Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

You mean four or five Russians posted on an internet site "Don't vote for Trump"???
Well we did not know that before. The far reaching effects of that message undoubtedly influenced millions of voters
I guess when you are taught to participate and not keep score that you lose the ability to know what the numbers are

U.S. v. Internet Research Agency, et al


Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office said Friday that a grand jury indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for alleged interference in the 2016 presidential elections, during which they boosted the candidacy of Donald Trump.
Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US to help Trump win

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The irony of bs , oh can't wait to see what this spins into , just . Idiots won't see the petty bs charges they made up on this omg...

Now you're lying. they hosted events FOR and against him.

click the link dumbass , we aren't liars like you mental case democrats........
RE: 13 Russians Indicted By Mueller For Election Tampering
※→ MindWars, et al,

There is something wrong here, I think !!!! What are the facts? Who did what with whom? and why?

Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office said Friday that a grand jury indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for alleged interference in the 2016 presidential elections, during which they boosted the candidacy of Donald Trump.
Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US to help Trump win

The irony of bs , oh can't wait to see what this spins into , just . Idiots won't see the petty bs charges they made up on this omg...

✪ 18 U.S.C. 2 Is Not An Independent Offense
While aiding and abetting might commonly be thought of as an offense in itself, it is not an independent crime under 18 U.S.C. § 2. That statute provides no penalty, and only abolishes the distinction between common law notions of "principal" and “accessory."​

✪ 18 U.S.C. § 371—Conspiracy to Defraud the United States
The general conspiracy statute, 18 U.S.C. § 371, creates an offense "f two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose. (emphasis added).

The "defraud part of section 371 criminalizes any willful impairment of a legitimate function of government, whether or not the improper acts or objective are criminal under another statute.”

If, however, the offense, the commission of which is the object of the conspiracy, is a misdemeanor only, the punishment for such conspiracy shall not exceed the maximum punishment provided for such misdemeanor.

✪ 18 U.S. Code § 1349 - Attempt and conspiracy

Any person who attempts or conspires to commit any offense under this chapter shall be subject to the same penalties as those prescribed for the offense, the commission of which was the object of the attempt or conspiracy.
✪ 18 U.S. Code § 1028A - Aggravated identity theft
Whoever, during and in relation to any felony violation enumerated in subsection (c), knowingly transfers, possesses, or uses, without lawful authority, a means of identification of another person shall, in addition to the punishment provided for such felony, be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of 2 years.

OK ⇒ Teach me something. (I'm not trying to be a smart ass! But really, What do we know?)

What I see, thus far, is that the US spent big bucks to pay for the former FBI Director (and his entire staff of Senior Special Agents, and analyst, administrative assistants, and support staff, office space and equipment, etc etc etc, (a cost of several million dollars) and what:

13 people who will get a prison sentence for Aggravated Identity Theft (AIT) and the ancillary charges of Mopery with the Intent to Creep or Crawl (The junk charges added on to bump up the penalty from 2 years to this most dangerous charge). Prosecutors routinely dump all these little charges on to make the case look a little better and maybe get one of these poor guys to rollover.

OH, and that dumb ass Michael Flynn was the most recent member of Trump's administration to be indicted in what is considered the most closely monitored investigations in U.S. history. He was charged for making false statements to the FBI?

What actually did these individuals do to alter the will of the people?


Did I miss something?
Where is this connection to the President, manipulation of the election that would have elected Ms Clinton to office, and what criminal activity was The President involved in?

Most Respectfully,

According to the indictment, the Internet Research Agency, a Russian troll farm, started interfering as early as 2014 in U.S. politics, extending to the 2016 presidential election. The defendants, "posing as U.S. persons and creating false U.S. personas," operated social media groups designed to attract U.S. audiences by stealing U.S. identities and falsely claiming to be U.S. activists.


Russians ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

No American involvement ;)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office said Friday that a grand jury indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for alleged interference in the 2016 presidential elections, during which they boosted the candidacy of Donald Trump.
Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US to help Trump win

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View attachment 177120
The irony of bs , oh can't wait to see what this spins into , just . Idiots won't see the petty bs charges they made up on this omg...

Now you're lying. they hosted events FOR and against him.

REAL INFORMATION, unlike your fantasy world news full of bs cause they love keeping their sheep in the dark of dumbassness......

The indictment also notes Russians communicated with “unwitting members” of the Trump campaign, meaning Trump, his associates and staffers would not have had knowledge of such a conspiracy.

“Some Defendants, posing as US persons and without revealing their Russian association, communicated with unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities.” [Page 4]

“Defendants and their co-conspirators also used false US personas to communicate with unwitting members, volunteers, and supporters of the Trump campaign involved in local community outreach, as well as grassroots groups that supported then-candidate Trump.” [Page 17]

Ques..................... lol
Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office said Friday that a grand jury indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for alleged interference in the 2016 presidential elections, during which they boosted the candidacy of Donald Trump.
Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US to help Trump win

View attachment 177117

View attachment 177120
The irony of bs , oh can't wait to see what this spins into , just . Idiots won't see the petty bs charges they made up on this omg...

Now you're lying. they hosted events FOR and against him.

click the link dumbass , we aren't liars like you mental case democrats........

Why don't you just quote what Rosenstein actually said little boy.
As I wrote: Seriously?

Do you think the news that Mueller filed indictments against 13 Russians accusing them of having meddled in the 2016 election would be something that is (1) made up and (2) that looking at any news site, listening to any news radio show, or watching any news program would not be talking about?

How lazy are you? I could see the merit of your request were the OP-er to have remarked about some esoteric sh*t, but those indictments absolutely are not even close to such.
Seriously. If you're going to make a claim, back it up.

that there were indictments? :rofl:
I asked OP for a link to the claim. Someone got their panties in a wad over it.

you don't find it trollish to demand a link for breaking news. are you the only person in the country who isn't on the internet (which you clearly are) or isn't getting news on your phone?


here bubbalah... the indictment is in the link.

Read: Mueller’s indictment of Russians for interfering with US elections
My life doesn't revolve around my cell phone. Sorry to hear that yours does. There's more to life than a cell phone.

how is getting information having my live "revolve" around my cell phone?

my life REVOLVES around my family and my friends.

demanding proof of easily found news is what I've found to be a new rightwingnut way of trolling.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office said Friday that a grand jury indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for alleged interference in the 2016 presidential elections, during which they boosted the candidacy of Donald Trump.
Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US to help Trump win

View attachment 177117

View attachment 177120
The irony of bs , oh can't wait to see what this spins into , just . Idiots won't see the petty bs charges they made up on this omg...

Now you're lying. they hosted events FOR and against him.

click the link dumbass , we aren't liars like you mental case democrats........

Why don't you just quote what Rosenstein actually said little boy.

well, little boy, you can listen to his press conference yourself. in any event, this is the indictment
" Now, there is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity. There is no allegation in the indictment that the charge conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election."

Read Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s remarks on the Russia indictments

"There's no allegation that any American was knowingly involved in the conspiracy, Rosenstein said. Nor was there an allegation that the efforts of the defendants affected the outcome of the election. The indictment, he told reporters, is a reminder that "people are not always who they appear to be." He said the defendants wanted to undermine confidence in our democracy. "

Rod Rosenstein announces indictments of Russians in U.S. election meddling
No Americans collusion...did not change the outcome of the election so what the fuck is Mueller doing? Wasting tax dollars is all I can see here...

I told you libs this was a big nothing the FBI agents that have pushed the notion that the Russians changed our elections...

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