Mueller Reined In


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Video: AG office reining in a Mueller fishing expedition? - Hot Air

More than a few observers have been wondering if this entire Grand Jury excursion is turning into something of a fishing expedition and whether or not it might wind up being a huge bag of feed for the media circus even if nothing of substance comes of it.

That seems to be on the minds of the folks at the Attorney General’s office. Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein seemed to be throwing some cold water on those expectations today. In an interview with Chris Wallace he pretty much laid down the law and said that if Mueller was heading off into uncharted waters outside the realm of the Russia, Russia, Russiatales he was asked to investigate, he’d need to come back to the Justice Department and check in with them first.

If special counsel Robert Mueller finds any crime outside the scope of the federal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, then he’ll have to seek permission, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Sunday."

No fishing for you and your team, sir. Focus on the non-existent Trump-Russia 'Collusion'.
"Non-existent Russian Collusion". Trumpanzees see no Russian, speak no Russian and hear no Russian.

Don't worry Basque. Mueller has plenty to work with just with Junior's Russian lawyer friend and her "Russian orphans". She got a sweetheart deal on her client's money laundering case lawsuit. A deal so good even the lawyer was surprised.

Jeff Sessions settling the case for 3 cents on the dollar, and no admission of guilt. Her client get a slap on the wrist $3 million dollar fine and $227 million of fresh washed and pressed money. Hold the starch.

Trump's German banker, Deutchesbank, just paid a $100 million dollar fine for laundering Russian mobster money. Trump banks offshore after American banks stop lending to him. 6 bankruptcies. They'd had enough.

Mueller' hiring corruption specialist lawyers. Sounds like he's on to something. Calling for a grand jury sounds like he's getting ready to present evidence and lay charges.
if they want to investigate russia cause they're sure there's an issue here, have at it. personally i think this does a shitton of damage to our relationship with russia cause they're being used in our political bullshit.

10 months. nothing. every single WE GOT SOMETHING was followed with "no wait, that doesn't matter" shortly after. the dems bitch that hillary was investigated for so long and fine. now why be just as stupid as you were calling "the other side" by doing the same damn thing perpetuating the same damn bullshit through another presidential term.

but if you can't find anything so you start in on other me a sign you found nothing and know you had nothing TO find.
No fishing for you and your team, sir. Focus on the non-existent Trump-Russia 'Collusion'.

Okay, you can tell yourself that, but the fact is, Trump's ties to Russia and his business dealings are part of that.

You guys knew Trump was a mutt when you picked him up.
"Non-existent Russian Collusion". Trumpanzees see no Russian, speak no Russian and hear no Russian.
Liberals have no evidence of a crime, no evidence of criminal activity, no evidence of collusion, and no evidence of obstruction.

It has been proven that the Trump Russia investigation began based on a fake report passed through a foreign agent that contained Russian generated propaganda.

It is public record Bill Clinton was working for the KGB during the election, that Hillary was given a sizable donation from a Russian involved in the purchase of U.S. uranium for her assisted influence in the deal. Her campaign manager took thousands of shares of Russian stock and never reported it while his brother worked for the KGB bank and the Russian spy agency that supposedly hacked and exposed the DNC's emails.

Not to mention in trying to manufacturer crimes against Donald Trump Republicans have repeatedly exposed their own crimes, to include illegally sharing classified information, illegally leaking classified information, and felony Espionage against the United States for political benefit. Meanwhile the DNC chairwoman was running her own Pakistani terrorists-connected spy ring.

And the only thing Democrats and snowflakes can think about is to exact a measure of Revenge for losing an election and of regaining power.

If you want to look for a Russian connection look no further then Clinton's, as proven already.
No fishing for you and your team, sir. Focus on the non-existent Trump-Russia 'Collusion'.

Okay, you can tell yourself that, but the fact is, Trump's ties to Russia and his business dealings are part of that.

You guys knew Trump was a mutt when you picked him up.
There are no Trump connections to Russians as the Democrats a year later still do not have the ability to provide any evidence of that.
It has been proven that the Trump Russia investigation began based on a fake report passed through a foreign agent that contained Russian generated propaganda.

It has? Got a link to that?

It is public record Bill Clinton was working for the KGB during the election,

During what election?
Reminds me of Benghazi or deleted texts and emails, what a glorious investigation that was and lasted years....But no complaints from the frumpy dept. then....
Video: AG office reining in a Mueller fishing expedition? - Hot Air

More than a few observers have been wondering if this entire Grand Jury excursion is turning into something of a fishing expedition and whether or not it might wind up being a huge bag of feed for the media circus even if nothing of substance comes of it.

That seems to be on the minds of the folks at the Attorney General’s office. Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein seemed to be throwing some cold water on those expectations today. In an interview with Chris Wallace he pretty much laid down the law and said that if Mueller was heading off into uncharted waters outside the realm of the Russia, Russia, Russiatales he was asked to investigate, he’d need to come back to the Justice Department and check in with them first.

If special counsel Robert Mueller finds any crime outside the scope of the federal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, then he’ll have to seek permission, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Sunday."

No fishing for you and your team, sir. Focus on the non-existent Trump-Russia 'Collusion'.

Yes just look what they did to Bill Clinton, under investigation his whole presidency. Follow the money I say, and that is where its leading. There was a reason Putin wanted T to win, and it had to do with the money. T should of never took the spotlight, now he is going to go down, and his money and rich friends will not save him.
One can't ignore a crime.
No fishing for you and your team, sir. Focus on the non-existent Trump-Russia 'Collusion'.

Okay, you can tell yourself that, but the fact is, Trump's ties to Russia and his business dealings are part of that.

You guys knew Trump was a mutt when you picked him up.
There are no Trump connections to Russians as the Democrats a year later still do not have the ability to provide any evidence of that.

Really, Russia if you have any more emails, release them, this man as Potus is so deployable its unspeakable.
if they want to investigate russia cause they're sure there's an issue here, have at it. personally i think this does a shitton of damage to our relationship with russia cause they're being used in our political bullshit.

Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?
No fishing for you and your team, sir. Focus on the non-existent Trump-Russia 'Collusion'.

Okay, you can tell yourself that, but the fact is, Trump's ties to Russia and his business dealings are part of that.

You guys knew Trump was a mutt when you picked him up.
There are no Trump connections to Russians as the Democrats a year later still do not have the ability to provide any evidence of that.

Really, Russia if you have any more emails, release them, this man as Potus is so deployable its unspeakable.
if they want to investigate russia cause they're sure there's an issue here, have at it. personally i think this does a shitton of damage to our relationship with russia cause they're being used in our political bullshit.

Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?
it's yet to be proven for a fact they did it.

also - if interfering with other countries elections is bad, you need to get pissed at obama. hell, every other president before us as well. we're the worlds worst at putting OUR values on OTHER countries as if we're helping them.

so again - your selective anger is quite telling. typical juvenile "do as i say not as i do" bullshit.
No fishing for you and your team, sir. Focus on the non-existent Trump-Russia 'Collusion'.

Okay, you can tell yourself that, but the fact is, Trump's ties to Russia and his business dealings are part of that.

You guys knew Trump was a mutt when you picked him up.
NO, we knew Hillary was a skank, too bad you didn't.
Video: AG office reining in a Mueller fishing expedition? - Hot Air

More than a few observers have been wondering if this entire Grand Jury excursion is turning into something of a fishing expedition and whether or not it might wind up being a huge bag of feed for the media circus even if nothing of substance comes of it.

That seems to be on the minds of the folks at the Attorney General’s office. Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein seemed to be throwing some cold water on those expectations today. In an interview with Chris Wallace he pretty much laid down the law and said that if Mueller was heading off into uncharted waters outside the realm of the Russia, Russia, Russiatales he was asked to investigate, he’d need to come back to the Justice Department and check in with them first.

If special counsel Robert Mueller finds any crime outside the scope of the federal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, then he’ll have to seek permission, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Sunday."

No fishing for you and your team, sir. Focus on the non-existent Trump-Russia 'Collusion'.

Yes just look what they did to Bill Clinton, under investigation his whole presidency. Follow the money I say, and that is where its leading. There was a reason Putin wanted T to win, and it had to do with the money. T should of never took the spotlight, now he is going to go down, and his money and rich friends will not save him.
One can't ignore a crime.
Whitewater, 15 convictions on 40 different crimes and Hillary walks, after hiding the Rose Law Firm billing records, I would say extraordinary but it really isn't for democrat lawlessness.
if they want to investigate russia cause they're sure there's an issue here, have at it. personally i think this does a shitton of damage to our relationship with russia cause they're being used in our political bullshit.

Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?
it's yet to be proven for a fact they did it.

also - if interfering with other countries elections is bad, you need to get pissed at obama. hell, every other president before us as well. we're the worlds worst at putting OUR values on OTHER countries as if we're helping them.

so again - your selective anger is quite telling. typical juvenile "do as i say not as i do" bullshit.

Yes we do know Russia was involved in our election. Yes we do it, but we do not want it done. Reagan was the worst for interfering in other countries.
Really, Russia if you have any more emails, release them, this man as Potus is so deployable its unspeakable.
Sorry, in the US Americans are innocent until proven guilty, which the Democrats have not been able to do in a year.

'Deployable'? Methinks you have become so triggered you can't even think straight.
"Non-existent Russian Collusion". Trumpanzees see no Russian, speak no Russian and hear no Russian.

Don't worry Basque. Mueller has plenty to work with just with Junior's Russian lawyer friend and her "Russian orphans". She got a sweetheart deal on her client's money laundering case lawsuit. A deal so good even the lawyer was surprised.

Jeff Sessions settling the case for 3 cents on the dollar, and no admission of guilt. Her client get a slap on the wrist $3 million dollar fine and $227 million of fresh washed and pressed money. Hold the starch.

Trump's German banker, Deutchesbank, just paid a $100 million dollar fine for laundering Russian mobster money. Trump banks offshore after American banks stop lending to him. 6 bankruptcies. They'd had enough.

Mueller' hiring corruption specialist lawyers. Sounds like he's on to something. Calling for a grand jury sounds like he's getting ready to present evidence and lay charges.
Follow the money I say, and that is where its leading. There was a reason Putin wanted T to win, and it had to do with the money. T should of never took the spotlight, now he is going to go down, and his money and rich friends will not save him. One can't ignore a crime.

Yes, follow the money!
Hillary was under multiple FBI investigations during the election, for which she should have been driven out of the race. One of the many crimes she was being investigated for is Influence Peddling.

Yes, follow the money.
Hillary received a LARGE donation from one of the Key Russian businessmen involved in the purchase of US Uranium, payment for her influence in helping the deal to go through.

Yes, follow the money.
Putin KGB pals were paying Bill a 6-figure salary for giving speeches for them.

Yes, follow the money.
Hillary's campaign manager received thousands of shares of Russian stocks and 1/3rd of the Board Members in his own business were comprised of prominent Russian businessmen who had / have direct links to the Russian Govt and to Putin himself.

Yes, follow the money.
Hillary's campaign manager's brother was working for the notorious KGB Bank AND for the RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY that supposedly hacked and released the damaging DNC e-mails.

Yes, follow the money.
The Clinton's lawyer is now defending Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's terrorist-connected Pakistani spy.

...meanwhile Democrats are scrambling to get ANYTHING on Trump they can find...and they haven't found anything yet.

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