MTP: Climate Change Discussion - no Deniers

Watching Meet the Press. They have dedicated the whole hour to climate change. They have no deniers on the panel and as Chuck Todd correctly stated the science is long since settled. Now it is time to discuss solutions.

A recent poll shows even a majority of Republicans do not dispute anthropogenic climate change.
Opinion | More Republicans Than You Think Support Action on Climate Change

I applaud Meet the Press. Time to push deniers and their pseudo science to the curb or back into closet. Choose your metaphor. They are just standing in the way and are no more than obstructionists.

We need to discuss only solutions and adaptations.
We are currently in an interglacial cycle. We have been for the past 22,000 years and the earth has been warming for the past 22,000 years. Our present temperature is still well below the peak temperatures of the previous interglacial cycles which means we are still in the normal range of temperatures for an interglacial cycle. Let that sink in.

When it comes to carbon emissions we aren’t the problem. Our emissions could go to zero to overnight and the rest of the world would replace them in 5 short years. Let that sink in.

The world we live in today is considered an icehouse world and is geologically speaking rare. The conditions which led to it are still present today; atmospheric CO2 ~400 ppm and polars regions isolated from warm marine currents. We are presently in an interglacial cycle and our temperatures are still well below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles which means we are still in the normal range of the past 400,000 years.

We know from proxies for atmospheric CO2 and temperature that CO2 does not drive climate change, it reinforces climate change.

The IPCC B1 projections are actually a pretty representative projection for what we can expect which is a continuation of the warming of the past 22,000 years. Unfortunately, nut jobs have latched onto the IPCC’s unrealistic projections for increases of carbon emissions beyond the well established trend of the past 14 years and they pile on temperature increases from unsubstantiated feedback which in reality work towards equilibrating the earth’s climate rather than adding to its temperature.

So let me ask you this question, what do you think atmospheric CO2 levels will be in the year 2100?
I just stated several of the long-standing acid tests of scientific method, fool.....If it's anyone who knows nothing it's you.
You used the word 'prove'. It shows you know nothing about science. The words are 'evidence' and 'consensus'.
If you can't prove your hypothesis, repeat it, then disprove any and all plausible other possibilities for the given phenomenon, then you don't have so much a a popcorn fart let alone a theory....And 'consensus" is still a political process, not a scientific one.

You know less than nothing about both science and semantics.
How freakish deniers who are on the wrong side of facts, science, and history go pull each others' taffy in one of your 9 million denier threads? ( As we all know, you can't do it in any educated company.)

This thread is about the great new trend of not inviting deniers to the table to give "equal time" to their laughable nonsense. You fools have been regulated to "flat earther status". The only reason you don't realize it is because you are all huddled here in your little self help group on the internet, crying on each others' shoulders and telling each other you are normal. you are implying that you are on the right side of the facts. But that's been dogma for many many years now and what has changed? Ummm......absolutely nothing for the past 20 years. Solar energy is laughable....still providing well under 2% of our electricity. Wind...about double that! W0W!!:cul2::cul2:

You suckers keep taking bows in front of banners.:deal:

Show us any evidence that people care about climate change. Links please!:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
You climate crusader bozo's can talk about "the science" until the cows come home. Fossil Fuels dominate and will for decades.....because they are cheaper and always will be.....doy.

But dont take my word for it.....look at any EIA projection over the past five years!! Every year I see it, my balls start hurting from laughing so hard thinking about the suckers talking about "deniers" for the past 10 years!:flirtysmile4::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Ummm......absolutely nothing for the past 20 years.
Stupid and wrong...take a hike, the deniers' club is that way -->>
Sign me up for it.
You got it! First, the lobotomy. Then, ten years of total immersion in right wing propaganda. Your religious nuttery puts you a step ahead you're practically in!
What do you know about global warming?
Ummm......absolutely nothing for the past 20 years.
Stupid and wrong...take a hike, the deniers' club is that way -->>
Sign me up for it.
You got it! First, the lobotomy. Then, ten years of total immersion in right wing propaganda. Your religious nuttery puts you a step ahead you're practically in!
What do you know about global warming?
How much climate science have you published?
Ummm......absolutely nothing for the past 20 years.
Stupid and wrong...take a hike, the deniers' club is that way -->>
Sign me up for it.
You got it! First, the lobotomy. Then, ten years of total immersion in right wing propaganda. Your religious nuttery puts you a step ahead you're practically in!
What do you know about global warming?
How much climate science have you published?
None. What do you know about global warming?
Stupid and wrong...take a hike, the deniers' club is that way -->>
Sign me up for it.
You got it! First, the lobotomy. Then, ten years of total immersion in right wing propaganda. Your religious nuttery puts you a step ahead you're practically in!
What do you know about global warming?
How much climate science have you published?
None. What do you know about global warming?
Some! And thanks for asking.
Sign me up for it.
You got it! First, the lobotomy. Then, ten years of total immersion in right wing propaganda. Your religious nuttery puts you a step ahead you're practically in!
What do you know about global warming?
How much climate science have you published?
None. What do you know about global warming?
Some! And thanks for asking.
Can you at least tell me why you believe the planet is warming?
It most scientists agree that man causes global warming, why not go along with them? Kind of funny how it's right down the middle politically. The 'left' says GW is caused by mankind, the 'right' says no. If there are doubts, why not opt for green energy anyway just to be on the safe side and also we'll have less pollution.

I just stated several of the long-standing acid tests of scientific method, fool.....If it's anyone who knows nothing it's you.
You used the word 'prove'. It shows you know nothing about science. The words are 'evidence' and 'consensus'.
If you can't prove your hypothesis, repeat it, then disprove any and all plausible other possibilities for the given phenomenon, then you don't have so much a a popcorn fart let alone a theory....And 'consensus" is still a political process, not a scientific one.

You know less than nothing about both science and semantics.
How freakish deniers who are on the wrong side of facts, science, and history go pull each others' taffy in one of your 9 million denier threads? ( As we all know, you can't do it in any educated company.)

This thread is about the great new trend of not inviting deniers to the table to give "equal time" to their laughable nonsense. You fools have been regulated to "flat earther status". The only reason you don't realize it is because you are all huddled here in your little self help group on the internet, crying on each others' shoulders and telling each other you are normal.

Translation ~ the alarmist can't out debate us
It most scientists agree that man causes global warming, why not go along with them?
The 'I've got mine, fuck you' brigade doesn't want to make any sacrifice.

Not for your fuckingj junkjscience ..and wanting to redistribute wealth per climate justice crap

Ummm......absolutely nothing for the past 20 years.
Stupid and wrong...take a hike, the deniers' club is that way -->>
Sign me up for it.
You got it! First, the lobotomy. Then, ten years of total immersion in right wing propaganda. Your religious nuttery puts you a step ahead you're practically in!
What do you know about global warming?
How much climate science have you published?

The alarmists of the world cant post up a single link that displays where the science is mattering in the real world!!:hello77:Ummm....the science isnt transcending anywhere outside the field of science. Governments remain unimpressed with the science.....after 20 years of climate crusaders standing proudly in front of billboards taking bows, renewable energy remains a fringe joke!:flirtysmile4::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
The alarmists of the world cant post up a single link that displays where the science is mattering in the real world!!
The government of New Zealand has ceased to issue permits to entities to explore and survey for fossil fuels. So let's see you rescind your mistaken assertion.

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