Mueller Report - released 4-18-2019. Still no impeachment

106 days, no impeachment.

Nadler says Trump "has violated the law 6 ways from Sunday," and Mueller’s report lays out “very substantial evidence” that Trump is guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors,””-j-nadler-d-ny.559115/

What are the Democrats waiting for?
This is as stupid now as it was in August.
As usual - when you can't handle the truth, the best you response you can muster is to call it "stupid".
You know - like a 5 year-old.
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Remember all the libbie loon clamourings of “its not over....this is only the first it goes to congress....”
And 6.5 months later the only place it has gone is onto the next coup hoax.
Remember all the libbie loon clamourings of “its not over....this is only the first it goes to congress....”
And 6.5 months later the only place it has gone is onto the next coup hoax.
As has been said innumerable times:
Trump did not create the insanity and hatred of the left, he exposed it.
201 days, no impeachment.

Nadler says Trump "has violated the law 6 ways from Sunday," and Mueller’s report lays out “very substantial evidence” that Trump is guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors,””-j-nadler-d-ny.559115/

What are the Democrats waiting for?
They are really not waiting for anything because they don’t have anything other that a smear campaign designed to hurt Trump in next election and if it all falls into place just right then maybe a coup.
201 days, no impeachment.

Nadler says Trump "has violated the law 6 ways from Sunday," and Mueller’s report lays out “very substantial evidence” that Trump is guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors,””-j-nadler-d-ny.559115/

What are the Democrats waiting for?
They are really not waiting for anything because they don’t have anything other that a smear campaign designed to hurt Trump in next election and if it all falls into place just right then maybe a coup.
Well sure -- if they had the goods on Trump - like Nadler said - he would have been impeached by now.

I wonder why Democrats/liberals take no issue with Nadler lying to them.
That's over 1,000 days of The Democrats Water Boarding America with Russian Propaganda!

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