MTP: Climate Change Discussion - no Deniers

But I would prove their data is false from the 1880 global average temperature

What I like is the way temperatures from the Medieval warm period are used to deny recent 'warming' as being unusual or excessive. As if daily temperatures were recorded then.


Temperature record of the past 1000 years - Wikipedia
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How the fuck am I denying it
By denying the scientific consensus that human activity emitted greenhouse gases are the primary driver of climate change. By denying the temperature data presented and agreed by consensus. That means you are a denier. Your table is that way-------------->
How the fuck am I denying it
By denying the scientific consensus that human activity emitted greenhouse gases are the primary driver of climate change. By denying the temperature data presented and accepted by consensus. That means you are a denier. Your table is that way-------------->

Because they are lying, if I trouble shooted injection moulding machine like that I would of been flipping burgers

You need data lots of data to make a conclusion.

Watching Meet the Press. They have dedicated the whole hour to climate change. They have no deniers on the panel and as Chuck Todd correctly stated the science is long since settled. Now it is time to discuss solutions.

A recent poll shows even a majority of Republicans do not dispute anthropogenic climate change.
Opinion | More Republicans Than You Think Support Action on Climate Change

I applaud Meet the Press. Time to push deniers and their pseudo science to the curb or back into closet. Choose your metaphor. They are just standing in the way and are no more than obstructionists.

We need to discuss only solutions and adaptations.
It's an issue that isn't frightening America, as intended.
The matter isn't even settled scientifically:
Is the science settled?
There is no consensus as to what should be done or if anything can be done short of a regression to an 18th century
life style. So yeah, Chuck Todd says let's just stop discussing the matter and declare the debate over.

That isn't doing anyone any good.
One side debating facts, and another farting or making otherwise vulgar, ignorant noises, is not diversity, and excluding the farters isn't "bias". It's just common sense, and a necessary precondition for a real debate.
A "real" debate where the side you don't like is just ignored and excluded? Why do I think this is scientific laziness, intellectual cowardice and more fascist zealotry from the left.

The ignorance of this position proves that when the left is faced with a problem they simply declare themselves the winners and try to push aside any dissenting opinions. It's idiocy and you see what happened in France when Macron tried to shove massive taxes down the throats of the citizenry all in the name of global warming.

Good luck with getting your agenda implemented.
Why do I think this is scientific laziness, intellectual cowardice and more fascist zealotry from the left.
Most likely because you are a denier. Are you?

Do you accept the scientific consensus that human activity emitted greenhouse gases are the primary driver of climate change?
Because US rightards won't accept AGW is a problem, how can they be expected to agree on a solution?
You can't even say with certainty to what degree AGW is a problem and no one certainly has come upon a solution that isn't worse than the problem itself (which again, is uncertain).

So who are the real "tards" here?
Most likely because you are a denier. Are you?

Do you accept the scientific consensus that human activity emitted greenhouse gases are the primary driver of climate change?
I don't deny the premise. I do deny and doubt everything that comes after that. We can't say with any certainty to what degree the earth is imperiled and even more importantly, if AGW is true we can't say what can be done about it aside from going back to a pre industrial revolution lifestyle.
You can't even say with certainty to what degree AGW is a problem
If it quacks like a denier...but in any case, I have the impression the end state of greenhouse warming might be Venus. Would that be a problem?

Further, this thread is about possible solutions. Got any?
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If it quacks like a denier...but in any case, I have the impression the end state of greenhouse warming might be Venus. Would that be a problem?
No. Your impressions make no difference to me.
Further, this thread is about possible solutions. Got any?
Yes. Stop the blatant politicization of global warming.. Nothing good can happen until the left stops using this issue as a Trojan Horse for socialism.
I would respect and see this as a bright sign if one single leftist admitted the issue has been hijacked to achieve socialized redistribution of wealth from the West to the third world.
Temps aren't increasing
Yeah, right. Deniers' table -------------->


Global Temperature

After all the cooked data, exposed emails, and disastrous Michael Mann hockey stick lie why anyone believes these global warming nuts is beyond me.

Those graphs/reconstructions started being used in the '90s just as green companies started to become a thing. Climate change, as is popularly presented, is a load of horse shit pushed by companies who stand to make a lot of money and their mouthpieces who also stand to make a lot of money from pushing it. In addition of course it's also standard anti-American bullshit since the people who go on about climate change always focus on the United States and never the real polluters: China, India and the rest of SE Asia.

It’s all rooted in a deep hatred for capitalism and business. Notice the number one target for hate is big oil. Nothing has bothered leftists more than a company that makes money hand over fist extracting commodities in a developing country, and said commodity gives free man the ability to drive cross-country cheaply, commute an hour to work, and more importantly, live far away from liberal shitholes and not be beholden to their little fiefdom of public transit, high taxes, gib crime and control.
Watching Meet the Press. They have dedicated the whole hour to climate change. They have no deniers on the panel and as Chuck Todd correctly stated the science is long since settled. Now it is time to discuss solutions.

A recent poll shows even a majority of Republicans do not dispute anthropogenic climate change.
Opinion | More Republicans Than You Think Support Action on Climate Change

I applaud Meet the Press. Time to push deniers and their pseudo science to the curb or back into closet. Choose your metaphor. They are just standing in the way and are no more than obstructionists.

We need to discuss only solutions and adaptations.

They have no deniers on the panel and as Chuck Todd correctly stated the science is long since settled.


75/77 proves it.

Now it is time to discuss solutions.

Mexicans emit much less CO2 per capita than Americans..
Every illegal alien we boot helps to save the planet.

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