Mueller Reined In

...Thanks for admitting this is a fishing expedition and a witch hunt. You douche bags just have no shame, do you?
I neither admitted nor implied any such thing, Princess; I merely revel in the ability of the Special Counsel and the Grand Jury to investigate anything they need to.

Think of it as ordering Main Course (Russia) and an Appetizer (tax returns/fraud) and Desert (regulatory violations) and a snifter of Wine (Obstruction of Justice).

So long as it's encountered in pursuit of, or relevant to, the Main Course, it's ALL on the menu.

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"...If special counsel Robert Mueller finds any crime outside the scope of the federal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, then he’ll have to seek permission, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Sunday."
Good thing that Trump's finances are already on-the-menu as relevant to that particular subject matter... :eusa_clap:

And, in future, anything with even the teeny-tiniest relevance to the Russia Investigation, even if removed by several degrees of kinship, will be put under a microscope.

With the Deputy AG's blessing.

Lord Almighty, but it's Grand Fun, watching TrumpBots start to crap their pants...

< tee-hee >
Thanks for admitting this is a fishing expedition and a witch hunt. You douche bags just have no shame, do you?
no crime. none, not one fking thing. Isn't the way my government is supposed to operate.

I do know it is the way the libs operate.
Not one crime that has been MADE PUBLIC...


Not to worry.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the Grand Jury and the Justice Department will answer all your questions in the coming months.

Meanwhile, time for ya'll to dig-in for a long, long siege.

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of pekkerwoods...

It's what happens when you throw in your lot with a lying, incompetent, unstable demagogue like your Imperial Cheeto...
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"Non-existent Russian Collusion". Trumpanzees see no Russian, speak no Russian and hear no Russian.

Don't worry Basque. Mueller has plenty to work with just with Junior's Russian lawyer friend and her "Russian orphans". She got a sweetheart deal on her client's money laundering case lawsuit. A deal so good even the lawyer was surprised.

Jeff Sessions settling the case for 3 cents on the dollar, and no admission of guilt. Her client get a slap on the wrist $3 million dollar fine and $227 million of fresh washed and pressed money. Hold the starch.

Trump's German banker, Deutchesbank, just paid a $100 million dollar fine for laundering Russian mobster money. Trump banks offshore after American banks stop lending to him. 6 bankruptcies. They'd had enough.

Mueller' hiring corruption specialist lawyers. Sounds like he's on to something. Calling for a grand jury sounds like he's getting ready to present evidence and lay charges.

After reading that I have just one question. Is DragonLady code for DragQueen? 70/30 it does.

No, not at all. I'm a retired law clerk. My job was to close the deals the lawyers negotiated. I worked for one of the largest law firms in the world with offices across Canada and in London. The firm I worked for did work which impacted national economies and governments. Largest deal I ever worked on $10 billion. Part of a team doing due diligence on the real estate.

I've worked for bankers, insurance and law throughout my working life. There is no Deep State running things. There is a complex maze of business, money interests and governments. No voodoo involved. I've studied and worked in business and politics all of my adult life.

The simplest explanation is usually correct. But I know that bullshit conspiracy theories like Sandy Hook is a hoax, are bullshit and they disrespect both the victims and their families.

Seth Rich's Family, Rod Wheeler, the Democrats, FOX News, the FBI, and the DC Police have all said that Seth Rich had no access to the leaked DNC emails, there is no evidence that he ever contacted WIKI-LEAKS, nor has Julian Assange ever produced an email from Seth Rich. But still you spout bullshit lies which disrespect Seth Rich and his family.

The Family of Ambassador Chris Stevens have asked you to cut it out.

But still you conspiracy nuts go on about imaginary shit that never happened. Don't waste my time.

BFD, so your experience in working in a law firm operating under statutory law where you dealt with fiat currency qualifies you to claim that there is no such thing as a "shadow government"? Duly noted and given all of .2 seconds of consideration because I have done the heavy lifting to know the things I do.

Sandy Hoax being an Operation Gladio type event could never happen? Seriously? You were in Newtown CT on December 14th, 2012? If so, give me your timeline f the events, would you not? Perhaps you can answer the questions that the FOIA have asked that Newtown refuses to answer.

Seth Rich wasn't the source of leaks? So Julian Assange offered a 20K reward for the arrest of the killer/killers? How about what this doctor had to say? You think this is fake as well? You are blind because you want to remain blind. Leftards can do not wrong and are as pure as the new driven snow even though the Wikileaks revelations says otherwise. You are a partisan hack that has no critical thinking skills.

if they want to investigate russia cause they're sure there's an issue here, have at it. personally i think this does a shitton of damage to our relationship with russia cause they're being used in our political bullshit.
Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?
it's yet to be proven for a fact they did it.

N o F U Z Z.

COMEY: Yes, sir. There should be no fuzz on this whatsoever.

The Russians interfered in our election during the 2016 cycle. They did with purpose. They did it with sophistication. They did it with overwhelming technical efforts. It was an active measures campaign driven from the top of that government.

There is no fuzz on that. It is a high confidence judgment of the entire intelligence community and the members of this committee have seen the intelligence. It's not a close call. That happened. That's about as unfake as you can possibly get. It is very, very serious, which is why it's so refreshing to see a bipartisan focus on that. This is about America, not about a particular party.

HEINRICH: That is a hostile act by the Russian government against this country?

COMEY: Yes, sir.

N O - F U Z Z.
It has been proven that the Trump Russia investigation began based on a fake report passed through a foreign agent that contained Russian generated propaganda.

It has? Got a link to that?

It is public record Bill Clinton was working for the KGB during the election,

During what election?

Still waiting for links easyt65.

Just like I said...downloaded to a thumb drive at speeds the internet could never provide.

New Analysis Kills DNC Hacking Narrative, Shows Russian Data Trail Was Forged

1. That's not from a credible source
2. That does not support this assertion

It has been proven that the Trump Russia investigation began based on a fake report passed through a foreign agent that contained Russian generated propaganda

Really? Because "" website is a non-partisan website...that is why it's called "free thought".....something you know nothing about. What still astounds me is that the leftard clown posse will not even address the information provided in the leaks and neither will the Masters Of Smoke & Mirrors that is our media....instead they scurry around trying to place blame for the fact that the corruption of the DNC was revealed ion the first place. I find that utterly disgusting but leftards seem to have no shame because the ends justifies the means, eh? Anything to push that commie agenda, no????
Doesn't matter...

What DOES matter - in the context of this thread - is that Mueller isn't reined-in, in the slightest - from a practical perspective...
no one needed to go anywhere to get dirt on the Hildebeast. Seth Rich already procured evidence and the story that the Hildebeast covered up crimes of pedophilia in the state department and how she intimidated the networks into stopping the story is well known. Hell, the Hildebeast and corruption go together like bacon and eggs.

Cocksucker Dale, I am so glad you took some time off from pissing on the graves of murdered children, but you really should go fuck yourself.

Trump is going down, baby. The Trilateralists demand it.
if they want to investigate russia cause they're sure there's an issue here, have at it. personally i think this does a shitton of damage to our relationship with russia cause they're being used in our political bullshit.
Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?
it's yet to be proven for a fact they did it.

N o F U Z Z.

COMEY: Yes, sir. There should be no fuzz on this whatsoever.

The Russians interfered in our election during the 2016 cycle. They did with purpose. They did it with sophistication. They did it with overwhelming technical efforts. It was an active measures campaign driven from the top of that government.

There is no fuzz on that. It is a high confidence judgment of the entire intelligence community and the members of this committee have seen the intelligence. It's not a close call. That happened. That's about as unfake as you can possibly get. It is very, very serious, which is why it's so refreshing to see a bipartisan focus on that. This is about America, not about a particular party.

HEINRICH: That is a hostile act by the Russian government against this country?

COMEY: Yes, sir.

N O - F U Z Z.

LMAO!Is this the same Comey that covered up for the Clintons? James Comey has numerous ties to the Clinton crime family. His brother Peter Comey is an executive at DLA Piper, the law firm responsible for filing the Clinton Foundation’s know, that charitable foundation that is actually a slush fund for the Clintons that was recently shut down??? Comey was appointed by the Barrypuppet because he was a political insider with many insidious connections to the dems and Barrypuppet trusted Comey not to target the D.C establishment...and he didn't...reference the Hildebeast and her e-mail scandal and the smashing of their hard drives and Blackberrys. Comey allowed NUMEROUS leftard crimes to go unpunished during his three-year term leading the incorporated FBI. He also worked for the CIA money laundering bank HSBC. Yeah, Comey is utterly covered in shit and I wouldn't believe a fucking thing he had to say. He also was a part of the Clinton Global
Initiative and was awarded numerous contracts through his connections at Lockheed Martin.
if they want to investigate russia cause they're sure there's an issue here, have at it. personally i think this does a shitton of damage to our relationship with russia cause they're being used in our political bullshit.
Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?
it's yet to be proven for a fact they did it.

N o F U Z Z.

COMEY: Yes, sir. There should be no fuzz on this whatsoever.

The Russians interfered in our election during the 2016 cycle. They did with purpose. They did it with sophistication. They did it with overwhelming technical efforts. It was an active measures campaign driven from the top of that government.

There is no fuzz on that. It is a high confidence judgment of the entire intelligence community and the members of this committee have seen the intelligence. It's not a close call. That happened. That's about as unfake as you can possibly get. It is very, very serious, which is why it's so refreshing to see a bipartisan focus on that. This is about America, not about a particular party.

HEINRICH: That is a hostile act by the Russian government against this country?

COMEY: Yes, sir.

N O - F U Z Z.

LMAO!Is this the same Comey that covered up for the Clintons? James Comey has numerous ties to the Clinton crime family. His brother Peter Comey is an executive at DLA Piper, the law firm responsible for filing the Clinton Foundation’s know, that charitable foundation that is actually a slush fund for the Clintons that was recently shut down??? Comey was appointed by the Barrypuppet because he was a political insider with many insidious connections to the dems and Barrypuppet trusted Comey not to target the D.C establishment...and he didn't...reference the Hildebeast and her e-mail scandal and the smashing of their hard drives and Blackberrys. Comey allowed NUMEROUS leftard crimes to go unpunished during his three-year term leading the incorporated FBI. He also worked for the CIA money laundering bank HSBC. Yeah, Comey is utterly covered in shit and I wouldn't believe a fucking thing he had to say. He also was a part of the Clinton Global
Initiative and was awarded numerous contracts through his connections at Lockheed Martin.
You're fucked in the head.

Go back to spouting your usual birther, Seth Rich, Pizzagate, and other CT swamp fever nonsense.

That's more your blankie/
no one needed to go anywhere to get dirt on the Hildebeast. Seth Rich already procured evidence and the story that the Hildebeast covered up crimes of pedophilia in the state department and how she intimidated the networks into stopping the story is well known. Hell, the Hildebeast and corruption go together like bacon and eggs.

Cocksucker Dale, I am so glad you took some time off from pissing on the graves of murdered children, but you really should go fuck yourself.

Trump is going down, baby. The Trilateralists demand it.

Ahhh, Cocksucker (and swallower) Joe, you know that no one died at Sandy Hoax....I proved it.

If the Deep State is allowed to take out Trump using made up bullshit instead of blowing his brains out like they did Kennedy? It simply reinforces everything I have been writing about here. This country is a joke...a banana republic ran by a corporate entity owned by international bankers that is full of dumbed down morons that I refer to as "sheeple" and you are definitely one of them. I certainly don't have any respect for it nor do I pledge any loyalty to it.
if they want to investigate russia cause they're sure there's an issue here, have at it. personally i think this does a shitton of damage to our relationship with russia cause they're being used in our political bullshit.
Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?
it's yet to be proven for a fact they did it.

N o F U Z Z.

COMEY: Yes, sir. There should be no fuzz on this whatsoever.

The Russians interfered in our election during the 2016 cycle. They did with purpose. They did it with sophistication. They did it with overwhelming technical efforts. It was an active measures campaign driven from the top of that government.

There is no fuzz on that. It is a high confidence judgment of the entire intelligence community and the members of this committee have seen the intelligence. It's not a close call. That happened. That's about as unfake as you can possibly get. It is very, very serious, which is why it's so refreshing to see a bipartisan focus on that. This is about America, not about a particular party.

HEINRICH: That is a hostile act by the Russian government against this country?

COMEY: Yes, sir.

N O - F U Z Z.
So where's the supporting evidence for what Comey said? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Oh yeah, there is none.
if they want to investigate russia cause they're sure there's an issue here, have at it. personally i think this does a shitton of damage to our relationship with russia cause they're being used in our political bullshit.
Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?
it's yet to be proven for a fact they did it.

N o F U Z Z.

COMEY: Yes, sir. There should be no fuzz on this whatsoever.

The Russians interfered in our election during the 2016 cycle. They did with purpose. They did it with sophistication. They did it with overwhelming technical efforts. It was an active measures campaign driven from the top of that government.

There is no fuzz on that. It is a high confidence judgment of the entire intelligence community and the members of this committee have seen the intelligence. It's not a close call. That happened. That's about as unfake as you can possibly get. It is very, very serious, which is why it's so refreshing to see a bipartisan focus on that. This is about America, not about a particular party.

HEINRICH: That is a hostile act by the Russian government against this country?

COMEY: Yes, sir.

N O - F U Z Z.

LMAO!Is this the same Comey that covered up for the Clintons? James Comey has numerous ties to the Clinton crime family. His brother Peter Comey is an executive at DLA Piper, the law firm responsible for filing the Clinton Foundation’s know, that charitable foundation that is actually a slush fund for the Clintons that was recently shut down??? Comey was appointed by the Barrypuppet because he was a political insider with many insidious connections to the dems and Barrypuppet trusted Comey not to target the D.C establishment...and he didn't...reference the Hildebeast and her e-mail scandal and the smashing of their hard drives and Blackberrys. Comey allowed NUMEROUS leftard crimes to go unpunished during his three-year term leading the incorporated FBI. He also worked for the CIA money laundering bank HSBC. Yeah, Comey is utterly covered in shit and I wouldn't believe a fucking thing he had to say. He also was a part of the Clinton Global
Initiative and was awarded numerous contracts through his connections at Lockheed Martin.
You're fucked in the head.

Go back to spouting your usual birther, Seth Rich, Pizzagate, and other CT swamp fever nonsense.

That's more your blankie/

Awwwww, wassamatter, snowflake? Too much reality on a Monday night ? Tough shit.
I find it hilarious that the only conspiracies that exist to leftards are ones that they believe are used to keep them out of their rightful place in power! LMAO!!!!! IT WAS THE ROOSKIES I TELLS YA!!!!!
Do you or do you not trust the assessment of all our intelligence agencies? Can you provide any intelligence agencies that say differently (outside of Russia)?
at this point, no.

or should i believe 17 agencies all said they did this? wait, that's 3 now isn't it?
should i believe them when they say clinton and lynch were talking golf and their kids on a private tarmac?
should i believe an entire party that cared not one iota about russia til they lost? now things they did with russia are fine but anyone talking to them is guilty of something, we just have to prove it

or should i believe them when they say they can make it look like russia did it when they didn't?

what would you like me to believe here? mindless TRUMP BAD don't fly so give me some real logic here.

and now faking crap against iceland. that's my own "motherland" so now i'm mad dammit! :)

but seriously - you're asking for your point of view to be believed while you call everyone elses point a view, a lie.


So you can't provide any intelligence agencies outside of Russia that says anyone other than Russia interfered in our election. Why not just say so?

Four out of the 17 were involved in the January assessment about Russia: CIA, FBI, NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella agency that oversees all 17 organizations.

This doesn’t mean the remaining 13 intelligence organizations disagree with the January assessment, nor does it mean the report was insufficient, according to multiple national security experts.

The 17 organizations differ on their missions and scope, so they wouldn’t all be expected to contribute to every intelligence assessment, including one of this import.

"What matters is the agencies that (were involved) and whether, based on their mandate and collection responsibilities, those are the agencies best positioned to make the assessment," said Carrie Cordero, counsel at law firm ZwillGen and former counsel for various federal agencies focusing on national security.

17 intelligence agencies or 4, Russia findings still valid

so -

"regardless of what we said or claimed, we were wrong, but if you look at "alternative facts" we're right!".

gotcha. you don't want the truth, you want the other side demonized.

Did you respond to the correct thread? You make no sense.

Can you or can you not provide any intelligence agencies* that say different?

*Not Russian
you always dance this badly?

i'm not playing your fishing trip, son.

can you tell me why talk of grandkids and golf is 411 pages of FBI coverup and heavily redacted? i'm not chasing your bullshit while you avoid the real crimes. no more diversions.
Doesn't matter...

What DOES matter - in the context of this thread - is that Mueller isn't reined-in, in the slightest - from a practical perspective...
Mueller will report what he finds regardless of whether it is outside the scope of the original investigation

It is like investigating a stolen bicycle and finding a cache of drugs in the suspects garage

You just don't ignore evidence of a crime just because it is a different crime than you were looking for
if they want to investigate russia cause they're sure there's an issue here, have at it. personally i think this does a shitton of damage to our relationship with russia cause they're being used in our political bullshit.

Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?
it's yet to be proven for a fact they did it.

also - if interfering with other countries elections is bad, you need to get pissed at obama. hell, every other president before us as well. we're the worlds worst at putting OUR values on OTHER countries as if we're helping them.

so again - your selective anger is quite telling. typical juvenile "do as i say not as i do" bullshit.

Yes we do know Russia was involved in our election. Yes we do it, but we do not want it done. Reagan was the worst for interfering in other countries.
What exactly was that involvement that YOU know and experienced?
"...If special counsel Robert Mueller finds any crime outside the scope of the federal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, then he’ll have to seek permission, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Sunday."
Good thing that Trump's finances are already on-the-menu as relevant to that particular subject matter... :eusa_clap:

And, in future, anything with even the teeny-tiniest relevance to the Russia Investigation, even if removed by several degrees of kinship, will be put under a microscope.

With the Deputy AG's blessing.

Lord Almighty, but it's Grand Fun, watching TrumpBots start to crap their pants...

< tee-hee >
Thanks for admitting this is a fishing expedition and a witch hunt. You douche bags just have no shame, do you?
no crime. none, not one fking thing. Isn't the way my government is supposed to operate.

I do know it is the way the libs operate.
too funny. Irony alert.
Doesn't matter...

What DOES matter - in the context of this thread - is that Mueller isn't reined-in, in the slightest - from a practical perspective...
Mueller will report what he finds regardless of whether it is outside the scope of the original investigation

It is like investigating a stolen bicycle and finding a cache of drugs in the suspects garage

You just don't ignore evidence of a crime just because it is a different crime than you were looking for
The Trumpbots aren't really focused on the "scope" of the investigation. I don't think ANYONE originally expected to find out Trump agreed to JR meeting with Russian spies to get dirt on Hillary to use in the campaign. If information was gained, that is a crime tied directly to Trump.

Anything that is tied to that is part of the "scope" of the investigation because it goes to motive: why would Putin help Trump? Way back last summer, people said well Putin likes Trump because Trump will let him have Crimea and as much of Ukraine and anything else because Trump likes Putin and doesn't like Nato. And there's no crime is a potus wanting a foreign policy that is ill adivised. But, JR and Daddy meeting with the spies changed that. What Trump owes Putin, what other meetings occurred, who was there, were promises made concerning either finances or for policy ..... all those are relevant to motive.

It's simply remarkable that Trump didn't have someone knowledgeable about elections screaming "WE CAN"T DO THAT!" LOL

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