‘Trump is a brother now’: Did Trump’s black support just SKYROCKET overnight?

More than that. Blacks are FINALLY realizing that the Democrat party isn't delivering on its vacuous promises. We are seeing a paradigm shift and the Democrat party hates it.
There is no paradigm shift. That’s in your head.
There is no paradigm shift. That’s in your head.
Fuck you and the Communist party you belong to. Face it! You lost the white working man, now on par to lose blacks as well. And Hispanics are guaranteed Conservative.
There is no "skyrocket" and it's insulting to the black community to assume that they would consider Trump a brother because he was arrested. It's all B.S.
There is no "skyrocket" and it's insulting to the black community to assume that they would consider Trump a brother because he was arrested. It's all B.S.
What's BS is you think in order for there to be a "real" Black, one has to stay on the Democrat plantation. Asshole!
Fuck you and the Communist party you belong to. Face it! You lost the white working man, now on par to lose blacks as well. And Hispanics are guaranteed Conservative.
Show an ounce of evidence to back that up. You’re talking out of your ass
What's BS is you think in order for there to be a "real" Black, one has to stay on the Democrat plantation. Asshole!
The knee jerk mostly left wing assumption that the black community supports Trump because he was arrested is a dangerous racist insult.
Let me see if i'm getting the narrative of this whole stupid OP straight. So, now the orange sack O' shit got indicted and got a mug shot, he is now supposed to relate to the very same black voters his tribe has disparaged for 7+ years?

Is this because we're supposed to believe black people are all about being so caught up in being on the bad side of our legal system that they can now suddenly relate with the white, billionaire orange sack O' shit ex-*pResident because he got arrested?

So now black people will vote for him en masse? :dunno:
Let me see if i'm getting the narrative of this whole stupid OP straight. So, now the orange sack O' shit got indicted and got a mug shot, he is now supposed to relate to the very same black voters his tribe has disparaged for 7+ years?

Is this because we're supposed to believe black people are all about being so caught up in being on the bad side of our legal system that they can now suddenly relate with the white, billionaire orange sack O' shit ex-*pResident because he got arrested?

So now black people will vote for him en masse? :dunno:
Right on cue! Your ASSumption that blacks MUST tow the Democrat party line is what's dangerous.
Blacks are FINALLY realizing that the Democrat party isn't delivering on its vacuous promises.

Trump said...what have you got to lose?

And they saw prosperity for 4 years with their own eyes. Now democrats tell then not to believe their lying eyes.
Can you expand your theory beyond "dipstick"? "Persecution" is another knee jerk racist assumption that doesn't hold water in the real world.
In this case, Commie, it is the RIGHT term to use. This is purely a political witchhunt.
According to AP VoteCast, Trump won 8 percent of the Black vote, about a 2 percentage-point gain on his 2016 numbers

Latino vote Democrat Joe Biden got 66 percent support in national exit polls, on par with Hillary Clinton’s 65 percent in 2016.

For instance, it drives home the fact that the non-college white population, while declining as a share of the electorate, remains quite large (they were about 44 percent of all voters in 2020), and Trump won 63 percent of them

Still didn't win. He has to keep his base.

People can vote for whom they choice.

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