MTV Host Mocks Sessions Asian Grandchildren... Real Classy, Liberals!

RWnuts constantly bitch about children being used as props when it suits them.

So shut the fuck up.

Maybe Sessions should have referred to himself as an abuelo like Hillary. That seems to be acceptable on the political grandparent front.
Its disgusting the lengths conservatives and the GOP will go to,too prove they aren't "racists"....white guilt AKA cuckism has infected conservatives and the GOP....just disgusting.

Pot, kettle, black. You could use a good read of rational, factual thought on identity politics and the racism killing your party

How Identity Politics Renders the Left Impotent.
What "party" would that be? I am an independent.

Yeah i gotta say, the Democrats definitely didn't bring their Race-Baiting A-Game to the hearings today. It was underwhelming. They didn't present any credible evidence supporting their claim Sessions is a 'Racist.' They were very unconvincing. I think most American see that. So MTV and Democrats can piss off with their Race-Baiting shite. America isn't buying in.
Libtards never have any class. They are all assholes for the most part.
Its disgusting the lengths conservatives and the GOP will go to,too prove they aren't "racists"....white guilt AKA cuckism has infected conservatives and the GOP....just disgusting.

Pot, kettle, black. You could use a good read of rational, factual thought on identity politics and the racism killing your party

How Identity Politics Renders the Left Impotent.
What "party" would that be? I am an independent.

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As am I. You brought up the binary of Republicans in your post, so I responded in binary kind. If you don't want to be lumped in, don't lump others. All that being said, you give the appearance of an "independent" who falls on the pro-death side of the abortion issue.

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