Mueller Anti-Trump Media 'Retaliates' After Ross Suspension - Caught Reporting Fake News Again


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Fake News Addiction: Media Spreads Bogus Quotes From GOP Senator, Trump Administration Official

'Correspondent Brian Ross
has been suspended for misreporting the facts on an apparent bombshell scoop related to Trump and Russia, getting the single biggest detail of the story wrong. The untrue report remained uncorrected for hours, briefly tanking the market. Over the weekend, some other reporters and commentators decided to inflict further damage to media credibility by lazily or maliciously promulgating additional unfair and context-free attacks against Republicans.'

I love how the fake-news Trump-Hating media continue to expose themselves as Liars and keep proving Trump right about them!

i happened to be in a public place last night for awhile

that had cnn on the tube

the whole group was engaging in fantasy news


i had forgotten just how phony cnn is
When the news has become "mythical entertainment" the teleprompter readers just need to start each hit piece with "once upon a time...."

Our media has been hijacked. They are an arm of Obama's shadow government. They lie to you to so you will do their bidding, i.e. spreading their lies and voting their agenda. If the media says, "Go north.", then head south...
i happened to be in a public place last night for awhile

that had cnn on the tube

the whole group was engaging in fantasy news


i had forgotten just how phony cnn is

Isn't that old pendulum thing fun? Just a short while ago the lefty clowns were all a twitter over their back-to-back home runs knocking O'Reilly and Ailes out of Fox Park. Plenty of joy in Mudslingingville back then. Yesiree, lots of it.

But then the pendulum began to swing back the other way, to the left. And the carnage along its path so far has been utterly stunning in the number of casualties from all across the broad spectrum of the liberal cesspool. It's quite deplorable really.
The media are destroying their own credibility and all we have to do is point and say Fake News, they are making it easy for us. If they kept it factual they would be doing much better.

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