Mueller trying to rope President Trump into questioning

Yes we are and we’re all supposed to be treated equal under it.
And we are. You might want to consider that the reason the real world does not acknowledge your fantasies is because you are a crackpot, not because of a vast conspiracy.
So you can’t contradict my post! I win yet again
You didn't realize I was contradicting you? Damn son, you are not bright.
Nah that’s because you’re lost on debate
Which would mean a hung process aka it wouldn't happen. President Trump won't abide by any subpoena anyways. The witch hunt is NOT legitimate and he should not view it that way and he doesn't. The witch hunt has lost the support of the people and it was NEVER taken as a legit investigation by President Trump so no matter what they try and charge him with he will brush it off and continue make America great again...the deep state either way will lose.
if that happens then Trump would have to testify before the grand jury, more than likely....
Nope, the president only answers to congress. Why don’t you learn the constitution pubk
The president, is not above the law, ask Clinton, and Nixon....

we are a Nation of laws, not men....

What law would compel Trump to talk to Mueller? There's no crime even seriously alleged yet, just a lot of supposition.
Isn’t that why he hasn’t been arrested yet?

If he is as innocent as he claims, he has nothing to fear

So, he's not accused of a crime, not been arrested, yet he's supposed to give a prosecutor with nearly unlimited time, power and resources testimony he can parse for the smallest discrepancies? I think not.

I don't care if you are innocent. This isn't a traffic stop. You don't give the prosecutor anything more than you have to.
, he's not accused of a crime, not been arrested, yet he's supposed to give a prosecutor with nearly unlimited time, power and resources testimony he can parse for the smallest discrepancies? I think not.
Of course, if he's innocent, he has no worries. Thats why his pawyers are urging him to refuse. But President Pussy has a very fragile ego, and, worrying how a refusal might look, he just can't help himself.
, he's not accused of a crime, not been arrested, yet he's supposed to give a prosecutor with nearly unlimited time, power and resources testimony he can parse for the smallest discrepancies? I think not.
Of course, if he's innocent, he has no worries. Thats why his pawyers are urging him to refuse. But President Pussy has a very fragile ego, and, worrying how a refusal might look, he just can't help himself.
If there’s no crime no need to talk. I can play
Bob doesn't much need Dotard's testimony at this point.
He's got the goods right now with just a few more ends to wrap up, and a likely subpoena and/or indictment of Don "Guido" Trump Jr.
Tick Tock :)

Special counsel Mueller wants to ask Trump about obstruction of justice: Sources

Not gonna happen scumbag! Period. It won't happen. You can go ahead and end your witch hunt anytime now because President Trump ain't talking to you or your 17 angry democrat pals!

The Mueller investigation will never be over until he talks to Trump.

Trump has 2 choices:

1. Agree to an interview with Mueller. His lawyers may be able to negotiate some terms, and may accompany him and answer questions for him. This will bring the investigation to a conclusion quickly.

2. Mueller will subpoena him. He will refuse to respect the subpoena. It will be brought to the Supreme court and the SC will find in favor of Mueller. In that case Trump will be questioned by a grand jury without counsel.

Don't count on the SC finding in Trump's favor - even if there's a conservative majority. The SC first loyalty is to the rule of law and to the integrity of the Justice system.

#2 is the worst case for Trump, both legally and politically. Any delay in Trump's testimony will cause this to be a major issue coinciding with the 2018 elections - it will cause a major electoral disaster for the Republicans.

If Trump were smart he'd be doing everything to get this over with ASAP.
Bob doesn't much need Dotard's testimony at this point.
He's got the goods right now with just a few more ends to wrap up, and a likely subpoena and/or indictment of Don "Guido" Trump Jr.
Tick Tock :)

Trumps already hung himself in his tweets.
A president can post whatever he likes just like I long as he doesn't ORDER or COMMAND a subordinate to do something that would be contrary to the law etc. He hasn't he can chime in anytime he wants to.
sure, but every thing he says or tweets can be used against him, as far as determining whether the intent to obstruct justice by meddling in an on going investigation of his campaign team is there of not....

Truly, the president should keep his trap shut.... he's hurting himself.

also, Mueller can subpoena him to go before the grand jury.... which could end up in the Supreme court....BEFORE Kavanaugh gets thru his hearing process.... leaving it to the 8 justices there, a 4/4 even split court....
Which would mean a hung process aka it wouldn't happen. President Trump won't abide by any subpoena anyways. The witch hunt is NOT legitimate and he should not view it that way and he doesn't. The witch hunt has lost the support of the people and it was NEVER taken as a legit investigation by President Trump so no matter what they try and charge him with he will brush it off and continue make America great again...the deep state either way will lose.
if that happens then Trump would have to testify before the grand jury, more than likely....
I doubt he would do it. He would claim the 5th and watch the left's heads explode. I doubt it will come to that because Mueller said the entire charade should be done before end of the year.

Pleading the fifth is an admission of guilt - your just refusing to give the details.
A president can post whatever he likes just like I long as he doesn't ORDER or COMMAND a subordinate to do something that would be contrary to the law etc. He hasn't he can chime in anytime he wants to.
sure, but every thing he says or tweets can be used against him, as far as determining whether the intent to obstruct justice by meddling in an on going investigation of his campaign team is there of not....

Truly, the president should keep his trap shut.... he's hurting himself.

also, Mueller can subpoena him to go before the grand jury.... which could end up in the Supreme court....BEFORE Kavanaugh gets thru his hearing process.... leaving it to the 8 justices there, a 4/4 even split court....
Which would mean a hung process aka it wouldn't happen. President Trump won't abide by any subpoena anyways. The witch hunt is NOT legitimate and he should not view it that way and he doesn't. The witch hunt has lost the support of the people and it was NEVER taken as a legit investigation by President Trump so no matter what they try and charge him with he will brush it off and continue make America great again...the deep state either way will lose.
if that happens then Trump would have to testify before the grand jury, more than likely....
I doubt he would do it. He would claim the 5th and watch the left's heads explode. I doubt it will come to that because Mueller said the entire charade should be done before end of the year.

Pleading the fifth is an admission of guilt - your just refusing to give the details.
Since when? I thought that was a constitutional right
What does Crooked Donnie have to be afraid of?

He says there is nothing there
Would YOU comply with a witch hunt against YOU? Hell no you wouldn't you would try and destroy the bastards trying to destroy you.

Ultimately, I think there will not be enough to indict Trump

But I think Lil Donnie and Kushner are going down

Will Trump risk a pardon?

For? And yes he would pardon them of course...hell they could actually claim executive privilege possibly....
It is far from a witch hunt

It is an investigation that has already indicted key members of Trumps administration.

I don’t think you know what a witch hunt is

If it's a "witch hunt" then Bob is sure rounding up a butt-ton of witches.
Besides, he's licensed!

Mueller is just desperately trying to do what he's been told to by his Deep State bosses. I hope he won't find a straw to grab and will successfully sink in quagmire of his own indecency. The sooner the better.
Psychopath alert

He who brings up the "Deep State" in every other post -
Loses the debate


there IS such a thing as the 'Deep State':

It consists of thousands of highly educated, professional people doing their jobs ethically, professionally and patriotically.

Trumpbots hate people like that!
sure, but every thing he says or tweets can be used against him, as far as determining whether the intent to obstruct justice by meddling in an on going investigation of his campaign team is there of not....

Truly, the president should keep his trap shut.... he's hurting himself.

also, Mueller can subpoena him to go before the grand jury.... which could end up in the Supreme court....BEFORE Kavanaugh gets thru his hearing process.... leaving it to the 8 justices there, a 4/4 even split court....
Which would mean a hung process aka it wouldn't happen. President Trump won't abide by any subpoena anyways. The witch hunt is NOT legitimate and he should not view it that way and he doesn't. The witch hunt has lost the support of the people and it was NEVER taken as a legit investigation by President Trump so no matter what they try and charge him with he will brush it off and continue make America great again...the deep state either way will lose.
if that happens then Trump would have to testify before the grand jury, more than likely....
I doubt he would do it. He would claim the 5th and watch the left's heads explode. I doubt it will come to that because Mueller said the entire charade should be done before end of the year.

Pleading the fifth is an admission of guilt - your just refusing to give the details.
Since when? I thought that was a constitutional right

It is a Constitutional right. It's the right not to incriminate yourself.

If your testimony would not incriminate you, then you do not have the right to plead the fifth. It's only your right IF your testimony WOULD incriminate you.

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