Mueller Reined In

Neither political party is worth a shit. Clinton sold us out along with Bush concerning NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT while signing us on to the U.N's mandate of Agenda 21 at the Rio Summit in 1992 that Bush signed us up for which Clinton then signed an E.O to enforce it. You suffer from ignorance because you don't have the slightest clue about how the system actually works, how it is actually a corporate entity that has been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and became the world's reserve currency which is nothing but a fiat system based and built on debt with nothing of an intrinsic value to back it up. You and your ilk believe that you can tax people out of poverty and onto better jobs and education....wanna bet?

And along comes the King of the Tin Foil Hat Brigade to tell I don't know what's REALLY going on.

Maybe not but I do know what ISN'T going on and it's all your Deep State bullshit that you're on about.

In your world, the simplest explanation is always wrong and only YOU, who thinks Sandy Hook is a hoax and the Deep State is real, can set me straight.

Drink you Kool-Aid, take your meds and go drool in the corner, Dale. We'll wake you when the alien ship arrives to take you home.
you're useless, you don't live here. go away.

She can't debate me because she isn't even close to knowing the things I she lamely insults. It's not like I expect anything better.
she isn't qualified
if they want to investigate russia cause they're sure there's an issue here, have at it. personally i think this does a shitton of damage to our relationship with russia cause they're being used in our political bullshit.

Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?
it's yet to be proven for a fact they did it.

also - if interfering with other countries elections is bad, you need to get pissed at obama. hell, every other president before us as well. we're the worlds worst at putting OUR values on OTHER countries as if we're helping them.

so again - your selective anger is quite telling. typical juvenile "do as i say not as i do" bullshit.

Do you or do you not trust the assessment of all our intelligence agencies? Can you provide any intelligence agencies that say differently (outside of Russia)?
at this point, no.

or should i believe 17 agencies all said they did this? wait, that's 3 now isn't it?
should i believe them when they say clinton and lynch were talking golf and their kids on a private tarmac?
should i believe an entire party that cared not one iota about russia til they lost? now things they did with russia are fine but anyone talking to them is guilty of something, we just have to prove it

or should i believe them when they say they can make it look like russia did it when they didn't?

what would you like me to believe here? mindless TRUMP BAD don't fly so give me some real logic here.

and now faking crap against iceland. that's my own "motherland" so now i'm mad dammit! :)

but seriously - you're asking for your point of view to be believed while you call everyone elses point a view, a lie.


So you can't provide any intelligence agencies outside of Russia that says anyone other than Russia interfered in our election. Why not just say so?

Four out of the 17 were involved in the January assessment about Russia: CIA, FBI, NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella agency that oversees all 17 organizations.

This doesn’t mean the remaining 13 intelligence organizations disagree with the January assessment, nor does it mean the report was insufficient, according to multiple national security experts.

The 17 organizations differ on their missions and scope, so they wouldn’t all be expected to contribute to every intelligence assessment, including one of this import.

"What matters is the agencies that (were involved) and whether, based on their mandate and collection responsibilities, those are the agencies best positioned to make the assessment," said Carrie Cordero, counsel at law firm ZwillGen and former counsel for various federal agencies focusing on national security.

17 intelligence agencies or 4, Russia findings still valid
if they want to investigate russia cause they're sure there's an issue here, have at it. personally i think this does a shitton of damage to our relationship with russia cause they're being used in our political bullshit.

Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?
it's yet to be proven for a fact they did it.

also - if interfering with other countries elections is bad, you need to get pissed at obama. hell, every other president before us as well. we're the worlds worst at putting OUR values on OTHER countries as if we're helping them.

so again - your selective anger is quite telling. typical juvenile "do as i say not as i do" bullshit.

Do you or do you not trust the assessment of all our intelligence agencies? Can you provide any intelligence agencies that say differently (outside of Russia)?
at this point, no.

or should i believe 17 agencies all said they did this? wait, that's 3 now isn't it?
should i believe them when they say clinton and lynch were talking golf and their kids on a private tarmac?
should i believe an entire party that cared not one iota about russia til they lost? now things they did with russia are fine but anyone talking to them is guilty of something, we just have to prove it

or should i believe them when they say they can make it look like russia did it when they didn't?

what would you like me to believe here? mindless TRUMP BAD don't fly so give me some real logic here.

and now faking crap against iceland. that's my own "motherland" so now i'm mad dammit! :)

but seriously - you're asking for your point of view to be believed while you call everyone elses point a view, a lie.


So you can't provide any intelligence agencies outside of Russia that says anyone other than Russia interfered in our election. Why not just say so?

Four out of the 17 were involved in the January assessment about Russia: CIA, FBI, NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella agency that oversees all 17 organizations.

This doesn’t mean the remaining 13 intelligence organizations disagree with the January assessment, nor does it mean the report was insufficient, according to multiple national security experts.

The 17 organizations differ on their missions and scope, so they wouldn’t all be expected to contribute to every intelligence assessment, including one of this import.

"What matters is the agencies that (were involved) and whether, based on their mandate and collection responsibilities, those are the agencies best positioned to make the assessment," said Carrie Cordero, counsel at law firm ZwillGen and former counsel for various federal agencies focusing on national security.

17 intelligence agencies or 4, Russia findings still valid
I'll say this again, what is the finding? they never looked at the DNC server, so they lied. LIED, LIARS each one of em. They never looked at shit.
if they want to investigate russia cause they're sure there's an issue here, have at it. personally i think this does a shitton of damage to our relationship with russia cause they're being used in our political bullshit.

Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?
it's yet to be proven for a fact they did it.

also - if interfering with other countries elections is bad, you need to get pissed at obama. hell, every other president before us as well. we're the worlds worst at putting OUR values on OTHER countries as if we're helping them.

so again - your selective anger is quite telling. typical juvenile "do as i say not as i do" bullshit.

Do you or do you not trust the assessment of all our intelligence agencies? Can you provide any intelligence agencies that say differently (outside of Russia)?
at this point, no.

or should i believe 17 agencies all said they did this? wait, that's 3 now isn't it?
should i believe them when they say clinton and lynch were talking golf and their kids on a private tarmac?
should i believe an entire party that cared not one iota about russia til they lost? now things they did with russia are fine but anyone talking to them is guilty of something, we just have to prove it

or should i believe them when they say they can make it look like russia did it when they didn't?

what would you like me to believe here? mindless TRUMP BAD don't fly so give me some real logic here.

and now faking crap against iceland. that's my own "motherland" so now i'm mad dammit! :)

but seriously - you're asking for your point of view to be believed while you call everyone elses point a view, a lie.


So you can't provide any intelligence agencies outside of Russia that says anyone other than Russia interfered in our election. Why not just say so?

Four out of the 17 were involved in the January assessment about Russia: CIA, FBI, NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella agency that oversees all 17 organizations.

This doesn’t mean the remaining 13 intelligence organizations disagree with the January assessment, nor does it mean the report was insufficient, according to multiple national security experts.

The 17 organizations differ on their missions and scope, so they wouldn’t all be expected to contribute to every intelligence assessment, including one of this import.

"What matters is the agencies that (were involved) and whether, based on their mandate and collection responsibilities, those are the agencies best positioned to make the assessment," said Carrie Cordero, counsel at law firm ZwillGen and former counsel for various federal agencies focusing on national security.

17 intelligence agencies or 4, Russia findings still valid

Total bullshit. All intelligence agencies are basing their findings on CloudStrike because the DNC would not turn over their server. We also know due to the Vault 7 release of information that the CIA can mimic cyber attacks that could be used to accuse other countries. Because the CIA and all of the other incorporated alphabet agencies are so rife with corruption and infiltrated with globalist commie operatives? I don't trust one fucking thing that they have to say be it good or bad as it pertains to us serfs. The CIA has been hoisted by it's own petard. I have no respect for anything as it pertains to the "federal gubermint".
if they want to investigate russia cause they're sure there's an issue here, have at it. personally i think this does a shitton of damage to our relationship with russia cause they're being used in our political bullshit.

Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?
it's yet to be proven for a fact they did it.

also - if interfering with other countries elections is bad, you need to get pissed at obama. hell, every other president before us as well. we're the worlds worst at putting OUR values on OTHER countries as if we're helping them.

so again - your selective anger is quite telling. typical juvenile "do as i say not as i do" bullshit.

Do you or do you not trust the assessment of all our intelligence agencies? Can you provide any intelligence agencies that say differently (outside of Russia)?
at this point, no.

or should i believe 17 agencies all said they did this? wait, that's 3 now isn't it?
should i believe them when they say clinton and lynch were talking golf and their kids on a private tarmac?
should i believe an entire party that cared not one iota about russia til they lost? now things they did with russia are fine but anyone talking to them is guilty of something, we just have to prove it

or should i believe them when they say they can make it look like russia did it when they didn't?

what would you like me to believe here? mindless TRUMP BAD don't fly so give me some real logic here.

and now faking crap against iceland. that's my own "motherland" so now i'm mad dammit! :)

but seriously - you're asking for your point of view to be believed while you call everyone elses point a view, a lie.


So you can't provide any intelligence agencies outside of Russia that says anyone other than Russia interfered in our election. Why not just say so?

Four out of the 17 were involved in the January assessment about Russia: CIA, FBI, NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella agency that oversees all 17 organizations.

This doesn’t mean the remaining 13 intelligence organizations disagree with the January assessment, nor does it mean the report was insufficient, according to multiple national security experts.

The 17 organizations differ on their missions and scope, so they wouldn’t all be expected to contribute to every intelligence assessment, including one of this import.

"What matters is the agencies that (were involved) and whether, based on their mandate and collection responsibilities, those are the agencies best positioned to make the assessment," said Carrie Cordero, counsel at law firm ZwillGen and former counsel for various federal agencies focusing on national security.

17 intelligence agencies or 4, Russia findings still valid

so -

"regardless of what we said or claimed, we were wrong, but if you look at "alternative facts" we're right!".

gotcha. you don't want the truth, you want the other side demonized.
Reminds me of Benghazi or deleted texts and emails, what a glorious investigation that was and lasted years....But no complaints from the frumpy dept. then....
The clintons are above the law...
Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?
it's yet to be proven for a fact they did it.

also - if interfering with other countries elections is bad, you need to get pissed at obama. hell, every other president before us as well. we're the worlds worst at putting OUR values on OTHER countries as if we're helping them.

so again - your selective anger is quite telling. typical juvenile "do as i say not as i do" bullshit.

Do you or do you not trust the assessment of all our intelligence agencies? Can you provide any intelligence agencies that say differently (outside of Russia)?
at this point, no.

or should i believe 17 agencies all said they did this? wait, that's 3 now isn't it?
should i believe them when they say clinton and lynch were talking golf and their kids on a private tarmac?
should i believe an entire party that cared not one iota about russia til they lost? now things they did with russia are fine but anyone talking to them is guilty of something, we just have to prove it

or should i believe them when they say they can make it look like russia did it when they didn't?

what would you like me to believe here? mindless TRUMP BAD don't fly so give me some real logic here.

and now faking crap against iceland. that's my own "motherland" so now i'm mad dammit! :)

but seriously - you're asking for your point of view to be believed while you call everyone elses point a view, a lie.


So you can't provide any intelligence agencies outside of Russia that says anyone other than Russia interfered in our election. Why not just say so?

Four out of the 17 were involved in the January assessment about Russia: CIA, FBI, NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella agency that oversees all 17 organizations.

This doesn’t mean the remaining 13 intelligence organizations disagree with the January assessment, nor does it mean the report was insufficient, according to multiple national security experts.

The 17 organizations differ on their missions and scope, so they wouldn’t all be expected to contribute to every intelligence assessment, including one of this import.

"What matters is the agencies that (were involved) and whether, based on their mandate and collection responsibilities, those are the agencies best positioned to make the assessment," said Carrie Cordero, counsel at law firm ZwillGen and former counsel for various federal agencies focusing on national security.

17 intelligence agencies or 4, Russia findings still valid

so -

"regardless of what we said or claimed, we were wrong, but if you look at "alternative facts" we're right!".

gotcha. you don't want the truth, you want the other side demonized.

Did you respond to the correct thread? You make no sense.

Can you or can you not provide any intelligence agencies* that say different?

*Not Russian
Neither political party is worth a shit. Clinton sold us out along with Bush concerning NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT while signing us on to the U.N's mandate of Agenda 21 at the Rio Summit in 1992 that Bush signed us up for which Clinton then signed an E.O to enforce it. You suffer from ignorance because you don't have the slightest clue about how the system actually works, how it is actually a corporate entity that has been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and became the world's reserve currency which is nothing but a fiat system based and built on debt with nothing of an intrinsic value to back it up. You and your ilk believe that you can tax people out of poverty and onto better jobs and education....wanna bet?

And along comes the King of the Tin Foil Hat Brigade to tell I don't know what's REALLY going on.

Maybe not but I do know what ISN'T going on and it's all your Deep State bullshit that you're on about.

In your world, the simplest explanation is always wrong and only YOU, who thinks Sandy Hook is a hoax and the Deep State is real, can set me straight.

Drink you Kool-Aid, take your meds and go drool in the corner, Dale. We'll wake you when the alien ship arrives to take you home.

"Tin foil hat" my ass, bitch. Funny how when no one can refute the thousands of hours I have spent sacrificing doing things that I would rather be doing to learn this stuff? The best ignorant serfs like you can come up with is "Conspiracy theorist!!!" as if it's a cross to ward off a Hollywood vampire. It's utterly pathetic. You don't know the past history that I do, this fiat/fractional reserve banking system built on debt and designed to keep us in it and the ones running it. Politicians that weren't in the back pockets of the bankers like Lindbergh and McFadden warned about the parallel government or "shadow government" that would pop up around the turning over the monetary supply to foreign bankers. The simplest explanation is the truth but you wouldn't know it even if it jumped up and bit you on your wrinkly old ass. You NEED this left versus right paradigm because that is the best your simple mind can handle....tunnel vision is the only type of vision you have.

I don't have a left versus right paradigm That's a construct of American politics. There is no such thing as a "pre-existing condition". My personal finances and lifestyle are immune from the economic chaos unfolding in the US once the Republicans move onto "cutting taxes", which they will do with or without Trump.
Neither political party is worth a shit. Clinton sold us out along with Bush concerning NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT while signing us on to the U.N's mandate of Agenda 21 at the Rio Summit in 1992 that Bush signed us up for which Clinton then signed an E.O to enforce it. You suffer from ignorance because you don't have the slightest clue about how the system actually works, how it is actually a corporate entity that has been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and became the world's reserve currency which is nothing but a fiat system based and built on debt with nothing of an intrinsic value to back it up. You and your ilk believe that you can tax people out of poverty and onto better jobs and education....wanna bet?

And along comes the King of the Tin Foil Hat Brigade to tell I don't know what's REALLY going on.

Maybe not but I do know what ISN'T going on and it's all your Deep State bullshit that you're on about.

In your world, the simplest explanation is always wrong and only YOU, who thinks Sandy Hook is a hoax and the Deep State is real, can set me straight.

Drink you Kool-Aid, take your meds and go drool in the corner, Dale. We'll wake you when the alien ship arrives to take you home.

"Tin foil hat" my ass, bitch. Funny how when no one can refute the thousands of hours I have spent sacrificing doing things that I would rather be doing to learn this stuff? The best ignorant serfs like you can come up with is "Conspiracy theorist!!!" as if it's a cross to ward off a Hollywood vampire. It's utterly pathetic. You don't know the past history that I do, this fiat/fractional reserve banking system built on debt and designed to keep us in it and the ones running it. Politicians that weren't in the back pockets of the bankers like Lindbergh and McFadden warned about the parallel government or "shadow government" that would pop up around the turning over the monetary supply to foreign bankers. The simplest explanation is the truth but you wouldn't know it even if it jumped up and bit you on your wrinkly old ass. You NEED this left versus right paradigm because that is the best your simple mind can handle....tunnel vision is the only type of vision you have.

I don't have a left versus right paradigm That's a construct of American politics. There is no such thing as a "pre-existing condition". My personal finances and lifestyle are immune from the economic chaos unfolding in the US once the Republicans move onto "cutting taxes", which they will do with or without Trump.

So, Ms Commie, how much of one's labor do you believe "da gubermint" is entitled to steal from their serfs? BTW, I noticed that you never addressed the points I made.....too far over your head?
"...If special counsel Robert Mueller finds any crime outside the scope of the federal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, then he’ll have to seek permission, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Sunday."
Good thing that Trump's finances are already on-the-menu as relevant to that particular subject matter... :eusa_clap:

And, in future, anything with even the teeny-tiniest relevance to the Russia Investigation, even if removed by several degrees of kinship, will be put under a microscope.

With the Deputy AG's blessing.

Lord Almighty, but it's Grand Fun, watching TrumpBots start to crap their pants...

< tee-hee >
Thanks for admitting this is a fishing expedition and a witch hunt. You douche bags just have no shame, do you?
It has been proven that the Trump Russia investigation began based on a fake report passed through a foreign agent that contained Russian generated propaganda.

It has? Got a link to that?

It is public record Bill Clinton was working for the KGB during the election,

During what election?

Still waiting for links easyt65.

Just like I said...downloaded to a thumb drive at speeds the internet could never provide.

New Analysis Kills DNC Hacking Narrative, Shows Russian Data Trail Was Forged
Wait, so Russia interfering in our elections does nothing to our "relationship" but investigating their interference in our election "damages" it?
it's yet to be proven for a fact they did it.

also - if interfering with other countries elections is bad, you need to get pissed at obama. hell, every other president before us as well. we're the worlds worst at putting OUR values on OTHER countries as if we're helping them.

so again - your selective anger is quite telling. typical juvenile "do as i say not as i do" bullshit.

Do you or do you not trust the assessment of all our intelligence agencies? Can you provide any intelligence agencies that say differently (outside of Russia)?
at this point, no.

or should i believe 17 agencies all said they did this? wait, that's 3 now isn't it?
should i believe them when they say clinton and lynch were talking golf and their kids on a private tarmac?
should i believe an entire party that cared not one iota about russia til they lost? now things they did with russia are fine but anyone talking to them is guilty of something, we just have to prove it

or should i believe them when they say they can make it look like russia did it when they didn't?

what would you like me to believe here? mindless TRUMP BAD don't fly so give me some real logic here.

and now faking crap against iceland. that's my own "motherland" so now i'm mad dammit! :)

but seriously - you're asking for your point of view to be believed while you call everyone elses point a view, a lie.


So you can't provide any intelligence agencies outside of Russia that says anyone other than Russia interfered in our election. Why not just say so?

Four out of the 17 were involved in the January assessment about Russia: CIA, FBI, NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella agency that oversees all 17 organizations.

This doesn’t mean the remaining 13 intelligence organizations disagree with the January assessment, nor does it mean the report was insufficient, according to multiple national security experts.

The 17 organizations differ on their missions and scope, so they wouldn’t all be expected to contribute to every intelligence assessment, including one of this import.

"What matters is the agencies that (were involved) and whether, based on their mandate and collection responsibilities, those are the agencies best positioned to make the assessment," said Carrie Cordero, counsel at law firm ZwillGen and former counsel for various federal agencies focusing on national security.

17 intelligence agencies or 4, Russia findings still valid

Total bullshit. All intelligence agencies are basing their findings on CloudStrike because the DNC would not turn over their server. We also know due to the Vault 7 release of information that the CIA can mimic cyber attacks that could be used to accuse other countries. Because the CIA and all of the other incorporated alphabet agencies are so rife with corruption and infiltrated with globalist commie operatives? I don't trust one fucking thing that they have to say be it good or bad as it pertains to us serfs. The CIA has been hoisted by it's own petard. I have no respect for anything as it pertains to the "federal gubermint".

A vast conspiracy involving hundreds of people colluding to tell the same story. Nobody cracks, no evidence, no basis in reality. In a conspiracy there are always leaks, always those who crack. Trump's White House leaks like a sieve.

Every leak makes Trump look like s buffoon, none so much as his phone calls to Mexico and Australia. They showed what a shallow lying showboat you've elected.

Lots of people are talking. Like the "I am not a spy" Russian guy who "used to be a spy" but isn't now, who said the Russian lawyer gave Junior a file. Junior said she had nothing. Was Junior promised a fat real estate deal to get the guy off?
it's yet to be proven for a fact they did it.

also - if interfering with other countries elections is bad, you need to get pissed at obama. hell, every other president before us as well. we're the worlds worst at putting OUR values on OTHER countries as if we're helping them.

so again - your selective anger is quite telling. typical juvenile "do as i say not as i do" bullshit.

Do you or do you not trust the assessment of all our intelligence agencies? Can you provide any intelligence agencies that say differently (outside of Russia)?
at this point, no.

or should i believe 17 agencies all said they did this? wait, that's 3 now isn't it?
should i believe them when they say clinton and lynch were talking golf and their kids on a private tarmac?
should i believe an entire party that cared not one iota about russia til they lost? now things they did with russia are fine but anyone talking to them is guilty of something, we just have to prove it

or should i believe them when they say they can make it look like russia did it when they didn't?

what would you like me to believe here? mindless TRUMP BAD don't fly so give me some real logic here.

and now faking crap against iceland. that's my own "motherland" so now i'm mad dammit! :)

but seriously - you're asking for your point of view to be believed while you call everyone elses point a view, a lie.


So you can't provide any intelligence agencies outside of Russia that says anyone other than Russia interfered in our election. Why not just say so?

Four out of the 17 were involved in the January assessment about Russia: CIA, FBI, NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella agency that oversees all 17 organizations.

This doesn’t mean the remaining 13 intelligence organizations disagree with the January assessment, nor does it mean the report was insufficient, according to multiple national security experts.

The 17 organizations differ on their missions and scope, so they wouldn’t all be expected to contribute to every intelligence assessment, including one of this import.

"What matters is the agencies that (were involved) and whether, based on their mandate and collection responsibilities, those are the agencies best positioned to make the assessment," said Carrie Cordero, counsel at law firm ZwillGen and former counsel for various federal agencies focusing on national security.

17 intelligence agencies or 4, Russia findings still valid

Total bullshit. All intelligence agencies are basing their findings on CloudStrike because the DNC would not turn over their server. We also know due to the Vault 7 release of information that the CIA can mimic cyber attacks that could be used to accuse other countries. Because the CIA and all of the other incorporated alphabet agencies are so rife with corruption and infiltrated with globalist commie operatives? I don't trust one fucking thing that they have to say be it good or bad as it pertains to us serfs. The CIA has been hoisted by it's own petard. I have no respect for anything as it pertains to the "federal gubermint".

A vast conspiracy involving hundreds of people colluding to tell the same story. Nobody cracks, no evidence, no basis in reality. In a conspiracy there are always leaks, always those who crack. Trump's White House leaks like a sieve.

Every leak makes Trump look like s buffoon, none so much as his phone calls to Mexico and Australia. They showed what a shallow lying showboat you've elected.

Lots of people are talking. Like the "I am not a spy" Russian guy who "used to be a spy" but isn't now, who said the Russian lawyer gave Junior a file. Junior said she had nothing. Was Junior promised a fat real estate deal to get the guy off?

So you are saying that there were Rooskie moles working within the DNC? Because that is where the files were taken....not over the internet.

New Analysis Kills DNC Hacking Narrative, Shows Russian Data Trail Was Forged
"Non-existent Russian Collusion". Trumpanzees see no Russian, speak no Russian and hear no Russian.

Don't worry Basque. Mueller has plenty to work with just with Junior's Russian lawyer friend and her "Russian orphans". She got a sweetheart deal on her client's money laundering case lawsuit. A deal so good even the lawyer was surprised.

Jeff Sessions settling the case for 3 cents on the dollar, and no admission of guilt. Her client get a slap on the wrist $3 million dollar fine and $227 million of fresh washed and pressed money. Hold the starch.

Trump's German banker, Deutchesbank, just paid a $100 million dollar fine for laundering Russian mobster money. Trump banks offshore after American banks stop lending to him. 6 bankruptcies. They'd had enough.

Mueller' hiring corruption specialist lawyers. Sounds like he's on to something. Calling for a grand jury sounds like he's getting ready to present evidence and lay charges.

After reading that I have just one question. Is DragonLady code for DragQueen? 70/30 it does.

No, not at all. I'm a retired law clerk. My job was to close the deals the lawyers negotiated. I worked for one of the largest law firms in the world with offices across Canada and in London. The firm I worked for did work which impacted national economies and governments. Largest deal I ever worked on $10 billion. Part of a team doing due diligence on the real estate.

I've worked for bankers, insurance and law throughout my working life. There is no Deep State running things. There is a complex maze of business, money interests and governments. No voodoo involved. I've studied and worked in business and politics all of my adult life.

The simplest explanation is usually correct. But I know that bullshit conspiracy theories like Sandy Hook is a hoax, are bullshit and they disrespect both the victims and their families.

Seth Rich's Family, Rod Wheeler, the Democrats, FOX News, the FBI, and the DC Police have all said that Seth Rich had no access to the leaked DNC emails, there is no evidence that he ever contacted WIKI-LEAKS, nor has Julian Assange ever produced an email from Seth Rich. But still you spout bullshit lies which disrespect Seth Rich and his family.

The Family of Ambassador Chris Stevens have asked you to cut it out.

But still you conspiracy nuts go on about imaginary shit that never happened. Don't waste my time.
Do you or do you not trust the assessment of all our intelligence agencies? Can you provide any intelligence agencies that say differently (outside of Russia)?
at this point, no.

or should i believe 17 agencies all said they did this? wait, that's 3 now isn't it?
should i believe them when they say clinton and lynch were talking golf and their kids on a private tarmac?
should i believe an entire party that cared not one iota about russia til they lost? now things they did with russia are fine but anyone talking to them is guilty of something, we just have to prove it

or should i believe them when they say they can make it look like russia did it when they didn't?

what would you like me to believe here? mindless TRUMP BAD don't fly so give me some real logic here.

and now faking crap against iceland. that's my own "motherland" so now i'm mad dammit! :)

but seriously - you're asking for your point of view to be believed while you call everyone elses point a view, a lie.


So you can't provide any intelligence agencies outside of Russia that says anyone other than Russia interfered in our election. Why not just say so?

Four out of the 17 were involved in the January assessment about Russia: CIA, FBI, NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella agency that oversees all 17 organizations.

This doesn’t mean the remaining 13 intelligence organizations disagree with the January assessment, nor does it mean the report was insufficient, according to multiple national security experts.

The 17 organizations differ on their missions and scope, so they wouldn’t all be expected to contribute to every intelligence assessment, including one of this import.

"What matters is the agencies that (were involved) and whether, based on their mandate and collection responsibilities, those are the agencies best positioned to make the assessment," said Carrie Cordero, counsel at law firm ZwillGen and former counsel for various federal agencies focusing on national security.

17 intelligence agencies or 4, Russia findings still valid

Total bullshit. All intelligence agencies are basing their findings on CloudStrike because the DNC would not turn over their server. We also know due to the Vault 7 release of information that the CIA can mimic cyber attacks that could be used to accuse other countries. Because the CIA and all of the other incorporated alphabet agencies are so rife with corruption and infiltrated with globalist commie operatives? I don't trust one fucking thing that they have to say be it good or bad as it pertains to us serfs. The CIA has been hoisted by it's own petard. I have no respect for anything as it pertains to the "federal gubermint".

A vast conspiracy involving hundreds of people colluding to tell the same story. Nobody cracks, no evidence, no basis in reality. In a conspiracy there are always leaks, always those who crack. Trump's White House leaks like a sieve.

Every leak makes Trump look like s buffoon, none so much as his phone calls to Mexico and Australia. They showed what a shallow lying showboat you've elected.

Lots of people are talking. Like the "I am not a spy" Russian guy who "used to be a spy" but isn't now, who said the Russian lawyer gave Junior a file. Junior said she had nothing. Was Junior promised a fat real estate deal to get the guy off?

So you are saying that there were Rooskie moles working within the DNC? Because that is where the files were taken....not over the internet.

New Analysis Kills DNC Hacking Narrative, Shows Russian Data Trail Was Forged

An article from KimDotCom. Did Debbie Wasserman Schultz give Kim access to the DNC servers. If not why should we believe Kim.Dot.Com?
"...If special counsel Robert Mueller finds any crime outside the scope of the federal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, then he’ll have to seek permission, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Sunday."
Good thing that Trump's finances are already on-the-menu as relevant to that particular subject matter... :eusa_clap:

And, in future, anything with even the teeny-tiniest relevance to the Russia Investigation, even if removed by several degrees of kinship, will be put under a microscope.

With the Deputy AG's blessing.

Lord Almighty, but it's Grand Fun, watching TrumpBots start to crap their pants...

< tee-hee >
Thanks for admitting this is a fishing expedition and a witch hunt. You douche bags just have no shame, do you?
no crime. none, not one fking thing. Isn't the way my government is supposed to operate.

I do know it is the way the libs operate.
it's yet to be proven for a fact they did it.

also - if interfering with other countries elections is bad, you need to get pissed at obama. hell, every other president before us as well. we're the worlds worst at putting OUR values on OTHER countries as if we're helping them.

so again - your selective anger is quite telling. typical juvenile "do as i say not as i do" bullshit.

Do you or do you not trust the assessment of all our intelligence agencies? Can you provide any intelligence agencies that say differently (outside of Russia)?
at this point, no.

or should i believe 17 agencies all said they did this? wait, that's 3 now isn't it?
should i believe them when they say clinton and lynch were talking golf and their kids on a private tarmac?
should i believe an entire party that cared not one iota about russia til they lost? now things they did with russia are fine but anyone talking to them is guilty of something, we just have to prove it

or should i believe them when they say they can make it look like russia did it when they didn't?

what would you like me to believe here? mindless TRUMP BAD don't fly so give me some real logic here.

and now faking crap against iceland. that's my own "motherland" so now i'm mad dammit! :)

but seriously - you're asking for your point of view to be believed while you call everyone elses point a view, a lie.


So you can't provide any intelligence agencies outside of Russia that says anyone other than Russia interfered in our election. Why not just say so?

Four out of the 17 were involved in the January assessment about Russia: CIA, FBI, NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella agency that oversees all 17 organizations.

This doesn’t mean the remaining 13 intelligence organizations disagree with the January assessment, nor does it mean the report was insufficient, according to multiple national security experts.

The 17 organizations differ on their missions and scope, so they wouldn’t all be expected to contribute to every intelligence assessment, including one of this import.

"What matters is the agencies that (were involved) and whether, based on their mandate and collection responsibilities, those are the agencies best positioned to make the assessment," said Carrie Cordero, counsel at law firm ZwillGen and former counsel for various federal agencies focusing on national security.

17 intelligence agencies or 4, Russia findings still valid

so -

"regardless of what we said or claimed, we were wrong, but if you look at "alternative facts" we're right!".

gotcha. you don't want the truth, you want the other side demonized.

Did you respond to the correct thread? You make no sense.

Can you or can you not provide any intelligence agencies* that say different?

*Not Russian
you always dance this badly?

i'm not playing your fishing trip, son.

can you tell me why talk of grandkids and golf is 411 pages of FBI coverup and heavily redacted? i'm not chasing your bullshit while you avoid the real crimes. no more diversions.
It has been proven that the Trump Russia investigation began based on a fake report passed through a foreign agent that contained Russian generated propaganda.

It has? Got a link to that?

It is public record Bill Clinton was working for the KGB during the election,

During what election?

Still waiting for links easyt65.

Just like I said...downloaded to a thumb drive at speeds the internet could never provide.

New Analysis Kills DNC Hacking Narrative, Shows Russian Data Trail Was Forged

1. That's not from a credible source
2. That does not support this assertion

It has been proven that the Trump Russia investigation began based on a fake report passed through a foreign agent that contained Russian generated propaganda
"Non-existent Russian Collusion". Trumpanzees see no Russian, speak no Russian and hear no Russian.

Don't worry Basque. Mueller has plenty to work with just with Junior's Russian lawyer friend and her "Russian orphans". She got a sweetheart deal on her client's money laundering case lawsuit. A deal so good even the lawyer was surprised.

Jeff Sessions settling the case for 3 cents on the dollar, and no admission of guilt. Her client get a slap on the wrist $3 million dollar fine and $227 million of fresh washed and pressed money. Hold the starch.

Trump's German banker, Deutchesbank, just paid a $100 million dollar fine for laundering Russian mobster money. Trump banks offshore after American banks stop lending to him. 6 bankruptcies. They'd had enough.

Mueller' hiring corruption specialist lawyers. Sounds like he's on to something. Calling for a grand jury sounds like he's getting ready to present evidence and lay charges.

After reading that I have just one question. Is DragonLady code for DragQueen? 70/30 it does.

No, not at all. I'm a retired law clerk. My job was to close the deals the lawyers negotiated. I worked for one of the largest law firms in the world with offices across Canada and in London. The firm I worked for did work which impacted national economies and governments. Largest deal I ever worked on $10 billion. Part of a team doing due diligence on the real estate.

I've worked for bankers, insurance and law throughout my working life. There is no Deep State running things. There is a complex maze of business, money interests and governments. No voodoo involved. I've studied and worked in business and politics all of my adult life.

The simplest explanation is usually correct. But I know that bullshit conspiracy theories like Sandy Hook is a hoax, are bullshit and they disrespect both the victims and their families.

Seth Rich's Family, Rod Wheeler, the Democrats, FOX News, the FBI, and the DC Police have all said that Seth Rich had no access to the leaked DNC emails, there is no evidence that he ever contacted WIKI-LEAKS, nor has Julian Assange ever produced an email from Seth Rich. But still you spout bullshit lies which disrespect Seth Rich and his family.

The Family of Ambassador Chris Stevens have asked you to cut it out.

But still you conspiracy nuts go on about imaginary shit that never happened. Don't waste my time.

What makes your experience more qualified to determine whether the deep state exists than mine? Answer: nothing. You were a frikken law clerk, and you didn't even work for the government.

How would Seth Rich's Family, Rod Wheeler, FOX News, the FBI, and the DC Police even know if he had access to the DNC emails? The only ones who know are the Democrats, and they have every reason to lie. Why would Julian Assange produce an email from Seth Rich if he was determined to keep the leaker's identity a secret?

You post, like all the others, is just a big pile of fales premises, non sequiturs and other logical fallacies.

The rest of your spew is too stupid to bother with.

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