Mueller trying to rope President Trump into questioning

Special counsel Mueller wants to ask Trump about obstruction of justice: Sources

Not gonna happen scumbag! Period. It won't happen. You can go ahead and end your witch hunt anytime now because President Trump ain't talking to you or your 17 angry democrat pals!

I would say you were brainwashed, but you have to have a brain in the first place in order for Trump to wash it.

Before Duh Donald came along, Mueller was a hero amongst both Republicans and the Democrats for his two tours in Viet Nam, Purple Heart, and 12 years as FBI Director in which he investigated and prosecuted the 9/11 AQ attackers.

So answer a simple question: Has AQ been able to launch a major attack on the U.S. since? And don't try to deflect with bullshit about random lone wolves like the San Bernardino couple.

""""""On May 29, 2002, Director Mueller announced a new set of 10 priorities for the FBI and discussed the reorganization of the Bureau in response to the 9/11 attacks. AP Photo."""

good - cowboy up , and git 'r done .

Goldilocks shouldn't have put himself in a position to be roped ..

I love the wildly dramatic, over the top rhetoric these trained seals use to describe the fucking hole that Trump has dug for himself.
Crooked Donnie is too cowardly to testify
He isn't dumb enough to testify...I would NEVER help a witch hunt take me down..that's the dumbest thing ever to do.
If he had nothing to hide, he would allow himself to be questioned.... he's put it off since last December of 2017,

he's been stalling ever since.... and polluting your minds with his mind control techniques....and now he's had enough time to convince you, that even if he did, or his campaign did conspire with the Russians and even if he did cheat on campaign financing, and if if he did obstruct justice by interfering with an on going investigation of his own campaign....and even if he did arrange for a quid pro quo with the Russian govt to pay them back for their help in making him win..... it all is simply shooting a person on 5th avenue.... a nothing burger... you will still follow him, like good little brainwashed minions!

He doesn't want to be questioned by the Mueller team, because he knows what they know, because he is the one who did it.... or over saw it.... and does not want to have to plead the 5th.

Absolutely right, if he plead the 5th, he'd be just like the democrats.
like who?
Pleading the Fifth: Five Times Obama Officials Avoided Testifying During a Scandal - The Political Insider
Or because there was sensitive information they couldn't devulge.

But why can't Trump testify? Clinton did. Nixon did. Is Trump afraid he will get caught lying?
A president can post whatever he likes just like I long as he doesn't ORDER or COMMAND a subordinate to do something that would be contrary to the law etc. He hasn't he can chime in anytime he wants to.
sure, but every thing he says or tweets can be used against him, as far as determining whether the intent to obstruct justice by meddling in an on going investigation of his campaign team is there of not....

Truly, the president should keep his trap shut.... he's hurting himself.

also, Mueller can subpoena him to go before the grand jury.... which could end up in the Supreme court....BEFORE Kavanaugh gets thru his hearing process.... leaving it to the 8 justices there, a 4/4 even split court....
Which would mean a hung process aka it wouldn't happen. President Trump won't abide by any subpoena anyways. The witch hunt is NOT legitimate and he should not view it that way and he doesn't. The witch hunt has lost the support of the people and it was NEVER taken as a legit investigation by President Trump so no matter what they try and charge him with he will brush it off and continue make America great again...the deep state either way will lose.
if that happens then Trump would have to testify before the grand jury, more than likely....
Nope, the president only answers to congress. Why don’t you learn the constitution pubk
The president, is not above the law, ask Clinton, and Nixon....

we are a Nation of laws, not men....

What law would compel Trump to talk to Mueller? There's no crime even seriously alleged yet, just a lot of supposition.
Special counsel Mueller wants to ask Trump about obstruction of justice: Sources

Not gonna happen scumbag! Period. It won't happen. You can go ahead and end your witch hunt anytime now because President Trump ain't talking to you or your 17 angry democrat pals!

Nixon testified, so did Reagan, so did Clinton

What makes Trump so special?
Those were LEGIT investigations. NOT investigations because the WHINY left lost the damn election...Plus Trump is not like ANY politician much less President ever thankfully.

Trump is not like ANY politician...... just admit it he is a MORON.

There is so much going on with Russia and most or all idiots should just the fuck up..... He comes out of from a secret meeting with Putin...... I believed Putin more than my own intelligence agencies that I hired.
Think what kind of mentality is that?
Will Crooked Donnie agree to be water boarded every time he tells a lie?

He claims it is an effective tool for getting information
Crooked Donnie is too cowardly to testify
He isn't dumb enough to testify...I would NEVER help a witch hunt take me down..that's the dumbest thing ever to do.
If he had nothing to hide, he would allow himself to be questioned.... he's put it off since last December of 2017,

he's been stalling ever since.... and polluting your minds with his mind control techniques....and now he's had enough time to convince you, that even if he did, or his campaign did conspire with the Russians and even if he did cheat on campaign financing, and if if he did obstruct justice by interfering with an on going investigation of his own campaign....and even if he did arrange for a quid pro quo with the Russian govt to pay them back for their help in making him win..... it all is simply shooting a person on 5th avenue.... a nothing burger... you will still follow him, like good little brainwashed minions!

He doesn't want to be questioned by the Mueller team, because he knows what they know, because he is the one who did it.... or over saw it.... and does not want to have to plead the 5th.

Absolutely right, if he plead the 5th, he'd be just like the democrats.
like who?
Pleading the Fifth: Five Times Obama Officials Avoided Testifying During a Scandal - The Political Insider

1. John Sepulveda, spent large amounts of taxpayer money on a pair of extravagant conferences.

That was to cover his own ass. Not covering up for Obama. Do you know how much Trump appointees are spending on extravagant pens and fixing up their offices and private planes? Do you care?

2. Fast and Furious – remember the scandal that started it all? Patrick Cunningham, the chief of the criminal division of the U.S. attorney’s office in Arizona, invoked the fifth

Yea, that was some top secret shit.

3. Your 3rd example aren't even administration officials you hack.

4. Greg Rosemen, a Deputy IRS Director, pleaded the fifth after awarding the largest contract in IRS history to a company owned by a close friend

You're blaming Obama for this? OMG!!!! Do you blame Trump for everything Paul Manafort did?

#5 was another IRS person.

So basically no top Obama officials were ever caught up in a major scandal and pleaded the 5th. Thanks. Your list of 5 is weak.
sure, but every thing he says or tweets can be used against him, as far as determining whether the intent to obstruct justice by meddling in an on going investigation of his campaign team is there of not....

Truly, the president should keep his trap shut.... he's hurting himself.

also, Mueller can subpoena him to go before the grand jury.... which could end up in the Supreme court....BEFORE Kavanaugh gets thru his hearing process.... leaving it to the 8 justices there, a 4/4 even split court....
Which would mean a hung process aka it wouldn't happen. President Trump won't abide by any subpoena anyways. The witch hunt is NOT legitimate and he should not view it that way and he doesn't. The witch hunt has lost the support of the people and it was NEVER taken as a legit investigation by President Trump so no matter what they try and charge him with he will brush it off and continue make America great again...the deep state either way will lose.
if that happens then Trump would have to testify before the grand jury, more than likely....
Nope, the president only answers to congress. Why don’t you learn the constitution pubk
The president, is not above the law, ask Clinton, and Nixon....

we are a Nation of laws, not men....

What law would compel Trump to talk to Mueller? There's no crime even seriously alleged yet, just a lot of supposition.
Isn’t that why he hasn’t been arrested yet?

If he is as innocent as he claims, he has nothing to fear
Your affinity for sucking his butthole is also noted.

Team trump whooped your ass, we threw you to the ground and kicked dirt in your face while laughing :auiqs.jpg:
Uh...okay.... You sound pretty smart....

I love rubbing salt in the left's wounds, Trump's victory on election night was the best election night ever! :eusa_dance:
I'm very happy for you. Hey, retards deserve happiness too, right?

I thought liberals were smart, educated, how did some amateur crush you and become POTUS?

Because most or all of his followers are ignorant.
Trump should flip Mueller the bird, then flip all you liberal pukes the bird.

That is not going to happen.

Trump is acting like he really did something dumb.

He has a history of doing stupid things.
Filing for bankruptcy six times tells us he obviously has very poor judgement.
He's in bed with the Russians for money-laundering.
Trump knows that Mueller knows this since Mueller has had Trump's tax returns from DAY ONE.
A president can post whatever he likes just like I long as he doesn't ORDER or COMMAND a subordinate to do something that would be contrary to the law etc. He hasn't he can chime in anytime he wants to.
sure, but every thing he says or tweets can be used against him, as far as determining whether the intent to obstruct justice by meddling in an on going investigation of his campaign team is there of not....

Truly, the president should keep his trap shut.... he's hurting himself.

also, Mueller can subpoena him to go before the grand jury.... which could end up in the Supreme court....BEFORE Kavanaugh gets thru his hearing process.... leaving it to the 8 justices there, a 4/4 even split court....
Which would mean a hung process aka it wouldn't happen. President Trump won't abide by any subpoena anyways. The witch hunt is NOT legitimate and he should not view it that way and he doesn't. The witch hunt has lost the support of the people and it was NEVER taken as a legit investigation by President Trump so no matter what they try and charge him with he will brush it off and continue make America great again...the deep state either way will lose.
if that happens then Trump would have to testify before the grand jury, more than likely....
Nope, the president only answers to congress. Why don’t you learn the constitution pubk
The president, is not above the law, ask Clinton, and Nixon....

we are a Nation of laws, not men....
Yes we are and we’re all supposed to be treated equal under it. Get back to me when hitlery is arrested and podesta is in jail like manafort and every other congressman who has reported their foreign interest. Then tell me the crime you wish congress to go after the president! Got anything?
Special counsel Mueller wants to ask Trump about obstruction of justice: Sources

Not gonna happen scumbag! Period. It won't happen. You can go ahead and end your witch hunt anytime now because President Trump ain't talking to you or your 17 angry democrat pals!
IF I was Trump's lawyers (Trump himself has zero judgement) I would of course NOT let him go in.

EVERY Topic is a "Perjury Trap" for a Pathological Liar like Trump.
He'd have 10 before the lunch break on Any subject.

That said:
why doesn't he just go in and answer.. and encourage all his "non-colluding" co-conspira-traitors and family do so.

"NO Collusion"
"Collusion" isn't a crime"
"Stop the investigation"
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Yes we are and we’re all supposed to be treated equal under it.
And we are. You might want to consider that the reason the real world does not acknowledge your fantasies is because you are a crackpot, not because of a vast conspiracy.

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