Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

I expect Mueller knows who the contact in the Trump campaign was. Heck...he could have already pleaded guilty...cough....Flynn.
I guess you didn't listen to Rosenstein this morning....the Mueller investigation has found nothing...
Now you're lying. they hosted events FOR and against him.

click the link dumbass , we aren't liars like you mental case democrats........

Why don't you just quote what Rosenstein actually said little boy.

well, little boy, you can listen to his press conference yourself. in any event, this is the indictment

I've already quoted what he said Shillian. You folks just keep getting your asses kicked.

I expect Mueller knows who the contact in the Trump campaign was. Heck...he could have already pleaded guilty...cough....Flynn.

could have been manafort too....

get the popcorn ready

You Trump haters should get it through your heads TRUMP IS FREE , you jackasses are just pissed off Trump can't be nailed on all the leftist msm BS dreamed up and in the end like we told you loons " WE WERE RIGHT ONCE AGAIN"...

I told you this whole investigation was a witch hunt....waste of millions of tax dollars...
Still no Russian connection
Still playing ostrich of the fact 11 members of Trump team ILLEGALLY met with Russians and then lied about it after getting caught?
You trump whores continue to be the dumbest people on earth.
Russians holding a cardboard sign that says "Don't vote for Trump" certainly is the beginning of the end of all things American . The sneaky subversuveness of such a clever and undectableble plot!
The idea that Mueller is investigating high crimes that involve Trumps people working with Russians to help him win is disproven but facts don't matter to feeling addled Libs
They will hang their hats on "he found something" and will continue on with their attempts to discredit Trumps election and interfere with his tenure. They are very unAmerican and doing more harm then any Russians ever could have(but Didn't)
Jan 11, 2017-

Donald Trump Concedes Russia's Interference in Election - The New York Times
The New York Times › politics › trumps-...

Jan 11, 2017 · “As far as hacking, I think it was Russia,” Mr. Trump said, his first comments accepting the conclusions of United States intelligence officials that Moscow had interfered in the election to help him win.

Trump appears to acknowledge Russian election meddling – and blames Obama

Mueller Indicts Trump’s Claim That Russian Interference Is ‘Fake News’
The President keeps insisting that the Kremlin didn’t meddle in the election.
The Special Counsel’s new indictments show how wrong Trump is.

Mueller Indicts Trump’s Claim That Russian Interference Is ‘Fake News’

Mueller’s obstruction of justice case against Trump looks damning

At least two lawyers representing people swept up in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation say they believe it’s possible he could indict President Trump, according to a report.

The attorneys told Politico that while they don’t have specific knowledge of Mueller’s plans, their legal experience leads them to believe Trump could be indicted for obstruction of justice.

One of the lawyers partly based his opinion on his interactions with Mueller’s team.

“If I were a betting man, I’d bet against the president,” one of the lawyers told the news outlet.
I agree that we MUST wait for the investigation to close but this was a huge setback for the anti-American crowd.
click the link dumbass , we aren't liars like you mental case democrats........

Why don't you just quote what Rosenstein actually said little boy.

well, little boy, you can listen to his press conference yourself. in any event, this is the indictment

I've already quoted what he said Shillian. You folks just keep getting your asses kicked.

I expect Mueller knows who the contact in the Trump campaign was. Heck...he could have already pleaded guilty...cough....Flynn.

could have been manafort too....

get the popcorn ready


You gotta ask...who gave Mueller all the names of these Russian operatives? Was it Papadopoulos....Flynn....Manafort....or someone else. Donnie better be getting his resignation speech ready.
There will be no results of this latest flex. Russia will not extradite so the whole thing is dead on arrival.

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