Mueller trying to rope President Trump into questioning

The Little Trumpeters, are like Donald J Trump,,,,in the extreme panic mode!! I doubt Trump can get more unhinged and shrill. :ack-1:
Unhinged will be you and the rest of the trash when he declares executive privilege or pleads the 5th or pardons himself etc....then you got nothing but 6 more years of waiting while he fixes America..and all you can do is WHINE.
Trump should flip Mueller the bird, then flip all you liberal pukes the bird.
Unfortunately for him, president babyman's ego wont let him refuse the interview, as he knows how that makes him look.

Crooked Donnie is too cowardly to testify
He isn't dumb enough to testify...I would NEVER help a witch hunt take me down..that's the dumbest thing ever to do.
If he had nothing to hide, he would allow himself to be questioned.... he's put it off since last December of 2017,

he's been stalling ever since.... and polluting your minds with his mind control techniques....and now he's had enough time to convince you, that even if he did, or his campaign did conspire with the Russians and even if he did cheat on campaign financing, and if if he did obstruct justice by interfering with an on going investigation of his own campaign....and even if he did arrange for a quid pro quo with the Russian govt to pay them back for their help in making him win..... it all is simply shooting a person on 5th avenue.... a nothing burger... you will still follow him, like good little brainwashed minions!

He doesn't want to be questioned by the Mueller team, because he knows what they know, because he is the one who did it.... or over saw it.... and does not want to have to plead the 5th.
I wouldn't help a witch hunt take me down either....its like serving your self up for no apparent reason. They want to find President Trump guilty of ANYTHING why help them? Fuck em they are the enemy.
Only the congress can take out a president! Just know that!
Special counsel Mueller wants to ask Trump about obstruction of justice: Sources

Not gonna happen scumbag! Period. It won't happen. You can go ahead and end your witch hunt anytime now because President Trump ain't talking to you or your 17 angry democrat pals!
Trumps already hung himself in his tweets.
A president can post whatever he likes just like I long as he doesn't ORDER or COMMAND a subordinate to do something that would be contrary to the law etc. He hasn't he can chime in anytime he wants to.
sure, but every thing he says or tweets can be used against him, as far as determining whether the intent to obstruct justice by meddling in an on going investigation of his campaign team is there of not....

Truly, the president should keep his trap shut.... he's hurting himself.

also, Mueller can subpoena him to go before the grand jury.... which could end up in the Supreme court....BEFORE Kavanaugh gets thru his hearing process.... leaving it to the 8 justices there, a 4/4 even split court....
Which would mean a hung process aka it wouldn't happen. President Trump won't abide by any subpoena anyways. The witch hunt is NOT legitimate and he should not view it that way and he doesn't. The witch hunt has lost the support of the people and it was NEVER taken as a legit investigation by President Trump so no matter what they try and charge him with he will brush it off and continue make America great again...the deep state either way will lose.
if that happens then Trump would have to testify before the grand jury, more than likely....
Nope, the president only answers to congress. Why don’t you learn the constitution pubk
Special counsel Mueller wants to ask Trump about obstruction of justice: Sources

Not gonna happen scumbag! Period. It won't happen. You can go ahead and end your witch hunt anytime now because President Trump ain't talking to you or your 17 angry democrat pals!

Nixon testified, so did Reagan, so did Clinton

What makes Trump so special?
Those were LEGIT investigations. NOT investigations because the WHINY left lost the damn election...Plus Trump is not like ANY politician much less President ever thankfully.

Hate to tell you but Democrats have nothing to do with the investigation

Mueller is a Republican, appointed by Republicans
Rosenstein is also Republucan

This is a LEGIT investigation and already has over 30 indictments
You know damn well 17 of Mueller's pit bulls are democrats who donated to Clinton and aren't a dumb person....just misguided.
how did 9 alleged democrats turn in to 17? Ahhhhhh, the Trump effect.....

Do you think only people who support a suspect are the ones who should be prosecutors or investigators? :lol:
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Trumps already hung himself in his tweets.
A president can post whatever he likes just like I long as he doesn't ORDER or COMMAND a subordinate to do something that would be contrary to the law etc. He hasn't he can chime in anytime he wants to.
sure, but every thing he says or tweets can be used against him, as far as determining whether the intent to obstruct justice by meddling in an on going investigation of his campaign team is there of not....

Truly, the president should keep his trap shut.... he's hurting himself.

also, Mueller can subpoena him to go before the grand jury.... which could end up in the Supreme court....BEFORE Kavanaugh gets thru his hearing process.... leaving it to the 8 justices there, a 4/4 even split court....
Which would mean a hung process aka it wouldn't happen. President Trump won't abide by any subpoena anyways. The witch hunt is NOT legitimate and he should not view it that way and he doesn't. The witch hunt has lost the support of the people and it was NEVER taken as a legit investigation by President Trump so no matter what they try and charge him with he will brush it off and continue make America great again...the deep state either way will lose.
if that happens then Trump would have to testify before the grand jury, more than likely....
Nope, the president only answers to congress. Why don’t you learn the constitution pubk
The president, is not above the law, ask Clinton, and Nixon....

we are a Nation of laws, not men....
The Little Trumpeters, are like Donald J Trump,,,,in the extreme panic mode!! I doubt Trump can get more unhinged and shrill. :ack-1:
Unhinged will be you and the rest of the trash when he declares executive privilege or pleads the 5th or pardons himself etc....then you got nothing but 6 more years of waiting while he fixes America..and all you can do is WHINE.

Let's see, Trump pleads the 5th and you're fine with that? Man, you really, really set the bar low for a President of the United States. Impressive!
Trump, can't get out of this fine mess he has got himself in by issuing an Executive Order and he can't pardon himself.
But it's good to see that you'd support someone who would A, Conspire to interfere with this countries election or B,/and Obstruct Justice.
Now Trump may or may not have committed these crimes-but if he did, you think it would be OK to have a felon who committed crimes against the USA to continue to be president. Fuck man, you are fucking crazy and on top of that, you are anti-America. Oh, that's right,,you support Trump. Enough said. :2up:
Trump should flip Mueller the bird, then flip all you liberal pukes the bird.
Unfortunately for him, president babyman's ego wont let him refuse the interview, as he knows how that makes him look.

Crooked Donnie is too cowardly to testify
He isn't dumb enough to testify...I would NEVER help a witch hunt take me down..that's the dumbest thing ever to do.
If he had nothing to hide, he would allow himself to be questioned.... he's put it off since last December of 2017,

he's been stalling ever since.... and polluting your minds with his mind control techniques....and now he's had enough time to convince you, that even if he did, or his campaign did conspire with the Russians and even if he did cheat on campaign financing, and if if he did obstruct justice by interfering with an on going investigation of his own campaign....and even if he did arrange for a quid pro quo with the Russian govt to pay them back for their help in making him win..... it all is simply shooting a person on 5th avenue.... a nothing burger... you will still follow him, like good little brainwashed minions!

He doesn't want to be questioned by the Mueller team, because he knows what they know, because he is the one who did it.... or over saw it.... and does not want to have to plead the 5th.

Absolutely right, if he plead the 5th, he'd be just like the democrats.
like who?
The Little Trumpeters, are like Donald J Trump,,,,in the extreme panic mode!! I doubt Trump can get more unhinged and shrill. :ack-1:
Unhinged will be you and the rest of the trash when he declares executive privilege or pleads the 5th or pardons himself etc....then you got nothing but 6 more years of waiting while he fixes America..and all you can do is WHINE.

Let's see, Trump pleads the 5th and you're fine with that? Man, you really, really set the bar low for a President of the United States. Impressive!
Trump, can't get out of this fine mess he has got himself in by issuing an Executive Order and he can't pardon himself.
But it's good to see that you'd support someone who would A, Conspire to interfere with this countries election or B,/and Obstruct Justice.
Now Trump may or may not have committed these crimes-but if he did, you think it would be OK to have a felon who committed crimes against the USA to continue to be president. Fuck man, you are fucking crazy and on top of that, you are anti-America. Oh, that's right,,you support Trump. Enough said. :2up:
Trump should flip Mueller the bird, then flip all you liberal pukes the bird.
Unfortunately for him, president babyman's ego wont let him refuse the interview, as he knows how that makes him look.

Crooked Donnie is too cowardly to testify
He isn't dumb enough to testify...I would NEVER help a witch hunt take me down..that's the dumbest thing ever to do.
If he had nothing to hide, he would allow himself to be questioned.... he's put it off since last December of 2017,

he's been stalling ever since.... and polluting your minds with his mind control techniques....and now he's had enough time to convince you, that even if he did, or his campaign did conspire with the Russians and even if he did cheat on campaign financing, and if if he did obstruct justice by interfering with an on going investigation of his own campaign....and even if he did arrange for a quid pro quo with the Russian govt to pay them back for their help in making him win..... it all is simply shooting a person on 5th avenue.... a nothing burger... you will still follow him, like good little brainwashed minions!

He doesn't want to be questioned by the Mueller team, because he knows what they know, because he is the one who did it.... or over saw it.... and does not want to have to plead the 5th.

If Mueller already knows everything, then it is time for him finish this report and turn it over the DOJ with whatever recommendations he wants to make. In this example, there is absolutely no reason for Trump to testify. What added information does Mueller need to finish the case if he already has everything on Trump? Obstruction of Justice for firing Comey? Give me a break. Trump's only mistake was not firing him immediately upon taking office.
A president can post whatever he likes just like I long as he doesn't ORDER or COMMAND a subordinate to do something that would be contrary to the law etc. He hasn't he can chime in anytime he wants to.
sure, but every thing he says or tweets can be used against him, as far as determining whether the intent to obstruct justice by meddling in an on going investigation of his campaign team is there of not....

Truly, the president should keep his trap shut.... he's hurting himself.

also, Mueller can subpoena him to go before the grand jury.... which could end up in the Supreme court....BEFORE Kavanaugh gets thru his hearing process.... leaving it to the 8 justices there, a 4/4 even split court....
Which would mean a hung process aka it wouldn't happen. President Trump won't abide by any subpoena anyways. The witch hunt is NOT legitimate and he should not view it that way and he doesn't. The witch hunt has lost the support of the people and it was NEVER taken as a legit investigation by President Trump so no matter what they try and charge him with he will brush it off and continue make America great again...the deep state either way will lose.
if that happens then Trump would have to testify before the grand jury, more than likely....
Nope, the president only answers to congress. Why don’t you learn the constitution pubk
The president, is not above the law, ask Clinton, and Nixon....

we are a Nation of laws, not men....

True, but it is not above the law to use the 5th amendment. Clinton and Nixon should have done so as well. Clinton never needed to testify and his use of what the meaning of "Is, Is" was an embarrassment that could have been avoided.
good - cowboy up , and git 'r done .

Goldilocks shouldn't have put himself in a position to be roped ..
sure, but every thing he says or tweets can be used against him, as far as determining whether the intent to obstruct justice by meddling in an on going investigation of his campaign team is there of not....

Truly, the president should keep his trap shut.... he's hurting himself.

also, Mueller can subpoena him to go before the grand jury.... which could end up in the Supreme court....BEFORE Kavanaugh gets thru his hearing process.... leaving it to the 8 justices there, a 4/4 even split court....
Which would mean a hung process aka it wouldn't happen. President Trump won't abide by any subpoena anyways. The witch hunt is NOT legitimate and he should not view it that way and he doesn't. The witch hunt has lost the support of the people and it was NEVER taken as a legit investigation by President Trump so no matter what they try and charge him with he will brush it off and continue make America great again...the deep state either way will lose.
if that happens then Trump would have to testify before the grand jury, more than likely....
Nope, the president only answers to congress. Why don’t you learn the constitution pubk
The president, is not above the law, ask Clinton, and Nixon....

we are a Nation of laws, not men....

True, but it is not above the law to use the 5th amendment. Clinton and Nixon should have done so as well. Clinton never needed to testify and his use of what the meaning of "Is, Is" was an embarrassment that could have been avoided.
agree, he can take the fifth...

And 'what the definition of is, is..'. thing, was embarrassing...

but know, Nixon and Clinton had Independent Counsels against them.... With no oversight by the Justice Dept..

Ken Starr abused his power and congress changed the law and decided no more independent counsels.... and created Special Counsels who had to report to the justice dept and ask for permission to go down different relating avenues, as Mueller has to do...
Special counsel Mueller wants to ask Trump about obstruction of justice: Sources

Not gonna happen scumbag! Period. It won't happen. You can go ahead and end your witch hunt anytime now because President Trump ain't talking to you or your 17 angry democrat pals!
Republicans call it a perjury trap.

So he’s lying. Thank you
Nope. Mueller is GRASPING for straws because he has NOTHING....I would keep my mouth shut no matter if I was guilty or innocent,I ain't helping the damn cops do their job...fuck that.

I have to agree and the Fed Judge ruling on this case has already told him he wants the facts and not the bullshit Mueller is trying to gum up the works with.

This trial won't last long because Mueller doesn't have anything and Manafort already beat similar charges years ago.

Waste of time and taxpayer money.
Special counsel Mueller wants to ask Trump about obstruction of justice: Sources

Not gonna happen scumbag! Period. It won't happen. You can go ahead and end your witch hunt anytime now because President Trump ain't talking to you or your 17 angry democrat pals!
Republicans call it a perjury trap.

So he’s lying. Thank you
Nope. Mueller is GRASPING for straws because he has NOTHING....I would keep my mouth shut no matter if I was guilty or innocent,I ain't helping the damn cops do their job...fuck that.

I have to agree and the Fed Judge ruling on this case has already told him he wants the facts and not the bullshit Mueller is trying to gum up the works with.

This trial won't last long because Mueller doesn't have anything and Manafort already beat similar charges years ago.

Waste of time and taxpayer money.
Look at you Republican defending a lobbyist. What about the swamp Trump said he was going to drain? Manafort was the biggest monster in the swamp.

The problem is that Manafort was running a campaign that hammered Clinton and her family foundation for doing much of what Manafort himself had done for decades, and that he was arguably as corrupt as his candidate said Clinton was. The problem is that the government in question had, according to 17 U.S. intelligence agencies, been actively hacking the Clinton campaign and aiding the Trump one. The problem is that Manafort and the Trump administration have repeatedly lied about Manafort’s work. There would’ve been a problem had they come clean early on—it’s not a good look for a populist, drain-the-swamp, America First candidate—but the problem is so much bigger now that the lies are now compounded, magnified by the truth. And this is classic Trump: dissemble and deny as long as you can, and even after you can. And it’s classic Manafort:

Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort faces a litany of charges related to financial crimes and money laundering in Virginia.

These alleged financial crimes are quite spectacular and could end up sending Manafort to prison for the rest of his life. But in a sense, they’re a sideshow. What’s really looming over all this is Mueller’s larger investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia.

Manafort’s Virginia trial — which is separate from another trial he will face in Washington, DC, in September — is about the enormous amount of money he made from years of work for Ukraine’s government and political leaders, and later hefty loans he got from US banks.

Mueller has alleged a years-long scheme of astonishing scope: that Manafort first laundered $30 million from a web of undeclared offshore accounts into the US without paying taxes on it, and then (after the Ukrainian money stopped coming in) defrauded several US banks to get more than $20 million in loans.

The trials of Paul Manafort, explained
Unfortunately for him, president babyman's ego wont let him refuse the interview, as he knows how that makes him look.

Crooked Donnie is too cowardly to testify
He isn't dumb enough to testify...I would NEVER help a witch hunt take me down..that's the dumbest thing ever to do.
If he had nothing to hide, he would allow himself to be questioned.... he's put it off since last December of 2017,

he's been stalling ever since.... and polluting your minds with his mind control techniques....and now he's had enough time to convince you, that even if he did, or his campaign did conspire with the Russians and even if he did cheat on campaign financing, and if if he did obstruct justice by interfering with an on going investigation of his own campaign....and even if he did arrange for a quid pro quo with the Russian govt to pay them back for their help in making him win..... it all is simply shooting a person on 5th avenue.... a nothing burger... you will still follow him, like good little brainwashed minions!

He doesn't want to be questioned by the Mueller team, because he knows what they know, because he is the one who did it.... or over saw it.... and does not want to have to plead the 5th.

Absolutely right, if he plead the 5th, he'd be just like the democrats.
like who?
Pleading the Fifth: Five Times Obama Officials Avoided Testifying During a Scandal - The Political Insider

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