MTV Host Mocks Sessions Asian Grandchildren... Real Classy, Liberals!

If it wasn't for race baiting and lying and general sleaziness, what would the dims have?

So true! The party that has claimed for decades to be the party of tolerance and inclusion has repeatedly proved itself to be anything but! They are only tolerant of people who are liberals, socialists, or communist. Problem is the majority of Americans are center right!
Proving once again they are bitter, RACIST, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic losers....

MTV Host Mocks Jeff Sessions’ Asian Grandchildren

"Ira Madison III, an MTV News culture writer and host, mocked Sen. Jeff Sessions’ Asian-American grandchildren on Twitter Tuesday morning.

Sessions appeared before the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary Tuesday to give testimony in connection with his nomination by President-elect Donald Trump to serve as attorney general. Sessions was accompanied by many members of his family, including his four Asian-American grandchildren. The senator’s daughter, Ruth Sessions Walk, is married to John Walk, an Asian-American man.

Madison accused Sessions of stealing his grandchildren from Toys “R” Us for the hearing. He went on to call his grandchildren a “prop,” brought to mitigate accusations of racism."

So, in an attempt to brand Sessions as a Racist Madison exposes the fact that SHE is a racist.

"Madison then defended his attacks on Sessions’ family before returning to allegations the senator harbors racist sympathies."

Of COURSE she did! Gotta love racists who try to convince others that its not them who are racists - it's their victims.
He's got ten grandchildren and only brought those four. They are all under 6. They were crying and crawling and jumping and screaming.

That confirmation hearing was no place for those small and disruptive children. I 've been watching this since 8 this morning. He was waving to them, winking, giggling and being as disruptive as they were while sitting only two seats away. There was no mic close by, but you could hear the kids screaming from mics 30 feet away.

Sessions had to know that. What on earth were they doing there? If not for a photo op?

Is there any reasonable person here that would bring four small children bordering on babies to such a dry and serious event? Another case where Republicans don't take our country seriously.

Sessions is doing well in the hearings and will be confirmed, in spite of the juvenile imbecile dims.
So, another thread of Trump-thugs tossing out their race cards fast and furious, to excuse their support of open racists. And to think they wonder why every decent human being is disgusted by them.

Now, decent human beings would say "Sessions is a lifelong racist douche, and he should not be the nominee". Trump-thugs, however, see the racism and say "Yeah! He's our boy! Circle the wagons!".

Nobody "mocked the children". The Trump-thugs are all lying about that. Yeah, that's right, they were so concerned about the kids, they're now using them as political human shields. What other ISIS tactics will you be adopting? The liberals, of course, were mocking that human shield tactic, because good human beings are revolted by such tactics.

One thing we do know. If the Trump-thugs are all crying this hard about being called out on their bad behavior, it means they understand know how bad they look. That means we should keep calling them out whenever they behave like this. When dealing with normal humans, you can appeal to their better nature, but Trump-thugs don't have a better nature, so you can only threaten them with further humiliation.
trumptards whining about lack of class. LOL

You are the definition of low class so you would know. And yes, it is a problem that the Democrat Progressives have. Democrats are very inclusive, add the progressive label to them though, and they get an elitist streak a mile wide.
Are you butthurt, class expert?

I do not watch mtv.
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trumptards whining about lack of class. LOL

You are the definition of low class so you would know. And yes, it is a problem that the Democrat Progressives have. Democrats are very inclusive, add the progressive label to them though, and they get an elitist streak a mile wide.

You're wasting your time speaking so high-minded. They're rabid Race-Baiters. Nothing you say is gonna change that. It's like Muslims who become radicalized and join terrorist orgs. You can't reason with them.

The Left Wing Race-Baiters are radicalized. So don't waste too much time trying to reason with them. You're only gonna get angrier and frustrated.
Cool story, class expert.

Where was my race baiting?
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Proving once again they are bitter, RACIST, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic losers....

MTV Host Mocks Jeff Sessions’ Asian Grandchildren

"Ira Madison III, an MTV News culture writer and host, mocked Sen. Jeff Sessions’ Asian-American grandchildren on Twitter Tuesday morning.

Sessions appeared before the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary Tuesday to give testimony in connection with his nomination by President-elect Donald Trump to serve as attorney general. Sessions was accompanied by many members of his family, including his four Asian-American grandchildren. The senator’s daughter, Ruth Sessions Walk, is married to John Walk, an Asian-American man.

Madison accused Sessions of stealing his grandchildren from Toys “R” Us for the hearing. He went on to call his grandchildren a “prop,” brought to mitigate accusations of racism."

So, in an attempt to brand Sessions as a Racist Madison exposes the fact that SHE is a racist.

"Madison then defended his attacks on Sessions’ family before returning to allegations the senator harbors racist sympathies."

Of COURSE she did! Gotta love racists who try to convince others that its not them who are racists - it's their victims.
He's got ten grandchildren and only brought those four. They are all under 6. They were crying and crawling and jumping and screaming.

That confirmation hearing was no place for those small and disruptive children. I 've been watching this since 8 this morning. He was waving to them, winking, giggling and being as disruptive as they were while sitting only two seats away. There was no mic close by, but you could hear the kids screaming from mics 30 feet away.

Sessions had to know that. What on earth were they doing there? If not for a photo op?

Is there any reasonable person here that would bring four small children bordering on babies to such a dry and serious event? Another case where Republicans don't take our country seriously.
So his grandchildren acted like liberals then?
trumptards whining about lack of class. LOL

You are the definition of low class so you would know. And yes, it is a problem that the Democrat Progressives have. Democrats are very inclusive, add the progressive label to them though, and they get an elitist streak a mile wide.

You're wasting your time speaking so high-minded. They're rabid Race-Baiters. Nothing you say is gonna change that. It's like Muslims who become radicalized and join terrorist orgs. You can't reason with them.

The Left Wing Race-Baiters are radicalized. So don't waste too much time trying to reason with them. You're only gonna get angrier and frustrated.
Cool story, class expert.

Where was my race baiting?

Didn't refer to you specifically. But most Left Wingers are radicalized. They're fanatical Race-Baiters. You can't reason with them anymore than you can reason with an ISIS Terrorist.
Damned if you do and damned if you don't with the segregationist bigotry of the democrat party. When a democrat shares the picture with an ostensibly different race it's called diversity. When a non-dem does it it's called a photo-op.
Democrats are just angry as all get out that Session's daughter didn't abort these half-Asian children.

Democrats hate babies and sell their body parts for cash.

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