Mueller trying to rope President Trump into questioning

Special counsel Mueller wants to ask Trump about obstruction of justice: Sources

Not gonna happen scumbag! Period. It won't happen. You can go ahead and end your witch hunt anytime now because President Trump ain't talking to you or your 17 angry democrat pals!

Nixon testified, so did Reagan, so did Clinton

What makes Trump so special?
Those were LEGIT investigations. NOT investigations because the WHINY left lost the damn election...Plus Trump is not like ANY politician much less President ever thankfully.

Hate to tell you but Democrats have nothing to do with the investigation

Mueller is a Republican, appointed by Republicans
Rosenstein is also Republucan

This is a LEGIT investigation and already has over 30 indictments
You know damn well 17 of Mueller's pit bulls are democrats who donated to Clinton and aren't a dumb person....just misguided.
how did 9 alleged democrats turn in to 17? Ahhhhhh, the Trump effect.....

Do you think only people who support a suspect are the ones who should be prosecutors or investigators? :lol:

The number grows faster than Dotard's ego. I heard that Mueller's coffee boy, driver and janitor were evil Dems too!
That makes it TWENTY! :)
The Little Trumpeters, are like Donald J Trump,,,,in the extreme panic mode!! I doubt Trump can get more unhinged and shrill. :ack-1:
Unhinged will be you and the rest of the trash when he declares executive privilege or pleads the 5th or pardons himself etc....then you got nothing but 6 more years of waiting while he fixes America..and all you can do is WHINE.

Let's see, Trump pleads the 5th and you're fine with that? Man, you really, really set the bar low for a President of the United States. Impressive!
Trump, can't get out of this fine mess he has got himself in by issuing an Executive Order and he can't pardon himself.
But it's good to see that you'd support someone who would A, Conspire to interfere with this countries election or B,/and Obstruct Justice.
Now Trump may or may not have committed these crimes-but if he did, you think it would be OK to have a felon who committed crimes against the USA to continue to be president. Fuck man, you are fucking crazy and on top of that, you are anti-America. Oh, that's right,,you support Trump. Enough said. :2up:

Anyone demanding an end to this investigation is guilty of giving aid and comfort to the enemy (Putin) aka TREASON.
Ship every last one of the turds off to Gitmo.
Team trump whooped your ass, we threw you to the ground and kicked dirt in your face while laughing :auiqs.jpg:
Uh...okay.... You sound pretty smart....

I love rubbing salt in the left's wounds, Trump's victory on election night was the best election night ever! :eusa_dance:
I'm very happy for you. Hey, retards deserve happiness too, right?

I thought liberals were smart, educated, how did some amateur crush you and become POTUS?

Because most or all of his followers are ignorant.

Yet the same population elected the previous president, twice. Ignorance abounds.
there IS such a thing as the 'Deep State':

It consists of thousands of highly educated, professional people doing their jobs ethically, professionally and patriotically.

Trumpbots hate people like that!
You're right, Deep State exists and it's a small group of very powerful people who have been "professionally and patriotically" destroying your country (and the whole world).
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, he's not accused of a crime, not been arrested, yet he's supposed to give a prosecutor with nearly unlimited time, power and resources testimony he can parse for the smallest discrepancies? I think not.
Of course, if he's innocent, he has no worries. Thats why his pawyers are urging him to refuse. But President Pussy has a very fragile ego, and, worrying how a refusal might look, he just can't help himself.

Wow, you actually believe that.
there IS such a thing as the 'Deep State':

It consists of thousands of highly educated, professional people doing their jobs ethically, professionally and patriotically.

Trumpbots hate people like that!
You're right, Deep State exists and it's a small group of very powerful people who have been professionally and patriotically destroying your country (and the whole world).

Run along Russian Troll - Vlad is ready for his after dinner fluffing :)
there IS such a thing as the 'Deep State':

It consists of thousands of highly educated, professional people doing their jobs ethically, professionally and patriotically.

Trumpbots hate people like that!
You're right, Deep State exists and it's a small group of very powerful people who have been professionally and patriotically destroying your country (and the whole world).

Run along Russian Troll - Vlad is ready for his after dinner fluffing :)
Oh, what a strong argument and with irrefutable evidence! It really adds a lot to the discussion, but what else would you expect from a brainwashed low IQ individual... Stay with the subject of the thread, :smartass:.
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, he's not accused of a crime, not been arrested, yet he's supposed to give a prosecutor with nearly unlimited time, power and resources testimony he can parse for the smallest discrepancies? I think not.
Of course, if he's innocent, he has no worries. Thats why his pawyers are urging him to refuse. But President Pussy has a very fragile ego, and, worrying how a refusal might look, he just can't help himself.

Wow, you actually believe that.

They actually do believe that... they are insane.
there IS such a thing as the 'Deep State':

It consists of thousands of highly educated, professional people doing their jobs ethically, professionally and patriotically.

Trumpbots hate people like that!
You're right, Deep State exists and it's a small group of very powerful people who have been professionally and patriotically destroying your country (and the whole world).

You'd better put your tin foil hat on - apparently Hollywood has been distorting your brain waves!
If there’s no crime no need to talk. I
But that is stupid. So yes, please keep "playing".

No, it is far from stupid. This is not a traffic stop, where cooperation can win you brownie points and mean the difference between a court appearance and a warning. This is a prosecutor with nearly unlimited time, resources and power whose sole objective is to get something, anything, on you. You give them nothing more than required, because the slightest misstatement can become an indictment.
Mueller is just desperately trying to do what he's been told to by his Deep State bosses. I hope he won't find a straw to grab and will successfully sink in quagmire of his own indecency. The sooner the better.
Psychopath alert

He who brings up the "Deep State" in every other post -
Loses the debate


there IS such a thing as the 'Deep State':

It consists of thousands of highly educated, professional people doing their jobs ethically, professionally and patriotically.

Trumpbots hate people like that!
Like peter strzok? James Comey? Rosenstein? Clapper?
I don't know why his attorneys haven't shut down this idea dead
You don't? Thats simple: Baby-man Trump a fragile ego, and he worries how it looks if he refused. This isn't rocket surgery.

I don’t believe that for a second. Trump has said way too many stupid things to have an issue caring what people think. The mans ego doesn’t allow for himself to be wrong
Which would mean a hung process aka it wouldn't happen. President Trump won't abide by any subpoena anyways. The witch hunt is NOT legitimate and he should not view it that way and he doesn't. The witch hunt has lost the support of the people and it was NEVER taken as a legit investigation by President Trump so no matter what they try and charge him with he will brush it off and continue make America great again...the deep state either way will lose.
if that happens then Trump would have to testify before the grand jury, more than likely....
I doubt he would do it. He would claim the 5th and watch the left's heads explode. I doubt it will come to that because Mueller said the entire charade should be done before end of the year.

Pleading the fifth is an admission of guilt - your just refusing to give the details.
Since when? I thought that was a constitutional right

It is a Constitutional right. It's the right not to incriminate yourself.

If your testimony would not incriminate you, then you do not have the right to plead the fifth. It's only your right IF your testimony WOULD incriminate you.

What is the punishment if I go on trial for something I know I didn't do, but decide I don't need to endure cross examination? I don't think the prosecution has a case. Will I be charged with something for not testifying?
Special counsel Mueller wants to ask Trump about obstruction of justice: Sources

Not gonna happen scumbag! Period. It won't happen. You can go ahead and end your witch hunt anytime now because President Trump ain't talking to you or your 17 angry democrat pals!

Nixon testified, so did Reagan, so did Clinton

What makes Trump so special?
Those were LEGIT investigations. NOT investigations because the WHINY left lost the damn election...Plus Trump is not like ANY politician much less President ever thankfully.

Hate to tell you but Democrats have nothing to do with the investigation

Mueller is a Republican, appointed by Republicans
Rosenstein is also Republucan

This is a LEGIT investigation and already has over 30 indictments
You know damn well 17 of Mueller's pit bulls are democrats who donated to Clinton and aren't a dumb person....just misguided.
how did 9 alleged democrats turn in to 17? Ahhhhhh, the Trump effect.....

Do you think only people who support a suspect are the ones who should be prosecutors or investigators? :lol:

It's similar to when pea brains say this 'witch hunt' has been going on for 3, 4 years...
Special counsel Mueller wants to ask Trump about obstruction of justice: Sources

Not gonna happen scumbag! Period. It won't happen. You can go ahead and end your witch hunt anytime now because President Trump ain't talking to you or your 17 angry democrat pals!
Trumps already hung himself in his tweets.
As soon as we all see President Trump hanging from a tree I'm sure you'll be the first one to let us know........asshole!

An 8x10 underground concrete cell in Siberia would be much cooler.
if that happens then Trump would have to testify before the grand jury, more than likely....
I doubt he would do it. He would claim the 5th and watch the left's heads explode. I doubt it will come to that because Mueller said the entire charade should be done before end of the year.

Pleading the fifth is an admission of guilt - your just refusing to give the details.
Since when? I thought that was a constitutional right

It is a Constitutional right. It's the right not to incriminate yourself.

If your testimony would not incriminate you, then you do not have the right to plead the fifth. It's only your right IF your testimony WOULD incriminate you.

What is the punishment if I go on trial for something I know I didn't do, but decide I don't need to endure cross examination? I don't think the prosecution has a case. Will I be charged with something for not testifying?

Possibly contempt of court. You don't get to decide if the prosecution has a case, snowflake. The judge/jury does.
No, it is far from stupid.
Yes, its idiotic. An innocent person would be happy to both clear his own name and to help law enforcement gather info to catch any guilty people.

A guilty person behaves evasively and bizarrely, precisely as Trump has done.

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