Mueller trying to rope President Trump into questioning

If Trump doesn't talk then he's hiding something. That's for the liberals

If Trump doesn't talk he recognizes an ambush and witch-hunt when he sees one. That's for the sane.
The only way it could possibly be an ambush is if Trump cannot tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Isn't that something we should expect from the president?

If it's okay for Trump to sit in private, without any written record, with Putin, Kim and even the Iranian leader, why should he be warned off taling to an American lawyer?

Remember how Trump said folks who take the fifth are probably guilty? Remember how Trump calls Sec. Clinton "Crooked Hillary"? Why can't he hold the same standards for himself?
If Trump doesn't talk then he's hiding something. That's for the liberals

If Trump doesn't talk he recognizes an ambush and witch-hunt when he sees one. That's for the sane.
The only way it could possibly be an ambush is if Trump cannot tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Isn't that something we should expect from the president?

If it's okay for Trump to sit in private, without any written record, with Putin, Kim and even the Iranian leader, why should he be warned off taling to an American lawyer?

Remember how Trump said folks who take the fifth are probably guilty? Remember how Trump calls Sec. Clinton "Crooked Hillary"? Why can't he hold the same standards for himself?

Trump could stutter on his name and be charged with lying to the FBI. He could fail to adhere to a request and be charged with obstruction of justice. That's how the Democrat's deep state operates.
If Trump doesn't talk then he's hiding something. That's for the liberals

If Trump doesn't talk he recognizes an ambush and witch-hunt when he sees one. That's for the sane.
The only way it could possibly be an ambush is if Trump cannot tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Isn't that something we should expect from the president?

If it's okay for Trump to sit in private, without any written record, with Putin, Kim and even the Iranian leader, why should he be warned off taling to an American lawyer?

Remember how Trump said folks who take the fifth are probably guilty? Remember how Trump calls Sec. Clinton "Crooked Hillary"? Why can't he hold the same standards for himself?

Trump could stutter on his name and be charged with lying to the FBI. He could fail to adhere to a request and be charged with obstruction of justice. That's how the Democrat's deep state operates.
Deep State, eh? If government is inept, ineffective and corrupt, how on God's green earth did they manage to create an omnipotent boogeyman?

So among the institutions Trump wants to convince his 35% are suddenly corrupt and not to be trusted under any circumstance is the free press, government itself (in spite of the fact Republicans control every branch of it), the electoral system and your fellow Americans. Gosh! That's a lot of mistrust to dole out. Ya know what the apparent hazard is with preaching hate and mistrust is, don't ya? You have to sustain that hate and mistrust. And that leads to a more divisive, much more corrosive society. Is that the way he plans to make America great again?

Any port in a storm I guess.
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No, it is far from stupid.
Yes, its idiotic. An innocent person would be happy to both clear his own name and to help law enforcement gather info to catch any guilty people.

A guilty person behaves evasively and bizarrely, precisely as Trump has done.
Dude again, no crime, no charge, no charge, no need to clear oneself . Have you been tested for a brain?
Sure, when facing an investigator actually looking for the truth,
Which, Mueller is. The real world does not deserve to yiur fantasy that you invented as a hedge against the Mueller team finding incriminating evidence against trump
If Trump doesn't talk then he's hiding something. That's for the liberals

If Trump doesn't talk he recognizes an ambush and witch-hunt when he sees one. That's for the sane.
The only way it could possibly be an ambush is if Trump cannot tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Isn't that something we should expect from the president?

If it's okay for Trump to sit in private, without any written record, with Putin, Kim and even the Iranian leader, why should he be warned off taling to an American lawyer?

Remember how Trump said folks who take the fifth are probably guilty? Remember how Trump calls Sec. Clinton "Crooked Hillary"? Why can't he hold the same standards for himself?

Trump could stutter on his name and be charged with lying to the FBI. He could fail to adhere to a request and be charged with obstruction of justice. That's how the Democrat's deep state operates.
By the way, I would never trust a demoloser, they are pure evil. The devil
Special counsel Mueller wants to ask Trump about obstruction of justice: Sources

Not gonna happen scumbag! Period. It won't happen. You can go ahead and end your witch hunt anytime now because President Trump ain't talking to you or your 17 angry democrat pals!
I can totally understand why trumpanzees don't want trump to get interviewed......they are afraid....very afraid.

I suspect many will try to shame Trump into testifying. They will say taking the 5th is an admission of guilt. Yet, you won't find many attorney's that would recommend a client testify if they don't have to do so. Trump needs to tell Mueller to pound sand and put up or shut up.

If my client were this guilty, I would no time allow him to testify either
Mueller is just desperately trying to do what he's been told to by his Deep State bosses. I hope he won't find a straw to grab and will successfully sink in quagmire of his own indecency. The sooner the better.
Trump should initiate another international election interference investigation. This one being from the country that REALLY IS interfering in our election, massively, with millions of actual votes being cast >> MEXICO.
If my client were this guilty, I would no time allow him to testify either
LOL. You have no evidence of Trump being guilty of anything. Secondly, if Trump left, I'd happily accept Pence as my president, doing everything Trump is doing, and more. :biggrin:
If Trump doesn't talk then he's hiding something. That's for the liberals

If Trump doesn't talk he recognizes an ambush and witch-hunt when he sees one. That's for the sane.
The only way it could possibly be an ambush is if Trump cannot tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Isn't that something we should expect from the president?

If it's okay for Trump to sit in private, without any written record, with Putin, Kim and even the Iranian leader, why should he be warned off taling to an American lawyer?

Remember how Trump said folks who take the fifth are probably guilty? Remember how Trump calls Sec. Clinton "Crooked Hillary"? Why can't he hold the same standards for himself?

Trump could stutter on his name and be charged with lying to the FBI. He could fail to adhere to a request and be charged with obstruction of justice. That's how the Democrat's deep state operates.
By the way, I would never trust a demoloser, they are pure evil. The devil
There will be a time when Trump is a memory, a footnote, reduced to a punchline. That day will have Democratic majorities in the Senate, the House and a Democrat in the White House.

If they behave with the same level of hatred and fear as the current crop of Republicans are behaving, I'll be available to you to help in your campaign to bring responsible leadership back.

But there's no way anyone wishing for responsible leadership could excuse, spin, and approve of the level of comportment on display today. If the Democrats did precisely what the GOP and Trump are doing, how would you react? This ain't like a sports rivalry. This isn't about bragging rights. This is real life, real political tragedy. This ain't winning, it's a course on how to divide and conquer as great country.
You will never remove suspicion
Of course you could, what an idiotic thing to say. You fools are saying something g so incredibly stupid. Trump has turned your brains to mush.
No upside. If you sit w/ investigators and came out shiny and clean the left would never think collusion wasnt the reason you won.

I am pulling 50 approval ratings on Rasmussen after the concerted effort to delegitimize my presidency. Nope.
There will be a time when Trump is a memory, a footnote, reduced to a punchline. That day will have Democratic majorities in the Senate, the House and a Democrat in the White House.

If they behave with the same level of hatred and fear as the current crop of Republicans are behaving, I'll be available to you to help in your campaign to bring responsible leadership back.

But there's no way anyone wishing for responsible leadership could excuse, spin, and approve of the level of comportment on display today. If the Democrats did precisely what the GOP and Trump are doing, how would you react? This ain't like a sports rivalry. This isn't about bragging rights. This is real life, real political tragedy. This ain't winning, it's a course on how to divide and conquer as great country.
It would not surprise me if there were NEVER Democratic majorities in the Senate, the House and a Democrat in the White House, ever again.. For all practicality, I think we may be seeing the end of the Democratic party.

If Trump can succeed in getting the 30 million illegal aliens out of the country, the Democrats may have no hope of ever winning an election again, anywhere in America (even in California)

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