MTG attacks AOC - makes herself look dumb again

“How much taxes and how much money did the people back in the Ice Age spend to warm up the earth?” the GOP freshman congresswoman asked at a town hall this week.

Yes the penal taxation rates of the last Ice Age have long been a concern of scholars across the world but rarely has a leading statesman highlighted the issue in this way.

MTG deserves all of our thanks for this informed contribution to the debate.

America was a much better place during this period. Free from darkies and democrat high taxes. A Garden of Eden, albeit a bit cold.

She is being loud about her frustration in dealing with idiots who thinks a nice government tax program will solve a manufactured climate problem. She is called a climate denier, a typical lie warmists/alarmists throw around so casually and stupidly on people, it is why they lie so much since there is no actual climate problem to face, thus manufacturing one is why they act the way they do.
You are fine with the Jewish space laser thing then ?


You didn't address a thing I stated, never said a word about "jewish" lasers...... :rolleyes:
The point of the thread is that she is a crazy bitch. Ice age taxes and Jewish space lasers are grown in the same dish.
It's no secret that the masthead of Media Matters states that they "monitor (only) conservative speech". Since Trump has been replaced with a doddering old democrat in the Oval Office, MM needs other targets. Shades of Sarah Palin and unfortunately for republican congresswoman Greene she will have an entire network of hundreds of left wing bigoted anti-female propaganda specialists monitoring her every word and there ain't many republicans who defend her.
The concern is that the inbreds in the audience applauded her.
Maybe they were all having "polyamorous tantric sex" with their cousins and became overcome with Godly passion.

I’m sure every time she points out the left’s absurd and failed policies it “concerns” you:

The concern is that the inbreds in the audience applauded her.
Maybe they were all having "polyamorous tantric sex" with their cousins and became overcome with Godly passion.

I’m sure every time she points out the left’s absurd and failed policies it “concerns” you:

Man, shut the **** up with posting that **** on here. Go fall down a flight of stairs you ****
When the source material quotes the most widely and soundly debunked Climate Hysteria lie in its article ("NASAreports that at least 97 per cent of climate scientists agree the climate crisis is extremely likely due to human activities") its credibility vanishes.
I like the way deniers will deny anything. COVID, AGW, election results, vote suppression, etc., etc..
The concern is that the inbreds in the audience applauded her.
Maybe they were all having "polyamorous tantric sex" with their cousins and became overcome with Godly passion.

I’m sure every time she points out the left’s absurd and failed policies it “concerns” you:

Man, shut the **** up with posting that **** on here. Go fall down a flight of stairs you ****
Boy, the truth sure pisses you commie fags off don’t it?
The guy bought the gun that same day, and there were no universal background checks. It's a lying Tweet. Now **** off, you old fogey.
Whether the earth is warming naturally or by human action, there is no good reason to continue pollution and waste at current levels. It is stupid, dangerous and very ugly. It is too bad that, on one side, people are trying to guilt trip us into conforming with maudlin appeals while the other side wants to put out even more "fecal material" in order to spite the other side. And, as usual, it is essentially binary; you are either with one side or the other. Any suggestion of even moderation gets attacked by both camps.
Ignorance reigns.

“How much taxes and how much money did the people back in the Ice Age spend to warm up the earth?” the GOP freshman congresswoman asked at a town hall this week.

Yes the penal taxation rates of the last Ice Age have long been a concern of scholars across the world but rarely has a leading statesman highlighted the issue in this way.

MTG deserves all of our thanks for this informed contribution to the debate.

America was a much better place during this period. Free from darkies and democrat high taxes. A Garden of Eden, albeit a bit cold.
Another dumbass that can't realize when a leftist skank is being trolled. Coyotes bring kids across the border too!


“How much taxes and how much money did the people back in the Ice Age spend to warm up the earth?” the GOP freshman congresswoman asked at a town hall this week.

Yes the penal taxation rates of the last Ice Age have long been a concern of scholars across the world but rarely has a leading statesman highlighted the issue in this way.

MTG deserves all of our thanks for this informed contribution to the debate.

America was a much better place during this period. Free from darkies and democrat high taxes. A Garden of Eden, albeit a bit cold.
LOL MTG is so awesome, thanks for posting this MTG story.

She’s 100% correct, and this is something I have been saying for 20 years when Al Gore first started lying about it. The Earth has been naturally getting warmer since the last Ice Age. There have been periods where the Earth is much warmer than it is now, times when we had no polar ice caps at all, and the world didn’t end. That’s the science, real science, that yahoos like you and AOC and Gore ignore.
And how much science do you know? Real science? I understand science, and the earth is warming, and greenhouse gases are accelerating if not causing it. I also know all about climate fluctuations in the past, and we usually know the causes of those as well. Today there is no massive volcanism as that which caused the end-Permian event. No, it's fossil fuel burning which is doing it. That is science.

Opposing this, and supporting MORE pollution, is criminally negligent, and will cause many more deaths. As crops fail, we are going to push for policies which enable us to EAT the climate deniers as the food runs out. Kills 2 birds with one stone...

“How much taxes and how much money did the people back in the Ice Age spend to warm up the earth?” the GOP freshman congresswoman asked at a town hall this week.

Yes the penal taxation rates of the last Ice Age have long been a concern of scholars across the world but rarely has a leading statesman highlighted the issue in this way.

MTG deserves all of our thanks for this informed contribution to the debate.

America was a much better place during this period. Free from darkies and democrat high taxes. A Garden of Eden, albeit a bit cold.
Another dumbass that can't realize when a leftist skank is being trolled. Coyotes bring kids across the border too!

View attachment 474128
Leftist skank? You're a Republican whore, not to mention a traitor.

1000 illegal Hondurans here would be better for the country than you are. Get out.

“How much taxes and how much money did the people back in the Ice Age spend to warm up the earth?” the GOP freshman congresswoman asked at a town hall this week.

Yes the penal taxation rates of the last Ice Age have long been a concern of scholars across the world but rarely has a leading statesman highlighted the issue in this way.

MTG deserves all of our thanks for this informed contribution to the debate.

America was a much better place during this period. Free from darkies and democrat high taxes. A Garden of Eden, albeit a bit cold.
LOL MTG is so awesome, thanks for posting this MTG story.

She’s 100% correct, and this is something I have been saying for 20 years when Al Gore first started lying about it. The Earth has been naturally getting warmer since the last Ice Age. There have been periods where the Earth is much warmer than it is now, times when we had no polar ice caps at all, and the world didn’t end. That’s the science, real science, that yahoos like you and AOC and Gore ignore.
And how much science do you know? Real science? I understand science, and the earth is warming, and greenhouse gases are accelerating if not causing it. I also know all about climate fluctuations in the past, and we usually know the causes of those as well. Today there is no massive volcanism as that which caused the end-Permian event. No, it's fossil fuel burning which is doing it. That is science.

Opposing this, and supporting MORE pollution, is criminally negligent, and will cause many more deaths. As crops fail, we are going to push for policies which enable us to EAT the climate deniers as the food runs out. Kills 2 birds with one stone...
It is a scam for global taxation. The peasant class will be charged a few thousand dollars a year more in taxes and fees. Making them poorer. Getting other countries to become more compliant would help more then turning the United States into a much more impoverished nation.

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