Mueller Reined In

Sorry, in the US Americans are innocent until proven guilty, which the Democrats have not been able to do in a year.

'Deployable'? Methinks you have become so triggered you can't even think straight.

He might as well deploy right to prison. :)
for what? name the crime

Wait and find out.
so how do you know there is a crime and he will go to prison if you don't even know the crime? so you just admitted you don't know shit. thanks. I knew that, but I wanted you to let everyone know you're a dumb ass.
Don't you just love the way the snowflakes all know Trump is guilty of something, but they don't know what? Even more astounding: they aren't shy about admitting it in a public forum!
and then tell us to wait to find out cause they have absolutely nothing. but gd damit they know he did a crime. they know it. they absolutely know it because, wait for it, they don't like him. that's his crime.
if they want to investigate russia cause they're sure there's an issue here, have at it. personally i think this does a shitton of damage to our relationship with russia cause they're being used in our political bullshit.

Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?
it's yet to be proven for a fact they did it.

also - if interfering with other countries elections is bad, you need to get pissed at obama. hell, every other president before us as well. we're the worlds worst at putting OUR values on OTHER countries as if we're helping them.

so again - your selective anger is quite telling. typical juvenile "do as i say not as i do" bullshit.

Do you or do you not trust the assessment of all our intelligence agencies? Can you provide any intelligence agencies that say differently (outside of Russia)?
Do you or do you not trust the assessment of all our intelligence agencies?
It has been proven that no one should trust anything coming from any of the Obama hold-overs in ANY agency.
if they want to investigate russia cause they're sure there's an issue here, have at it. personally i think this does a shitton of damage to our relationship with russia cause they're being used in our political bullshit.

Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?
it's yet to be proven for a fact they did it.

also - if interfering with other countries elections is bad, you need to get pissed at obama. hell, every other president before us as well. we're the worlds worst at putting OUR values on OTHER countries as if we're helping them.

so again - your selective anger is quite telling. typical juvenile "do as i say not as i do" bullshit.

Do you or do you not trust the assessment of all our intelligence agencies? Can you provide any intelligence agencies that say differently (outside of Russia)?
at this point, no.

or should i believe 17 agencies all said they did this? wait, that's 3 now isn't it?
should i believe them when they say clinton and lynch were talking golf and their kids on a private tarmac?
should i believe an entire party that cared not one iota about russia til they lost? now things they did with russia are fine but anyone talking to them is guilty of something, we just have to prove it

or should i believe them when they say they can make it look like russia did it when they didn't?

what would you like me to believe here? mindless TRUMP BAD don't fly so give me some real logic here.

and now faking crap against iceland. that's my own "motherland" so now i'm mad dammit! :)

but seriously - you're asking for your point of view to be believed while you call everyone elses point a view, a lie.

if they want to investigate russia cause they're sure there's an issue here, have at it. personally i think this does a shitton of damage to our relationship with russia cause they're being used in our political bullshit.

Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?
it's yet to be proven for a fact they did it.

also - if interfering with other countries elections is bad, you need to get pissed at obama. hell, every other president before us as well. we're the worlds worst at putting OUR values on OTHER countries as if we're helping them.

so again - your selective anger is quite telling. typical juvenile "do as i say not as i do" bullshit.

Do you or do you not trust the assessment of all our intelligence agencies? Can you provide any intelligence agencies that say differently (outside of Russia)?
at this point, no.

or should i believe 17 agencies all said they did this? wait, that's 3 now isn't it?
should i believe them when they say clinton and lynch were talking golf and their kids on a private tarmac?
should i believe an entire party that cared not one iota about russia til they lost? now things they did with russia are fine but anyone talking to them is guilty of something, we just have to prove it

or should i believe them when they say they can make it look like russia did it when they didn't?

what would you like me to believe here? mindless TRUMP BAD don't fly so give me some real logic here.

and now faking crap against iceland. that's my own "motherland" so now i'm mad dammit! :)

but seriously - you're asking for your point of view to be believed while you call everyone elses point a view, a lie.

there is absolutely no logic to anything from a lib on this. none.
"Non-existent Russian Collusion". Trumpanzees see no Russian, speak no Russian and hear no Russian.

Don't worry Basque. Mueller has plenty to work with just with Junior's Russian lawyer friend and her "Russian orphans". She got a sweetheart deal on her client's money laundering case lawsuit. A deal so good even the lawyer was surprised.

Jeff Sessions settling the case for 3 cents on the dollar, and no admission of guilt. Her client get a slap on the wrist $3 million dollar fine and $227 million of fresh washed and pressed money. Hold the starch.

Trump's German banker, Deutchesbank, just paid a $100 million dollar fine for laundering Russian mobster money. Trump banks offshore after American banks stop lending to him. 6 bankruptcies. They'd had enough.

Mueller' hiring corruption specialist lawyers. Sounds like he's on to something. Calling for a grand jury sounds like he's getting ready to present evidence and lay charges.
nothing burger

More like a Shit Sandwich
It's interesting the same people claiming Trump will be thrown out of office were the people who swore Hillary was going to win the election.

Why should anyone listen to the people who have already proven they don't know anything?
If your sycophants won't charge you, you did nothing wrong?

It's so fucked up that snowflakes just kiss Hillary's ass and don't care about her corruption and the harm she has done to the country.
Video: AG office reining in a Mueller fishing expedition? - Hot Air

More than a few observers have been wondering if this entire Grand Jury excursion is turning into something of a fishing expedition and whether or not it might wind up being a huge bag of feed for the media circus even if nothing of substance comes of it.

That seems to be on the minds of the folks at the Attorney General’s office. Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein seemed to be throwing some cold water on those expectations today. In an interview with Chris Wallace he pretty much laid down the law and said that if Mueller was heading off into uncharted waters outside the realm of the Russia, Russia, Russiatales he was asked to investigate, he’d need to come back to the Justice Department and check in with them first.

If special counsel Robert Mueller finds any crime outside the scope of the federal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, then he’ll have to seek permission, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Sunday."

No fishing for you and your team, sir. Focus on the non-existent Trump-Russia 'Collusion'.
Mueller hasn't been reined in one bit.
The Bill Clinton investigation started about Whitewater and ended up about a semen stained dress. Did you cry about THAT investigation and call it a " fishing expedition?
Bob Mueller has the legal right to go wherever his investigation takes him.
And it will DEFINITELY take him to Trump's finances WHICH IT IS RIGHT NOW..
You and I both know you're scared shitless for Trump's dirty business deals and Russian ties to be revealed.
"Non-existent Russian Collusion". Trumpanzees see no Russian, speak no Russian and hear no Russian.
Liberals have no evidence of a crime, no evidence of criminal activity, no evidence of collusion, and no evidence of obstruction.

It has been proven that the Trump Russia investigation began based on a fake report passed through a foreign agent that contained Russian generated propaganda.

It is public record Bill Clinton was working for the KGB during the election, that Hillary was given a sizable donation from a Russian involved in the purchase of U.S. uranium for her assisted influence in the deal. Her campaign manager took thousands of shares of Russian stock and never reported it while his brother worked for the KGB bank and the Russian spy agency that supposedly hacked and exposed the DNC's emails.

Not to mention in trying to manufacturer crimes against Donald Trump Republicans have repeatedly exposed their own crimes, to include illegally sharing classified information, illegally leaking classified information, and felony Espionage against the United States for political benefit. Meanwhile the DNC chairwoman was running her own Pakistani terrorists-connected spy ring.

And the only thing Democrats and snowflakes can think about is to exact a measure of Revenge for losing an election and of regaining power.

If you want to look for a Russian connection look no further then Clinton's, as proven already.

Yes the Clintons' Russian connections are a matter of public record. They weren't sneaking around, lying about meeting with Russians, or lying about why they were meeting with them. They weren't caught lying about working for Russians like General Flynn.

Even though Donnie knew Flynn had been discussing lifting sanctions with the Russian Ambassador, and that Flynn had lied about it to Mike Pence, Trump didn't fire him until Flynn's lies and illicit activity were about to become public knowledge.

The donation to the Clinton Foundation, a Foundation from which none of the Clintons takes a salary, was made two years AFTER the sale of the uranium mine was approved with no export permit, by the ENERGY DEPT., and 8 other American Departments, including State.

Then there's that whole shit show at the White House the week the American businessman at the root of the Magnitsky Act testified before congress.

With the hiring the Mooch, Spicer's resignation, the embarrassment of the Boy Scouts speech, the Police Chiefs unloading on Trump for suggesting cops rough up suspects, the firing of Priebus, who notice the guy talking about how the Russian government stole $230 million out of his tax account and murdered his lawyer.

The Magnitsky Act sanctions would result in the US government seizing millions from Putin's overseas bank account. The Russian lawyer Junior met with is an agent of the Russian government who's job it is to get the Magnitsky Act repealed.

Last but not least, you have the President of the United States shitting himself on a daily basis through Twitter and in his "fake news" attacks in the media. If it's all "fake", why is he firing Comey to put an end to the investigation.

If it's all fake, why was Comey making detailed notes on his private meetings with Trump? Comey knew what the FBI had learned in investigating the Trump campaign, that's why.

Tell us again how the whole Russia thing is a big fat nothing burger. I love hearing Trumpanzees spout bullshit straight from the Trump twitters.
Video: AG office reining in a Mueller fishing expedition? - Hot Air

More than a few observers have been wondering if this entire Grand Jury excursion is turning into something of a fishing expedition and whether or not it might wind up being a huge bag of feed for the media circus even if nothing of substance comes of it.

That seems to be on the minds of the folks at the Attorney General’s office. Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein seemed to be throwing some cold water on those expectations today. In an interview with Chris Wallace he pretty much laid down the law and said that if Mueller was heading off into uncharted waters outside the realm of the Russia, Russia, Russiatales he was asked to investigate, he’d need to come back to the Justice Department and check in with them first.

If special counsel Robert Mueller finds any crime outside the scope of the federal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, then he’ll have to seek permission, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Sunday."

No fishing for you and your team, sir. Focus on the non-existent Trump-Russia 'Collusion'.

poor lying loon.

that isn't what the authority requires. and Donald and his freaks have to stay away from Mueller.

tell me again how a failed land deal ended up about a blue dress.

Vladimir loves you, little boy. *pats lowlife paid shill on the head*
"Non-existent Russian Collusion". Trumpanzees see no Russian, speak no Russian and hear no Russian.
Liberals have no evidence of a crime, no evidence of criminal activity, no evidence of collusion, and no evidence of obstruction.

It has been proven that the Trump Russia investigation began based on a fake report passed through a foreign agent that contained Russian generated propaganda.

It is public record Bill Clinton was working for the KGB during the election, that Hillary was given a sizable donation from a Russian involved in the purchase of U.S. uranium for her assisted influence in the deal. Her campaign manager took thousands of shares of Russian stock and never reported it while his brother worked for the KGB bank and the Russian spy agency that supposedly hacked and exposed the DNC's emails.

Not to mention in trying to manufacturer crimes against Donald Trump Republicans have repeatedly exposed their own crimes, to include illegally sharing classified information, illegally leaking classified information, and felony Espionage against the United States for political benefit. Meanwhile the DNC chairwoman was running her own Pakistani terrorists-connected spy ring.

And the only thing Democrats and snowflakes can think about is to exact a measure of Revenge for losing an election and of regaining power.

If you want to look for a Russian connection look no further then Clinton's, as proven already.

Yes the Clintons' Russian connections are a matter of public record. They weren't sneaking around, lying about meeting with Russians, or lying about why they were meeting with them. They weren't caught lying about working for Russians like General Flynn.

Even though Donnie knew Flynn had been discussing lifting sanctions with the Russian Ambassador, and that Flynn had lied about it to Mike Pence, Trump didn't fire him until Flynn's lies and illicit activity were about to become public knowledge.

The donation to the Clinton Foundation, a Foundation from which none of the Clintons takes a salary, was made two years AFTER the sale of the uranium mine was approved with no export permit, by the ENERGY DEPT., and 8 other American Departments, including State.

Then there's that whole shit show at the White House the week the American businessman at the root of the Magnitsky Act testified before congress.

With the hiring the Mooch, Spicer's resignation, the embarrassment of the Boy Scouts speech, the Police Chiefs unloading on Trump for suggesting cops rough up suspects, the firing of Priebus, who notice the guy talking about how the Russian government stole $230 million out of his tax account and murdered his lawyer.

The Magnitsky Act sanctions would result in the US government seizing millions from Putin's overseas bank account. The Russian lawyer Junior met with is an agent of the Russian government who's job it is to get the Magnitsky Act repealed.

Last but not least, you have the President of the United States shitting himself on a daily basis through Twitter and in his "fake news" attacks in the media. If it's all "fake", why is he firing Comey to put an end to the investigation.

If it's all fake, why was Comey making detailed notes on his private meetings with Trump? Comey knew what the FBI had learned in investigating the Trump campaign, that's why.

Tell us again how the whole Russia thing is a big fat nothing burger. I love hearing Trumpanzees spout bullshit straight from the Trump twitters.

there was no "Russian connection".

please let us know when any Clinton meetings with Russian operatives were held in secret and they lied after.

oops,.... never happened.
The person who has been reined in is Trump where the entire Congress prevented him from making recess appts while he's on his 17 day vacation.
Now that's a slap down because the entire Congress knows this prez cannot be trusted to do the right thing.

Hey why did Grump lie about the Boy Scout letter?
They DID NOT say it was the " best speech ever" as he stated.
He lied.
Why did he say " I won New Hampshire because it's a drug fueled den?"
The idiot didn't win NH.
Ha ha ha ha ha
Why did he lie and say ," I consulted with my generals about the transgendered ban?
His generals were taken completely off guard BECAUSE HE DIDNT CONSULT THEM.

And that was just part of the lies and bonehead moves last week.

How can you continue to support this pathologically lying numbskull?
another lying thread another total beat down for easy. His ass is so red from his beatings it looks like this.
"Non-existent Russian Collusion". Trumpanzees see no Russian, speak no Russian and hear no Russian.
Liberals have no evidence of a crime, no evidence of criminal activity, no evidence of collusion, and no evidence of obstruction.

It has been proven that the Trump Russia investigation began based on a fake report passed through a foreign agent that contained Russian generated propaganda.

It is public record Bill Clinton was working for the KGB during the election, that Hillary was given a sizable donation from a Russian involved in the purchase of U.S. uranium for her assisted influence in the deal. Her campaign manager took thousands of shares of Russian stock and never reported it while his brother worked for the KGB bank and the Russian spy agency that supposedly hacked and exposed the DNC's emails.

Not to mention in trying to manufacturer crimes against Donald Trump Republicans have repeatedly exposed their own crimes, to include illegally sharing classified information, illegally leaking classified information, and felony Espionage against the United States for political benefit. Meanwhile the DNC chairwoman was running her own Pakistani terrorists-connected spy ring.

And the only thing Democrats and snowflakes can think about is to exact a measure of Revenge for losing an election and of regaining power.

If you want to look for a Russian connection look no further then Clinton's, as proven already.

You must work at the Justice Department to know absolutely they have no evidence.
There are no Trump connections to Russians as the Democrats a year later still do not have the ability to provide any evidence of that.

We got Junior RED HANDED trying to get dirt on Hillary.

Come on, this doesn't even pass the laugh test.

Joe Cocksucker, no one needed to go anywhere to get dirt on the Hildebeast. Seth Rich already procured evidence and the story that the Hildebeast covered up crimes of pedophilia in the state department and how she intimidated the networks into stopping the story is well known. Hell, the Hildebeast and corruption go together like bacon and eggs.

Hope this helps, slow Joe!

P.S Sandy Hook = Hoax
"Non-existent Russian Collusion". Trumpanzees see no Russian, speak no Russian and hear no Russian.

Don't worry Basque. Mueller has plenty to work with just with Junior's Russian lawyer friend and her "Russian orphans". She got a sweetheart deal on her client's money laundering case lawsuit. A deal so good even the lawyer was surprised.

Jeff Sessions settling the case for 3 cents on the dollar, and no admission of guilt. Her client get a slap on the wrist $3 million dollar fine and $227 million of fresh washed and pressed money. Hold the starch.

Trump's German banker, Deutchesbank, just paid a $100 million dollar fine for laundering Russian mobster money. Trump banks offshore after American banks stop lending to him. 6 bankruptcies. They'd had enough.

Mueller' hiring corruption specialist lawyers. Sounds like he's on to something. Calling for a grand jury sounds like he's getting ready to present evidence and lay charges.

Those are just wild speculative thoughts of yours. What we do know is that you voted for a lady that bleech bitted hard drives, destroyed cell phones and laptops, and erased emails that trafficked in classified material.
Video: AG office reining in a Mueller fishing expedition? - Hot Air

More than a few observers have been wondering if this entire Grand Jury excursion is turning into something of a fishing expedition and whether or not it might wind up being a huge bag of feed for the media circus even if nothing of substance comes of it.

That seems to be on the minds of the folks at the Attorney General’s office. Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein seemed to be throwing some cold water on those expectations today. In an interview with Chris Wallace he pretty much laid down the law and said that if Mueller was heading off into uncharted waters outside the realm of the Russia, Russia, Russiatales he was asked to investigate, he’d need to come back to the Justice Department and check in with them first.

If special counsel Robert Mueller finds any crime outside the scope of the federal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, then he’ll have to seek permission, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Sunday."

No fishing for you and your team, sir. Focus on the non-existent Trump-Russia 'Collusion'.

poor lying loon.

that isn't what the authority requires. and Donald and his freaks have to stay away from Mueller.

tell me again how a failed land deal ended up about a blue dress.

Vladimir loves you, little boy. *pats lowlife paid shill on the head*

STFU, Shillian, you barrister sack of shit. Mueller was hated by leftard hypocrites like you when he was protecting the neocon establishment. Mueller is a filthy sack of shit and I would tell that to his face. He is part of the deep state that went to great lengths to cover up the fact that 9/11 was an inside job where rogue agents and the Mossad acted on behalf of their globalist masters. Stick it up your ass, you knows nothing piece of filth.

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