Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

It's over's all over...Trump will not be indicted nor impeached...I've been saying this for months...
Get over it...when you all figure out that there was no collusion and Trump's team did nothing wrong this day will rival election day....

Interesting timing of Rosenstein to announce this indictment of Russians that they can never put on trial...I think he wanted the Cruz kid and the FBI off the front pages...
According to the indictment, the Internet Research Agency, a Russian troll farm, started interfering as early as 2014 in U.S. politics, extending to the 2016 presidential election. The defendants, "posing as U.S. persons and creating false U.S. personas," operated social media groups designed to attract U.S. audiences by stealing U.S. identities and falsely claiming to be U.S. activists.

"Over time, these social media accounts became defendants' means to reach significant numbers of Americans for purposes of interfering with the U.S. political system," the indictment reads.

The defendants are charged with conspiring "to obstruct the lawful functions of the United States government through fraud and deceit," including by making expenditures in connection with the 2016 election, failing to register as foreign agents carrying out political activities and obtaining visas through false and fraudulent statements.

USMB is loaded with with them.
trump is so incompetent, he couldn't even do his own cheating

trumplings are so stupid, they think that's a plus.
This does prove one thing...

We have an illegitimate regime in the WH.
Russia probe lawyers think Mueller could indict Trump

Many legal scholars doubt a U.S. vs. Trump case is possible, but two attorneys who have dealt with special counsel Robert Mueller's team disagree. One expects Mueller to move as early as this spring.

Russia probe lawyers think Mueller could indict Trump
Unrefutable facts:
1. Trump’s been dirty all his life.
2. His kids admitted they get most of their money from Russia.
3. While fat boy was continually saying he has no business with Russia, nothing to do with them, he was in the process of building a Trump Tower in Moscow.
4. He’s attacked and criticized every major world leader except Putin.
5. He implored Putin to attack his political opponent to help him win the election.
6. 11 of his people met with Russians in the US or Russia.

Yet the Trumpidiots still insist there’s “ no Russian connection”.
According to the indictment, the Internet Research Agency, a Russian troll farm, started interfering as early as 2014 in U.S. politics, extending to the 2016 presidential election. The defendants, "posing as U.S. persons and creating false U.S. personas," operated social media groups designed to attract U.S. audiences by stealing U.S. identities and falsely claiming to be U.S. activists.

"Over time, these social media accounts became defendants' means to reach significant numbers of Americans for purposes of interfering with the U.S. political system," the indictment reads.

The defendants are charged with conspiring "to obstruct the lawful functions of the United States government through fraud and deceit," including by making expenditures in connection with the 2016 election, failing to register as foreign agents carrying out political activities and obtaining visas through false and fraudulent statements.

USMB is loaded with with them.

Give us proof 7, or are you just making shit up again?
From the CNBC link.....

"exacerbating political divisions" is NOT meddling in an election. It favors neither side. It just pours GAS on our OWN fires and EXISTING divisions..
You all for that, FCT?
They had no right to do that. Don't let them do anymore money laundering in Manhattan. That oughta fix 'em.

The old Kremlin guard has a grudge. WE (our country) noticed the cracks in the Soviet Union developing and WE did the same to them. Didn't CAUSE the collapse of the Soviet Union -- we just gently PUSHED public opinion to LOSE FAITH in their leadership.. It's a grudge match.

Putin could NEVER collapse the American political system without MASSIVE HELP from the partisan warriors themselves. YOU party animal did the damage leading to daily systemic rot. Putin didn't do that. He just wants shits and giggles "HELPING" you to kill my country..
YOU party animal did the damage leading to daily systemic rot.
You best not be referring to me. Seriously.

You ARE supporting a whole host of important Leadership who ACTUALLY paid Russian Intel liars for dirt on their political opponent and abused the power of offices to justify spying on that campaign..

Might be time to ponder what you spend time on defending..

But -- I also recognize it take TWO parties to have a confrontation large enough to TOTALLY disrupt and kill confidence in American leadership.. So you have LOTS of company in destroying things. And to be complete -- I'd have to add the OBVIOUS COLLUSION of almost ALL of American media.

Putin has a very easy job because of all this daily tribal warfare and free DOMESTIC propaganda -- doesn't he?

you might want to ponder the difference between parroted partisan conjecture and the FACTS of the matter.
I do. I haven't said a damned word that would lead to that comment, and I'm getting sick and tired of the unfair parroting by people who apparently can't fucking READ.
And that goes for you, too, FCT.

This whole gambit by Mueller is designed to take the immense heat off of the abuses that HIS FBI committed during the last election cycle. So he got some Russian provocateurs running silly tiny readership FB ads about ridiculous topics like BLM and race baiting and flogging Clinton/Cruz/Rubio.. That PALES in comparison to the FBI/CIA/DNI/State Dept aiding the DNC/Clinton to obtain and market a phony Russian dossier and abusing the NSA Big Brother Domestic Spy tools.

He HAS to try. Because that's where his allegiances lie. But this is a pimple on the Ass of a full blown cancer in our current political leadership that was INTERNALLY inspired..
Paul Manafort is American. Rosenstein said no American.
click the link dumbass , we aren't liars like you mental case democrats........

Why don't you just quote what Rosenstein actually said little boy.

well, little boy, you can listen to his press conference yourself. in any event, this is the indictment

I've already quoted what he said Shillian. You folks just keep getting your asses kicked.

I expect Mueller knows who the contact in the Trump campaign was. Heck...he could have already pleaded guilty...cough....Flynn.

could have been manafort too....

get the popcorn ready

trump is so incompetent, he couldn't even do his own cheating

trumplings are so stupid, they think that's a plus.

So you're admitting Trump didn't cheat?

Yet the Trumpidiots still insist there’s “ no Russian connection”.
If there were we would have heard about it this morning...Trump's attorneys are celebrating right now...Breaking news it's over...
yes, that's right. the (D)s conspired with the roooskies to have hillary lose.

you are a whackadoodle.
We know she purchased a dossier created by Russian intelligence.
Keep lying, why dontcha?
She hired Michael Steele via Fusion GPS to create a dossier. Michael Steele in multiple interviews said he sourced material from Russian intelligence agents. It is not my fault you are poorly informed. Expected? Yes.
Fact is, her campaign hired Fusion GPS to do oppo research, same as the Repubs have done. Fusion GPS hired CHRISTOPHER Steele, a British ex-spy, to get information which he did, from his former contacts in Moscow.
That is the facts, including naming the right players. Not that Hillary hired "Michael Steel" via Fusion GPS to create a dossier.
Yuck it up.
Getting the first name wrong does not change the facts. The fbi knew where the material came from and from fbi texts we know they fully briefed Obama on every aspect of the case. It would be foolish to deny Clinton was also aware. Whenever Clinton is busted the apologists go into overtime explaining how she has no idea what is going on in her own campaign.
I wouldn't trust Hillary Clinton as far as I could throw her, but I like to hear arguments based on accurate facts. I think you might be projecting some of your dislike and distrust of the Obama administration onto this.
I'll be glad if the Pres and his whole team come out of this innocent as lambs. They're running the country, for heaven's sake. Who wants political thugs in there?
They weren't indicted for "interference". There is no such charge.

(CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller has indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for allegedly meddling in the 2016 presidential election, charging them with conspiracy to defraud the United States, the Department of Justice announced Friday.

If it means there has been no collusion, we must be close to the end of this investigation, right? Sounds like the end.

Not at all.

You see, one of the heretofore great unanswered questions is this: How did the Russians know how to target certain precincts in PA, WI, and MI that could swing the election for Trump? That's not a small matter because it's the kind of information that really only exits within the political parties. It's certainly not the kind of information that would be available to foreigners. Consequently, it's believed that the Russians had to have help from people who had access to that information.

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