MTP: Climate Change Discussion - no Deniers

Oh. My mistake. The scientific consensus is that human activity emitted greenhouse gases are the primary driver of climate change. You agree with that?

Or do you deny it?
It never has driven climate change in the past.
Translation ~ the alarmist can't out debate us
Any of you morons would get laughed out of any educated company. Try it. Step outside your little anonymous internet self help group and publish some science. Head to a university forum of scientists and ask the moronic questions you ask here, and say the moronic things you say here. Then watch the video of you getting embarrassed go viral.

Maybe then you idiots will understand that declarations of victory are not the same as actual victories.
That's not proof all you have is propaganda junk science..I never ever said man has no effect...
You denied the science. You are a US rightard denier.

Once again

From your own link

View attachment 237841
You need to clarify your position, as it is all over the place:

First you deny the scientific consensus, then proceed as if it is true and simply whine about the proposed solutions. Which is it, dumbass?
That's not proof all you have is propaganda junk science..I never ever said man has no effect...
You denied the science. You are a US rightard denier.

Once again

From your own link

View attachment 237841
You need to clarify your position, as it is all over the place:

First you deny the scientific consensus, then proceed as if it is true and simply whine about the proposed solutions. Which is it, dumbass?
What is the ideal temperature for the world to be at right now? Simple question, right?
Lol...nobody cares
Ah yes number 10,000 by the fool skooker telling us all how much he doesn't care....

Lol.....beyond the banner, where is your side winning on this?:abgg2q.jpg:
Ah, I see. So you're big point is that stupid people are powerful, if there are enough of them. Good for you

Lol....same as you dummies cheering David Hogg and Colin Kapernick! Veritable cartoon characters to everybody except those who celebrate....cartoon characters that get media attention but accomplish zero. Just like the climate crusaders with their billboard BUT THE SCIENCE SAYS!!

It actually is about who's not winning!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Sign me up for it.
You got it! First, the lobotomy. Then, ten years of total immersion in right wing propaganda. Your religious nuttery puts you a step ahead you're practically in!
What do you know about global warming?
How much climate science have you published?
None. What do you know about global warming?
Some! And thanks for asking.
Where did you run off to?

I’m still waiting for you to explain to me why you believe global warming is real.

You do have some reason for believing it, right?
Watching Meet the Press. They have dedicated the whole hour to climate change. They have no deniers on the panel and as Chuck Todd correctly stated the science is long since settled. Now it is time to discuss solutions.

A recent poll shows even a majority of Republicans do not dispute anthropogenic climate change.
Opinion | More Republicans Than You Think Support Action on Climate Change

I applaud Meet the Press. Time to push deniers and their pseudo science to the curb or back into closet. Choose your metaphor. They are just standing in the way and are no more than obstructionists.

We need to discuss only solutions and adaptations.

I am not a climate change denier, climate changes all the time, all on it's own. I don't believe that giving control over our economies to people who believe in man made global warming is wise or intelligent. That this "news" program would block out people who disagree with the global warming religion is just silly..... the science deniers are those who believe in man made global warming as a religion........and those who want to use it as an excuse to take over societies for their own power and ambitions...
Climate change action is non-existent. The science.....not mattering.
Hey Snooks, how come you ignored this? Your assertion has been falsified and we see nothing.

The alarmists of the world cant post up a single link that displays where the science is mattering in the real world!!
The government of New Zealand has ceased to issue permits to entities to explore and survey for fossil fuels. So let's see you rescind your mistaken assertion.
Still waiting for the ultimate temperature that the Earth needs to be at, so we dont all die
No you're not. You have zero honest interest in learning anything about this topic. Your stupid question shows that as much as your will full ignorance does.

Sorry, denier...but you're no longer invited to the table.
Still waiting for the ultimate temperature that the Earth needs to be at, so we dont all die
No you're not. You have zero honest interest in learning anything about this topic. Your stupid question shows that as much as your will full ignorance does.

Sorry, denier...but you're no longer invited to the table.
I asked you what is the ultimate temperature that the Earth needs to be at, and again, you divert because you stupid fuck, cant answer it, can you? Dumbass....

Not one religious global warming fanatic can answer this question, because they cant tell us, they lie all the time....
I am not a climate change denier, climate changes all the time, all on it's own.
One who denies human activity emitted greenhouse gases are the primary driver of climate change is a denier. Other table for you.
Climate change action is non-existent. The science.....not mattering.
Hey Snooks, how come you ignored this? Your assertion has been falsified and we see nothing.

The alarmists of the world cant post up a single link that displays where the science is mattering in the real world!!
The government of New Zealand has ceased to issue permits to entities to explore and survey for fossil fuels. So let's see you rescind your mistaken assertion.

Sorry s0n, but your input doesnt count here....

New Zealand! Ok s0n!:coffee:
The alarmists of the world cant post up a single link that displays where the science is mattering in the real world!!
Another effect of AGW Snookers will ignore or deny. That's how he rolls. That's how all deniers roll. What are they doing here?

Growth rates = fake. All progressives go with the fakery of growth rate graphs. Just like the use of words like "increased" , "higher" , "significant" , "hotter", "worsening" etc.......progressives always suckered by loose associations.

We've been hearing about "growth rates" of solar energy for over 10 years. Lol....but still only provides 1.3% of our electricity. Combined with wind, still less than 5%. Oh....but those "growth rate" graphs sure are impressive.:113::113:. One will notice, renewable growth rate graphs compare levels only to themselves and never in a context against fossil fuels.

It's more compelling to watch a slug cross America than watch the laughable "growth" of renewable energy. All about costs.....oh, and of course, progressives have fake data on that too!! Renewable energy grows slowly because of one reason......doy......its too expensive!

Oooooooops :oops-28:
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