Mueller trying to rope President Trump into questioning

Trump has said way too many stupid things to have an issue caring what people think. Th
Haha, how absurd. The stupid things he has said inciude inflating his inauguration crowd, lying to inflate his wealth, lying about his rallies, lying about his accomplishment, and more, all to protect his own fragile ego. Have fun lying to yourself out loud .
Trump has said way too many stupid things to have an issue caring what people think. Th
Haha, how absurd. The stupid things he has said inciude inflating his inauguration crowd, lying to inflate his wealth, lying about his rallies, lying about his accomplishment, and more, all to protect his own fragile ego. Have fun lying to yourself out loud .

Sure. That’s what’s happening
Team trump whooped your ass, we threw you to the ground and kicked dirt in your face while laughing :auiqs.jpg:
Uh...okay.... You sound pretty smart....

I love rubbing salt in the left's wounds, Trump's victory on election night was the best election night ever! :eusa_dance:
I'm very happy for you. Hey, retards deserve happiness too, right?

I thought liberals were smart, educated, how did some amateur crush you and become POTUS?

Because most or all of his followers are ignorant.

Yet we kicked the crap out of you libs, go figure. :auiqs.jpg:
sure, but every thing he says or tweets can be used against him, as far as determining whether the intent to obstruct justice by meddling in an on going investigation of his campaign team is there of not....

Truly, the president should keep his trap shut.... he's hurting himself.

also, Mueller can subpoena him to go before the grand jury.... which could end up in the Supreme court....BEFORE Kavanaugh gets thru his hearing process.... leaving it to the 8 justices there, a 4/4 even split court....
Which would mean a hung process aka it wouldn't happen. President Trump won't abide by any subpoena anyways. The witch hunt is NOT legitimate and he should not view it that way and he doesn't. The witch hunt has lost the support of the people and it was NEVER taken as a legit investigation by President Trump so no matter what they try and charge him with he will brush it off and continue make America great again...the deep state either way will lose.
if that happens then Trump would have to testify before the grand jury, more than likely....
Nope, the president only answers to congress. Why don’t you learn the constitution pubk
The president, is not above the law, ask Clinton, and Nixon....

we are a Nation of laws, not men....
Yes we are and we’re all supposed to be treated equal under it. Get back to me when hitlery is arrested and podesta is in jail like manafort and every other congressman who has reported their foreign interest. Then tell me the crime you wish congress to go after the president! Got anything?
Hillary testified and was found to be blameless

Why won’t Crooked Donnie testify?
if that happens then Trump would have to testify before the grand jury, more than likely....
I doubt he would do it. He would claim the 5th and watch the left's heads explode. I doubt it will come to that because Mueller said the entire charade should be done before end of the year.

Pleading the fifth is an admission of guilt - your just refusing to give the details.
Since when? I thought that was a constitutional right

It is a Constitutional right. It's the right not to incriminate yourself.

If your testimony would not incriminate you, then you do not have the right to plead the fifth. It's only your right IF your testimony WOULD incriminate you.

What is the punishment if I go on trial for something I know I didn't do, but decide I don't need to endure cross examination? I don't think the prosecution has a case. Will I be charged with something for not testifying?

The burden of proof still lies with the prosecutor. Pleading the fifth will not get you convicted, but it tells everyone quite a bit.

If you're innocent you are expected to testify.
Uh...okay.... You sound pretty smart....

I love rubbing salt in the left's wounds, Trump's victory on election night was the best election night ever! :eusa_dance:
I'm very happy for you. Hey, retards deserve happiness too, right?

I thought liberals were smart, educated, how did some amateur crush you and become POTUS?

Because most or all of his followers are ignorant.

Yet we kicked the crap out of you libs, go figure. :auiqs.jpg:

Losing the popular vote, and only winning with the assistance of a malevolent foreign power in collusion with traitors doesn't exactly fit "kicked the crap out of".
The Yankees had more hits but lost the game
We need an investigation
Special counsel Mueller wants to ask Trump about obstruction of justice: Sources

Not gonna happen scumbag! Period. It won't happen. You can go ahead and end your witch hunt anytime now because President Trump ain't talking to you or your 17 angry democrat pals!
I can totally understand why trumpanzees don't want trump to get interviewed......they are afraid....very afraid.
Anyone would, it’s a normal reaction . Go to your local prosecutor and volunteer for questions regarding a crime! Go for it.
Special counsel Mueller wants to ask Trump about obstruction of justice: Sources

Not gonna happen scumbag! Period. It won't happen. You can go ahead and end your witch hunt anytime now because President Trump ain't talking to you or your 17 angry democrat pals!
Isn't it curious that Trump and his supporters are afraid of talking to Special Consel Mueller but fine with Trump talking privately, without a written record, with Putin, Kim and the Iranian leader.

If Authoritarians aren't scary, why are American lawyers?
Special counsel Mueller wants to ask Trump about obstruction of justice: Sources

Not gonna happen scumbag! Period. It won't happen. You can go ahead and end your witch hunt anytime now because President Trump ain't talking to you or your 17 angry democrat pals!
I can totally understand why trumpanzees don't want trump to get interviewed......they are afraid....very afraid.

I suspect many will try to shame Trump into testifying. They will say taking the 5th is an admission of guilt. Yet, you won't find many attorney's that would recommend a client testify if they don't have to do so. Trump needs to tell Mueller to pound sand and put up or shut up.
No, it is far from stupid.
Yes, its idiotic. An innocent person would be happy to both clear his own name and to help law enforcement gather info to catch any guilty people.

A guilty person behaves evasively and bizarrely, precisely as Trump has done.

Sure, when facing an investigator actually looking for the truth, instead of a prosecutor with nearly unlimited time, resources and power who is out to pin anything possible on you. The first thing a lawyer tells his client to do is shut up until the lawyer has control of the situation, whether the client is innocent or guilty. Unless there's a specific crime Trump is being accused of, letting them question him now would be the ultimate fishing expedition. Remember, the purpose being the whole investigation was to pin Russian collision on Trump, and thus far no one has even been credibly accused of doing that.

Everyone has broken a law in one manner or another, so why subject yourself to being found to have violated a law somewhere in the past just because you know you're innocent of what they claim they're investigating?

No, it's smarter to force the prosecution to make their case, then respond to what they actually have. Don't give them anything you don't have to..
If Trump doesn't talk then he's hiding something. That's for the liberals

If Trump doesn't talk he recognizes an ambush and witch-hunt when he sees one. That's for the sane.
Special counsel Mueller wants to ask Trump about obstruction of justice: Sources

Not gonna happen scumbag! Period. It won't happen. You can go ahead and end your witch hunt anytime now because President Trump ain't talking to you or your 17 angry democrat pals!
I can totally understand why trumpanzees don't want trump to get interviewed......they are afraid....very afraid.

I suspect many will try to shame Trump into testifying. They will say taking the 5th is an admission of guilt. Yet, you won't find many attorney's that would recommend a client testify if they don't have to do so. Trump needs to tell Mueller to pound sand and put up or shut up.
Trump SAID himself, on several occasions, anyone who pleads the 5th, plead the 5th, because they are guilty.

Now that has come home to roost.

II don't agree with that though, the 5th is not always for the guilty, not having to testify against themselves.... there are other legitimate reasons to plead the 5th imo.

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