Mueller Now Investigating Trump's Tweets As Obstruction Of Justice

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Now, according to the loonie libtarded fake investigation and outrage his tweets are obstruction of justice.

Ya, right, you try to obstruct justice right out in the open in front of the entire world to see. Now an opinion is considered a crime if you're a Republican President but if you commit an actual crime like Hillarious you just acted stupidly.

I think the libtarded left is going to finally implode.

Mueller Examining Trump’s Tweets in Wide-Ranging Obstruction Inquiry
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Ive been saying he needed to worry about obstruction and stfu about collusion ...

now Cohen is his main concern.

Ive been saying he needed to worry about obstruction and stfu about collusion ...

now Cohen is his main concern.


Ya, I know. Cohen is such a concern the best he could leak is a tape of him discussing setting up a company.

If he had anything he would have leaked it. If Manafort had anything he wouldn't be sitting in jail.

If the Democrats in Congress had anything it would've been leaked.

Now Mueller is just fishing around and Rudy told him to go pound sand.
Trump does not be able to stop himself from shooting himself in the foot, time and again and again and again...

Not exactly the brightest crayon in the box... nor the most stable. :badgrin:
They have been digging and digging to find at least something to compromise Trump and could NOT. For almost 2 years!

This may be their one and only only find:

Now, according to the loonie libtarded fake investigation and outrage his tweets are obstruction of justice.

Ya, right, you try to obstruct justice right out in the open in front of the entire world to see. Now an opinion is considered a crime if you're a Republican President but if you commit an actual crime like Hillarious you just acted stupidly.

I think the libtarded left is going to finally implode.

Mueller Examining Trump’s Tweets in Wide-Ranging Obstruction Inquiry

The Left is like a really intellectually challenged cuttlefish trying to solve a Rubik's Cube to open up the juicy center without bashing it against a rock. However, I think that after all the kid glove stupidity has failed, the bashing is sure to commence. Instead of a juicy, tasty center of impeachment, one of Clive Barker's Cenobites is gonna jump out--hooked chains first.
Ive been saying he needed to worry about obstruction and stfu about collusion ...

now Cohen is his main concern.


Ya, I know. Cohen is such a concern the best he could leak is a tape of him discussing setting up a company.

If he had anything he would have leaked it. If Manafort had anything he wouldn't be sitting in jail.

If the Democrats in Congress had anything it would've been leaked.

Now Mueller is just fishing around and Rudy told him to go pound sand.

the Feds now have over 100 Trump/Cohen tapes - some fishing trip.
Now Mueller is just fishing around and Rudy told him to go pound sand.

Rudy sold out to the devil and Mueller is going so sent all the trumpit's to Guantanamo Bay detention camp where their cages will be arranged in a big circle with a statue of da trumpit in the center. There they can all talk to each other about the good old days while throwing kisses to da master..

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