The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
When the real investigations start, Mueller himself should have a couple criminal charges leveled against him. Remember, this was the man who covered up The Rosatom Bribery Scandal, Helped Whitey Bulger Asassinate his rivals and protected him, Helped Eric Holder and James Comey sell weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels in Fast and Furious, Railroaded innocent people in both Enron and The Antrhax case he was on, Manufactured Evidence, Tampered with Witness Statements and With Held Exculpatory Evidence, and got numerous slaps on the wrist for FISA Violations.

And this was ALL before he was appointed Special Counsel, with Democrats shouting from The Mountain tops that he was an honest man.

Give me a break. He's a Partisan Criminal just like everyone on his team was.

But most disturbing out of all of his crimes was how he lied to The IG when he handed over Page and Strozk's phones saying their texts were irretrievably lost, when he wiped the phones himself, not realizing The IG could get them from The ISP.

Mueller by the way, should have been FORCED to FIRE HIMSELF from The Russian Collusion Witch Hunt on what he did with Page and Strozk's Iphones.

And he should have been charged with Destruction of Evidence and Obstruction of Justice.

Giuliani calls for Mueller to be investigated for destruction of FBI evidence

Strzok, Page messages from Mueller probe lost after phone resets: IG
Also I would like to add this about Mueller and his methods, and particularly the unethical, and illegal tactics, The FBI uses to railroad people.

Here is an interesting fact or question:

Are Paul Manafort, and Gates Political Prisoners?

Everything they are accused of doing, they did while working for The Obama Administration as employees of The Podesta Group who was also working directly for The Clinton Campaign.

They were registered by The Podesta Group incorrectly as Domestic Agents. The Podesta Group did this because the reporting procedures on Gates and Manafort are not very strict like they are for Foreign Agents. So The Podesta Group was trying to conceal what Gates and Manafort were doing in The Ukraine. We also now know, after the fact that The Ukraine and The US Embassy in The Ukraine was heavily involved in the creation and propagation of The Dirty Dossier, and that the Clinton Campaign made trips to The US Ukraine Embassy numerous times. Joe Biden is on record saying he went there 14 times himself. But back to The Podesta Group and their failure to properly register their employees with a Foreign Agent designation....

When the Podesta Group was called on this, here is what Mueller did for them. They allowed The Podesta Group at first to register Manafort and Gates as Foreign Agents Retroactively, then Mueller Granted the Podesta Group Immunity. Then after granting them immunity, which prevents Manafort and Gates to request exculpatory evidence from The Podesta Group, Mueller charged them with not registering as foreign agents. Then accuses them of financial crimes and tax evasion, but Manafort and Gates cannot subpoena financial records of The Podesta Group to contest those charges.

The Charges of tax evasion, and financial crimes are completely based on what is called a "black ledger" which was written in The Ukraine when John Brennan, Biden, Clinton, Podesta and the Obama Administration was running around over there trying to keep the old regime in power. Let's not forget that The Obama Administration, State Department and US Embassy in Ukraine opposed the election of The Anti-Corruption Government over there, and they put their money where their mouth was financing the opposition to keep them in power. When they lost, their Ukrainian Political friends fled to Russia.

These same people were involved in the "black ledger" Those People involved in the "black ledger" fled The Ukraine to Russia when an Anti-Corruption government was elected. To date, the "black ledger" has not been verified to be authentic, yet was used as 'evidence' against Manafort. How is it that an alleged "petty tax cheat" like Manafort sits in solitary confinement with zero access to the outside world, and no way to tell his story since he also has a gag order on him as does Gates?

Let me ask you: Is that The America that our Forefathers Promised us?
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The IG trying to be a nice guy today is still exposing rampant corruption and abuse of power and authority at The FBI. I hope someone asks him about Strozk and Page's Cell Phones being wiped.

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