Mueller's Criminal Past

True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.

As a pious and practicing bible thumper aren't you concerned about violating on of the Ten Commandments? Confess your sins you transgressor!
It never ceases to amaze me that when Democrats are all out of rebuttals they pull out the Bible and start preaching about the Ten Commandments! Oh! The irony!

I'm a Catholic First, a liberal and then a Democrat. You are a dirt bag, a liar and a fool, not necessarily in that order.
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Because to the Trumpsters- anyone who dares contradict their Dear Leader is a traitor.

No, McCain is a traitor to his party and to his voters. He campaigned on repealing Obamacare. Makes him a filthy pig of a liar as well..

LOL- Trumpsters don't care if people lie- they only care if they don't lie for your Dear Leader.

Because to the Trumpsters- anyone who dares contradict their Dear Leader is a traitor.
I care if President Trump lies. I don't see that he is lying about anything. He's doing his best. Leave him alone and live your life. You'll be happier. Trust me.
You don't see his lies? After having dozens just presented to you on a silver platter?

What lies?

Q. What lies

A. Every single time he says, "believe me".
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.
So let me get this straight. I don't want to misunderstand what I am hearing.

After insisting and insisting and insisting for 13 years there were WMDs in Iraq, the pseudocon position is now the left wing position? To wit, there were never any WMDs in Iraq.

Is this correct?

Did I say Trump was going to lead the pseudocons into the left wing camp, or what?

Why yes. Yes, I did.

Were there WMD's?
Ask Jeremiah. Then ask him again on an even numbered day.
You had to go to archives to get that comment about the WMD's. What was the date on it? You conveniently left that out for a reason.
Actually when the Moderators merged my thread they went with the title from my second thread which is titled, "Mueller's criminal past." So your claim about the title / true pundit is inaccurate. As is most of the rest of what you've just written. Anything else?
I don't give a tinker's damn about your other thread,fool! Taking refuge in a Moderator's action of the merging of your two threads, one of which with the 'True Pundit video I answered displaying your errors and lies, doesn't absolve you of your perfidy or unyielding deceitfulness within that OP of yours!

You are one of those phony Christians which is why I refer to you as a Pharisee; a self-righteous hypocrite, ready to save face and cover your lies and errors with more lies simply to puff yourself up. It has to really suck to be you knowing you're so corrupt and hollowed out!
It was the moderator's idea. Not mine. Taking refuge? I think not. I'm not intimidated by hypocrites like you and your party pals... You have some nerve complaining over Trump getting a word or two misplaced while ignoring the massive deception your candidate ran throughout the presidential race. As for you and your lying, criminal Hillary candidate who was under FBI investigation during her run for oval office..... Her entire campaign was based on a lie and I never heard a peep out of any of you.

The MSM who photoshopped her rally photos to hide the fact that she could barely muster 100 - 200 people to see her (some serious voter base, eh?), the Maytag man has finally met his match in Hillary, yes, fixing and lying about the polls to the point that most of you looked like Stockholm victims when the real numbers rolled in on election night, letting the media lie about Trump and delighting in every morsel of slander waged against him, falsely accusing him of things he never did, hiring people from Craigslist to attend the DNC convention after Sanders people refused to vote for that thief of a candidate of yours which left the convention more than half empty, lying about a tight race (it was never even close) looking the other way when it came out most of Hillary's friends on Facebook and Twitter were imaginary along with those 'likes'....... nothing but lies, lies, and more lies!

Your party is the party of lies, you ran on it, you lost on it and you'll be living with it for the next 7 1/2 years because 62,979,636 American voters who are alive and kicking (unlike the dead voters Hillary added to her tally) voted Yes to Donald Trump and No to Hillary. DEAL WITH IT.
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.

As a pious and practicing bible thumper aren't you concerned about violating on of the Ten Commandments? Confess your sins you transgressor!
It never ceases to amaze me that when Democrats are all out of rebuttals they pull out the Bible and start preaching about the Ten Commandments! Oh! The irony!

I'm a Catholic First, a liberal and then a Democrat. You are a dirt bag, a liar and a fool, not necessarily in that order.
I'll pray for you. God knows you need it.
I have no use for Snopes or Politico but I will tell you that True Pundit is new to me. I believe this is the first time I have posted anything from their site because I don't recall ever seeing it before today. There is no problem with me crossing True Pundit off my list of sources but I still have the evidence in the second story to support the truth about Mueller and that isn't going to be discredited. So I'm still right about Mueller.

Do I think you are wrong about Mueller's misrepresentation of facts? No.
However, you have proven yourself to be a hypocrite. It's OK if Trump is a pathological liar, but anyone else who lied? Hang them high.
25 Bible Verses About Hypocrisy - Scripture Wisdom on Hypocrites
How is Trump a pathological liar? I truly do not see that at all. Now I did see a pattern of lies with Obama but I'm not seeing that with President Trump- he's only been in office for 6 months! What I see is a man honestly trying to do his best for the country! I don't feel he is lying to Americans. Save yourself the trouble of links and tell me what you feel he has lied about.
I gave you a link to seven pages of documented lies.
You commented on the link, but it seems that you didn't even bother to go to the link. Now you question why I called Trump a pathological liar?
Do you enjoy being intellectually dishonest, not only in regards to other posters, but particularly yourself.
To be honest, you aren't the Christian you claim to be. As Donald Trump would tweet,,,"SAD"....
No I said forget the link - tell me what you believe he lied about. From what I've read so far? Small potato.

Wow, you didn't go to the link, you chose not to and then you ask what I think Trump lied ask what Trump lied about!
It seems that conservatives loved Politifact when it nailed Obama, but when it comes to Trump? Not so much.
The lies listed on the link I gave you are documented/explained why these are lies, backed with fact. I have seen people such as yourself, whine about the site, being as it's nailing one of your heroes, but not one person has been able to disprove Politifact's claim, not one.
You are a complete waste of time. Go ahead and live in your little world of make believe, while betraying your claim that you re a Christian.
I used to respect you, but no longer.
I asked you what lies he told because I wanted to hear from you personally not a journalist from Politifact. Obviously my ignoring the link that you provided has offended you and for that I apologize. I will read the link and make a list of what I find and post my response to it here. It isn't that I desire to live in my own little world but rather that I don't like the world of journalism I see these days and I certainly would have nothing to do with cable TV and the nonsense that is on it. As for the media... It appears to be quite lop-sided and slanted against the President. I voted for Trump because he was an outsider. Not a politician. Like all men he has his flaws. You'll get no argument from me about that. But what I do take issue with is the majority of Democrats who blindly supported Hillary even in the light of evidence that she was involved in child trafficking, pedophile sex rings and money laundering. That she stole over 1 billion dollars from the poorest of the poor in Haiti which was money allocated for their relief and which never reached them is truly despicable. I find no evidence that Trump has ever harmed a child nor would make his money from such a seedy underworld crime syndicate as I find the Clinton's to have enriched themselves by. The difference between Clinton and Trump is comparable to darkness and light. He was clearly the better choice of the two. I apologize for not reading your list on the link you provided and promise I will do it and respond sometime tomorrow - God willing. Goodnight, Kiwi.
Wow, already setting up the excuses are we? Everybody loved this guy a few months ago. Interesting...
Everybody? You speak for everybody? How interesting.
Don't play the word games... the overall reaction to Mueller when he was appointed was very positive from people on both sides of the aisle. Are you denying that?
Am I denying that RINO's have sided with the Democrats to falsely accuse our President? Not at all. It's a real problem and one that should be fixed come next election.
That's not at all what I asked... what the fuck are you talking about?
Wow, already setting up the excuses are we? Everybody loved this guy a few months ago. Interesting...

Where the heck did you get the "every body loved this guy" crap? Right from the get go we knew he was compromised because of his relationship with Comey let alone his law partners that include Jamie Gorelick.

And don't hand me the bs that he's a registered Republican. So is traitor John McCain.
Wow, already setting up the excuses are we? Everybody loved this guy a few months ago. Interesting...
Everybody? You speak for everybody? How interesting.
Don't play the word games... the overall reaction to Mueller when he was appointed was very positive from people on both sides of the aisle. Are you denying that?
Am I denying that RINO's have sided with the Democrats to falsely accuse our President? Not at all. It's a real problem and one that should be fixed come next election.
That's not at all what I asked... what the fuck are you talking about?
It's the answer you were given. Accept it or don't. Your choice.
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.

As a pious and practicing bible thumper aren't you concerned about violating on of the Ten Commandments? Confess your sins you transgressor!
It never ceases to amaze me that when Democrats are all out of rebuttals they pull out the Bible and start preaching about the Ten Commandments! Oh! The irony!

I'm a Catholic First, a liberal and then a Democrat. You are a dirt bag, a liar and a fool, not necessarily in that order.
I'll pray for you. God knows you need it.

She does, she tells me that often.
It was the moderator's idea...........
Your rambling and dissembling has already been cataloged, classified and duly ignored for lack of credibility. Your claim that Muller lied in that video you posted using 'True Pundit" as your source proved it was a lie and you a liar!

But since that was shown to you in my first post, you won't even go near it and haven't addressed a single point of your OP to which I responded. I do note your growing ire and frustration with my refusal to follow you away from the topic YOU initiated with your first lies in that OP.
You have some nerve complaining over Trump getting a word or two misplaced while ignoring the massive deception your candidate ran throughout the presidential race.
Where in our exchange did I even mention the Orange Clown or his grammar, Book! Further, my candidate wasn't on the ballot, fool! Why try to play it up for the crowd, fool, when you don't KNOW who I voted for? Trying to redirect the subject to get from under your lies and deceitful nature is fruitless with me, slick. Stay on point or get skewered!
Her entire campaign was based on a lie and I never heard a peep out of any of you.
Of course not, because I didn't care! My candidate wasn't on the ballot because he is a cartoon character but not a fool like yourself. BTW, fool, I was a Republican until Aug 9, 1974 when that damn crook Nixon crawled away from the WH. I'm still a conservative with an Indy bent and own my own vote and allegiance to my Country. Your brand of useful tools and idiots I have no use for.
Your party is the party of lies, you ran on it, you lost on it and you'll be living with it for the next 7 1/2 years because 62,979,636 American voters who are alive and kicking (unlike the dead voters Hillary added to her tally) voted Yes to Donald Trump and No to Hillary.
Really? You know me that well you bloody fool? You are a clueless ass simply parroting without conscience or logical thought. I pity the puffed up clowns like yourself.

You lied, you got caught! Tough shit for you!
I posting these links here so I don't have to search for it in the morning. I just got through reading 7 pages of Trumps lie - O - Meter score and don't want to search through 10 pages to find that link again.
Barack Obama's file
Hillary Clinton's file
Donald Trump's file

That's neat, who lied the most?
Obama - 26%
Clinton - 26%
Trump - 68%

But for whatever reason you slander Obama.
Those are "Politifacts" numbers according to their liberal newspaper journalists -The Tampa Tribune- sit tight. Kiwi asked me to read the entire list and I have. You've already given the scores so I'll leave that to the readers to decide how Politico arrived at those numbers. The score card for each person should be under their names. You have to use their links to get to the list of lies each person allegedly told.
It was the moderator's idea...........
Your rambling and dissembling has already been cataloged, classified and duly ignored for lack of credibility. Your claim that Muller lied in that video you posted using 'True Pundit" as your source proved it was a lie and you a liar!

But since that was shown to you in my first post, you won't even go near it and haven't addressed a single point of your OP to which I responded. I do note your growing ire and frustration with my refusal to follow you away from the topic YOU initiated with your first lies in that OP.
You have some nerve complaining over Trump getting a word or two misplaced while ignoring the massive deception your candidate ran throughout the presidential race.
Where in our exchange did I even mention the Orange Clown or his grammar, Book! Further, my candidate wasn't on the ballot, fool! Why try to play it up for the crowd, fool, when you don't KNOW who I voted for? Trying to redirect the subject to get from under your lies and deceitful nature is fruitless with me, slick. Stay on point or get skewered!
Her entire campaign was based on a lie and I never heard a peep out of any of you.
Of course not, because I didn't care! My candidate wasn't on the ballot because he is a cartoon character but not a fool like yourself. BTW, fool, I was a Republican until Aug 9, 1974 when that damn crook Nixon crawled away from the WH. I'm still a conservative with an Indy bent and own my own vote and allegiance to my Country. Your brand of useful tools and idiots I have no use for.
Your party is the party of lies, you ran on it, you lost on it and you'll be living with it for the next 7 1/2 years because 62,979,636 American voters who are alive and kicking (unlike the dead voters Hillary added to her tally) voted Yes to Donald Trump and No to Hillary.
Really? You know me that well you bloody fool? You are a clueless ass simply parroting without conscience or logical thought. I pity the puffed up clowns like yourself.

You lied, you got caught! Tough shit for you!
I didn't lie about anything. The story stands on its own merit. I'm merely sharing what they found. If Mueller didn't know for a fact that WMD's were in Iraq he shouldn't have testified that they were there. Believing, wishing and knowing are three different things. You're dismissed.
Not at all. Just reminding people of Mueller's record of perjury, lying, bungling huge cases, etc. Facts that should concern any American.

So you believe there were WMD''s in Iraq AND the Mueller lied about WMD's being in Iraq?

That's hilarious. Which one is it?

Your answer: ..uh, Yes!
@Kiwiman I've read the 7 pages of Donald Trump's alleged lie test from Politifact. The Tampa Tribune Journalists ( a liberal newspaper ) are the judge and jury on whether or not Trump spoke the truth.

I find on the first page of the site about Trump that the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Statements by Trump are actually his opinion. Not a lie. At best the 3rd Statement is an exaggeration. Number 4 is possibly true, Politico fails to prove their case. Number 5 is not a lie. Its' true. Americans certainly see an improvement over 8 years of Obama and 8 years of Bush so in that regard - Trump told the truth. Number 8 is true and although Politifact claims it is a distortion of the truth - they are splitting hairs on this one. Number 9 is claimed to be not a historical fact but Politico fails to state what is so again no points for Politico to prove Trump is lying. 10 is a case of an exaggeration which I already said - Trump has been known to do before - 11 is true but Politico denies this and fails to prove he is wrong. Another point for Trump.
12 Trump was wrong about John Podesta working for the DNC so that is 1 point for Politico. 13 is not a lie - score another one for Trump 14 is an exaggeration. 15 Trump told the truth CNN was way down when he made the statement another point for Trump 16 Trump wins on this one too because fact checking has to provide the correct answer and Politico merely responds with "not exactly." Another point for Trump 17 Trump is right again and Politico fails again to prove where he is wrong 18 Trump is exaggerating again and Politico fails to list who is who so that is a tie 19 Trump was correct in stating that John Osoff didn't even live in his own district and Politico claims this is a lie because Osoff lived one district away. Sorry guys. Trump is right and you are wrong. 20 Trump was right about the Rasmussen poll and Politico once again denies and refuses to prove him wrong. This is definitely not the work of a "fact checker"....... as I continued to scroll through the 7 pages I found that for the majority of statements Trump made - Politico offered insults, denial or excuses but never made their case to prove what he had said was false. As for Obama's lie test meter - the favoritism is blatant. According to Politico Trump only tells the truth 5% of the time. The same site would have us believe that Barack Obama tells the truth or mostly the truth 49% of the time. Hillary Clinton scores as telling the truth or mostly the truth 50% of the time according to Politico... and only lied 2% of the time wheras they are claiming that Trump lied 32% of the time. Truly astonishing that anyone would consider this a fact checking site. Where are their facts? These people are worse than Snopes and that is saying something because I didn't think anyone could do a worse job of fact checking. Now you know why I told you to tell me what you believed he lied about. Basically - your insinuation that this fact checking site was based on truth was not accurate. Disappointed doesn't adequately describe what I feel about this site. A classic example of why you cannot believe what liberal media and their sites tell you. My advice? Don't drink the Kool-Aid.
Not at all. Just reminding people of Mueller's record of perjury, lying, bungling huge cases, etc. Facts that should concern any American.

So you believe there were WMD''s in Iraq AND the Mueller lied about WMD's being in Iraq?

That's hilarious. Which one is it?

Your answer: ..uh, Yes!
Long ago I believed they were there but Democrats denied it which is why G5000 found that statement from me in the old USMB archives. Today I don't believe anyone has ever proven it to be true. Nothing hilarious about it but you liberals are easily amused by your own flights of imagination.

Many Americans have come to the same conclusion I have. We don't know.
How is Trump a pathological liar? I truly do not see that at all. Now I did see a pattern of lies with Obama but I'm not seeing that with President Trump-.

Really? You see no pattern of lies from our Liar in Chief?

Have you not read his tweets?

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Jan. 21 “I wasn't a fan of Iraq. I didn't want to go into Iraq.” (He was for an invasion before he was against it.) Jan. 21 “A reporter for Time magazine — and I have been on their cover 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine.” (Trump was on the cover 11 times and Nixon appeared 55 times.) Jan. 23 “Between 3 million and 5 million illegal votes caused me to lose the popular vote.” (There's no evidence of illegal voting.) Jan. 25 “Now, the audience was the biggest ever. But this crowd was massive. Look how far back it goes. This crowd was massive.” (Official aerial photos show Obama's 2009 inauguration was much more heavily attended.) Jan. 25 “Take a look at the Pew reports (which show voter fraud.)” (The report never mentioned voter fraud.) Jan. 25 “You had millions of people that now aren't insured anymore.” (The real number is less than 1 million, according to the Urban Institute.) Jan. 25 “So, look, when President Obama was there two weeks ago making a speech, very nice speech. Two people were shot and killed during his speech. You can't have that.” (There were no gun homicide victims in Chicago that day.) Jan. 26 “We've taken in tens of thousands of people. We know nothing about them. They can say they vet them. They didn't vet them. They have no papers. How can you vet somebody when you don't know anything about them and you have no papers? How do you vet them? You can't.” (Vetting lasts up to two years.) Jan. 26 “I cut off hundreds of millions of dollars off one particular plane, hundreds of millions of dollars in a short period of time. It wasn't like I spent, like, weeks, hours, less than hours, and many, many hundreds of millions of dollars. And the plane's going to be better.” (Most of the cuts were already planned.) Jan. 28 “The coverage about me in the @nytimes and the @washingtonpost has been so false and angry that the Times actually apologized to its dwindling subscribers and readers.” (It never apologized.)
I just looked at the list. This is your complaint list? It's ridiculous. The lies that Obama and the Clintons have been telling the America people would make Trump's few misspoken words look like an Avalanche compared to a snow cone on a sunny day. You people strain a gnat and swallow a camel.
Obama's worst?

Carl Bernstein: Trump Lies Like No Other President, Day In And Day Out | HuffPost
That is a lie.
Yeah Carl Bernstein doesn't know anything. Do you even know who he is? Lol
Hundreds of people on cable TV document trump's daily lies.
He is in a category all his own as a number of people in this thread already proved.
The fact you don't have cable TV( amazing in itself) shows you're totally uninformed about most of what Trump does and says.
Is this some sort of joke? Carl Bernstein was the author of a book about Hillary which is acclaimed to be the most definitive piece of work about her available today.
Who is Hillary Clinton? Biographer Carl Bernstein on her remarkable road - I would hardly describe this man as capable of recognizing a liar when he sees one after examining what he conveniently "overlooks" about Hilary Clinton. I could drive a semi truck through what Bernstein leaves out about his pal Hillary.

What Bernstein thinks about President Trump has no impact on him personally. The same cannot be said for Comey & Hillary's pal Robert Mueller who should have recused himself on day 1. Mueller should be fired. I believe I have presented a strong case here for why he should be fired. Clearly he didn't have the integrity to recuse himself. With the company he keeps this comes as no surprise to me.
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