Mueller's Criminal Past

Thank you for reading and for those who participated in the discussion - have a nice day!
Not at all. Just reminding people of Mueller's record of perjury, lying, bungling huge cases, etc. Facts that should concern any American.

So you believe there were WMD''s in Iraq AND the Mueller lied about WMD's being in Iraq?

That's hilarious. Which one is it?

Your answer: ..uh, Yes!
Long ago I believed they were there but Democrats denied it which is why G5000 found that statement from me in the old USMB archives. Today I don't believe anyone has ever proven it to be true. Nothing hilarious about it but you liberals are easily amused by your own flights of imagination.

Many Americans have come to the same conclusion I have. We don't know.

We know! Denial and the members of the Ministry of Truth (See: "1984") cloud the issue; the "Mushroom Cloud" rhetoric of Bush&Co., using fear to manipulate what the Neo Conservative Movement wanted, (Google the Statement of Principles, 1997 of the Principles for a New American Century) War with Iraq.

Book of J. is either a liar or totally ignorant and biddable. The lies to invade and occupy Iraq were deliberately faithless, treacherous and deceitful; they cost the lives of over 4,500 American Service Personnel, ten or more thousand left with life time injuries, and countless Iraqi civilians killed, maimed or poverty stricken. Its ramifications continue in the Middle East today.
I posting these links here so I don't have to search for it in the morning. I just got through reading 7 pages of Trumps lie - O - Meter score and don't want to search through 10 pages to find that link again.
Barack Obama's file
Hillary Clinton's file
Donald Trump's file

That's neat, who lied the most?
Obama - 26%
Clinton - 26%
Trump - 68%

But for whatever reason you slander Obama.
Those are "Politifacts" numbers according to their liberal newspaper journalists -The Tampa Tribune- sit tight. Kiwi asked me to read the entire list and I have. You've already given the scores so I'll leave that to the readers to decide how Politico arrived at those numbers. The score card for each person should be under their names. You have to use their links to get to the list of lies each person allegedly told.

You do realize you've completely failed in this thread, right? It was a fun read.
Your party is the party of lies, you ran on it, you lost on it and you'll be living with it for the next 7 1/2 years because 62,979,636 American voters who are alive and kicking (unlike the dead voters Hillary added to her tally) voted Yes to Donald Trump and No to Hillary. DEAL WITH IT.

LOL....because of course.....Trump was not lying to you.....or the rest of the Trumpsters......

For 5 years he told you all that Barack Obama probably was not our legally elected President- and then as soon as he got the GOP nomination- he threw you Birthers under the bus and declared that Barack Obama was born in the United States.

Our President- your idol- is the Prince of Lies.

You own the lies.
I posting these links here so I don't have to search for it in the morning. I just got through reading 7 pages of Trumps lie - O - Meter score and don't want to search through 10 pages to find that link again.
Barack Obama's file
Hillary Clinton's file
Donald Trump's file

That's neat, who lied the most?
Obama - 26%
Clinton - 26%
Trump - 68%

But for whatever reason you slander Obama.
Those are "Politifacts" numbers according to their liberal newspaper journalists -The Tampa Tribune- sit tight. Kiwi asked me to read the entire list and I have. You've already given the scores so I'll leave that to the readers to decide how Politico arrived at those numbers. The score card for each person should be under their names. You have to use their links to get to the list of lies each person allegedly told.

I already posted a bunch of Trump's lies from those links.

To no one's surprise- you just ignored them.

You are a hypocrite. And Jesus' weeps everytime you post.
The same cannot be said for Comey & Hillary's pal Robert Mueller who should have recused himself on day 1. Mueller should be fired. I believe I have presented a strong case here for why he should be fired. .

That you believe you have presented a 'strong case' here is as delusional as your claims that Trump hasn't been lying.

The only reason why you claim Mueller should be 'fired' is because he is in charge of an investigation that happens to include your Dear Leader. You would be making the same claims about anyone in charge of that investigation.
Mueller's criminal past is catching up with him. Today's headlines that MSM is ignoring:
Mueller’s Secret Transfer Of Uranium To Russia Under Investigation
The Clinton Foundation used Mueller for their dirty deeds
- August 2, 2017

Mueller was Clinton's bag man. He declined from investigating the Clinton's Uranium 1 deal with the Russians. Why did he give the Clinton's a pass? He was the bag man!
I've been saying this for days. Mueller was the man who brought those Uranium samples to Moscow, Russia for Clinton. How can he be allowed to investigate President Trump when he himself should be under investigation for collusion with the Russians and the Clinton's?

I can just see tomorrow's headlines now....... Investigator into President Trump collusion with Russians is now under investigation for collusion with Russians. Priceless.
No one in Congress is on your side so you're swimming alone on this one..
We ALL are. No one in congress is on the side of the people. They are ALL on the side of "what do I have to do to remain in power". The sooner we all realise this the better.
I believe that is more true of THE SENATE. Wouldn't you?
There is a big difference between a Senator and a Representative.

I believe Senators should have Term Limits.
BOTH houses should. That way it doesn't become a career. It was never intended to be such. It was intended to be somewhat of a burden/hardship to serve in congress. Now, however, it's a pathway to wealth and power.

Representatives have a lot less power, so if you were going to do that, you'd do something like 15 years max for a Senator, and maybe 25 for a Representative.
Considering that all spending starts in the house, I would say they have plenty of power. Also, as Senators are elected to six year terms and Reps two years your limits are unworkable. Might I suggest something similar to Presidential limits:
Senate - two elected terms, not to exceed 12 years.
House - four elected terms, not to exceed 12 years.
With a combination not to exceed a total of 14 years. Significantly reduces the potential for "career politicians".
No one in Congress is on your side so you're swimming alone on this one..
We ALL are. No one in congress is on the side of the people. They are ALL on the side of "what do I have to do to remain in power". The sooner we all realise this the better.
That's not true. There are some good public servants, Cory Booker, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins to name just a few..
But ALL of Congress gives their 100% support of Bob Mueller which makes this thread a total joke.
Don't make me laugh. You've just named some of the biggest traitors in office right now starting with Collins. McCain's name belongs on that list along with Angus, and a few others. Next election you can say adios to those quislings - God Willing!
So they're traitors for not wanting their constituents to lose their HC but Trump's a hero who advocated for them to lose it. You're fucked in the head.
Strawman arguement. No one is advocating for anyone to lose their health care. Health insurance may be a different matter. Notice the difference? Health Care vs. Health Insurance?
Not at all. Just reminding people of Mueller's record of perjury, lying, bungling huge cases, etc. Facts that should concern any American.

So you believe there were WMD''s in Iraq AND the Mueller lied about WMD's being in Iraq?

That's hilarious. Which one is it?

Your answer: ..uh, Yes!
Long ago I believed they were there but Democrats denied it which is why G5000 found that statement from me in the old USMB archives.

I understand, your total reason for believing there were WMD''s is because Dems denied it. Or maybe you forgot to include the true reason.

Today I don't believe anyone has ever proven it to be true. Nothing hilarious about it but you liberals are easily amused by your own flights of imagination.

Many Americans have come to the same conclusion I have. We don't know.

So when backed into a corner where you have to choose ifrom it was a lie or not you choose "We don't know" but insist that Mueller lied about WMD's.

Again, which one is it?

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