Mueller Investigation Is Hillary And Obama's Donors Investigating Trump Plain And Simple


The Mueller investigation took on another Obama and Hillary donor this week. It's looking like the Mueller investigation is really just the former administration conducting a witch-hunt on the current administration.

Notice how quick the DoJ was to appoint Mueller to investigate Trump over perjuries by former FBI Director James Comey, but AG Jeff Sessions can't bring himself to appoint one to investigate Hillary or Former President Obama.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

The newest lawyer to join Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Trump campaign team collusion with Russia gained notoriety for her conduct in defending former President Obama's immigration orders, Politico reported Saturday.

Besides her work for Obama, Kyle Freeny, now the 16th member of Mueller’s legal team, Federal Election Commission records show she donated in each of the past three presidential elections to Democratic nominees, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

Fact: The Hillary email investigation was fake.​

Fact: Supporters of Hillary are currently conducting investigations of the criminal activities that took place in the DNC and trying to blame it on candidate Trump. They are doing this to deflect away from the real crimes that we're discovering concerning the Clinton Foundation.​

Newly disclosed emails expose fresh examples of "pay to play" at the Clinton State Department, a conservative watchdog group said Thursday.

The emails, from Clinton aide Huma Abedin's account, were among 1,600 documents turned over by the State Department in connection with Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Judicial Watch said the documents reveal Clinton Foundation friends requesting and receiving favors from the State Department.

“The emails show ‘what happened’ was that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin obviously violated laws about the handling of classified information and turned the State Department into a pay for play tool for the corrupt Clinton Foundation,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, in a swipe at Clinton's newly released campaign memoir "What Happened." “The clear and mounting evidence of pay for play and mishandling of classified information warrant a serious criminal investigation by an independent Trump Justice Department.”

In May 2010, Clinton Foundation donor and developer Eddie Trump wrote to Doug Band, a Clinton Foundation official and former top aide to President Bill Clinton, forwarding a request for help getting the Russian American Foundation involved in a State Department program. Band forwarded the request to Abedin, asking if they can “get this done/mtg set.” Judicial Watch previously reported that the State Department paid more than $260,000 to the Russian American Foundation for “public diplomacy.”

In July 2009, Zachary Schwartz, an associate for donor Steve Bing, contacted Band requesting help on visas for Cuba for a film production crew from Bing's Shangri La Entertainment. Band forwarded the request to Abedin asking her to call Schwartz "asap." Abedin said she would. Bing reportedly donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Another instance was in September 2009, when chairman of futures brokerage firm CME Group and Clinton Foundation donor Terrence Duffy asked Clinton to help arrange “government appointments” in Singapore and Hong Kong. Clinton forwarded the request to Abedin, who said she would “follow up” with his secretary.

“Would like to get some more information and details so we can try to help,” Abedin wrote to Duffy’s secretary.

Duffy’s secretary replied, “We would also like some help in arranging meetings with some key govt officials in both locations, such as the Prime Minister of Singapore, and would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.”

Abedin responded on Sept. 29, 2009 that they were “happy to assist with any and all meetings” and that she had “discussed you and your trip with our assistant secretary of state for east Asia and pacific affairs.”

Duffy reportedly gave $4,600 to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and his company reportedly paid Clinton $225,000 for a speaking fee.

Mean ol democrats, forced just about everybody associated with Donald Trump to meet a Russian, lie about the shit and then try to cover it up.....get the fuck outta here,

And yet Hillary took millions in donations from the Russians after giving up 20% of US uranium reserves to them...... And you have to wonder who was colluding with the Russian's? Fucking leftard..

Trumptards like you are disgusting. The Russians hacked the DNC and released e-mails to hurt Clinton. Name 1 thing they did to help Clinton?


The Mueller investigation took on another Obama and Hillary donor this week. It's looking like the Mueller investigation is really just the former administration conducting a witch-hunt on the current administration.

Notice how quick the DoJ was to appoint Mueller to investigate Trump over perjuries by former FBI Director James Comey, but AG Jeff Sessions can't bring himself to appoint one to investigate Hillary or Former President Obama.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

The newest lawyer to join Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Trump campaign team collusion with Russia gained notoriety for her conduct in defending former President Obama's immigration orders, Politico reported Saturday.

Besides her work for Obama, Kyle Freeny, now the 16th member of Mueller’s legal team, Federal Election Commission records show she donated in each of the past three presidential elections to Democratic nominees, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

Fact: The Hillary email investigation was fake.​

Fact: Supporters of Hillary are currently conducting investigations of the criminal activities that took place in the DNC and trying to blame it on candidate Trump. They are doing this to deflect away from the real crimes that we're discovering concerning the Clinton Foundation.​

Newly disclosed emails expose fresh examples of "pay to play" at the Clinton State Department, a conservative watchdog group said Thursday.

The emails, from Clinton aide Huma Abedin's account, were among 1,600 documents turned over by the State Department in connection with Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Judicial Watch said the documents reveal Clinton Foundation friends requesting and receiving favors from the State Department.

“The emails show ‘what happened’ was that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin obviously violated laws about the handling of classified information and turned the State Department into a pay for play tool for the corrupt Clinton Foundation,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, in a swipe at Clinton's newly released campaign memoir "What Happened." “The clear and mounting evidence of pay for play and mishandling of classified information warrant a serious criminal investigation by an independent Trump Justice Department.”

In May 2010, Clinton Foundation donor and developer Eddie Trump wrote to Doug Band, a Clinton Foundation official and former top aide to President Bill Clinton, forwarding a request for help getting the Russian American Foundation involved in a State Department program. Band forwarded the request to Abedin, asking if they can “get this done/mtg set.” Judicial Watch previously reported that the State Department paid more than $260,000 to the Russian American Foundation for “public diplomacy.”

In July 2009, Zachary Schwartz, an associate for donor Steve Bing, contacted Band requesting help on visas for Cuba for a film production crew from Bing's Shangri La Entertainment. Band forwarded the request to Abedin asking her to call Schwartz "asap." Abedin said she would. Bing reportedly donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Another instance was in September 2009, when chairman of futures brokerage firm CME Group and Clinton Foundation donor Terrence Duffy asked Clinton to help arrange “government appointments” in Singapore and Hong Kong. Clinton forwarded the request to Abedin, who said she would “follow up” with his secretary.

“Would like to get some more information and details so we can try to help,” Abedin wrote to Duffy’s secretary.

Duffy’s secretary replied, “We would also like some help in arranging meetings with some key govt officials in both locations, such as the Prime Minister of Singapore, and would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.”

Abedin responded on Sept. 29, 2009 that they were “happy to assist with any and all meetings” and that she had “discussed you and your trip with our assistant secretary of state for east Asia and pacific affairs.”

Duffy reportedly gave $4,600 to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and his company reportedly paid Clinton $225,000 for a speaking fee.

It's going to be hard to find intelligent people who didn't support Hillary, since Trump is such an ignorant fool. Only idiots supported him, and I don't think they will hire any idiots for the investigation.

I don't think hiring people that have obvious conflicts of interest are a good choice.
Normally anything they come up with could be thrown out on repeal because of these conflicts.
But this is purely a political witch-hunt, nothing more.

According to Justice Department guidelines, there is no conflict of interest. Government employees are allowed to donate to campaigns. However they are not allowed to play a major role in a campaign. That is why Sessions would have to recuse himself on anything involving Clinton and why he was forced to recuse himself on the Russia investigation.
Failed argument, Flynns investigation is on going and never charged, Clinton had proven syphoning money like for her Daughters wedding.
JUST because they use clever ways of transfering cash does not make their tricks unnoticed and not guilty(see my posts on Obamas selling gifted banned persian rugs worth $200,000 for 4.4 million, that's how they laundry the money). YOU JUST WENT AGAINST OUR JUDICIAL SYSTEM and made an innocent till proven guilty man guilty, and a Guilty woman till proven innocent let free. You do realize Hillary obstructed justice when she destroyed federal subpoenaed evidence and paid for her IT guys lawyer fees who was caught online asking how to destroy evidence that the feds asked for=crime and people told her IT guy it was a crime.

YOu guys have been trying to get something on the Clintons for 25 years now... you've spent hundreds of millions in investigations and have accused these people of everything up to and including murder and you've gotten next to nothing for all these efforts.

"Woooo.. Bill lied about getting a blow job and Hillary used the wrong email."

So they escape earthly punishment. Big deal. I'm satisfied just to know they'll spend eternity in Hell. Couldn't happen to a better couple.

And Trump will have a adjoining room.

The Mueller investigation took on another Obama and Hillary donor this week. It's looking like the Mueller investigation is really just the former administration conducting a witch-hunt on the current administration.

Notice how quick the DoJ was to appoint Mueller to investigate Trump over perjuries by former FBI Director James Comey, but AG Jeff Sessions can't bring himself to appoint one to investigate Hillary or Former President Obama.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

The newest lawyer to join Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Trump campaign team collusion with Russia gained notoriety for her conduct in defending former President Obama's immigration orders, Politico reported Saturday.

Besides her work for Obama, Kyle Freeny, now the 16th member of Mueller’s legal team, Federal Election Commission records show she donated in each of the past three presidential elections to Democratic nominees, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

Fact: The Hillary email investigation was fake.​

Fact: Supporters of Hillary are currently conducting investigations of the criminal activities that took place in the DNC and trying to blame it on candidate Trump. They are doing this to deflect away from the real crimes that we're discovering concerning the Clinton Foundation.​

Newly disclosed emails expose fresh examples of "pay to play" at the Clinton State Department, a conservative watchdog group said Thursday.

The emails, from Clinton aide Huma Abedin's account, were among 1,600 documents turned over by the State Department in connection with Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Judicial Watch said the documents reveal Clinton Foundation friends requesting and receiving favors from the State Department.

“The emails show ‘what happened’ was that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin obviously violated laws about the handling of classified information and turned the State Department into a pay for play tool for the corrupt Clinton Foundation,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, in a swipe at Clinton's newly released campaign memoir "What Happened." “The clear and mounting evidence of pay for play and mishandling of classified information warrant a serious criminal investigation by an independent Trump Justice Department.”

In May 2010, Clinton Foundation donor and developer Eddie Trump wrote to Doug Band, a Clinton Foundation official and former top aide to President Bill Clinton, forwarding a request for help getting the Russian American Foundation involved in a State Department program. Band forwarded the request to Abedin, asking if they can “get this done/mtg set.” Judicial Watch previously reported that the State Department paid more than $260,000 to the Russian American Foundation for “public diplomacy.”

In July 2009, Zachary Schwartz, an associate for donor Steve Bing, contacted Band requesting help on visas for Cuba for a film production crew from Bing's Shangri La Entertainment. Band forwarded the request to Abedin asking her to call Schwartz "asap." Abedin said she would. Bing reportedly donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Another instance was in September 2009, when chairman of futures brokerage firm CME Group and Clinton Foundation donor Terrence Duffy asked Clinton to help arrange “government appointments” in Singapore and Hong Kong. Clinton forwarded the request to Abedin, who said she would “follow up” with his secretary.

“Would like to get some more information and details so we can try to help,” Abedin wrote to Duffy’s secretary.

Duffy’s secretary replied, “We would also like some help in arranging meetings with some key govt officials in both locations, such as the Prime Minister of Singapore, and would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.”

Abedin responded on Sept. 29, 2009 that they were “happy to assist with any and all meetings” and that she had “discussed you and your trip with our assistant secretary of state for east Asia and pacific affairs.”

Duffy reportedly gave $4,600 to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and his company reportedly paid Clinton $225,000 for a speaking fee.

So that's why he was appointed by Republicans, right?

Oh, you must mean a former Clinton & Obama Administration official who worked for Mueller.

Department of Justice[edit]
After his clerkship, Rosenstein joined the U.S. Department of Justice through the Attorney General’s Honors Program. From 1990 to 1993, he prosecuted public corruption cases as a trial attorney with the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division, then led by Assistant Attorney General Robert Mueller.[11][13]

During the Clinton Administration, Rosenstein served as Counsel to Deputy Attorney General Philip B. Heymann (1993–1994) and Special Assistant to Criminal Division Assistant Attorney General Jo Ann Harris (1994–1995). As an Associate Independent Counsel from 1995 to 1997, he was co-counsel in the trial of three defendants who were convicted of fraud, and he supervised the investigation that found no basis for criminal prosecution of White House officials who had obtained FBI background reports.[11] Rosenstein was chosen to work in the United States Office of the Independent Counsel under Ken Starr on the Whitewater investigation into President Bill Clinton.[14]

From 2001 to 2005, Rosenstein served as Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Tax Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. He coordinated the tax enforcement activities of the Tax Division, the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and the IRS, and he supervised 90 attorneys and 30 support employees. He also oversaw civil litigation and served as the acting head of the Tax Division when Assistant Attorney General Eileen J. O'Connor was unavailable, and he personally briefed and argued civil appeals in several federal appellate courts.

Attorney General Eric Holder appointed Rosenstein to prosecute General James Cartwright, a former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for leaking to reporters.[14] Rosenstein’s aggressive prosecution secured a guilty plea from Cartwright, who was ultimately pardoned by President Barack Obama.[14]

Rosenstein served as the U.S. Attorney in Maryland at a time when murders in the state dropped by about a third, which was double the decline at the national level. Robberies and aggravated assaults also fell faster than the national average. According to Thiru Vignarajah, the former deputy attorney general of Maryland, "Collaboration between prosecutors, police, and the community combined with a dogged focus on violent repeat offenders was the anchor of Rosenstein’s approach." Rosenstein regarded the heroin and opioid epidemic as a public health crisis, hired a re-entry specialist to help ex-offenders adjust to life outside of prison, and prosecuted several individual cases of corrupt police officers.[2]

Rod Rosenstein - Wikipedia

WOW! What an incredible resume! Looks like he's been a good public servant for both Republican and Democratic administrations.... couldn't have anyone cleaner! Trump made a good pick as acting attrny general! :)

Yep.....he checks all of the blocks if you're a liberal.
He's been in the system for decades and has worked with everyone. A reliable establishment insider. Gave Mueller a wide rather than narrow scope in his investigation. Used to work for Mueller as a matter of fact.
He's also very possibly part of a soft coupe to overturn the results of the election.

Anyone who is a public servant and is not partisan is a insider. The only soft coupe is your brain.

The Mueller investigation took on another Obama and Hillary donor this week. It's looking like the Mueller investigation is really just the former administration conducting a witch-hunt on the current administration.

Notice how quick the DoJ was to appoint Mueller to investigate Trump over perjuries by former FBI Director James Comey, but AG Jeff Sessions can't bring himself to appoint one to investigate Hillary or Former President Obama.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

The newest lawyer to join Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Trump campaign team collusion with Russia gained notoriety for her conduct in defending former President Obama's immigration orders, Politico reported Saturday.

Besides her work for Obama, Kyle Freeny, now the 16th member of Mueller’s legal team, Federal Election Commission records show she donated in each of the past three presidential elections to Democratic nominees, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

Fact: The Hillary email investigation was fake.​

Fact: Supporters of Hillary are currently conducting investigations of the criminal activities that took place in the DNC and trying to blame it on candidate Trump. They are doing this to deflect away from the real crimes that we're discovering concerning the Clinton Foundation.​

Newly disclosed emails expose fresh examples of "pay to play" at the Clinton State Department, a conservative watchdog group said Thursday.

The emails, from Clinton aide Huma Abedin's account, were among 1,600 documents turned over by the State Department in connection with Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Judicial Watch said the documents reveal Clinton Foundation friends requesting and receiving favors from the State Department.

“The emails show ‘what happened’ was that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin obviously violated laws about the handling of classified information and turned the State Department into a pay for play tool for the corrupt Clinton Foundation,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, in a swipe at Clinton's newly released campaign memoir "What Happened." “The clear and mounting evidence of pay for play and mishandling of classified information warrant a serious criminal investigation by an independent Trump Justice Department.”

In May 2010, Clinton Foundation donor and developer Eddie Trump wrote to Doug Band, a Clinton Foundation official and former top aide to President Bill Clinton, forwarding a request for help getting the Russian American Foundation involved in a State Department program. Band forwarded the request to Abedin, asking if they can “get this done/mtg set.” Judicial Watch previously reported that the State Department paid more than $260,000 to the Russian American Foundation for “public diplomacy.”

In July 2009, Zachary Schwartz, an associate for donor Steve Bing, contacted Band requesting help on visas for Cuba for a film production crew from Bing's Shangri La Entertainment. Band forwarded the request to Abedin asking her to call Schwartz "asap." Abedin said she would. Bing reportedly donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Another instance was in September 2009, when chairman of futures brokerage firm CME Group and Clinton Foundation donor Terrence Duffy asked Clinton to help arrange “government appointments” in Singapore and Hong Kong. Clinton forwarded the request to Abedin, who said she would “follow up” with his secretary.

“Would like to get some more information and details so we can try to help,” Abedin wrote to Duffy’s secretary.

Duffy’s secretary replied, “We would also like some help in arranging meetings with some key govt officials in both locations, such as the Prime Minister of Singapore, and would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.”

Abedin responded on Sept. 29, 2009 that they were “happy to assist with any and all meetings” and that she had “discussed you and your trip with our assistant secretary of state for east Asia and pacific affairs.”

Duffy reportedly gave $4,600 to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and his company reportedly paid Clinton $225,000 for a speaking fee.

Mean ol democrats, forced just about everybody associated with Donald Trump to meet a Russian, lie about the shit and then try to cover it up.....get the fuck outta here,

And yet Hillary took millions in donations from the Russians after giving up 20% of US uranium reserves to them...... And you have to wonder who was colluding with the Russian's? Fucking leftard..

Trumptards like you are disgusting. The Russians hacked the DNC and released e-mails to hurt Clinton. Name 1 thing they did to help Clinton?


The Mueller investigation took on another Obama and Hillary donor this week. It's looking like the Mueller investigation is really just the former administration conducting a witch-hunt on the current administration.

Notice how quick the DoJ was to appoint Mueller to investigate Trump over perjuries by former FBI Director James Comey, but AG Jeff Sessions can't bring himself to appoint one to investigate Hillary or Former President Obama.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

The newest lawyer to join Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Trump campaign team collusion with Russia gained notoriety for her conduct in defending former President Obama's immigration orders, Politico reported Saturday.

Besides her work for Obama, Kyle Freeny, now the 16th member of Mueller’s legal team, Federal Election Commission records show she donated in each of the past three presidential elections to Democratic nominees, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

Fact: The Hillary email investigation was fake.​

Fact: Supporters of Hillary are currently conducting investigations of the criminal activities that took place in the DNC and trying to blame it on candidate Trump. They are doing this to deflect away from the real crimes that we're discovering concerning the Clinton Foundation.​

Newly disclosed emails expose fresh examples of "pay to play" at the Clinton State Department, a conservative watchdog group said Thursday.

The emails, from Clinton aide Huma Abedin's account, were among 1,600 documents turned over by the State Department in connection with Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Judicial Watch said the documents reveal Clinton Foundation friends requesting and receiving favors from the State Department.

“The emails show ‘what happened’ was that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin obviously violated laws about the handling of classified information and turned the State Department into a pay for play tool for the corrupt Clinton Foundation,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, in a swipe at Clinton's newly released campaign memoir "What Happened." “The clear and mounting evidence of pay for play and mishandling of classified information warrant a serious criminal investigation by an independent Trump Justice Department.”

In May 2010, Clinton Foundation donor and developer Eddie Trump wrote to Doug Band, a Clinton Foundation official and former top aide to President Bill Clinton, forwarding a request for help getting the Russian American Foundation involved in a State Department program. Band forwarded the request to Abedin, asking if they can “get this done/mtg set.” Judicial Watch previously reported that the State Department paid more than $260,000 to the Russian American Foundation for “public diplomacy.”

In July 2009, Zachary Schwartz, an associate for donor Steve Bing, contacted Band requesting help on visas for Cuba for a film production crew from Bing's Shangri La Entertainment. Band forwarded the request to Abedin asking her to call Schwartz "asap." Abedin said she would. Bing reportedly donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Another instance was in September 2009, when chairman of futures brokerage firm CME Group and Clinton Foundation donor Terrence Duffy asked Clinton to help arrange “government appointments” in Singapore and Hong Kong. Clinton forwarded the request to Abedin, who said she would “follow up” with his secretary.

“Would like to get some more information and details so we can try to help,” Abedin wrote to Duffy’s secretary.

Duffy’s secretary replied, “We would also like some help in arranging meetings with some key govt officials in both locations, such as the Prime Minister of Singapore, and would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.”

Abedin responded on Sept. 29, 2009 that they were “happy to assist with any and all meetings” and that she had “discussed you and your trip with our assistant secretary of state for east Asia and pacific affairs.”

Duffy reportedly gave $4,600 to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and his company reportedly paid Clinton $225,000 for a speaking fee.

It's going to be hard to find intelligent people who didn't support Hillary, since Trump is such an ignorant fool. Only idiots supported him, and I don't think they will hire any idiots for the investigation.

I don't think hiring people that have obvious conflicts of interest are a good choice.
Normally anything they come up with could be thrown out on repeal because of these conflicts.
But this is purely a political witch-hunt, nothing more.

According to Justice Department guidelines, there is no conflict of interest. Government employees are allowed to donate to campaigns. However they are not allowed to play a major role in a campaign. That is why Sessions would have to recuse himself on anything involving Clinton and why he was forced to recuse himself on the Russia investigation.

Playing a part in a campaign is donating to it or giving speeches in support of it. No difference.
It doesn't matter if you secretly supported a candidate or openly supported one.
Point being is that the last person that should be investigating a candidate is someone who supports his opposition.
It is ethically immoral. It could and will corrupt the investigation.

The Mueller investigation took on another Obama and Hillary donor this week. It's looking like the Mueller investigation is really just the former administration conducting a witch-hunt on the current administration.

Notice how quick the DoJ was to appoint Mueller to investigate Trump over perjuries by former FBI Director James Comey, but AG Jeff Sessions can't bring himself to appoint one to investigate Hillary or Former President Obama.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

The newest lawyer to join Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Trump campaign team collusion with Russia gained notoriety for her conduct in defending former President Obama's immigration orders, Politico reported Saturday.

Besides her work for Obama, Kyle Freeny, now the 16th member of Mueller’s legal team, Federal Election Commission records show she donated in each of the past three presidential elections to Democratic nominees, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

Fact: The Hillary email investigation was fake.​

Fact: Supporters of Hillary are currently conducting investigations of the criminal activities that took place in the DNC and trying to blame it on candidate Trump. They are doing this to deflect away from the real crimes that we're discovering concerning the Clinton Foundation.​

Newly disclosed emails expose fresh examples of "pay to play" at the Clinton State Department, a conservative watchdog group said Thursday.

The emails, from Clinton aide Huma Abedin's account, were among 1,600 documents turned over by the State Department in connection with Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Judicial Watch said the documents reveal Clinton Foundation friends requesting and receiving favors from the State Department.

“The emails show ‘what happened’ was that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin obviously violated laws about the handling of classified information and turned the State Department into a pay for play tool for the corrupt Clinton Foundation,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, in a swipe at Clinton's newly released campaign memoir "What Happened." “The clear and mounting evidence of pay for play and mishandling of classified information warrant a serious criminal investigation by an independent Trump Justice Department.”

In May 2010, Clinton Foundation donor and developer Eddie Trump wrote to Doug Band, a Clinton Foundation official and former top aide to President Bill Clinton, forwarding a request for help getting the Russian American Foundation involved in a State Department program. Band forwarded the request to Abedin, asking if they can “get this done/mtg set.” Judicial Watch previously reported that the State Department paid more than $260,000 to the Russian American Foundation for “public diplomacy.”

In July 2009, Zachary Schwartz, an associate for donor Steve Bing, contacted Band requesting help on visas for Cuba for a film production crew from Bing's Shangri La Entertainment. Band forwarded the request to Abedin asking her to call Schwartz "asap." Abedin said she would. Bing reportedly donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Another instance was in September 2009, when chairman of futures brokerage firm CME Group and Clinton Foundation donor Terrence Duffy asked Clinton to help arrange “government appointments” in Singapore and Hong Kong. Clinton forwarded the request to Abedin, who said she would “follow up” with his secretary.

“Would like to get some more information and details so we can try to help,” Abedin wrote to Duffy’s secretary.

Duffy’s secretary replied, “We would also like some help in arranging meetings with some key govt officials in both locations, such as the Prime Minister of Singapore, and would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.”

Abedin responded on Sept. 29, 2009 that they were “happy to assist with any and all meetings” and that she had “discussed you and your trip with our assistant secretary of state for east Asia and pacific affairs.”

Duffy reportedly gave $4,600 to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and his company reportedly paid Clinton $225,000 for a speaking fee.

So that's why he was appointed by Republicans, right?

Oh, you must mean a former Clinton & Obama Administration official who worked for Mueller.

Department of Justice[edit]
After his clerkship, Rosenstein joined the U.S. Department of Justice through the Attorney General’s Honors Program. From 1990 to 1993, he prosecuted public corruption cases as a trial attorney with the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division, then led by Assistant Attorney General Robert Mueller.[11][13]

During the Clinton Administration, Rosenstein served as Counsel to Deputy Attorney General Philip B. Heymann (1993–1994) and Special Assistant to Criminal Division Assistant Attorney General Jo Ann Harris (1994–1995). As an Associate Independent Counsel from 1995 to 1997, he was co-counsel in the trial of three defendants who were convicted of fraud, and he supervised the investigation that found no basis for criminal prosecution of White House officials who had obtained FBI background reports.[11] Rosenstein was chosen to work in the United States Office of the Independent Counsel under Ken Starr on the Whitewater investigation into President Bill Clinton.[14]

From 2001 to 2005, Rosenstein served as Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Tax Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. He coordinated the tax enforcement activities of the Tax Division, the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and the IRS, and he supervised 90 attorneys and 30 support employees. He also oversaw civil litigation and served as the acting head of the Tax Division when Assistant Attorney General Eileen J. O'Connor was unavailable, and he personally briefed and argued civil appeals in several federal appellate courts.

Attorney General Eric Holder appointed Rosenstein to prosecute General James Cartwright, a former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for leaking to reporters.[14] Rosenstein’s aggressive prosecution secured a guilty plea from Cartwright, who was ultimately pardoned by President Barack Obama.[14]

Rosenstein served as the U.S. Attorney in Maryland at a time when murders in the state dropped by about a third, which was double the decline at the national level. Robberies and aggravated assaults also fell faster than the national average. According to Thiru Vignarajah, the former deputy attorney general of Maryland, "Collaboration between prosecutors, police, and the community combined with a dogged focus on violent repeat offenders was the anchor of Rosenstein’s approach." Rosenstein regarded the heroin and opioid epidemic as a public health crisis, hired a re-entry specialist to help ex-offenders adjust to life outside of prison, and prosecuted several individual cases of corrupt police officers.[2]

Rod Rosenstein - Wikipedia

WOW! What an incredible resume! Looks like he's been a good public servant for both Republican and Democratic administrations.... couldn't have anyone cleaner! Trump made a good pick as acting attrny general! :)

Yep.....he checks all of the blocks if you're a liberal.
He's been in the system for decades and has worked with everyone. A reliable establishment insider. Gave Mueller a wide rather than narrow scope in his investigation. Used to work for Mueller as a matter of fact.
He's also very possibly part of a soft coupe to overturn the results of the election.

Anyone who is a public servant and is not partisan is a insider. The only soft coupe is your brain.

That makes no sense.
And the only reason you consider him not to be partisan is because he does what you agree with.
However legal scholars say that the investigation was created under false pretenses that have come to light since the creation of the special counselor.
Every day more and more new revelations come to light that illustrates that it isn't a legit investigation. It is nothing more than Hillary and Obama investigating Trump by proxy.
Failed argument, Flynns investigation is on going and never charged, Clinton had proven syphoning money like for her Daughters wedding.
JUST because they use clever ways of transfering cash does not make their tricks unnoticed and not guilty(see my posts on Obamas selling gifted banned persian rugs worth $200,000 for 4.4 million, that's how they laundry the money). YOU JUST WENT AGAINST OUR JUDICIAL SYSTEM and made an innocent till proven guilty man guilty, and a Guilty woman till proven innocent let free. You do realize Hillary obstructed justice when she destroyed federal subpoenaed evidence and paid for her IT guys lawyer fees who was caught online asking how to destroy evidence that the feds asked for=crime and people told her IT guy it was a crime.

YOu guys have been trying to get something on the Clintons for 25 years now... you've spent hundreds of millions in investigations and have accused these people of everything up to and including murder and you've gotten next to nothing for all these efforts.

"Woooo.. Bill lied about getting a blow job and Hillary used the wrong email."
The answer to your 25 years nothing sticks comment opens up the bigger issue that you turn a blind eye to:
The reason for no prosecutions:

This is a list of dead people connected with the Clintons:

James McDougal - Clinton's convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement.
He was a key witness in Ken Starr's investigation.
Mary Mahoney - A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown. The murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.
Vince Foster - Former white House councelor, and colleague of Hillery Clinton at Little Rock's Rose law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide.
Ron Brown - Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown's skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors.C. Victor Raiser II - & - Montgomery raiser Major players in the Clintonfund raising organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992.
Paul Tulley - Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock, September 1992. Described by Clinton as a "Dear friend and trusted advisor".Ed Willey - Clinton fund raiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in Virginia of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events.
Jerry Parks - Head of Clinton's gubernatorial security team in Little Rock. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock. Park's son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton. He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house.
James Bunch - Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a"Black Book" of people containing names of influential people who visitedprostitutes in Texas and Arkansas.
James Wilson - Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hangingsuicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater.
Kathy Ferguson - Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson died in May 1994 was found dead in her living roon with a gunshot to her head. It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she was going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a codefendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones.
Bill Shelton - Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson. Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June, 1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the gravesite of his fiancee.
Gandy Baugh - Attorney for Clinton friend Dan Lassater died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a convicted drug distributor.
Florence Martin - Accountant subcontractor for the CIA related to the Barry Seal Mena Airport drug smuggling case. Died of three gunshot wounds.
Suzzane Coleman - Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.
Paula Grober - Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.
Danny Casolaro - Investigative reporter. Investigating Mena Airport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparent suicide in the middle of his investigation.
Paul Wilcher - Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with Casolaro and the 1980 "October Surprise" was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993 in his Washington DC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet Reno 3 weeks before his death.
Jon Parnell Walker - Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust Corp. jumped to his death from his Arlington, Virginia apartment balcony August 15, 1993 Was investigating Morgan Guarantee scandal.
Barbara Wise - Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with RonBrown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her bruised nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of Commerce.
Charles Meissner - Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang a special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.
Dr. Stanley Heard - Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton's advisory council personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather and brother.
Barry Seal - Drug running pilot out of Mena Arkansas, Death was no accident.
Johnny Lawhorn Jr. - Mechanic, found a check made out to Clinton in the trunk of a car left in his repair shop. Died when his car hit a utility pole.
Stanley Huggins - Suicide. Investigated Madison Guarantee. His report was never released.
Hershell Friday - Attorney and Clinton fund raiser died March 1, 1994 when his plane exploded.
Kevin Ives & Don Henry - Known as "The boys on the track" case. Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug operation. Controversial case where initial report of death was due to falling asleep on railroad track. Later reports claim the 2 boys had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to the case died before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.

Famous Journalist Who Exposed Hillary Clinton’s Crimes Found Dead At 54.
A journalist from the American free press Victor Thorn has been found dead. Police reports indicate that he died from a self inflicted gun shot wound and has ruled his death as a suicide. He has been a critic of the Clinton family and has a huge vast amount of knowledge on the couple.

WikiLeaks Director and founder of the Centre for Investigative Journalism Gavin MacFadyen has died recently as well as that campaign whistle blower
Seth Rich a 27-Year-Old DNC staffer shot &
murdered in Northwest DC.

Most recent:
Federal Prosecutor Working On Voter Fraud Found Dead

MIAMI, Florida, USA ( – The former director of the Economic and Social Assistance Fund[1] (FAES), Klaus Eberwein, was declared dead by suicide by the Miami Medical Examiner after his body was found in a South Dade motel on Thursday.

Eberwein’s death came a day before he would have testified before a Haiti Senate Committee on the management of the PetroCaribe fund and to alleged misappropriation of international donor funds by the Clinton Foundation following the 2010 earthquake.

“He shot himself in the head,” said Veronica Lamar, Miami-Dade medical examiner records supervisor. She listed his time of death at 12:19 p.m. The address where Eberwein’s body was discovered according to police, 14501 S. Dixie Hwy., is a Quality Inn.

Eberwein was scheduled to appear Tuesday before the Haitian Senate’s Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, the head of the commission, Sen. Evalière Beauplan (Nord-Ouest/PONT) confirmed. The commission is investigating the management of PetroCaribe funds. He was also widely expected to testify that the Clinton Foundation misappropriated Haiti earthquake donations from international donors.

A supporter of former Haitian President Michel Martelly, Eberwein served as director general of the government’s economic development agency, Fonds d’assistance économique et social, better known as FAES. He held the position from May 2012 until February 2015 when he was replaced.
So they escape earthly punishment. Big deal. I'm satisfied just to know they'll spend eternity in Hell. Couldn't happen to a better couple.

I honestly have to wonder about anyone who hopes that people they dislike are punished for all eternity. What kind of hate do you have in your heart to really make that the basis of your religious belief?

That's all kind of fucked up, man.

Say what you want about the Clintons, and I've said plenty, but millions of people benefited from the things they've done.
The answer to your 25 years nothing sticks comment opens up the bigger issue that you turn a blind eye to:
The reason for no prosecutions:

This is a list of dead people connected with the Clintons:

Dude, you just went into crazy town with the Clinton Death List. I didn't know you guys were still treating that as a thing.
So they escape earthly punishment. Big deal. I'm satisfied just to know they'll spend eternity in Hell. Couldn't happen to a better couple.

I honestly have to wonder about anyone who hopes that people they dislike are punished for all eternity. What kind of hate do you have in your heart to really make that the basis of your religious belief?

That's all kind of fucked up, man.

Say what you want about the Clintons, and I've said plenty, but millions of people benefited from the things they've done.

They've had many people killed and caused misery and death with their drug and gun running.
The Haitians didn't benefit from their latest Foundation scam. In fact, they robbed the country.
The answer to your 25 years nothing sticks comment opens up the bigger issue that you turn a blind eye to:
The reason for no prosecutions:

This is a list of dead people connected with the Clintons:

Dude, you just went into crazy town with the Clinton Death List. I didn't know you guys were still treating that as a thing.

Their families are treating the deaths as a "thing."
The answer to your 25 years nothing sticks comment opens up the bigger issue that you turn a blind eye to:
The reason for no prosecutions:

This is a list of dead people connected with the Clintons:

Dude, you just went into crazy town with the Clinton Death List. I didn't know you guys were still treating that as a thing.

The fact you think all those whistleblower deaths are normal is proof there is something wrong with the liberal mind.
When deaths of outspoken opponents surrounded Saddam, Castro,
Idi Amin, was that OK?
When death surrounds Mob bosses whistleblowers is that Ok?
Answer: affiliation pride.
Your reply did not address those deaths it revictimizes the victims and shows how 25 year crime sprees can exist through liberal complacency.
The answer to your 25 years nothing sticks comment opens up the bigger issue that you turn a blind eye to:
The reason for no prosecutions:

This is a list of dead people connected with the Clintons:

Dude, you just went into crazy town with the Clinton Death List. I didn't know you guys were still treating that as a thing.

The fact you think all those whistleblower deaths are normal is proof there is something wrong with the liberal mind.
When deaths of outspoken opponents surrounded Saddam, Castro,
Idi Amin, was that OK?
When death surrounds Mob bosses whistleblowers is that Ok?
Answer: affiliation pride.
Your reply did not address those deaths it revictimizes the victims and shows how 25 year crime sprees can exist through liberal complacency.
we don't believe the bull shit you post that you've copy and pasted because it's bull crud...why dont you spend time FACT CHECKING your own list, so YOU can see you've been fooled?

take the wikileaks guy you listed as Clinton murders, he died of LUNG CANCER at 76, for goodness sake!

get a brain! stop making us do your fact checking for YOU!
The answer to your 25 years nothing sticks comment opens up the bigger issue that you turn a blind eye to:
The reason for no prosecutions:

This is a list of dead people connected with the Clintons:

Dude, you just went into crazy town with the Clinton Death List. I didn't know you guys were still treating that as a thing.

The fact you think all those whistleblower deaths are normal is proof there is something wrong with the liberal mind.
When deaths of outspoken opponents surrounded Saddam, Castro,
Idi Amin, was that OK?
When death surrounds Mob bosses whistleblowers is that Ok?
Answer: affiliation pride.
Your reply did not address those deaths it revictimizes the victims and shows how 25 year crime sprees can exist through liberal complacency.
we don't believe the bull shit you post that you've copy and pasted because it's bull crud...why dont you spend time FACT CHECKING your own list, so YOU can see you've been fooled?

take the wikileaks guy you listed as Clinton murders, he died of LUNG CANCER at 76, for goodness sake!

get a brain! stop making us do your fact checking for YOU!
That's your refutation, to call something copy and paste as if that would change the facts, and then selectively dispute one of 40 facts without sources and avoid 39?
Response check=ad hominem=failed response. Just like your candidate, cheated but still failed, made excuses,responded with personal attacks to avoid substance.
We should not be surprised, being you guys selectively ignore 39 things Hillary did to mess up foreign relations to point out the 1, one, um 1n uh.....can you find somwhere she hasn't blundered as Sec of State?
The answer to your 25 years nothing sticks comment opens up the bigger issue that you turn a blind eye to:
The reason for no prosecutions:

This is a list of dead people connected with the Clintons:

Dude, you just went into crazy town with the Clinton Death List. I didn't know you guys were still treating that as a thing.

The fact you think all those whistleblower deaths are normal is proof there is something wrong with the liberal mind.
When deaths of outspoken opponents surrounded Saddam, Castro,
Idi Amin, was that OK?
When death surrounds Mob bosses whistleblowers is that Ok?
Answer: affiliation pride.
Your reply did not address those deaths it revictimizes the victims and shows how 25 year crime sprees can exist through liberal complacency.
we don't believe the bull shit you post that you've copy and pasted because it's bull crud...why dont you spend time FACT CHECKING your own list, so YOU can see you've been fooled?

take the wikileaks guy you listed as Clinton murders, he died of LUNG CANCER at 76, for goodness sake!

get a brain! stop making us do your fact checking for YOU!

Only Trump can get himself in trouble, no one can make it up and create his illegalities.
Surely you are not that naive.

All of us break the law in some fashion almost daily simply because it has grown so complex, but even aside from that, a politically motivated investigation can be in effect merely a fishing expedition.

What is the crime that was committed by someone for which this investigation was launched?

'Colluding' is not a crime in and of itself. It must be done for the sake of another activity which is the alleged crime.

There is no crime, this is all merely a distraction from Hillary Clintons crimes and of others in the Republican and Democrat Establishment.
Honestly Jim, you really ought to spend some time reading newspapers on this to inform yourself....the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, the NYTimes, Business Insider are all following the investigation and doing investigative reporting themselves. Several investigative series on this that are Pulitzer prize winning material...

The Investigation began as a Counter Intelligence investigation in to the Russian meddling and Interference in our election process and while investigating this, they found several allegedly criminal acts by the Trump campaign that were connected to the Russians...a possible conspiracy by Trump campaigners with the Russians....which are possibly criminal.

That is what was announced that they were investigating before Comey was fired...the Counter Intel Investigation in to Russian Interference along with possible criminal activity connected to the Russians by the Trump Campaign.

This is not the average joe citizen breaking the law by speeding or messing up on their tax returns....stop trying to fool yourself in to believing that kind of thing is what they are looking to hang them or him, on. Mueller is way way above that kind of unethical nonsense...

Whatever they are investigating them on, is serious, serious enough to bring on 16 prosecutors to head the various different investigations the FBI is working on.
So what is the crime committed that is being investigated?

We meddle in foreign elections all the time, but it is somehow a crime for Russians to do it?

How so?
It's always been a crime, we just have no way to punish them or a way to force them to give themselves up and have a trial....thus we kick Russian Ambassadors out of the country or add sanctions...

it isn't a crime they are investigating Trump campaign for, it is multiple crimes among the top example Flynn....they have Flynn on breaking the law on multiple different accounts and they are growing as we speak, and now even his sonn who is in the same firm as Flynn coming in to answer questions....

Plus they have flynn on being paid to work a nuclear reactor deal still while he was the NSA director and making workers at the National Security meet with these people from Saudi Arabia and Russia about this nuke deal he was getting paid to set can not get any swampier than Flynn.....he was a "Pay for Player, every which way imaginable"....

Then they are on to Manafort, for more than likely money laundering for the Russians and also breaking several laws on being a foreign agent without claiming such....but the money laundering could be the biggie and lead to an entire mobster like set up....

Then you have Kushner, up to his eyeballs in debt for buying,

666 5th Avenue, NYC, NY

And meeting secretly with Russian bankers one week before Trump won and two weeks after he won, cuz there is no one left in the world he can borrow from for the building, and the Russian bank he met with IS UNDER SANCTIONS, Americans can not deal with them...

Then you have the entire Trump campaign upper echelon meeting with all kinds of Russian operatives for Putin...maybe as many as 50 to a hundred meetings of all sorts, that Mueller is trying to get to the bottom of, and Pres Trump claiming the entire time he had nothing to do with the Russians and his campaign had nothing to do with the Russians...

Then this past week we find out that Donald Trump, while he was campaigning for President was trying to work a deal with the oligarch's and Putin to let him put up a trump tower in moscow...he would not build it, the oligarchs would, but he would get a cut for using his name, like 30% of the profits without putting any money down....having his lawyer send notes to Putin's right arm and stuff....

I'm telling ya, the very best spy novelist could not write a more suspenseful story...the pages can not turn quick enough!!!

Go to the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post and search Mueller Russia Investigation, Trump Campaign, Trump and Putin and begin reading the articles starting in January of this year and everyone after that....

You have a lot of catching up to do!

Actually you have a lot of catching up to do, your tabloid news sources are always wrong and always manipulating you the audience.
Flynn 'could have' been brokering deals to help protect US interests as Saudis are Allies against Iranian agressions, the concept of protecting Saudis interest is protecting US interest and letting them take the initiative of protection relieves us of the financial and risk burdens. Also since the Trump team was coordinating surprise attacks on Isis in Syria first day in office, that coordination takes communications with the Russians before elections, that's why lying about classified meetings, "that's why it's a surprise".
If anything, the DNC rant about Russians that they themselves were meeting, was done to protect it's Pakistani hackers incident which was a scandal they would not be able to divulge without losing the election, enter the Russian ruse to divert attentions.
This Russia Russia Russia narrative sabotaged and released classified
and covert strategic meetings that put at risk & violated the US plan to strike Isis when least expected-during transition when Isis assumes us most vulnerable. The DNC and MSM if anything tried to INADVERTANTLY broadcast our moves when it was trying to cover up it's own debacles and use the media as a propaganda tool to subvert the new administration for political means with disregard for the safety of our nation.

Now on to your mistaken Kushner narrative.
He never bit into the Russian banker bait, that the Russian ambassador set up.
Remember the same Russian Ambassador
that Obama met 21 times and probably set up Kushner. How do we know this?
Because why would Obama lie about surveillance and the Ambassador unless he was using him as his agent to spy or set up his political opponents?
Why would Susan Rice Lie if nothing illegal or unscrupulous was being done?
The context of the lie and the activity point towards The left trying to cheat the election, ironically using the Russians in doing so.
Ironically the Russian lawyer claimed to have proof Russia was helping Hillary, but the MSM spined that and claimed it was dirt on Hillary, well that dirt was this Russian involvement to help her election but the Lawyer just used the intro to lobby her adoption pitch like she did for the DNC members as well.
Fact: you were worried about a man not yet an official employee of the Trump team (Kushner), who never worked a deal with the Russian banker who Obama probably set up,
but are not concerned about Podesta, his brother and Hillary doing nuke deals and bank deals in obvious scandals.
That does not just make you a hypocrit, it makes you a devious propagandist with ill intentions.
What are those intentions eh?
We see the intent is always to undermine our country, undermine peace, stability, success, and subvert our gov't.
Our enemies are proud of you guys, they even have a medal for you guys, it's a bronze medal with the portrait of the Lloyd and Harry the characters from Dumb and Dumber in the front.
. If anything the people should be worried more about the Demon-crat machine blackmailing Trump than any foriegn government could ever dream of. The more Trump wobbles, the more the blackmailing appears to be hitting home with him. They may just be successful at taking down a president, and then molding him into one of their own with the biggest blackmail attempt the nation has ever seen.
Surely you are not that naive.

All of us break the law in some fashion almost daily simply because it has grown so complex, but even aside from that, a politically motivated investigation can be in effect merely a fishing expedition.

What is the crime that was committed by someone for which this investigation was launched?

'Colluding' is not a crime in and of itself. It must be done for the sake of another activity which is the alleged crime.

There is no crime, this is all merely a distraction from Hillary Clintons crimes and of others in the Republican and Democrat Establishment.
Honestly Jim, you really ought to spend some time reading newspapers on this to inform yourself....the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, the NYTimes, Business Insider are all following the investigation and doing investigative reporting themselves. Several investigative series on this that are Pulitzer prize winning material...

The Investigation began as a Counter Intelligence investigation in to the Russian meddling and Interference in our election process and while investigating this, they found several allegedly criminal acts by the Trump campaign that were connected to the Russians...a possible conspiracy by Trump campaigners with the Russians....which are possibly criminal.

That is what was announced that they were investigating before Comey was fired...the Counter Intel Investigation in to Russian Interference along with possible criminal activity connected to the Russians by the Trump Campaign.

This is not the average joe citizen breaking the law by speeding or messing up on their tax returns....stop trying to fool yourself in to believing that kind of thing is what they are looking to hang them or him, on. Mueller is way way above that kind of unethical nonsense...

Whatever they are investigating them on, is serious, serious enough to bring on 16 prosecutors to head the various different investigations the FBI is working on.
So what is the crime committed that is being investigated?

We meddle in foreign elections all the time, but it is somehow a crime for Russians to do it?

How so?
It's always been a crime, we just have no way to punish them or a way to force them to give themselves up and have a trial....thus we kick Russian Ambassadors out of the country or add sanctions...

it isn't a crime they are investigating Trump campaign for, it is multiple crimes among the top example Flynn....they have Flynn on breaking the law on multiple different accounts and they are growing as we speak, and now even his sonn who is in the same firm as Flynn coming in to answer questions....

Plus they have flynn on being paid to work a nuclear reactor deal still while he was the NSA director and making workers at the National Security meet with these people from Saudi Arabia and Russia about this nuke deal he was getting paid to set can not get any swampier than Flynn.....he was a "Pay for Player, every which way imaginable"....

Then they are on to Manafort, for more than likely money laundering for the Russians and also breaking several laws on being a foreign agent without claiming such....but the money laundering could be the biggie and lead to an entire mobster like set up....

Then you have Kushner, up to his eyeballs in debt for buying,

666 5th Avenue, NYC, NY

And meeting secretly with Russian bankers one week before Trump won and two weeks after he won, cuz there is no one left in the world he can borrow from for the building, and the Russian bank he met with IS UNDER SANCTIONS, Americans can not deal with them...

Then you have the entire Trump campaign upper echelon meeting with all kinds of Russian operatives for Putin...maybe as many as 50 to a hundred meetings of all sorts, that Mueller is trying to get to the bottom of, and Pres Trump claiming the entire time he had nothing to do with the Russians and his campaign had nothing to do with the Russians...

Then this past week we find out that Donald Trump, while he was campaigning for President was trying to work a deal with the oligarch's and Putin to let him put up a trump tower in moscow...he would not build it, the oligarchs would, but he would get a cut for using his name, like 30% of the profits without putting any money down....having his lawyer send notes to Putin's right arm and stuff....

I'm telling ya, the very best spy novelist could not write a more suspenseful story...the pages can not turn quick enough!!!

Go to the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post and search Mueller Russia Investigation, Trump Campaign, Trump and Putin and begin reading the articles starting in January of this year and everyone after that....

You have a lot of catching up to do!

Actually you have a lot of catching up to do, your tabloid news sources are always wrong and always manipulating you the audience.
Flynn 'could have' been brokering deals to help protect US interests as Saudis are Allies against Iranian agressions, the concept of protecting Saudis interest is protecting US interest and letting them take the initiative of protection relieves us of the financial and risk burdens. Also since the Trump team was coordinating surprise attacks on Isis in Syria first day in office, that coordination takes communications with the Russians before elections, that's why lying about classified meetings, "that's why it's a surprise".
If anything, the DNC rant about Russians that they themselves were meeting, was done to protect it's Pakistani hackers incident which was a scandal they would not be able to divulge without losing the election, enter the Russian ruse to divert attentions.
This Russia Russia Russia narrative sabotaged and released classified
and covert strategic meetings that put at risk & violated the US plan to strike Isis when least expected-during transition when Isis assumes us most vulnerable. The DNC and MSM if anything tried to INADVERTANTLY broadcast our moves when it was trying to cover up it's own debacles and use the media as a propaganda tool to subvert the new administration for political means with disregard for the safety of our nation.

Now on to your mistaken Kushner narrative.
He never bit into the Russian banker bait, that the Russian ambassador set up.
Remember the same Russian Ambassador
that Obama met 21 times and probably set up Kushner. How do we know this?
Because why would Obama lie about surveillance and the Ambassador unless he was using him as his agent to spy or set up his political opponents?
Why would Susan Rice Lie if nothing illegal or unscrupulous was being done?
The context of the lie and the activity point towards The left trying to cheat the election, ironically using the Russians in doing so.
Ironically the Russian lawyer claimed to have proof Russia was helping Hillary, but the MSM spined that and claimed it was dirt on Hillary, well that dirt was this Russian involvement to help her election but the Lawyer just used the intro to lobby her adoption pitch like she did for the DNC members as well.
Fact: you were worried about a man not yet an official employee of the Trump team (Kushner), who never worked a deal with the Russian banker who Obama probably set up,
but are not concerned about Podesta, his brother and Hillary doing nuke deals and bank deals in obvious scandals.
That does not just make you a hypocrit, it makes you a devious propagandist with ill intentions.
What are those intentions eh?
We see the intent is always to undermine our country, undermine peace, stability, success, and subvert our gov't.
Our enemies are proud of you guys, they even have a medal for you guys, it's a bronze medal with the portrait of the Lloyd and Harry the characters from Dumb and Dumber in the front.
. If anything the people should be worried more about the Demon-crat machine blackmailing Trump than any foriegn government could ever dream of. The more Trump wobbles, the more the blackmailing appears to be hitting home with him. They may just be successful at taking down a president, and then molding him into one of their own with the biggest blackmail attempt the nation has ever seen.

After all, the Chicago political machine is only one notch below the KGB.
The Demon-crats should be on blackmail watch from here on out, because everything is pointing to exactly that. And what's amazing is that they are using our own system to do it without us thinking about it in this way. It's pure blackmail is what it is, because they haven't had any evidence about the collusion, yet they keep the pressure going in order to make Trump feel as if they could frame him with it anyway, and when that wouldn't work, then they were on to something else. It appears that they have almost pulled it off. Wow.
They've had many people killed and caused misery and death with their drug and gun running.
The Haitians didn't benefit from their latest Foundation scam. In fact, they robbed the country.

You need to stop getting Alternative Facts from Hate Radio, it's making you stupid..

Naw, who am I kidding, you were probably always stupid.
The fact you think all those whistleblower deaths are normal is proof there is something wrong with the liberal mind.
When deaths of outspoken opponents surrounded Saddam, Castro,
Idi Amin, was that OK?
When death surrounds Mob bosses whistleblowers is that Ok?

Because you are delving into crazy ass conspiracy theories with no evidence?

Here's the thing. Ken Starr actually investigated Vince Foster's suicide. He had hundreds of FBI agents combing Fort Marcy Park looking for evidence. And he came up with exactly what the two previous investigators came up with... the guy killed himself because he was depressed about the way the Media savaged the job he was doing.

And that was your best case, where someone actually died by violence.
The fact you think all those whistleblower deaths are normal is proof there is something wrong with the liberal mind.
When deaths of outspoken opponents surrounded Saddam, Castro,
Idi Amin, was that OK?
When death surrounds Mob bosses whistleblowers is that Ok?

Because you are delving into crazy ass conspiracy theories with no evidence?

Here's the thing. Ken Starr actually investigated Vince Foster's suicide. He had hundreds of FBI agents combing Fort Marcy Park looking for evidence. And he came up with exactly what the two previous investigators came up with... the guy killed himself because he was depressed about the way the Media savaged the job he was doing.

And that was your best case, where someone actually died by violence.

I merely posted all the magical mystery deaths that's all.
And You Just burned your party which whole year has been spent with rediculous conspiracies, wearing tin foil hats rocking back and forth wide eyed from lack of sleep and suddenly longing for Play-doh, obviously having an episode resorting them back to childhood. That being said your replies to me and others are not refutations and according to your standard, when Saddam got to power and he sent his opposers out the room and they dissapeared, their deaths are mere coincidental and your a conspiracy nut to think otherwise.
That's your logic to reality.
When mob witnesses dissapear their deaths are coincidental and saying otherwise is conspiratory, according to your reasoning.
I'd like to remind you:
Your party track record calling things conspiratory has been 100 % off thus far.
A lot of lying in your party to cover that up, a lot of displaced blamebut 100% innacurate discernment and reporting on "conspiratory topics".
That being said, your selective recognition
is an ad hominem response, and denial is an affiliation problem.
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