Mueller trying to rope President Trump into questioning

No upside. If you sit w/ investigators and came out shiny and clean the left would never think collusion wasnt the reason you won.

I am pulling 50 approval ratings on Rasmussen after the concerted effort to delegitimize my presidency. Nope.
How odd that Democrats try to use election illegitimacy as a ploy to regain power, when their methodology in 2016 was steeped in just that. :rolleyes:
If my client were this guilty, I would no time allow him to testify either
LOL. You have no evidence of Trump being guilty of anything. Secondly, if Trump left, I'd happily accept Pence as my president, doing everything Trump is doing, and more. :biggrin:


The evidence is building. Trumps constant whine shows Mueller is getting close
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Special counsel Mueller wants to ask Trump about obstruction of justice: Sources

Not gonna happen scumbag! Period. It won't happen. You can go ahead and end your witch hunt anytime now because President Trump ain't talking to you or your 17 angry democrat pals!
Trumps already hung himself in his tweets.
A president can post whatever he likes just like I long as he doesn't ORDER or COMMAND a subordinate to do something that would be contrary to the law etc. He hasn't he can chime in anytime he wants to.
The WH, via Sean Spicer, declared that Trump's tweets are official government statements. So Mueller is going to treat them that way.
There will be a time when Trump is a memory, a footnote, reduced to a punchline. That day will have Democratic majorities in the Senate, the House and a Democrat in the White House.

If they behave with the same level of hatred and fear as the current crop of Republicans are behaving, I'll be available to you to help in your campaign to bring responsible leadership back.

But there's no way anyone wishing for responsible leadership could excuse, spin, and approve of the level of comportment on display today. If the Democrats did precisely what the GOP and Trump are doing, how would you react? This ain't like a sports rivalry. This isn't about bragging rights. This is real life, real political tragedy. This ain't winning, it's a course on how to divide and conquer as great country.
It would not surprise me if there were NEVER Democratic majorities in the Senate, the House and a Democrat in the White House, ever again.. For all practicality, I think we may be seeing the end of the Democratic party.

If Trump can succeed in getting the 30 million illegal aliens out of the country, the Democrats may have no hope of ever winning an election again, anywhere in America (even in California)
What makes America great? Resilience. What single thing in history has repeated over and over and over again in this nation? The pendulum always swings back.

If you are convinced there are 30 million undocumented immigrants making life unbearable, then you are a single data point within a 35% minority. A whipping boy, a scapegoat, a cause of all malfeasance slapped on undocumented immigrants is an old, time worn political tactic. We've seen it before. In the Jm Crow south, in the eastern cities durning the mid 19th century and in Central Europe in the 1930s.

How did that work out?

The evidence is building. Trumps constant whine shows Mueller is getting close
WHAT evidence ? HA HA HA. Yes, tic.....tic.....tic......and after all that ticking, NOTHING. But lots of evidence of an election meddling probe with MEXICO exists. Time to investigate that....or better yet, just pass new laws.
What makes America great? Resilience. What single thing in history has repeated over and over and over again in this nation? The pendulum always swings back.

If you are convinced there are 30 million undocumented immigrants making life unbearable, then you are a single data point within a 35% minority. A whipping boy, a scapegoat, a cause of all malfeasance slapped on undocumented immigrants is an old, time worn political tactic. We've seen it before. In the Jm Crow south, in the eastern cities durning the mid 19th century and in Central Europe in the 1930s.

How did that work out?
No scapegoating. Evidences are all crystal clear. Just like (for one example) the GAO report on illegals starting forest fires. Other proofs are self evident >> more people/more crime, more people/more pollution, more people/less resources per capita, more people/more traffic, etc,etc.

And let's not forget 8 million jobs held by immigrants, depriving Americans of those jobs, and let's not forget $138 Billion/year loss from US economy in remittances$$ sent to immigrants' home countries.

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2016

Size of U.S. Unauthorized Immigrant Workforce Stable After the Great Recession
No upside.
Of course there is, if you are completely innocent. Obviously. I'm not going to respond to this Trumpkin drooling any further.

If you're innocent you let the charges, or in the case of the President, impeachment come.

Any 1st year law student would advise that.

Trump should only make his decision to testify or not once he is actually accused of a crime and brought to trial/impeachment proceedings. Not before. Trump doesn't have to do anything right now. However, Mueller will eventually have to put his cards on the table. Grand Jury threat? If I were Trump, I would tell Mueller that I will not testify at some secret jury proceedings. Let's do this in public, before the American people. In fact, I would demand it.
I love rubbing salt in the left's wounds, Trump's victory on election night was the best election night ever! :eusa_dance:
I'm very happy for you. Hey, retards deserve happiness too, right?

I thought liberals were smart, educated, how did some amateur crush you and become POTUS?

Because most or all of his followers are ignorant.

Yet we kicked the crap out of you libs, go figure. :auiqs.jpg:

Losing the popular vote, and only winning with the assistance of a malevolent foreign power in collusion with traitors doesn't exactly fit "kicked the crap out of".

What popular vote? There was a popular vote election? Oh wait, there wasn't :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
What makes America great? Resilience. What single thing in history has repeated over and over and over again in this nation? The pendulum always swings back.

If you are convinced there are 30 million undocumented immigrants making life unbearable, then you are a single data point within a 35% minority. A whipping boy, a scapegoat, a cause of all malfeasance slapped on undocumented immigrants is an old, time worn political tactic. We've seen it before. In the Jm Crow south, in the eastern cities durning the mid 19th century and in Central Europe in the 1930s.

How did that work out?
No scapegoating. Evidences are all crystal clear. Just like (for one example) the GAO report on illegals starting forest fires. Other proofs are self evident >> more people/more crime, more people/more pollution, more people/less resources per capita, more people/more traffic, etc,etc.

And let's not forget 8 million jobs held by immigrants, depriving Americans of those jobs, and let's not forget $138 Billion/year loss from US economy in remittances$$ sent to immigrants' home countries.

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2016

Size of U.S. Unauthorized Immigrant Workforce Stable After the Great Recession
Are you bitching about unemployment? Didn't you get the talking points from Sarah Huckabee Samders? There are more jobs then there are people to work them. Know when to declare victory and depart the field. Unemployment numbers, by any metric, are extremely low. The tax cuts were supposed to blow the roof off factories as they retool, repair and renovate! Ah! Those job creators.

But somehow there are 8 million American workers on the dole. Out of work. Binging Alex Jones podcasts.

And them pesky Mexicans! They add over six hundred billion dollars to our economy when they buy their kids clothes and buy themselves a new dinette set and a car. We actually economically benefit from their presence. Our expenditures in welfare and food stamps is no greater than the money they pump back in to local economies.

So when they are spoken of as leaches, unproductive and arsonists, that's just another way to sow scapegoating.

And what is the nobility of scapegoating? Why is it good? What good outcome has come from a society that endorses scapegoating? Who are considered the wisest, most renown leaders in all of human history who used scapegoating as a political and state actionable policy?
Trump ought to call Mueller into his office and say: "YOU'RE FIRED. Now get the hell out of my office and make sure the door doesnt hit you on your ass."
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The evidence is building. Trumps constant whine shows Mueller is getting close
WHAT evidence ? HA HA HA. Yes, tic.....tic.....tic......and after all that ticking, NOTHING. But lots of evidence of an election meddling probe with MEXICO exists. Time to investigate that....or better yet, just pass new laws.
Enough evidence to get 30 indictments

What I want to see is the plea bargains. What did they give up for a better deal?
Trump ought to call Mueller into his office and say: "YOU'RE FIRED. Now get the hell out of my office and make sure the door doesnt hit you on your ass."
Mueller is going to close the cell door on Crooked Donnie

The evidence is building. Trumps constant whine shows Mueller is getting close
WHAT evidence ? HA HA HA. Yes, tic.....tic.....tic......and after all that ticking, NOTHING. But lots of evidence of an election meddling probe with MEXICO exists. Time to investigate that....or better yet, just pass new laws.
Enough evidence to get 30 indictments

What I want to see is the plea bargains. What did they give up for a better deal?
Enough to know trump conspired to commit fraud with a foreign agent.

Does putin have something on trump?

How much business dealings does trump do with russia? Now we see why we must see a candidates taxes. Not after the audit.

Mueller has enough to hang trump and trump knows it. Mueller fucking with don. Plus trials are currently underway. Manafort will get a pardon. Trumps guilty

The evidence is building. Trumps constant whine shows Mueller is getting close
WHAT evidence ? HA HA HA. Yes, tic.....tic.....tic......and after all that ticking, NOTHING. But lots of evidence of an election meddling probe with MEXICO exists. Time to investigate that....or better yet, just pass new laws.
Enough evidence to get 30 indictments

What I want to see is the plea bargains. What did they give up for a better deal?
If dons wife can’t trust him why do republicans? He’s the greatest conman sins Reagan
Mueller is just desperately trying to do what he's been told to by his Deep State bosses. I hope he won't find a straw to grab and will successfully sink in quagmire of his own indecency. The sooner the better.
Psychopath alert

He who brings up the "Deep State" in every other post -
Loses the debate


You left out the swamp.

Look...if you don't want to talk to
But don't bitch about how long it is taking if you're not going to cooperate.

Investigations do one thing; answer questions or at least attempt to answer questions. This is why they collect evidence, testimony, etc... Usually the subject of an investigation is the one who can clear up things. In this case it's Donald Trump who is not wanting to answer questions; hence the investigation continues.
Sure, when facing an investigator actually looking for the truth,
Which, Mueller is. The real world does not deserve to yiur fantasy that you invented as a hedge against the Mueller team finding incriminating evidence against trump
If he finds it, he should use it. I wonder how long it would take, however, for the usual suspects to start shrieking that Mueller is a Republican stooge if he fails to find anything. In the meantime, what I said stands.

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