive.

neither are being able to type and having nothing intelligent to say as you've proven eloquently, albeit inadvertently. :thup:
This has gone to far. What a horrible thing to say to a woman who has suffered from breast cancer. From Bill Mayer calling Sarah Palin a 'C*nt' to now this. MSNBC's Ed Shultz was way out of line for calling Ingraham a 'Right-Wing Slut' and he should be fired for doing it. It is unprofessional and is a disgrace to journalism. It is unethical to call a woman who is a professional at her job such a thing. Ingraham is a working mother who has moral values and is a inspiration to women who want to aspire to be in journalism and law since she is a lawyer and a former Supreme Court Law Clerk. Ed Shultz has overstepped his boundries and his show should be boycotted. This is what he said yesterday:

From yesterday's syndicated radio program:

ED SCHULTZ (02:52): And what do the Republicans thinking about? They're not thinking about their next-door neighbor. They're just thinking about how much this is going to cost. President Obama is going to be visiting Joplin, Mo., on Sunday but you know what they're talking about, like this right-wing slut, what's her name?, Laura Ingraham? Yeah, she's a talk slut. You see, she was, back in the day, praising President Reagan when he was drinking a beer overseas. But now that Obama's doing it, they're working him over. (end)

Or Listen to his hatred when he says it.

YouTube - ‪Libtalker Ed Schultz: Laura Ingraham's 'A Slut'‬‏

That was in poor taste.

Also in poor taste: Ingraham's part in outing homosexual students when she was at Dartmouth.

I didn't know that, thx.

edit- does she qualify for redemption?
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The leftwing talking heads today is nothing but a bunch of hateful classless people. Now you know why their RATINGS are always in the shitter.. it's stinks to listen to them..Shcultz just wishes he had the rating of Laura Ingram.

A woman who says, "Shitter". How "classy".
Kudos to Schultz for that apology.

I still don't like the guy, but much respect for that apology.
Apologies don't mean much when they are forced. He wouldnt have done it if there wasnt an uproar.

I'd rather see something geniune.
Ed's apology: Video Player

He even called Laura and apologized.. A real class act. Nothing forgives what he said, but at least he's making a real attempt.

Sorry he got caught being honest.

If saying horrid things about other people meant anything to the left they would have dumped Ed immediately, after they made a him a pin cushion of jibs.

he still has his job and will face no consequences of his actions.

But there is some hope for some justice. I'm sure Laura's husband will stomp a mud hole in Ed should they ever meet.
Apologies don't mean much when they are forced. He wouldnt have done it if there wasnt an uproar.

I'd rather see something geniune.

Maybe that's why Bill O'Reilly refused to apologize to the family of 11 year old Shawn Hornbeck after he was raped and threatened with death. They pleaded with Bill to stop saying those "dreadful" things on air. Bill said the kid probably "liked it" and worse. After the parents pleaded, he said simply, "I'm not going to talk about it anymore". Then in later interviews, pretended he had been "sympathetic" all along. Nothing bad, just a right wing hero and role model rewriting history.

Of course, he called the young woman who worked for him an "extortionist" until she played a taped message from him. They settled "out of court" and he said he would never talk about THAT either. Guess all that money meant he didn't have to apologize. Makes sense, in a right wing kind of way.
My next political parody video is going to be called "The Fat Ed Show" I have quite a few on my you-tube channel. In this next series, I will dress up in a fat suit,mask,and with a similar red/orange/yellow set(like he used to have),,,I hope to make at least 10 different short episodes of it(like 2 minute segments),,,,the first one is gonna be called "The Fat Ed Show" WHITE PEOPLE ARE STUPID !!!!!,,in another segment,,he will bitch about his boyfriend chris matthews who has stopped wanking off to Obama because his approval rating dropped to 35%.
Apologies don't mean much when they are forced. He wouldnt have done it if there wasnt an uproar.

I'd rather see something geniune.

Maybe that's why Bill O'Reilly refused to apologize to the family of 11 year old Shawn Hornbeck after he was raped and threatened with death. They pleaded with Bill to stop saying those "dreadful" things on air. Bill said the kid probably "liked it" and worse. After the parents pleaded, he said simply, "I'm not going to talk about it anymore". Then in later interviews, pretended he had been "sympathetic" all along. Nothing bad, just a right wing hero and role model rewriting history.

Of course, he called the young woman who worked for him an "extortionist" until she played a taped message from him. They settled "out of court" and he said he would never talk about THAT either. Guess all that money meant he didn't have to apologize. Makes sense, in a right wing kind of way.

You think I really care about OReilly? He can apologize for things he does wrong when He does them. And if he isn't sorry I wouldn't want some phoney apologize. When it's geniune, then let him do it.

You really aren't one to talk. You never apologize for anything you are wrong and a jerk about. Which is quite a lot of things.
Apologies don't mean much when they are forced. He wouldnt have done it if there wasnt an uproar.

I'd rather see something geniune.

Maybe that's why Bill O'Reilly refused to apologize to the family of 11 year old Shawn Hornbeck after he was raped and threatened with death. They pleaded with Bill to stop saying those "dreadful" things on air. Bill said the kid probably "liked it" and worse. After the parents pleaded, he said simply, "I'm not going to talk about it anymore". Then in later interviews, pretended he had been "sympathetic" all along. Nothing bad, just a right wing hero and role model rewriting history.

Of course, he called the young woman who worked for him an "extortionist" until she played a taped message from him. They settled "out of court" and he said he would never talk about THAT either. Guess all that money meant he didn't have to apologize. Makes sense, in a right wing kind of way.

You think I really care about OReilly? He can apologize for things he does wrong when He does them. And if he isn't sorry I wouldn't want some phoney apologize. When it's geniune, then let him do it.

You really aren't one to talk. You never apologize for anything you are wrong and a jerk about. Which is quite a lot of things.

True, I've been accused of being wrong, but when I ask about what, the only answer seems to be "stuff".

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