*Mueller Flopped: Media Feeds!*


Dec 9, 2007
Sorry bout that,

  1. Well this whole circus was a dud.
  2. Mueller came off like he just got released from this day care for old folks.
  3. Congressman and women tried to put lip stick on this pig.
  4. Media has been hyperventilating for hours.
  5. Trumps is pounding them hard, as so he should be, rubbing their nose in that shit.
  6. All in all the democrats screwed the pooch again.
  7. Trump sues them to stop this bs, and what judge is going to deny it?
  8. The congressman threaten to put heat on some other person refusing to abide by their subpoena.
  9. The squid are still yammering, and soon will be out on streets working it.
  10. All in all it was a good day, we need to see Barr take action on something!
Is Robert Mueller Sick? Reporters Question Health

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Robert Mueller is just going to have to testify before Congress again. And again. And if need be again.
If Mueller thinks he looked bad yesterday (he did) wait till Horowitz and Barr come out with their investigation results. Him and a lot of his friends who thought they could do anything they wanted will be wearing orange jumpsuits. Treason, as in running a coup, is a capital offense. Hang em high
Sorry bout that,

  1. This is criminal how they keep milking this cow trying to squeeze the smallest infraction of a law that may have or may nor have been broken, depends on how you interpret whats being exposed.
  2. I see hundreds of shallow graves, where these liberal politicians are thrown in headlong, without any regard how they land of positioned in said shallow grave.
  3. If would be justice.

The democrat talking heads called his testimony "painful".

It was the most delicious nothing burger yet.
Yesterday I seriously considered whether Mueller was faking it.
He may very well be afraid of what Barr will find. I don't think Barr will find Mueller and team did anything criminal, themselves, but were overtly and inherently discriminatory in both their findings and methods used to investigate.
Mueller in his announcements etc. before this hearing was very lucid and intelligent... the Mueller we saw in the hearing was a completely different person.
Yesterday I seriously considered whether Mueller was faking it.
He may very well be afraid of what Barr will find. I don't think Barr will find Mueller and team did anything criminal, themselves, but were overtly and inherently discriminatory in both their findings and methods used to investigate.
Mueller in his announcements etc. before this hearing was very lucid and intelligent... the Mueller we saw in the hearing was a completely different person.

While dodging a question about Fusion GPS and the Christopher Steele dossier Mueller was adamant about pointing out that part of the investigation preceded him by at least 10 months. That was some cover your ass shit right there.
Robert Mueller is just going to have to testify before Congress again. And again. And if need be again.

Why? The democrats are done with him. They didn't even need him yesterday. They were capable of answering all their own questions and drawing all their own conclusions all by themselves! o_O
Yesterday I seriously considered whether Mueller was faking it.
He may very well be afraid of what Barr will find. I don't think Barr will find Mueller and team did anything criminal, themselves, but were overtly and inherently discriminatory in both their findings and methods used to investigate.
Mueller in his announcements etc. before this hearing was very lucid and intelligent... the Mueller we saw in the hearing was a completely different person.

Yeah his attorney kept whispering in his ear "just keep acting like an old man with a poor memory" And "you can't answer anything because you didn't investigate anything" Please direct me to the exoneration dept. I think Mr. Mueller should have read the Mueller report before he testified. Hell they even gave him an extra week! The Dems spent an extra week trying to beat this political hack into saying something they could use Politically. Being a man at the end of his career and possibly his life. He chose to maintain his dignity. He should have held up a sign that said "No Comment"
Yesterday I seriously considered whether Mueller was faking it.
He may very well be afraid of what Barr will find. I don't think Barr will find Mueller and team did anything criminal, themselves, but were overtly and inherently discriminatory in both their findings and methods used to investigate.
Mueller in his announcements etc. before this hearing was very lucid and intelligent... the Mueller we saw in the hearing was a completely different person.

While dodging a question about Fusion GPS and the Christopher Steele dossier Mueller was adamant about pointing out that part of the investigation preceded him by at least 10 months. That was some cover your ass shit right there.
He said he had no clue what Fusion GPS was!!!!! WTF, does he live in a cave?
He also said that Steele is currently under investigation by the DOJ.
Mueller looked really old and inept. Maybe his hearing was injured in the Marines? He's 75, but an old looking 75.
Robert Mueller is just going to have to testify before Congress again. And again. And if need be again.
Mueller is going to have to get some acting lessons for Blasey Ford
Trump touch my pussy he violated me in front of Congress lol
Yesterday I seriously considered whether Mueller was faking it.
He may very well be afraid of what Barr will find. I don't think Barr will find Mueller and team did anything criminal, themselves, but were overtly and inherently discriminatory in both their findings and methods used to investigate.
Mueller in his announcements etc. before this hearing was very lucid and intelligent... the Mueller we saw in the hearing was a completely different person.

While dodging a question about Fusion GPS and the Christopher Steele dossier Mueller was adamant about pointing out that part of the investigation preceded him by at least 10 months. That was some cover your ass shit right there.

He basically said " I didn't think investigating how the thing started was important!
He basically said " I didn't think investigating how the thing started was important!
Which is patently against law enforcement policies of the United States since even before the revolution. Even in the old British laws, how the investigation was started in the first place was considered by a judge, and would even throw the case out if he believed it was unethically done.
IN A COUNTRY WITH INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS...... HOW an investigation was done is MORE important than the results.
He basically said " I didn't think investigating how the thing started was important!
Which is patently against law enforcement policies of the United States since even before the revolution. Even in the old British laws, how the investigation was started in the first place was considered by a judge, and would even throw the case out if he believed it was unethically done.
IN A COUNTRY WITH INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS...... HOW an investigation was done is MORE important than the results.

My point exactly the guy was a political dupe, who in the end game decided he better not answer any thing with any kind of clarity other than "what someone else wrote in the report". I have to assume he never actually read it in it's entirety. As far Mr. Mueller's mental state "I didn't see any there , there either"

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