MTG - I got sucked into Q conspiracy nonsense

She is really going for it now isnt she ? I guess that there is a job of some sort on the horizon.

So no more jewish space lasers or Parkland false flags. I wonder if the white nationalism might be downplayed now ?

The state of the GOP.

Just lies.

Everything out of your side is just lies.

Show us video of her saying anything of the kind.

And stop lying.


Just lies.

Everything out of your side is just lies.

Show us video of her saying anything of the kind.

And stop lying.

Well..your request is a I have the video of her walking back her Q beliefs..and i have the video of her espousing her Q beliefs.
I get that it really matters little..since no matter what the'll just post a 'fake news' label on it and walk on~

Good for her!

I fell off the Q wagon very early on. It was a CIA Psyop. They were initially convincing, they had dropped some things that made them look convincing, but their goal was to bullshit people.

Is DC a center of Pedophilia? Have you seen who is President? His son calls him PedoPete!

Q did a great job of attempting to discredit the notion that DC is Pedo Central. I tend to believe that most of the leadership of our Intel Agencies are part of the DC Pedo Cabal so it's in their best interest to keep armed citizens looking in other directions. That's why I believe Q was orchestrated by the CIA

I was booted from Q's website long ago when I started stating my suspicions and called them a LARP orchestrated by the teenage son of a CIA Agent who fell asleep drunk at the keyboard and let the kid walk off with his passwords.
Apparently you did not "fall off the wagon"
Only took three failed predictions for me to not pay that hokum any mind.

Even a teenage LARPer would've been smart enough to throw in the bone of a couple of correct predictions/revelations every now and again.

The only people who give a ratass about Q now are the BlueAnon loonies.
Sorry but the fact that you were ever ON the Q wagon speaks to your vulnerability to insanity
Well..your request is a I have the video of her walking back her Q beliefs..and i have the video of her espousing her Q beliefs.
I get that it really matters little..since no matter what the'll just post a 'fake news' label on it and walk on~


Your video proved none of that. Give me the time stamp on either of those edited videos where she said "Q".

This is the pathetic demonicrats usual lying bullshit.


Your video proved none of that. Give me the time stamp on either of those edited videos where she said "Q".

This is the pathetic demonicrats usual lying bullshit.


You try so hard.

If someone says "Christ died to save us from our sins" one does not need to here the word "Christian" to know a Christian belief.
Thus one not need hear or read the letter 'Q' to know and label a Q belief.

She is really going for it now isnt she ? I guess that there is a job of some sort on the horizon.

So no more jewish space lasers or Parkland false flags. I wonder if the white nationalism might be downplayed now ?

The state of the GOP.
I bet that's why her husband called it Quits

You try so hard.

If someone says "Christ died to save us from our sins" one does not need to here the word "Christian" to know a Christian belief.
Thus one not need hear or read the letter 'Q' to know and label a Q belief.

Still waiting for you to show us where MTG said "Q".

You said it.

Back it up or you're just another foolish lying demonicrat.


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