MTG back on Twitter....Damn that Musk!

And amazingly, all of the people who say they would never use Twitter will suddenly start reading every tweet.

Its hilarious to see the duplicity
You got that right I don't think you guys miss a single word that MJT types.
I mean if you can't see that allowing Putin and that low-rent tyrant Trudeau to remain on Twitter and banning Trump is a clown world situation then there is no hope for ya.

Personally I'm not interested in hearing from Trump as I have moved on.....But I won't forget. ;)

I use the FB Marketplace from time to time to buy/sell but that's it. No interest in the drama.
What about Trudeau?😂😂😂 Oh brother.
What about Trudeau?😂😂😂 Oh brother.
Welcome to the reality of the double standard of the left. It's not even worth using the term double standard with them in conversation because they cannot recognize it. They allow themselves to do everything with absolutely no self-reflection whatsoever that they condemn when it's being done by others. As an old friend on another posting board put it succinctly.." Lefty owns no mirrors "...
Welcome to the reality of the double standard of the left. It's not even worth using the term double standard with them in conversation because they cannot recognize it. They allow themselves to do everything with absolutely no self-reflection whatsoever that they condemn when it's being done by others. As an old friend on another posting board put it succinctly.." Lefty owns no mirrors "...
Are you Canadian or just a busybody?
Best thing that can happen is that these people all get back on Twitter and remind a much larger audience how fucking stupid they are.

Banning them was such a bad idea.
Why let the progressive morons be the only voices proving how stupid they are daily. It should have always been that way. But then progressives are authoritarian jackasses so…
Why let the progressive morons be the only voices proving how stupid they are daily. It should have always been that way. But then progressives are authoritarian jackasses so…
Lol 🤣🤣🤣 so you're a regressive. You support restrictions on the civil rights of women and minorities. How "authoritarian" is that?
"So then stay away from the kids and nobody will be yelling at you. Can't seem to control that impulse?"

"... up jumps the devil in a brand new suit....a migrant from Planet QAnon......
Every time I see some contributor start to hysteria-ize over 'grooming', or 'pedos'....I suspect they've been temporarily booted from QAnon's '' chatroom..."
Britney Spears has 55.6 million followers, does that make her smart?

You would have to ask them. While I have defended the right of Twitter to ban people I have always said it was a bad idea.

Hezbollah Hannah (surada ) has 3 followers - between USMB and Twitter.

You of the left have depended on crushing opposing views and particularly information that exposes you.

Free speech was destroying you, so you ended free speech - now it's back.

Will Trump abandon his platform and return to Twitter?

You all are turning Pedophilia into the new racism. Thanks to the over use of racism charges against people it is not no longer taken seriously. Now you morons are doing the same thing with Pedophilia, after a while nobody will take it seriously when someone is accused of it.

Well done


You fascists are something else..
Best thing that can happen is that these people all get back on Twitter and remind a much larger audience how fucking stupid they are.

Banning them was such a bad idea.
Totally agree. Let them take their crazy mainstream and, if by some miracle:

A) Young people show up to vote
B) Republicans are not successful in stealing elections

The GOP is toast, as younger voters are turning away from the crazy assed GOP, and the GOP base is dying of old age.
Totally agree. Let them take their crazy mainstream and, if by some miracle:

A) Young people show up to vote
B) Republicans are not successful in stealing elections

The GOP is toast, as younger voters are turning away from the crazy assed GOP, and the GOP base is dying of old age.
Totally agree. Let them take their crazy mainstream and, if by some miracle:

A) Young people show up to vote
B) Republicans are not successful in stealing elections

The GOP is toast, as younger voters are turning away from the crazy assed GOP, and the GOP base is dying of old age.
You think young voters are going to be drawn to politically correct,free speech stifling authoritarian lefties?
Britney Spears has 55.6 million followers, does that make her smart?

You would have to ask them. While I have defended the right of Twitter to ban people I have always said it was a bad idea.

It's more than a bad idea unless it presents a safety issue or a threat it fosters control above and beyond what is necessary and an open forum.
The entire idea of a posting board is exchange of ideas.
Yeah. I find it deeply amusing that you conservatives think that Elon Musk is going to be your savior. :auiqs.jpg:
MTG got sent to a corner for her timeout. It wasn't permanent. I think it's a good idea to have her brand of
crazy right out in the open. That way, everyone sees it.
Nobody's looking for a savior dipwit. Nobody is obligated to be on Twitter.
And you're wrong MTG was permanently banned and now she's back. That does not equivocate to being sent to the corner. It equivocates to the complete reversal of control freakism.
Isn't that the whole point, to be able to see?

The public also wants to see alternatives to the left wing garbage in congress and the WH that the tech oligarchs have denied us with their censoring.

Talk about your irony.....It took a tech oligarch to set things straight.
It's a tough needle to thread. Money is made through advertisers....

Some advertisers may not want to sit next to fake news, or opinionated and dangerous lying crap....typical free speech stuff?

They could steer the twitter moderation eventually?

But, maybe there will be a whole new breed of advertisers where money could be made? Like political PACs, and campaigns, who would love and take advantage of the wild, wild west, style?

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