Mueller's Criminal Past

The Bible tells us to pray for our leaders. Not slander them.

Positively schizo:

According to the information going out from Impeach Obama Campaign ? To Save America there are 12 ways to impeach him right now. That's right. He should have been impeached already. Better late than never.

What does your holy book say about hypocrites?

Obama was not a legitimate president. The Democrats didn't vet him properly and you know it. .

Didn't vet him properly- how?

Tell us you professed Christian- how the Democrats vetted candidate Obama any differently than any other candidate.

This should be fun.
What his social security number is? .

I have never known the social security number of any President.

Do you know the social security number of Donald Trump?

Really- this is lame even by Birther standards.
Jeramiah the bullfrog asks how Trump is a " pathological liar.."
He must have just been dropped to earth from the planet DUMBASS.
Politifact documented over 600 lies in his first 3 months as president. I published the story a number of times.
After the first debate fact checkers caught Trump in 52 lies. Hillary-7.
Maybe there's no oxygen on planet DUMBASS.

The New York Times quoted Trump with both what he said, and when he said it, and why it was a lie. They documented about 200 (way too many to count) proven lies by Trump, who has taken the record.

Conservatives like to drag out the five lies Obama told over a span of 8 years, but put their fingers in their ears when Trump says that many lies in a day.
The Bible tells us to pray for our leaders. Not slander them.

Positively schizo:

According to the information going out from Impeach Obama Campaign ? To Save America there are 12 ways to impeach him right now. That's right. He should have been impeached already. Better late than never.

What does your holy book say about hypocrites?

Obama was not a legitimate president. The Democrats didn't vet him properly and you know it. .

Didn't vet him properly- how?

Tell us you professed Christian- how the Democrats vetted candidate Obama any differently than any other candidate.

This should be fun.
The truth is you only know what you have been told and most of what you've been told is not true.

Now apply that entire statement to Donald Trump- and tell me how what you know about Donald Trump is any different? And how.
Mueller has a history of perjuring himself and falsifying information. He is a bold faced liar with a history of breaking the law and getting away with it ......... going back to 2006 there is this story:

Robert Mueller Faces Scrutiny In Trump Investigation After Ties To Hillary Go Public – Patriot Journal
given Robert Mueller’s past, one must wonder why he’s even allowed to investigate President Trump.

Back in 2006, the Justice Department found evidence that Mueller, then the FBI Director, falsified testimony about the bureau’s surveillance on an anti-war protest in 2002. Specifically, the DoJ discovered that Mueller improperly opened and expanded investigations into certain Left-wing groups (via Mercury News).

In connection with the 2006 investigation into the FBI’s illegal surveillance of an anti-war protest in Pittsburgh, Mueller committed perjury by claiming the FBI was conducting an anti-terrorism investigation into The Thomas Merton Center, a pacifist Catholic organization (via Got News).
Mueller’s bipartisanship seems doubtful given that his law firm worked with the Left-wing Civis Analytics as recently as 2014-2015 (via Got News).

Many have also noted that Mueller has staffed his Russian probe team with many Hillary Clinton donors (via The Daily Caller).

No one should be surprised that Mueller is dishonest. After all, he took the blatantly partisan Special Counsel job even though he knew full well that Trump did nothing wrong.

What is surprising, however, is the extent of Mueller’s dishonesty.

Everyone knew about the Obama and Clinton operatives on Mueller’s team. Patriot Journal reported on those revelations when the information became public last week.

No one knew about Mueller’s history of perjury, though. The FBI surveillance scandal was also kept secret very well.

Apparently, then-FBI Director Mueller ordered several investigations that targeted peaceful anti-war protest groups. Mueller’s FBI also placed numerous activists on terrorist watch lists, even if there was no evidence to support those allegations.

When confronted by the Senate, Mueller gave a misleading testimony. He said the FBI was targeting a specific terror suspect at an anti-war rally, when the truth is that Mueller simply wanted to surveil the event.

Indeed, Mueller is not to be trusted.

Robert Mueller is a power-hungry crook who uses positions of authority to pervert justice for personal gain. Worse, whenever he gets caught, he lies about it.
So your bottom line is you are not going to address the lying title of YOUR "source" and YOUR indirect lies in support of that same obfuscation! You won't admit error or argue the merits of your position! GOT IT!

Instead, you've employed you ilk's time tested dodge of setting up a ranging illogical set of absurdities having nothing to do with the issue you broached (THE VIDEO) in the OP. The hypocrisies of you towering Pharisees knows no bounds! What would Jesus do you sanctimonious, self-righteous ass?
About your first question -the USMB Moderators decided to merge my two threads about Mueller into one which is why it is perfectly legitimate for me to use either story to prove my case. God works in mysterious ways. Praise the LORD.
Praise the Lord we have a serial adulterer President who acquired his wealth by exploiting every human weakness. From gambling dens to contests of the flesh to defrauding seniors of their retirement nest eggs to a game show which encouraged the worst human failings of greed, lust, and envy.

You have been led astray by a great deceiver because you have never been on the path of righteousness.
He married the woman he committed adultery with and he paid the price for it because the marriage didn't work out. So he divorced her. Later, he met Melania to whom he has been faithful and happily married for many years now. .

Wow- and you know he has been faithful to Melania- how?

What did Jesus say about adultery and divorce Bibleboy?

Certainly you can choose to forgive the President for his adultery- but according to Jesus he commits adultery every time he has sex with Melania.

You just excuse his sins- because you agree with him.
Jesus was just reminding the ones that were going around judging others. That if they thinks that they are so perfect just because they did not physically violated. That God only sees what is in our hearts. The heart tells the truth about the individual.
Why aren't you speaking out against President Trump then?
The Bible tells us to pray for our leaders. Not slander them.

Tell me how what "Mueller is doing is clearly wicked' but what Trump is doing is not 'clearly wicked'

Frame your answer in biblical terms.
Actually I do have a biblical story that would pretty much sum up things as they are.......
Mueller cast as Ahab
Trump cast as Jehu
Hillary Clinton and Evil Co. cast as Jezebel
Why won't the bullfrog address this:

He should not use bad language. I have to tell people on this board that once in a while too. Is there anything else?

Yup. Lots. You said, " I don't want anything to do with people who use profanity."
Then how can you vote for someone that yells and constantly uses profanity according to his aides in the WH?
Christians are called to speak out against evil and what Mueller is doing is clearly wicked. He has nothing and he knows it. .

Why aren't you speaking out against President Trump then?
The Bible tells us to pray for our leaders. Not slander them.

Tell me how what "Mueller is doing is clearly wicked' but what Trump is doing is not 'clearly wicked'

Frame your answer in biblical terms.
Actually I do have a biblical story that would pretty much sum up things as they are.......
Mueller cast as Ahab
Trump cast as Jehu
Hillary Clinton and Evil Co. cast as Jezebel

Jesus notes that you just lied.
? No. That is the truth. I definitely have a picture in my mind speaking of biblical terms (which I was asked for) which would have Mueller starring as Ahab, President Trump as Jehu, and Hillary Clinton and friends - as Jezebel.
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Because to the Trumpsters- anyone who dares contradict their Dear Leader is a traitor.

No, McCain is a traitor to his party and to his voters. He campaigned on repealing Obamacare. Makes him a filthy pig of a liar as well..

LOL- Trumpsters don't care if people lie- they only care if they don't lie for your Dear Leader.

Because to the Trumpsters- anyone who dares contradict their Dear Leader is a traitor.
I care if President Trump lies. I don't see that he is lying about anything. He's doing his best. Leave him alone and live your life. You'll be happier. Trust me.
You don't see his lies? After having dozens just presented to you on a silver platter?
What lies?
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
View attachment 141574
Because to the Trumpsters- anyone who dares contradict their Dear Leader is a traitor.

No, McCain is a traitor to his party and to his voters. He campaigned on repealing Obamacare. Makes him a filthy pig of a liar as well..

LOL- Trumpsters don't care if people lie- they only care if they don't lie for your Dear Leader.

Because to the Trumpsters- anyone who dares contradict their Dear Leader is a traitor.
I care if President Trump lies. I don't see that he is lying about anything. He's doing his best. Leave him alone and live your life. You'll be happier. Trust me.
You don't see his lies? After having dozens just presented to you on a silver platter?
What lies?


Trump is most likely not the antichrist but Christ is definitely the AntiTrump.
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No, McCain is a traitor to his party and to his voters. He campaigned on repealing Obamacare. Makes him a filthy pig of a liar as well..

LOL- Trumpsters don't care if people lie- they only care if they don't lie for your Dear Leader.

Because to the Trumpsters- anyone who dares contradict their Dear Leader is a traitor.
I care if President Trump lies. I don't see that he is lying about anything. He's doing his best. Leave him alone and live your life. You'll be happier. Trust me.
You don't see his lies? After having dozens just presented to you on a silver platter?
What lies?
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He " doesn't see it."
Why aren't you speaking out against President Trump then?
The Bible tells us to pray for our leaders. Not slander them.

Tell me how what "Mueller is doing is clearly wicked' but what Trump is doing is not 'clearly wicked'

Frame your answer in biblical terms.
Actually I do have a biblical story that would pretty much sum up things as they are.......
Mueller cast as Ahab
Trump cast as Jehu
Hillary Clinton and Evil Co. cast as Jezebel

Jesus notes that you just lied.
? No. That is the truth. I definitely have a picture in my mind speaking of biblical terms (which I was asked for) which would have Mueller starring as Ahab, President Trump as Jehu, and Hillary Clinton and friends - as Jezebel.

See if there really was a God, and he really did care about bearing false witness, you would be struck by lightening or have something wither and fall off....

I know you love Trump- so you are averse to the truth- but just for giggles I will ask one more time

Tell me how what "Mueller is doing is clearly wicked' but what Trump is doing is not 'clearly wicked'

Frame your answer in biblical terms.
Let me be clear. I didn't elect a Pastor. I elected a President and he is a far sight better than that witch on a stick from Kansas. Or wherever she came from. Now I never said Trump was a man who never committed a sin in his life. And if you claim that you have never sinned in your life I'd have to question that. Furthermore, Snopes is not a legitimate fact checking source. My opinion of Snopes is that it is a site that covers up the truth and protects liars. And as for Politico? Far left news site and I wouldn't believe a word they write.

Oh really?
Trumpsters/the right sure used Politifact's award to Obama repeatedly, when he won "The Lie of the Year" in 2013. I wonder how many hundreds of times it was posted on USMB.
Secondly, prove Snoops wrong about True Pundit.
Thank you!
I have no use for Snopes or Politico but I will tell you that True Pundit is new to me. I believe this is the first time I have posted anything from their site because I don't recall ever seeing it before today. There is no problem with me crossing True Pundit off my list of sources but I still have the evidence in the second story to support the truth about Mueller and that isn't going to be discredited. So I'm still right about Mueller.

Do I think you are wrong about Mueller's misrepresentation of facts? No.
However, you have proven yourself to be a hypocrite. It's OK if Trump is a pathological liar, but anyone else who lied? Hang them high.
25 Bible Verses About Hypocrisy - Scripture Wisdom on Hypocrites
How is Trump a pathological liar? I truly do not see that at all. Now I did see a pattern of lies with Obama but I'm not seeing that with President Trump-.

Really? You see no pattern of lies from our Liar in Chief?

Have you not read his tweets?

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Jan. 21 “I wasn't a fan of Iraq. I didn't want to go into Iraq.” (He was for an invasion before he was against it.) Jan. 21 “A reporter for Time magazine — and I have been on their cover 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine.” (Trump was on the cover 11 times and Nixon appeared 55 times.) Jan. 23 “Between 3 million and 5 million illegal votes caused me to lose the popular vote.” (There's no evidence of illegal voting.) Jan. 25 “Now, the audience was the biggest ever. But this crowd was massive. Look how far back it goes. This crowd was massive.” (Official aerial photos show Obama's 2009 inauguration was much more heavily attended.) Jan. 25 “Take a look at the Pew reports (which show voter fraud.)” (The report never mentioned voter fraud.) Jan. 25 “You had millions of people that now aren't insured anymore.” (The real number is less than 1 million, according to the Urban Institute.) Jan. 25 “So, look, when President Obama was there two weeks ago making a speech, very nice speech. Two people were shot and killed during his speech. You can't have that.” (There were no gun homicide victims in Chicago that day.) Jan. 26 “We've taken in tens of thousands of people. We know nothing about them. They can say they vet them. They didn't vet them. They have no papers. How can you vet somebody when you don't know anything about them and you have no papers? How do you vet them? You can't.” (Vetting lasts up to two years.) Jan. 26 “I cut off hundreds of millions of dollars off one particular plane, hundreds of millions of dollars in a short period of time. It wasn't like I spent, like, weeks, hours, less than hours, and many, many hundreds of millions of dollars. And the plane's going to be better.” (Most of the cuts were already planned.) Jan. 28 “The coverage about me in the @nytimes and the @washingtonpost has been so false and angry that the Times actually apologized to its dwindling subscribers and readers.” (It never apologized.)
I just looked at the list. This is your complaint list? It's ridiculous. The lies that Obama and the Clintons have been telling the America people would make Trump's few misspoken words look like an Avalanche compared to a snow cone on a sunny day. You people strain a gnat and swallow a camel.
The Bible tells us to pray for our leaders. Not slander them.

Tell me how what "Mueller is doing is clearly wicked' but what Trump is doing is not 'clearly wicked'

Frame your answer in biblical terms.
Actually I do have a biblical story that would pretty much sum up things as they are.......
Mueller cast as Ahab
Trump cast as Jehu
Hillary Clinton and Evil Co. cast as Jezebel
Why won't the bullfrog address this:

He should not use bad language. I have to tell people on this board that once in a while too. Is there anything else?

Yup. Lots. You said, " I don't want anything to do with people who use profanity."
Then how can you vote for someone that yells and constantly uses profanity according to his aides in the WH?

I don't have cable TV. Anything I have seen online I do not see that he is cursing. You have him saying the F word once at a rally. Some of you use that word every day on this very board? Grow up.
The Bible tells us to pray for our leaders. Not slander them.

Tell me how what "Mueller is doing is clearly wicked' but what Trump is doing is not 'clearly wicked'

Frame your answer in biblical terms.
Actually I do have a biblical story that would pretty much sum up things as they are.......
Mueller cast as Ahab
Trump cast as Jehu
Hillary Clinton and Evil Co. cast as Jezebel

Jesus notes that you just lied.
? No. That is the truth. I definitely have a picture in my mind speaking of biblical terms (which I was asked for) which would have Mueller starring as Ahab, President Trump as Jehu, and Hillary Clinton and friends - as Jezebel.

See if there really was a God, and he really did care about bearing false witness, you would be struck by lightening or have something wither and fall off....

I know you love Trump- so you are averse to the truth- but just for giggles I will ask one more time

Tell me how what "Mueller is doing is clearly wicked' but what Trump is doing is not 'clearly wicked'

Frame your answer in biblical terms.
I'll think about it and let you know (if I decide to answer that one).
View attachment 141574
Because to the Trumpsters- anyone who dares contradict their Dear Leader is a traitor.

No, McCain is a traitor to his party and to his voters. He campaigned on repealing Obamacare. Makes him a filthy pig of a liar as well..

LOL- Trumpsters don't care if people lie- they only care if they don't lie for your Dear Leader.

Because to the Trumpsters- anyone who dares contradict their Dear Leader is a traitor.
I care if President Trump lies. I don't see that he is lying about anything. He's doing his best. Leave him alone and live your life. You'll be happier. Trust me.
You don't see his lies? After having dozens just presented to you on a silver platter?
What lies?

Which time was Donnie lying- when he told you that Obama wasn't born in the United States- or when told you he was?

“President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period. Now, we all want to get back to making America strong and great again. Thank you.. thank you very much.
Yet you have no problem with Trumps excessive lies.
Here are seven pages of lies by Donald Trump. accompanied with documented proof that Trump's lies are exactly lies.
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Now for a Christian, you have selective outrage. Ask yourself, what would Jesus do?
Oh and your source, doesn't have a good track record for honesty.
true pundit Archives |
Let me be clear. I didn't elect a Pastor. I elected a President and he is a far sight better than that witch on a stick from Kansas. Or wherever she came from. Now I never said Trump was a man who never committed a sin in his life. And if you claim that you have never sinned in your life I'd have to question that. Furthermore, Snopes is not a legitimate fact checking source. My opinion of Snopes is that it is a site that covers up the truth and protects liars. And as for Politico? Far left news site and I wouldn't believe a word they write.

Oh really?
Trumpsters/the right sure used Politifact's award to Obama repeatedly, when he won "The Lie of the Year" in 2013. I wonder how many hundreds of times it was posted on USMB.
Secondly, prove Snoops wrong about True Pundit.
Thank you!
I have no use for Snopes or Politico but I will tell you that True Pundit is new to me. I believe this is the first time I have posted anything from their site because I don't recall ever seeing it before today. There is no problem with me crossing True Pundit off my list of sources but I still have the evidence in the second story to support the truth about Mueller and that isn't going to be discredited. So I'm still right about Mueller.

Do I think you are wrong about Mueller's misrepresentation of facts? No.
However, you have proven yourself to be a hypocrite. It's OK if Trump is a pathological liar, but anyone else who lied? Hang them high.
25 Bible Verses About Hypocrisy - Scripture Wisdom on Hypocrites
How is Trump a pathological liar? I truly do not see that at all. Now I did see a pattern of lies with Obama but I'm not seeing that with President Trump- he's only been in office for 6 months! What I see is a man honestly trying to do his best for the country! I don't feel he is lying to Americans. Save yourself the trouble of links and tell me what you feel he has lied about.
I gave you a link to seven pages of documented lies.
You commented on the link, but it seems that you didn't even bother to go to the link. Now you question why I called Trump a pathological liar?
Do you enjoy being intellectually dishonest, not only in regards to other posters, but particularly yourself.
To be honest, you aren't the Christian you claim to be. As Donald Trump would tweet,,,"SAD"....
View attachment 141574
No, McCain is a traitor to his party and to his voters. He campaigned on repealing Obamacare. Makes him a filthy pig of a liar as well..

LOL- Trumpsters don't care if people lie- they only care if they don't lie for your Dear Leader.

Because to the Trumpsters- anyone who dares contradict their Dear Leader is a traitor.
I care if President Trump lies. I don't see that he is lying about anything. He's doing his best. Leave him alone and live your life. You'll be happier. Trust me.
You don't see his lies? After having dozens just presented to you on a silver platter?
What lies?

Which time was Donnie lying- when he told you that Obama wasn't born in the United States- or when told you he was?

“President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period. Now, we all want to get back to making America strong and great again. Thank you.. thank you very much.
How do you know that an extremely credible source didn't call Pres. Trump and tell him Obama's birth certificate was a fraud? You don't. You don't know who called him.

But on the subject of the BC - experts agreed it was a bad forgery, a sloppy job. So his source is not alone. Not by far.
Let me be clear. I didn't elect a Pastor. I elected a President and he is a far sight better than that witch on a stick from Kansas. Or wherever she came from. Now I never said Trump was a man who never committed a sin in his life. And if you claim that you have never sinned in your life I'd have to question that. Furthermore, Snopes is not a legitimate fact checking source. My opinion of Snopes is that it is a site that covers up the truth and protects liars. And as for Politico? Far left news site and I wouldn't believe a word they write.

Oh really?
Trumpsters/the right sure used Politifact's award to Obama repeatedly, when he won "The Lie of the Year" in 2013. I wonder how many hundreds of times it was posted on USMB.
Secondly, prove Snoops wrong about True Pundit.
Thank you!
I have no use for Snopes or Politico but I will tell you that True Pundit is new to me. I believe this is the first time I have posted anything from their site because I don't recall ever seeing it before today. There is no problem with me crossing True Pundit off my list of sources but I still have the evidence in the second story to support the truth about Mueller and that isn't going to be discredited. So I'm still right about Mueller.

Do I think you are wrong about Mueller's misrepresentation of facts? No.
However, you have proven yourself to be a hypocrite. It's OK if Trump is a pathological liar, but anyone else who lied? Hang them high.
25 Bible Verses About Hypocrisy - Scripture Wisdom on Hypocrites
How is Trump a pathological liar? I truly do not see that at all. Now I did see a pattern of lies with Obama but I'm not seeing that with President Trump- he's only been in office for 6 months! What I see is a man honestly trying to do his best for the country! I don't feel he is lying to Americans. Save yourself the trouble of links and tell me what you feel he has lied about.
I gave you a link to seven pages of documented lies.
You commented on the link, but it seems that you didn't even bother to go to the link. Now you question why I called Trump a pathological liar?
Do you enjoy being intellectually dishonest, not only in regards to other posters, but particularly yourself.
To be honest, you aren't the Christian you claim to be. As Donald Trump would tweet,,,"SAD"....
No I said forget the link - tell me what you believe he lied about. From what I've read so far? Small potato.
Tell me how what "Mueller is doing is clearly wicked' but what Trump is doing is not 'clearly wicked'

Frame your answer in biblical terms.
Actually I do have a biblical story that would pretty much sum up things as they are.......
Mueller cast as Ahab
Trump cast as Jehu
Hillary Clinton and Evil Co. cast as Jezebel
Why won't the bullfrog address this:

He should not use bad language. I have to tell people on this board that once in a while too. Is there anything else?

Yup. Lots. You said, " I don't want anything to do with people who use profanity."
Then how can you vote for someone that yells and constantly uses profanity according to his aides in the WH?

I don't have cable TV. Anything I have seen online I do not see that he is cursing. You have him saying the F word once at a rally. Some of you use that word every day on this very board? Grow up.

Trump uses " that word" on a daily basis according to the people that hear him use it.
You've been splattered, dissected, carved up in this thread but I will predict you'll continue using the same lies in minutes.

" I don't have cable TV"
That explains a lot of why you're so uniformed.

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