Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.

well even if they did collude, it isn't a crime.
Who says?

The answer is, it depends....

If the Trump team worked to distribute or direct the release of the stolen emails by the Russians in a manner that benefited themselves...

Or if the Trump team promised something in return for the Russian govt help, such as removing the USA sanctions put on them for their aggression in Crimea......
how do you prove that? the man with the emails said where he got them from.
Through a paper trail or text/email trail......

Also, you do not know if Mueller also retrieved THE DNC server or Podesta server since Comey left.....the END did not trust the FBI after they intentionally made moves to hurt Clinton,

But the Mueller investigation was different....more trust worthy.....or Mueller could have subpoenaed the servers.....

The Mueller team is not big on innuendo, they will have proof on paper, proving their indictments.....
to date, not one person outside the DNC has looked at their server. we know this.

Mueller will not investigate that that would lead him to the democrats. it is quite apparent today.
That's simply not true....the cyber security expert firm they hired reviewed it, and they sent their analysis to three other cyber security firms for pier review, they also sent their analysis to the FBI with copies of the sever needed for support.
correct that they, the DNC, hired. too funny. not one agency of the government. stop making me laugh! please.
Neither side should be celebrating or worried.

This is simply part of the investigation that is needed...

It can prove or disprove whether the Trump Team conspired to collude.....

If Trump and team are innocent as claimed, this is the physical evidence that can confirm he is telling the truth.
well even if they did collude, it isn't a crime.
Who says?

The answer is, it depends....

If the Trump team worked to distribute or direct the release of the stolen emails by the Russians in a manner that benefited themselves...

Or if the Trump team promised something in return for the Russian govt help, such as removing the USA sanctions put on them for their aggression in Crimea......
how do you prove that? the man with the emails said where he got them from.
Through a paper trail or text/email trail......

Also, you do not know if Mueller also retrieved THE DNC server or Podesta server since Comey left.....the DNC did not trust the FBI after they intentionally made moves to hurt Clinton,

But the Mueller investigation was different....more trust worthy.....or Mueller could have subpoenaed the servers.....

The Mueller team is not big on innuendo, they will have proof on paper, proving their indictments.....

There is nothing Trustworthy About Mueller. Nothing Trustworthy about you.

Until Mueller starts Investigating Christopher Steele, how the money from Clinton, Obama, and The DNC was funneled to him to pay Russian KGB Agents for Russian Propaganda used to try to Rig an Election, used by you, and every Libtard in here to try to destabilize our Republic and Sow Discord, Mueller is a Putin Pawn.
Says the Russian tool.....

well even if they did collude, it isn't a crime.
Who says?

The answer is, it depends....

If the Trump team worked to distribute or direct the release of the stolen emails by the Russians in a manner that benefited themselves...

Or if the Trump team promised something in return for the Russian govt help, such as removing the USA sanctions put on them for their aggression in Crimea......
how do you prove that? the man with the emails said where he got them from.
Through a paper trail or text/email trail......

Also, you do not know if Mueller also retrieved THE DNC server or Podesta server since Comey left.....the DNC did not trust the FBI after they intentionally made moves to hurt Clinton,

But the Mueller investigation was different....more trust worthy.....or Mueller could have subpoenaed the servers.....

The Mueller team is not big on innuendo, they will have proof on paper, proving their indictments.....

There is nothing Trustworthy About Mueller. Nothing Trustworthy about you.

Until Mueller starts Investigating Christopher Steele, how the money from Clinton, Obama, and The DNC was funneled to him to pay Russian KGB Agents for Russian Propaganda used to try to Rig an Election, used by you, and every Libtard in here to try to destabilize our Republic and Sow Discord, Mueller is a Putin Pawn.
Says the Russian tool.....

what kind of russian tool are you?
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.

NBC News is now reporting that Mueller has sent a subpoena to an unnamed witness that appears to hint at just how wide a net Mueller has cast. NBC reports that the subpoena suggests Mueller is focused, among other things, on determining what Trump himself knew about Russian sabotage of the 2016 election as it was happening.

The subpoena demands a range of documents that involve Trump himself, in addition to nine of his top campaign advisers and associates. The documents solicited include emails, text messages, work papers and telephone logs dating back to November 2015, about four months after Trump declared his presidential candidacy.

Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.
Mueller's wide net has caught a few guppies, despite his employing some of the most biased assholes in FBI history.

Wow, you must have tons of insider information. Please name these most biased FBI agents, and let us know how to further expose them. Oh, and BTW, please post the evidence so we can inform IA and have theses "biased assholes" fired and indicted.
So fucking ridiculous OP. So let's get this straight, Mueller is gunning for Trump in hopes he knew about Russian meddling in our election, all the while our POTUS Obama did know about the Russian meddling and did nothing about it. Get a grip people, you're not going to get what you hope for.

Obama closed down Russian "spy-houses" and expelled several Russian spies......Had he done MORE in announcing the meddling by Putin AND had trump lost the election, morons like you would be SCREAMING at the democrats' putting their thumb on the scale....Be honest and admit it.

Obama DID make a mistake in not announcing how Putin wanted Trump the puppet in the WH.....perhaps Obama;s greatest failure in avoiding your anger.

If dems are so interested in russian meddling why wont they turn over their servers?
well even if they did collude, it isn't a crime.
Who says?

The answer is, it depends....

If the Trump team worked to distribute or direct the release of the stolen emails by the Russians in a manner that benefited themselves...

Or if the Trump team promised something in return for the Russian govt help, such as removing the USA sanctions put on them for their aggression in Crimea......
how do you prove that? the man with the emails said where he got them from.
Through a paper trail or text/email trail......

Also, you do not know if Mueller also retrieved THE DNC server or Podesta server since Comey left.....the DNC did not trust the FBI after they intentionally made moves to hurt Clinton,

But the Mueller investigation was different....more trust worthy.....or Mueller could have subpoenaed the servers.....

The Mueller team is not big on innuendo, they will have proof on paper, proving their indictments.....

There is nothing Trustworthy About Mueller. Nothing Trustworthy about you.

Until Mueller starts Investigating Christopher Steele, how the money from Clinton, Obama, and The DNC was funneled to him to pay Russian KGB Agents for Russian Propaganda used to try to Rig an Election, used by you, and every Libtard in here to try to destabilize our Republic and Sow Discord, Mueller is a Putin Pawn.
Says the Russian tool.....

This Russian Tool?



Look out Bob Mueller is on The Case!
Mueller is now investigating whether the UAE meddled in the election. How freaking lame. I guess he's going to hang in for all the $$$$$ he's getting. What a dirty piece of shit.

He is?

Absolutely. He's such a dirty son of a bitch. Mueller the dirty cop that he is completely ignores the obvious with all the donations going to the Clinton Foundation by the Ukrainians and the Gulf States and all Hillary's pay to play schemes. Pfffffffffffffffffft. The man is turning into a smellier POS than a shit that my dog takes after having snorked a piece of limburger cheese.

Mueller’s Focus on Adviser to Emirates Suggests Broader Investigation

Mueller’s Focus on Adviser to Emirates Suggests Broader Investigation
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.

NBC News is now reporting that Mueller has sent a subpoena to an unnamed witness that appears to hint at just how wide a net Mueller has cast. NBC reports that the subpoena suggests Mueller is focused, among other things, on determining what Trump himself knew about Russian sabotage of the 2016 election as it was happening.

The subpoena demands a range of documents that involve Trump himself, in addition to nine of his top campaign advisers and associates. The documents solicited include emails, text messages, work papers and telephone logs dating back to November 2015, about four months after Trump declared his presidential candidacy.

Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.

So fucking ridiculous OP. So let's get this straight, Mueller is gunning for Trump in hopes he knew about Russian meddling in our election, all the while our POTUS Obama did know about the Russian meddling and did nothing about it. Get a grip people, you're not going to get what you hope for.
except that isn't what he said. but hey, nice fake poster.
At the time, Trump criticized the sanctions. “It’s time for our country to move on to bigger and better things,” he said in a statement.

Share The Facts
Donald Trump
President of the United States

"I never said Russia did not meddle in the election."
Twitter – Sunday, February 18, 2018
Mueller is now investigating whether the UAE meddled in the election. How freaking lame. I guess he's going to hang in for all the $$$$$ he's getting. What a dirty piece of shit.

He is?

Absolutely. He's such a dirty son of a bitch. Mueller the dirty cop that he is completely ignores the obvious with all the donations going to the Clinton Foundation by the Ukrainians and the Gulf States and all Hillary's pay to play schemes. Pfffffffffffffffffft. The man is turning into a smellier POS than a shit that my dog takes after having snorked a piece of limburger cheese.

Mueller’s Focus on Adviser to Emirates Suggests Broader Investigation

Mueller’s Focus on Adviser to Emirates Suggests Broader Investigation
One thing you will never hear......

Mueller Investigating Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS!

Mueller will have to read about it in the paper just like Obama always did.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.

NBC News is now reporting that Mueller has sent a subpoena to an unnamed witness that appears to hint at just how wide a net Mueller has cast. NBC reports that the subpoena suggests Mueller is focused, among other things, on determining what Trump himself knew about Russian sabotage of the 2016 election as it was happening.

The subpoena demands a range of documents that involve Trump himself, in addition to nine of his top campaign advisers and associates. The documents solicited include emails, text messages, work papers and telephone logs dating back to November 2015, about four months after Trump declared his presidential candidacy.

Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.

So fucking ridiculous OP. So let's get this straight, Mueller is gunning for Trump in hopes he knew about Russian meddling in our election, all the while our POTUS Obama did know about the Russian meddling and did nothing about it. Get a grip people, you're not going to get what you hope for.
except that isn't what he said. but hey, nice fake poster.
At the time, Trump criticized the sanctions. “It’s time for our country to move on to bigger and better things,” he said in a statement.

Share The Facts
Donald Trump
President of the United States

"I never said Russia did not meddle in the election."
Twitter – Sunday, February 18, 2018

FactCheck are left wing whacko tools.
Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.

So fucking ridiculous OP. So let's get this straight, Mueller is gunning for Trump in hopes he knew about Russian meddling in our election, all the while our POTUS Obama did know about the Russian meddling and did nothing about it. Get a grip people, you're not going to get what you hope for.
except that isn't what he said. but hey, nice fake poster.
At the time, Trump criticized the sanctions. “It’s time for our country to move on to bigger and better things,” he said in a statement.

Share The Facts
Donald Trump
President of the United States

"I never said Russia did not meddle in the election."
Twitter – Sunday, February 18, 2018

FactCheck are left wing whacko tools.
The truth is scary!
Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.

So fucking ridiculous OP. So let's get this straight, Mueller is gunning for Trump in hopes he knew about Russian meddling in our election, all the while our POTUS Obama did know about the Russian meddling and did nothing about it. Get a grip people, you're not going to get what you hope for.
except that isn't what he said. but hey, nice fake poster.
At the time, Trump criticized the sanctions. “It’s time for our country to move on to bigger and better things,” he said in a statement.

Share The Facts
Donald Trump
President of the United States

"I never said Russia did not meddle in the election."
Twitter – Sunday, February 18, 2018

FactCheck are left wing whacko tools.
Nope, media bias has them at least biased.
Its on tape, such as Lester Holt interview, "You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story", Trump said.
At a February 2017 press conference, Trump said, “The whole Russian thing, that’s a ruse. That’s a ruse.”
One of his tweets, "This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!"
Another tweet, "As the phony Russian Witch Hunt continues, two groups are laughing at this excuse for a lost election taking hold, Democrats and Russians!"

And then Obama did nothing about this "russian ruse" aka phony witch hunt.
Trump cult members are finding it more difficult to daily defend the orange buffoon ....bless their little hearts (and half brains)......LOL
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.

NBC News is now reporting that Mueller has sent a subpoena to an unnamed witness that appears to hint at just how wide a net Mueller has cast. NBC reports that the subpoena suggests Mueller is focused, among other things, on determining what Trump himself knew about Russian sabotage of the 2016 election as it was happening.

The subpoena demands a range of documents that involve Trump himself, in addition to nine of his top campaign advisers and associates. The documents solicited include emails, text messages, work papers and telephone logs dating back to November 2015, about four months after Trump declared his presidential candidacy.

Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.
Trump should send Mueller to a gulag.

On what basis.

Just on general principle. It would make a lot of people happy that the swamp was being drained.
You're so funny. Don't you get it yet? Donnie and his buddies and fam are the swamp! LOL
So fucking ridiculous OP. So let's get this straight, Mueller is gunning for Trump in hopes he knew about Russian meddling in our election, all the while our POTUS Obama did know about the Russian meddling and did nothing about it. Get a grip people, you're not going to get what you hope for.
except that isn't what he said. but hey, nice fake poster.
At the time, Trump criticized the sanctions. “It’s time for our country to move on to bigger and better things,” he said in a statement.

Share The Facts
Donald Trump
President of the United States

"I never said Russia did not meddle in the election."
Twitter – Sunday, February 18, 2018

FactCheck are left wing whacko tools.
Nope, media bias has them at least biased.
Its on tape, such as Lester Holt interview, "You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story", Trump said.
At a February 2017 press conference, Trump said, “The whole Russian thing, that’s a ruse. That’s a ruse.”
One of his tweets, "This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!"
Another tweet, "As the phony Russian Witch Hunt continues, two groups are laughing at this excuse for a lost election taking hold, Democrats and Russians!"

And then Obama did nothing about this "russian ruse" aka phony witch hunt.

I don't give a flying rats ass that FactCheck has been approved by the progressives AKA media. Why the hell would I care that CNN likes them. Their funding is all left fucking wing big time.

Annenburg has become just a weapon of the left. Pity. Originally they were mid and main stream and believable. CBS also funds FACTCHECK. Yeah yeah that's the ticket. I'm supposed to believe them.

Not good enough, Marion. It takes time to build a case like this.

Are you one of those who are fine with how much of our taxes are being used for him golfing all the damn time? Funny how things have changed now that there's on longer a black man in the White House.

It's never good enough, is it?

What is good?

Is drag queens reading "It's okay to be gay" books to 5-year olds good?

I say no. If you believe in subjective morality, that's just my opinion.

However, if you believe in God, it's a fact.
Wow, you must have tons of insider information. Please name these most biased FBI agents, and let us know how to further expose them. Oh, and BTW, please post the evidence so we can inform IA and have theses "biased assholes" fired and indicted.
I understand that by Madcow and Moron Joe on MSNBC you might not have heard, but there really is a non-fake news free press out there:

Two FBI employees who exchanged texts critical of Donald Trump during the 2016 election campaigntalked about a “secret society that would be working against” the president, two Republican lawmakers revealed.

FBI Agent Peter Strzok, who had been part of investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server and Russian meddling in the election, exchanged texts with his then-mistress, Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer.

Among the messages were references to a “secret society” within the agency and the Department of Justice, Reps. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) said on Fox News’ “The Story with Martha MacCallum” Monday night.

Meanwhile, FBI Director Christopher Wray said Tuesday that his chief-of-staff, who also had worked for ex-Director James Comey, is leaving, Fox News reported

James Rybicki had helped Comey draft a statement clearing Clinton two months before Comey announced the end of the probe in July 2016.

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