Mueller Reined In

"Non-existent Russian Collusion". Trumpanzees see no Russian, speak no Russian and hear no Russian.

Don't worry Basque. Mueller has plenty to work with just with Junior's Russian lawyer friend and her "Russian orphans". She got a sweetheart deal on her client's money laundering case lawsuit. A deal so good even the lawyer was surprised.

Jeff Sessions settling the case for 3 cents on the dollar, and no admission of guilt. Her client get a slap on the wrist $3 million dollar fine and $227 million of fresh washed and pressed money. Hold the starch.

Trump's German banker, Deutchesbank, just paid a $100 million dollar fine for laundering Russian mobster money. Trump banks offshore after American banks stop lending to him. 6 bankruptcies. They'd had enough.

Mueller' hiring corruption specialist lawyers. Sounds like he's on to something. Calling for a grand jury sounds like he's getting ready to present evidence and lay charges.

Those are just wild speculative thoughts of yours. What we do know is that you voted for a lady that bleech bitted hard drives, destroyed cell phones and laptops, and erased emails that trafficked in classified material.

I didn't vote for anyone in YOUR election. Like most smart people in the rest of the world who long ago insulated themself from the fiscal consequences of Republican Administrations. When St. Ronnie of Reagan fucked it up the first time by scapegoating the working poor while ramping up military spending (which gives the economy a boost of high income jobs since the work can't legally be outsourced), while cutting taxes for billionaires, I saw the results. Down that path lies higher deficits, high unemployment, and increased poverty.

Fool we once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Neither political party is worth a shit. Clinton sold us out along with Bush concerning NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT while signing us on to the U.N's mandate of Agenda 21 at the Rio Summit in 1992 that Bush signed us up for which Clinton then signed an E.O to enforce it. You suffer from ignorance because you don't have the slightest clue about how the system actually works, how it is actually a corporate entity that has been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and became the world's reserve currency which is nothing but a fiat system based and built on debt with nothing of an intrinsic value to back it up. You and your ilk believe that you can tax people out of poverty and onto better jobs and education....wanna bet?
The Comrade being silent on Mueller does worry me. Does he have his puppet, Sessions on the inside undercutting the investigation? He is such a sleaze...
Video: AG office reining in a Mueller fishing expedition? - Hot Air

More than a few observers have been wondering if this entire Grand Jury excursion is turning into something of a fishing expedition and whether or not it might wind up being a huge bag of feed for the media circus even if nothing of substance comes of it.

That seems to be on the minds of the folks at the Attorney General’s office. Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein seemed to be throwing some cold water on those expectations today. In an interview with Chris Wallace he pretty much laid down the law and said that if Mueller was heading off into uncharted waters outside the realm of the Russia, Russia, Russiatales he was asked to investigate, he’d need to come back to the Justice Department and check in with them first.

If special counsel Robert Mueller finds any crime outside the scope of the federal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, then he’ll have to seek permission, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Sunday."

No fishing for you and your team, sir. Focus on the non-existent Trump-Russia 'Collusion'.

poor lying loon.

that isn't what the authority requires. and Donald and his freaks have to stay away from Mueller.

tell me again how a failed land deal ended up about a blue dress.

Vladimir loves you, little boy. *pats lowlife paid shill on the head*
oh so now you are telling the DOJ its job? too funny hack.

you should probably learn what the DOJ does before you insert yourself into any discussion, little loon.

here's a cookie...

if they want to investigate russia cause they're sure there's an issue here, have at it. personally i think this does a shitton of damage to our relationship with russia cause they're being used in our political bullshit.

Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?
Republican logic.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
what was the interference? let's go skippy, let's here what it was.
No problem Spruce, as soon as you detail how investigating it "damages" the relationship.
Video: AG office reining in a Mueller fishing expedition? - Hot Air

More than a few observers have been wondering if this entire Grand Jury excursion is turning into something of a fishing expedition and whether or not it might wind up being a huge bag of feed for the media circus even if nothing of substance comes of it.

That seems to be on the minds of the folks at the Attorney General’s office. Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein seemed to be throwing some cold water on those expectations today. In an interview with Chris Wallace he pretty much laid down the law and said that if Mueller was heading off into uncharted waters outside the realm of the Russia, Russia, Russiatales he was asked to investigate, he’d need to come back to the Justice Department and check in with them first.

If special counsel Robert Mueller finds any crime outside the scope of the federal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, then he’ll have to seek permission, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Sunday."

No fishing for you and your team, sir. Focus on the non-existent Trump-Russia 'Collusion'.
Hotair? Hot...Air?!?!??

Video: AG office reining in a Mueller fishing expedition? - Hot Air

More than a few observers have been wondering if this entire Grand Jury excursion is turning into something of a fishing expedition and whether or not it might wind up being a huge bag of feed for the media circus even if nothing of substance comes of it.

That seems to be on the minds of the folks at the Attorney General’s office. Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein seemed to be throwing some cold water on those expectations today. In an interview with Chris Wallace he pretty much laid down the law and said that if Mueller was heading off into uncharted waters outside the realm of the Russia, Russia, Russiatales he was asked to investigate, he’d need to come back to the Justice Department and check in with them first.

If special counsel Robert Mueller finds any crime outside the scope of the federal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, then he’ll have to seek permission, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Sunday."

No fishing for you and your team, sir. Focus on the non-existent Trump-Russia 'Collusion'.

poor lying loon.

that isn't what the authority requires. and Donald and his freaks have to stay away from Mueller.

tell me again how a failed land deal ended up about a blue dress.

Vladimir loves you, little boy. *pats lowlife paid shill on the head*
oh so now you are telling the DOJ its job? too funny hack.

you should probably learn what the DOJ does before you insert yourself into any discussion, little loon.

here's a cookie...

I love it when I cause butt hurt like this.
Neither political party is worth a shit. Clinton sold us out along with Bush concerning NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT while signing us on to the U.N's mandate of Agenda 21 at the Rio Summit in 1992 that Bush signed us up for which Clinton then signed an E.O to enforce it. You suffer from ignorance because you don't have the slightest clue about how the system actually works, how it is actually a corporate entity that has been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and became the world's reserve currency which is nothing but a fiat system based and built on debt with nothing of an intrinsic value to back it up. You and your ilk believe that you can tax people out of poverty and onto better jobs and education....wanna bet?

And along comes the King of the Tin Foil Hat Brigade to tell I don't know what's REALLY going on.

Maybe not but I do know what ISN'T going on and it's all your Deep State bullshit that you're on about.

In your world, the simplest explanation is always wrong and only YOU, who thinks Sandy Hook is a hoax and the Deep State is real, can set me straight.

Drink you Kool-Aid, take your meds and go drool in the corner, Dale. We'll wake you when the alien ship arrives to take you home.
Video: AG office reining in a Mueller fishing expedition? - Hot Air

More than a few observers have been wondering if this entire Grand Jury excursion is turning into something of a fishing expedition and whether or not it might wind up being a huge bag of feed for the media circus even if nothing of substance comes of it.

That seems to be on the minds of the folks at the Attorney General’s office. Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein seemed to be throwing some cold water on those expectations today. In an interview with Chris Wallace he pretty much laid down the law and said that if Mueller was heading off into uncharted waters outside the realm of the Russia, Russia, Russiatales he was asked to investigate, he’d need to come back to the Justice Department and check in with them first.

If special counsel Robert Mueller finds any crime outside the scope of the federal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, then he’ll have to seek permission, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Sunday."

No fishing for you and your team, sir. Focus on the non-existent Trump-Russia 'Collusion'.
Hotair? Hot...Air?!?!??

balloon, balloon?
Neither political party is worth a shit. Clinton sold us out along with Bush concerning NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT while signing us on to the U.N's mandate of Agenda 21 at the Rio Summit in 1992 that Bush signed us up for which Clinton then signed an E.O to enforce it. You suffer from ignorance because you don't have the slightest clue about how the system actually works, how it is actually a corporate entity that has been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and became the world's reserve currency which is nothing but a fiat system based and built on debt with nothing of an intrinsic value to back it up. You and your ilk believe that you can tax people out of poverty and onto better jobs and education....wanna bet?

And along comes the King of the Tin Foil Hat Brigade to tell I don't know what's REALLY going on.

Maybe not but I do know what ISN'T going on and it's all your Deep State bullshit that you're on about.

In your world, the simplest explanation is always wrong and only YOU, who thinks Sandy Hook is a hoax and the Deep State is real, can set me straight.

Drink you Kool-Aid, take your meds and go drool in the corner, Dale. We'll wake you when the alien ship arrives to take you home.
It's indisputable that the deep state is trying to destroy Trump. The evidence is on the news every night.
And along comes the King of the Tin Foil Hat Brigade to tell I don't know what's REALLY going on. Maybe not but I do know what ISN'T going on and it's all your Deep State bullshit that you're on about.


It has already been proven that Obama and his administration, with help from loyalist holdovers still in the government, illegally shared classified, illegally leaked classified, illegally unmasked Americans, committed Felony Espionage, colluded with Ukraine and foreign agents pushing a fake report consisting of Russian-generated propaganda to use against Trump...and you, looking from the outside while wearing your partisan shades you probably bought from, can make that declaration.....with a straight face....

Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?

How EXACTLY did they "interfere" in our election? Were ANY votes tampered with?
Neither political party is worth a shit. Clinton sold us out along with Bush concerning NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT while signing us on to the U.N's mandate of Agenda 21 at the Rio Summit in 1992 that Bush signed us up for which Clinton then signed an E.O to enforce it. You suffer from ignorance because you don't have the slightest clue about how the system actually works, how it is actually a corporate entity that has been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and became the world's reserve currency which is nothing but a fiat system based and built on debt with nothing of an intrinsic value to back it up. You and your ilk believe that you can tax people out of poverty and onto better jobs and education....wanna bet?

And along comes the King of the Tin Foil Hat Brigade to tell I don't know what's REALLY going on.

Maybe not but I do know what ISN'T going on and it's all your Deep State bullshit that you're on about.

In your world, the simplest explanation is always wrong and only YOU, who thinks Sandy Hook is a hoax and the Deep State is real, can set me straight.

Drink you Kool-Aid, take your meds and go drool in the corner, Dale. We'll wake you when the alien ship arrives to take you home.
you're useless, you don't live here. go away.
Neither political party is worth a shit. Clinton sold us out along with Bush concerning NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT while signing us on to the U.N's mandate of Agenda 21 at the Rio Summit in 1992 that Bush signed us up for which Clinton then signed an E.O to enforce it. You suffer from ignorance because you don't have the slightest clue about how the system actually works, how it is actually a corporate entity that has been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and became the world's reserve currency which is nothing but a fiat system based and built on debt with nothing of an intrinsic value to back it up. You and your ilk believe that you can tax people out of poverty and onto better jobs and education....wanna bet?

And along comes the King of the Tin Foil Hat Brigade to tell I don't know what's REALLY going on.

Maybe not but I do know what ISN'T going on and it's all your Deep State bullshit that you're on about.

In your world, the simplest explanation is always wrong and only YOU, who thinks Sandy Hook is a hoax and the Deep State is real, can set me straight.

Drink you Kool-Aid, take your meds and go drool in the corner, Dale. We'll wake you when the alien ship arrives to take you home.

"Tin foil hat" my ass, bitch. Funny how when no one can refute the thousands of hours I have spent sacrificing doing things that I would rather be doing to learn this stuff? The best ignorant serfs like you can come up with is "Conspiracy theorist!!!" as if it's a cross to ward off a Hollywood vampire. It's utterly pathetic. You don't know the past history that I do, this fiat/fractional reserve banking system built on debt and designed to keep us in it and the ones running it. Politicians that weren't in the back pockets of the bankers like Lindbergh and McFadden warned about the parallel government or "shadow government" that would pop up around the turning over the monetary supply to foreign bankers. The simplest explanation is the truth but you wouldn't know it even if it jumped up and bit you on your wrinkly old ass. You NEED this left versus right paradigm because that is the best your simple mind can handle....tunnel vision is the only type of vision you have.
"Non-existent Russian Collusion". Trumpanzees see no Russian, speak no Russian and hear no Russian.

Don't worry Basque. Mueller has plenty to work with just with Junior's Russian lawyer friend and her "Russian orphans". She got a sweetheart deal on her client's money laundering case lawsuit. A deal so good even the lawyer was surprised.

Jeff Sessions settling the case for 3 cents on the dollar, and no admission of guilt. Her client get a slap on the wrist $3 million dollar fine and $227 million of fresh washed and pressed money. Hold the starch.

Trump's German banker, Deutchesbank, just paid a $100 million dollar fine for laundering Russian mobster money. Trump banks offshore after American banks stop lending to him. 6 bankruptcies. They'd had enough.

Mueller' hiring corruption specialist lawyers. Sounds like he's on to something. Calling for a grand jury sounds like he's getting ready to present evidence and lay charges.

After reading that I have just one question. Is DragonLady code for DragQueen? 70/30 it does.
you're useless, you don't live here. go away.
That's, 'Go Away, eh!" :p

(She doesn't have to go away - no Green Card, visa, or passport is required to 'reside' on USMB. That doesn't mean you have to listen to her, though.)
Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?

How EXACTLY did they "interfere" in our election? Were ANY votes tampered with?

You see, the leftard clown posse believes Trump and Russia cheated when they exposed how the DNC and Hildebeast was cheating.....and that's cheating according to them. Leftards cheating is fine because it's for the greater good and their credo is "By any means necessary".......and it's all for our own good because they believe that only leftardism is the way to go.

Of course the revealing of e-mails via Wikileaks was an inside job by Seth Rich and confirmed by Seymour Hersh and others but leftards need to cling to the fake "The ROOSKIES did it!! bullshit to help them sleep better at night.
Neither political party is worth a shit. Clinton sold us out along with Bush concerning NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT while signing us on to the U.N's mandate of Agenda 21 at the Rio Summit in 1992 that Bush signed us up for which Clinton then signed an E.O to enforce it. You suffer from ignorance because you don't have the slightest clue about how the system actually works, how it is actually a corporate entity that has been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and became the world's reserve currency which is nothing but a fiat system based and built on debt with nothing of an intrinsic value to back it up. You and your ilk believe that you can tax people out of poverty and onto better jobs and education....wanna bet?

And along comes the King of the Tin Foil Hat Brigade to tell I don't know what's REALLY going on.

Maybe not but I do know what ISN'T going on and it's all your Deep State bullshit that you're on about.

In your world, the simplest explanation is always wrong and only YOU, who thinks Sandy Hook is a hoax and the Deep State is real, can set me straight.

Drink you Kool-Aid, take your meds and go drool in the corner, Dale. We'll wake you when the alien ship arrives to take you home.
you're useless, you don't live here. go away.

She can't debate me because she isn't even close to knowing the things I she lamely insults. It's not like I expect anything better.
Video: AG office reining in a Mueller fishing expedition? - Hot Air

More than a few observers have been wondering if this entire Grand Jury excursion is turning into something of a fishing expedition and whether or not it might wind up being a huge bag of feed for the media circus even if nothing of substance comes of it.

That seems to be on the minds of the folks at the Attorney General’s office. Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein seemed to be throwing some cold water on those expectations today. In an interview with Chris Wallace he pretty much laid down the law and said that if Mueller was heading off into uncharted waters outside the realm of the Russia, Russia, Russiatales he was asked to investigate, he’d need to come back to the Justice Department and check in with them first.

If special counsel Robert Mueller finds any crime outside the scope of the federal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, then he’ll have to seek permission, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Sunday."

No fishing for you and your team, sir. Focus on the non-existent Trump-Russia 'Collusion'.
He unconvened the grand jury.
"...If special counsel Robert Mueller finds any crime outside the scope of the federal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, then he’ll have to seek permission, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Sunday."
Good thing that Trump's finances are already on-the-menu as relevant to that particular subject matter... :eusa_clap:

And, in future, anything with even the teeny-tiniest relevance to the Russia Investigation, even if removed by several degrees of kinship, will be put under a microscope.

With the Deputy AG's blessing.

Lord Almighty, but it's Grand Fun, watching TrumpBots start to crap their pants...

< tee-hee >

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