MTV Host Mocks Sessions Asian Grandchildren... Real Classy, Liberals! I take some doofus from MTV serious and yes he even looks like a doofus

MTV Host Mocks Jeff Sessions’ Asian Grandchildren

More proof that Democrats are disgusting people and the real racists...
already another thread on this by trumptards whining about the alleged lack of class by an mtv host, and using it to blame all democrats and liberals. hiding behind children and flinging the race card, lol.
But all democrats are party to the racism because it is an agenda-driven part of the party. If you vote democrat you support systematic neo-segregation and bigotry by default.
Democrats are just angry as all get out that Session's daughter didn't abort these half-Asian children.

Democrats hate babies and sell their body parts for cash.
you are now trolling your own thread, trumptard.
Literally true, Democrats support Planned Parenthood, which chops up babies and sells their body parts for cash on the barrel head.

Literally true.
MTV Host Mocks Jeff Sessions’ Asian Grandchildren

More proof that Democrats are disgusting people and the real racists...
already another thread on this by trumptards whining about the alleged lack of class by an mtv host, and using it to blame all democrats and liberals. hiding behind children and flinging the race card, lol.
But all democrats are party to the racism because it is an agenda-driven part of the party. If you vote democrat you support systematic neo-segregation and bigotry by default.
yeah, right. thanks 4 shring.
MTV Host Mocks Jeff Sessions’ Asian Grandchildren

More proof that Democrats are disgusting people and the real racists...
already another thread on this by trumptards whining about the alleged lack of class by an mtv host, and using it to blame all democrats and liberals. hiding behind children and flinging the race card, lol.
But all democrats are party to the racism because it is an agenda-driven part of the party. If you vote democrat you support systematic neo-segregation and bigotry by default.
yeah, right. thanks 4 shring.
You can't dispute it.
MTV Host Mocks Jeff Sessions’ Asian Grandchildren

More proof that Democrats are disgusting people and the real racists...
already another thread on this by trumptards whining about the alleged lack of class by an mtv host, and using it to blame all democrats and liberals. hiding behind children and flinging the race card, lol.
But all democrats are party to the racism because it is an agenda-driven part of the party. If you vote democrat you support systematic neo-segregation and bigotry by default.
yeah, right. thanks 4 shring.
You can't dispute it.
why would i care? i also do not debate lamp posts.
MTV Host Mocks Jeff Sessions’ Asian Grandchildren

More proof that Democrats are disgusting people and the real racists...
already another thread on this by trumptards whining about the alleged lack of class by an mtv host, and using it to blame all democrats and liberals. hiding behind children and flinging the race card, lol.
But all democrats are party to the racism because it is an agenda-driven part of the party. If you vote democrat you support systematic neo-segregation and bigotry by default.
yeah, right. thanks 4 shring.
You can't dispute it.
why would i care? i also do not debate lamp posts.

You'd lose
MTV Host Mocks Jeff Sessions’ Asian Grandchildren

More proof that Democrats are disgusting people and the real racists...
already another thread on this by trumptards whining about the alleged lack of class by an mtv host, and using it to blame all democrats and liberals. hiding behind children and flinging the race card, lol.
But all democrats are party to the racism because it is an agenda-driven part of the party. If you vote democrat you support systematic neo-segregation and bigotry by default.
yeah, right. thanks 4 shring.
You can't dispute it.
why would i care? i also do not debate lamp posts.
You're defending bigotry. I would expect you to care.
Democrats are just angry as all get out that Session's daughter didn't abort these half-Asian children.

Democrats hate babies and sell their body parts for cash.
Which is untrue since records are not kept on political affiliation of those that have abortions...
already another thread on this by trumptards whining about the alleged lack of class by an mtv host, and using it to blame all democrats and liberals. hiding behind children and flinging the race card, lol.
But all democrats are party to the racism because it is an agenda-driven part of the party. If you vote democrat you support systematic neo-segregation and bigotry by default.
yeah, right. thanks 4 shring.
You can't dispute it.
why would i care? i also do not debate lamp posts.
You're defending bigotry. I would expect you to care.
lol. see, why would i work with such a lying tard. my question is: you trumptards allegedly won something, why so angry and butthurt all the time?
But all democrats are party to the racism because it is an agenda-driven part of the party. If you vote democrat you support systematic neo-segregation and bigotry by default.
yeah, right. thanks 4 shring.
You can't dispute it.
why would i care? i also do not debate lamp posts.
You're defending bigotry. I would expect you to care.
lol. see, why would i work with such a lying tard. my question is: you trumptards allegedly won something, why so angry and butthurt all the time?
You still can't respond or dispute.
yeah, right. thanks 4 shring.
You can't dispute it.
why would i care? i also do not debate lamp posts.
You're defending bigotry. I would expect you to care.
lol. see, why would i work with such a lying tard. my question is: you trumptards allegedly won something, why so angry and butthurt all the time?
You still can't respond or dispute.
you will probably get over it, serious person.
You can't dispute it.
why would i care? i also do not debate lamp posts.
You're defending bigotry. I would expect you to care.
lol. see, why would i work with such a lying tard. my question is: you trumptards allegedly won something, why so angry and butthurt all the time?
You still can't respond or dispute.
you will probably get over it, serious person.
You're right, troll.
Its disgusting the lengths conservatives and the GOP will go to,too prove they aren't "racists"....white guilt AKA cuckism has infected conservatives and the GOP....just disgusting.
Proving once again they are bitter, RACIST, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic losers....

MTV Host Mocks Jeff Sessions’ Asian Grandchildren

"Ira Madison III, an MTV News culture writer and host, mocked Sen. Jeff Sessions’ Asian-American grandchildren on Twitter Tuesday morning.

Sessions appeared before the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary Tuesday to give testimony in connection with his nomination by President-elect Donald Trump to serve as attorney general. Sessions was accompanied by many members of his family, including his four Asian-American grandchildren. The senator’s daughter, Ruth Sessions Walk, is married to John Walk, an Asian-American man.

Madison accused Sessions of stealing his grandchildren from Toys “R” Us for the hearing. He went on to call his grandchildren a “prop,” brought to mitigate accusations of racism."

So, in an attempt to brand Sessions as a Racist Madison exposes the fact that SHE is a racist.

"Madison then defended his attacks on Sessions’ family before returning to allegations the senator harbors racist sympathies."

Of COURSE she did! Gotta love racists who try to convince others that its not them who are racists - it's their victims.
He's got ten grandchildren and only brought those four. They are all under 6. They were crying and crawling and jumping and screaming.

That confirmation hearing was no place for those small and disruptive children. I 've been watching this since 8 this morning. He was waving to them, winking, giggling and being as disruptive as they were while sitting only two seats away. There was no mic close by, but you could hear the kids screaming from mics 30 feet away.

Sessions had to know that. What on earth were they doing there? If not for a photo op?

Is there any reasonable person here that would bring four small children bordering on babies to such a dry and serious event? Another case where Republicans don't take our country seriously.

rderp is correct. Had Hillary won and this were a confirmation hearing for one of her picks, there would be no grandchildren present as they would have all been aborted. Who needs pesky children ruining the world for the enlightened?
Why would you lie? Hillary has grandchildren.

When you make such a wild accusation we both know it's a lie.

But when I talk about how Republicans don't care about the born, we both know that's true. We know from their policies it's true. You know it's true. So you fight a fact with a lie? Why bother? Just own your position.

What I know is that you are a clueless moron who knows far less than you believe you do. For instance, your bullshit about Republicans not caring about the born. Patently false. What you actually mean there is that conservatives expect people to make sane, rational decisions in regard to sex and child bearing and rearing that you find offensive because it expects you to be responsible instead of the state. It's how you can rationalize the murder of children in the womb as some sort of mulligan in life. For the Democrat liberal, its all about ME and someone giving me what I deserve. Republican/conservatives care very much about the born and the great responsibility it carries. Democrat/liberals could care less about the born to the point they will kill babies before birth. We know from your policies. But you fight that fact under the guise of health and personal choice. Why bother. Just own your position of death.
Yep, that was real classy. Hopefully this turd will get some heat over this.

Getting flak already from those with common sense. The left loves this kind of bashing and will defend it.

They hate Sessions because he's a Republican and they know he will enforce immigration laws. Anyone in the way of the left's agenda is going to be a victim of these cheap shots. It's only just begun.

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