Mueller's Criminal Past

Where are the weapons of mass destruction? Mueller perjured himself.

You guys thought I was kidding about Orwell.

Take a look at this:
Iraq had WMD's. That is a known fact. Even the Democrats agreed - before they disagreed.
I made the mistake of believing Mueller (who testified under oath and perjured himself). It won't happen again.

Yet you have no problem with Trumps excessive lies.
Here are seven pages of lies by Donald Trump. accompanied with documented proof that Trump's lies are exactly lies.
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Now for a Christian, you have selective outrage. Ask yourself, what would Jesus do?
Oh and your source, doesn't have a good track record for honesty.
true pundit Archives |
Let me be clear. I didn't elect a Pastor. I elected a President and he is a far sight better than that witch on a stick from Kansas. Or wherever she came from. Now I never said Trump was a man who never committed a sin in his life. And if you claim that you have never sinned in your life I'd have to question that. Furthermore, Snopes is not a legitimate fact checking source. My opinion of Snopes is that it is a site that covers up the truth and protects liars. And as for Politico? Far left news site and I wouldn't believe a word they write.

Oh really?
Trumpsters/the right sure used Politifact's award to Obama repeatedly, when he won "The Lie of the Year" in 2013. I wonder how many hundreds of times it was posted on USMB.
Secondly, prove Snoops wrong about True Pundit.
Thank you!

Just like a far left drone wanting someone to prove a negative.
The Bible tells us to pray for our leaders. Not slander them.

Positively schizo:

According to the information going out from Impeach Obama Campaign ? To Save America there are 12 ways to impeach him right now. That's right. He should have been impeached already. Better late than never.

What does your holy book say about hypocrites?

Obama was not a legitimate president. The Democrats didn't vet him properly and you know it. I didn't slander him. I didn't call him curse words or call him names as you people have done to President Trump repeatedly. I merely listed the ways he could be impeached - Obama was breaking the law. If Trump was breaking the law and trying to destroy this country I'd certainly look at what legal channels there were to remove him. But he isn't breaking the law, he hasn't broken the law and this entire investigation is a joke.
I made the mistake of believing Mueller (who testified under oath and perjured himself). It won't happen again.

Yet you have no problem with Trumps excessive lies.
Here are seven pages of lies by Donald Trump. accompanied with documented proof that Trump's lies are exactly lies.
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Now for a Christian, you have selective outrage. Ask yourself, what would Jesus do?
Oh and your source, doesn't have a good track record for honesty.
true pundit Archives |
Let me be clear. I didn't elect a Pastor. I elected a President and he is a far sight better than that witch on a stick from Kansas. Or wherever she came from. Now I never said Trump was a man who never committed a sin in his life. And if you claim that you have never sinned in your life I'd have to question that. Furthermore, Snopes is not a legitimate fact checking source. My opinion of Snopes is that it is a site that covers up the truth and protects liars. And as for Politico? Far left news site and I wouldn't believe a word they write.

Oh really?
Trumpsters/the right sure used Politifact's award to Obama repeatedly, when he won "The Lie of the Year" in 2013. I wonder how many hundreds of times it was posted on USMB.
Secondly, prove Snoops wrong about True Pundit.
Thank you!
I have no use for Snopes or Politico but I will tell you that True Pundit is new to me. I believe this is the first time I have posted anything from their site because I don't recall ever seeing it before today. There is no problem with me crossing True Pundit off my list of sources but I still have the evidence in the second story to support the truth about Mueller and that isn't going to be discredited. So I'm still right about Mueller.

Do I think you are wrong about Mueller's misrepresentation of facts? No.
However, you have proven yourself to be a hypocrite. It's OK if Trump is a pathological liar, but anyone else who lied? Hang them high.
25 Bible Verses About Hypocrisy - Scripture Wisdom on Hypocrites

Another far left drone trying to prove something that does not exist!

Although you will never see any far left drone blame Muslims for anything..

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan
I made the mistake of believing Mueller (who testified under oath and perjured himself). It won't happen again.

Yet you have no problem with Trumps excessive lies.
Here are seven pages of lies by Donald Trump. accompanied with documented proof that Trump's lies are exactly lies.
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Now for a Christian, you have selective outrage. Ask yourself, what would Jesus do?
Oh and your source, doesn't have a good track record for honesty.
true pundit Archives |
Let me be clear. I didn't elect a Pastor. I elected a President and he is a far sight better than that witch on a stick from Kansas. Or wherever she came from. Now I never said Trump was a man who never committed a sin in his life. And if you claim that you have never sinned in your life I'd have to question that. Furthermore, Snopes is not a legitimate fact checking source. My opinion of Snopes is that it is a site that covers up the truth and protects liars. And as for Politico? Far left news site and I wouldn't believe a word they write.

Oh really?
Trumpsters/the right sure used Politifact's award to Obama repeatedly, when he won "The Lie of the Year" in 2013. I wonder how many hundreds of times it was posted on USMB.
Secondly, prove Snoops wrong about True Pundit.
Thank you!
I have no use for Snopes or Politico but I will tell you that True Pundit is new to me. I believe this is the first time I have posted anything from their site because I don't recall ever seeing it before today. There is no problem with me crossing True Pundit off my list of sources but I still have the evidence in the second story to support the truth about Mueller and that isn't going to be discredited. So I'm still right about Mueller.

Do I think you are wrong about Mueller's misrepresentation of facts? No.
However, you have proven yourself to be a hypocrite. It's OK if Trump is a pathological liar, but anyone else who lied? Hang them high.
25 Bible Verses About Hypocrisy - Scripture Wisdom on Hypocrites
How is Trump a pathological liar? I truly do not see that at all. Now I did see a pattern of lies with Obama but I'm not seeing that with President Trump- he's only been in office for 6 months! What I see is a man honestly trying to do his best for the country! I don't feel he is lying to Americans. Save yourself the trouble of links and tell me what you feel he has lied about.
Obama was not a legitimate president. The Democrats didn't vet him properly and you know it. I didn't slander him.

Obama is not any other president though. Obama is a communist plant sent here to destroy this nation from the inside out. Big difference. Of course he is a liar. What communist isn't a liar? He is going to assist the russians in weakening america to the point the russians will be able to do that limited nuclear strike on america and have obama wave the white flag for them so they can come in and take america once and for all. That is the plan and he is doing it in plain sight in front of us all. The greatest shock will be to people such as disinfo bloggers here, marxist professors, black panthers, all being put in front of a firing squad instead of a promotion board. There is no loyalty among communists. I'm telling ya.
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.

You people are ridiculous
She always has been...thru various name changes.
So you called Obama a communist, eh?

And what other thoughts on Communists did you have, Jeremiah?

What does it mean for the Communist who is not a worshiper of Satan? Can a person be a Marxist and a Christian at the same time? No. A person cannot be a Marxist and a Christian at the same time. Not according to the Bible. If you are a Marxist? A Communist? You are an enemy of Jesus Christ.

Didn't slander Obama, eh?

You fucking lying hypocrite.
This is the typical Trump Chump. Schizophrenic. Hypocrite. Liar. Credulous in the extreme. And too stupid to stay down when beaten to a pulp.
There you go again with what would Jesus do.....Democrats - you truly are an amazing bunch! Listen up! Let's give you the benefit of the doubt and say that Mueller really, really, really believed there were WMD's and therein he wasn't perjuring himself because he believed it. Even with that he's still a liar who perjured himself because the Justice Dept. caught him lying and falsifying information back in 2006?
Now here you go again hijacking your own bloody thread yet again just because you've been caught out in and by your own OBFUSCATIONS, DISTORTIONS & LIES with total disregard for the truth.
Let's give you the benefit of the doubt and say that Mueller really, really, really believed there were WMD's and therein he wasn't perjuring himself because he believed it.
It doesn't matter either way, but I do note that your desperation is palpable! The TOPIC IS YOUR BLOODY OP, the original OP with the video from "True Pundit"! The title and yourself misrepresented the facts; in other words your "source" and you misrepresented the facts. Here again is the transcript from the video you posted in the OP;
"As Director<unintelligible> has pointed out Secretary Powell presented evidence last week that Baghdad has failed to disarm its weapons of mass destruction, willfully attempting to evade and deceive the international community. Our particular concern is that Sadam Hussein MAY supply terrorists with biological, chemical or radiological material."
Now how does that comport with YOUR assertion that Muller committed perjury in that VIDEO? You partisan hacks are a waste of air!
Last edited:
The Bible tells us to pray for our leaders. Not slander them.

Positively schizo:

According to the information going out from Impeach Obama Campaign ? To Save America there are 12 ways to impeach him right now. That's right. He should have been impeached already. Better late than never.

What does your holy book say about hypocrites?

Obama was not a legitimate president. The Democrats didn't vet him properly and you know it. I didn't slander him. I didn't call him curse words or call him names as you people have done to President Trump repeatedly. I merely listed the ways he could be impeached - Obama was breaking the law. If Trump was breaking the law and trying to destroy this country I'd certainly look at what legal channels there were to remove him. But he isn't breaking the law, he hasn't broken the law and this entire investigation is a joke.
Jeramiah the Bullfrog says Obama wasn't a legit president.
He hates profanity but racism he's good with.
If Trump was breaking the law and trying to destroy this country I'd certainly look at what legal channels there were to remove him. But he isn't breaking the law, he hasn't broken the law and this entire investigation is a joke.

If Trump was innocent, why after promising to release his taxes, he won't release his taxes, even though they're not under IRS audit. Trump even warned Mueller not to look into his finances. And then looked into pardoning himself. You don't pardon somebody unless they committed a crime, including yourself.

Add it all up, and it looks like Trump is extremely dirty

BTW: Mueller didn't lie, he repeated what the Bush administration was saying about WMD's in Iraq. The FBI doesn't gather foreign intelligence, they consume it, and if Bush was feeding everybody lies, that what they repeated.
Yet you have no problem with Trumps excessive lies.
Here are seven pages of lies by Donald Trump. accompanied with documented proof that Trump's lies are exactly lies.
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Now for a Christian, you have selective outrage. Ask yourself, what would Jesus do?
Oh and your source, doesn't have a good track record for honesty.
true pundit Archives |
Let me be clear. I didn't elect a Pastor. I elected a President and he is a far sight better than that witch on a stick from Kansas. Or wherever she came from. Now I never said Trump was a man who never committed a sin in his life. And if you claim that you have never sinned in your life I'd have to question that. Furthermore, Snopes is not a legitimate fact checking source. My opinion of Snopes is that it is a site that covers up the truth and protects liars. And as for Politico? Far left news site and I wouldn't believe a word they write.

Oh really?
Trumpsters/the right sure used Politifact's award to Obama repeatedly, when he won "The Lie of the Year" in 2013. I wonder how many hundreds of times it was posted on USMB.
Secondly, prove Snoops wrong about True Pundit.
Thank you!
I have no use for Snopes or Politico but I will tell you that True Pundit is new to me. I believe this is the first time I have posted anything from their site because I don't recall ever seeing it before today. There is no problem with me crossing True Pundit off my list of sources but I still have the evidence in the second story to support the truth about Mueller and that isn't going to be discredited. So I'm still right about Mueller.

Do I think you are wrong about Mueller's misrepresentation of facts? No.
However, you have proven yourself to be a hypocrite. It's OK if Trump is a pathological liar, but anyone else who lied? Hang them high.
25 Bible Verses About Hypocrisy - Scripture Wisdom on Hypocrites
How is Trump a pathological liar? I truly do not see that at all. Now I did see a pattern of lies with Obama but I'm not seeing that with President Trump- he's only been in office for 6 months! What I see is a man honestly trying to do his best for the country! I don't feel he is lying to Americans. Save yourself the trouble of links and tell me what you feel he has lied about.
Jeramiah the bullfrog asks how Trump is a " pathological liar.."
He must have just been dropped to earth from the planet DUMBASS.
Politifact documented over 600 lies in his first 3 months as president. I published the story a number of times.
After the first debate fact checkers caught Trump in 52 lies. Hillary-7.
Maybe there's no oxygen on planet DUMBASS.
Jeramiah the bullfrog said he doesn't want anything to do with people that uses profanity.
Yet he voted for this guy..

There you go again with what would Jesus do.....Democrats - you truly are an amazing bunch! Listen up! Let's give you the benefit of the doubt and say that Mueller really, really, really believed there were WMD's and therein he wasn't perjuring himself because he believed it. Even with that he's still a liar who perjured himself because the Justice Dept. caught him lying and falsifying information back in 2006?
Now here you go again hijacking your own bloody thread yet again just because you've been caught out in and by your own OBFUSCATIONS, DISTORTIONS & LIES with total disregard for the truth.
Let's give you the benefit of the doubt and say that Mueller really, really, really believed there were WMD's and therein he wasn't perjuring himself because he believed it.
It doesn't matter either way, but I do note that your desperation is palpable! The TOPIC IS YOUR BLOODY OP, the original OP with the video from "True Pundit"! The title and yourself misrepresented the facts; in other words your "source" and you misrepresented the facts. Here again is the transcript from the video you posted in the OP;
"As Director<unintelligible> has pointed out Secretary Powell presented evidence last week that Baghdad has failed to disarm its weapons of mass destruction, willfully attempting to evade and deceive the international community. Our particular concern is that Sadam Hussein MAY supply terrorists with biological, chemical or radiological material."
Now how does that comport with YOUR assertion that Muller committed perjury in that VIDEO? You partisan hacks are a waste of air!
Actually when the Moderators merged my thread they went with the title from my second thread which is titled, "Mueller's criminal past." So your claim about the title / true pundit is inaccurate. As is most of the rest of what you've just written. Anything else?
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.

As a pious and practicing bible thumper aren't you concerned about violating on of the Ten Commandments? Confess your sins you transgressor!
Christians are called to speak out against evil and what Mueller is doing is clearly wicked. He has nothing and he knows it. .

Why aren't you speaking out against President Trump then?
The Bible tells us to pray for our leaders. Not slander them.

Tell me how what "Mueller is doing is clearly wicked' but what Trump is doing is not 'clearly wicked'

Frame your answer in biblical terms.
Let me be clear. I didn't elect a Pastor. I elected a President and he is a far sight better than that witch on a stick from Kansas. Or wherever she came from. Now I never said Trump was a man who never committed a sin in his life. And if you claim that you have never sinned in your life I'd have to question that. Furthermore, Snopes is not a legitimate fact checking source. My opinion of Snopes is that it is a site that covers up the truth and protects liars. And as for Politico? Far left news site and I wouldn't believe a word they write.

Oh really?
Trumpsters/the right sure used Politifact's award to Obama repeatedly, when he won "The Lie of the Year" in 2013. I wonder how many hundreds of times it was posted on USMB.
Secondly, prove Snoops wrong about True Pundit.
Thank you!
I have no use for Snopes or Politico but I will tell you that True Pundit is new to me. I believe this is the first time I have posted anything from their site because I don't recall ever seeing it before today. There is no problem with me crossing True Pundit off my list of sources but I still have the evidence in the second story to support the truth about Mueller and that isn't going to be discredited. So I'm still right about Mueller.

Do I think you are wrong about Mueller's misrepresentation of facts? No.
However, you have proven yourself to be a hypocrite. It's OK if Trump is a pathological liar, but anyone else who lied? Hang them high.
25 Bible Verses About Hypocrisy - Scripture Wisdom on Hypocrites
How is Trump a pathological liar? I truly do not see that at all. Now I did see a pattern of lies with Obama but I'm not seeing that with President Trump- he's only been in office for 6 months! What I see is a man honestly trying to do his best for the country! I don't feel he is lying to Americans. Save yourself the trouble of links and tell me what you feel he has lied about.
Jeramiah the bullfrog asks how Trump is a " pathological liar.."
He must have just been dropped to earth from the planet DUMBASS.
Politifact documented over 600 lies in his first 3 months as president. I published the story a number of times.
After the first debate fact checkers caught Trump in 52 lies. Hillary-7.
Maybe there's no oxygen on planet DUMBASS.
I watched the debates on my computer livestream and while I do think Trump got a few of his facts confused once or twice I don't believe the fact checkers on that debate. Sorry. I just don't believe it. As for Hillary Clinton? Her reputation is that she is a liar. She lies about things that make no sense. Like being under sniper fire, the marine story, her and Bill are broke, she can't walk, can't talk, and suddenly appears on stage as if she was the picture of health....who can believe her? .... where to begin? There's just too much.
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.

As a pious and practicing bible thumper aren't you concerned about violating on of the Ten Commandments? Confess your sins you transgressor!
Christians are called to speak out against evil and what Mueller is doing is clearly wicked. He has nothing and he knows it. .

Why aren't you speaking out against President Trump then?
The Bible tells us to pray for our leaders. Not slander them.

Tell me how what "Mueller is doing is clearly wicked' but what Trump is doing is not 'clearly wicked'

Frame your answer in biblical terms.
Don't tempt me.
Yet you have no problem with Trumps excessive lies.
Here are seven pages of lies by Donald Trump. accompanied with documented proof that Trump's lies are exactly lies.
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Now for a Christian, you have selective outrage. Ask yourself, what would Jesus do?
Oh and your source, doesn't have a good track record for honesty.
true pundit Archives |
Let me be clear. I didn't elect a Pastor. I elected a President and he is a far sight better than that witch on a stick from Kansas. Or wherever she came from. Now I never said Trump was a man who never committed a sin in his life. And if you claim that you have never sinned in your life I'd have to question that. Furthermore, Snopes is not a legitimate fact checking source. My opinion of Snopes is that it is a site that covers up the truth and protects liars. And as for Politico? Far left news site and I wouldn't believe a word they write.

Oh really?
Trumpsters/the right sure used Politifact's award to Obama repeatedly, when he won "The Lie of the Year" in 2013. I wonder how many hundreds of times it was posted on USMB.
Secondly, prove Snoops wrong about True Pundit.
Thank you!
I have no use for Snopes or Politico but I will tell you that True Pundit is new to me. I believe this is the first time I have posted anything from their site because I don't recall ever seeing it before today. There is no problem with me crossing True Pundit off my list of sources but I still have the evidence in the second story to support the truth about Mueller and that isn't going to be discredited. So I'm still right about Mueller.

Do I think you are wrong about Mueller's misrepresentation of facts? No.
However, you have proven yourself to be a hypocrite. It's OK if Trump is a pathological liar, but anyone else who lied? Hang them high.
25 Bible Verses About Hypocrisy - Scripture Wisdom on Hypocrites
How is Trump a pathological liar? I truly do not see that at all. Now I did see a pattern of lies with Obama but I'm not seeing that with President Trump-.

Really? You see no pattern of lies from our Liar in Chief?

Have you not read his tweets?

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Jan. 21 “I wasn't a fan of Iraq. I didn't want to go into Iraq.” (He was for an invasion before he was against it.) Jan. 21 “A reporter for Time magazine — and I have been on their cover 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine.” (Trump was on the cover 11 times and Nixon appeared 55 times.) Jan. 23 “Between 3 million and 5 million illegal votes caused me to lose the popular vote.” (There's no evidence of illegal voting.) Jan. 25 “Now, the audience was the biggest ever. But this crowd was massive. Look how far back it goes. This crowd was massive.” (Official aerial photos show Obama's 2009 inauguration was much more heavily attended.) Jan. 25 “Take a look at the Pew reports (which show voter fraud.)” (The report never mentioned voter fraud.) Jan. 25 “You had millions of people that now aren't insured anymore.” (The real number is less than 1 million, according to the Urban Institute.) Jan. 25 “So, look, when President Obama was there two weeks ago making a speech, very nice speech. Two people were shot and killed during his speech. You can't have that.” (There were no gun homicide victims in Chicago that day.) Jan. 26 “We've taken in tens of thousands of people. We know nothing about them. They can say they vet them. They didn't vet them. They have no papers. How can you vet somebody when you don't know anything about them and you have no papers? How do you vet them? You can't.” (Vetting lasts up to two years.) Jan. 26 “I cut off hundreds of millions of dollars off one particular plane, hundreds of millions of dollars in a short period of time. It wasn't like I spent, like, weeks, hours, less than hours, and many, many hundreds of millions of dollars. And the plane's going to be better.” (Most of the cuts were already planned.) Jan. 28 “The coverage about me in the @nytimes and the @washingtonpost has been so false and angry that the Times actually apologized to its dwindling subscribers and readers.” (It never apologized.)
Oh really?
Trumpsters/the right sure used Politifact's award to Obama repeatedly, when he won "The Lie of the Year" in 2013. I wonder how many hundreds of times it was posted on USMB.
Secondly, prove Snoops wrong about True Pundit.
Thank you!
I have no use for Snopes or Politico but I will tell you that True Pundit is new to me. I believe this is the first time I have posted anything from their site because I don't recall ever seeing it before today. There is no problem with me crossing True Pundit off my list of sources but I still have the evidence in the second story to support the truth about Mueller and that isn't going to be discredited. So I'm still right about Mueller.

Do I think you are wrong about Mueller's misrepresentation of facts? No.
However, you have proven yourself to be a hypocrite. It's OK if Trump is a pathological liar, but anyone else who lied? Hang them high.
25 Bible Verses About Hypocrisy - Scripture Wisdom on Hypocrites
How is Trump a pathological liar? I truly do not see that at all. Now I did see a pattern of lies with Obama but I'm not seeing that with President Trump- he's only been in office for 6 months! What I see is a man honestly trying to do his best for the country! I don't feel he is lying to Americans. Save yourself the trouble of links and tell me what you feel he has lied about.
Jeramiah the bullfrog asks how Trump is a " pathological liar.."
He must have just been dropped to earth from the planet DUMBASS.
Politifact documented over 600 lies in his first 3 months as president. I published the story a number of times.
After the first debate fact checkers caught Trump in 52 lies. Hillary-7.
Maybe there's no oxygen on planet DUMBASS.
Her reputation is that she is a liar. She lies about things that make no sense..

Donald Trump's reputation is that of a liar- as President he lies about things that make no sense to even lie about.

Here are some more — and it’s not an exhaustive list.
  • Trump boasted that he “predicted Osama bin Laden.” Nope. The book Trump published in 2000 mentioned bin Laden once, and predicted nothing about bin Laden’s future plans.
  • Trump “heard” that Obama is “thinking about signing an executive order where he wants to take your guns away.” If so, he misheard. What Obama reportedly considered was requiring large-volume private gun dealers to conduct background checks, not confiscating firearms from those who own them.
  • Trump said he “heard” the Obama administration plans to accept 200,000 Syrian refugees — even upping that wildly inaccurate number to 250,000 in another speech.Nope and nope. The number is about 10,000.
  • Trump said he got to know Putin “very well” while the two were on CBS’ “60 Minutes.”Nope. The two men were interviewed separately, in different countries thousands of miles apart.
  • Trump claimed his campaign is “100 percent” self-funded. Nope. At the time, more than 50 percent of his campaign’s funds had come from outside contributors.
  • Trump said his tax plan is revenue neutral. Nope. The pro-business Tax Foundationestimated the Trump plan would reduce revenues to the Treasury by more than $10 trillion over 10 years, even assuming his plan would create economic growth.
  • Trump told the story of a 2-year old who got autism a week after the child got a vaccine. But there’s no evidence of such a link. The study that claimed to have found a link between vaccines and autism has been exposed as an “elaborate fraud.” It was retracted five years ago by the journal that published it, and the author was stripped of his license to practice medicine in Britain.
  • Trump said Mexico doesn’t have a birthright citizenship policy. It does.
  • Trump claimed credit for getting Ford Motor Co. to move a plant from Mexico to Ohio.Ford says that’s baloney; it made the decision years before Trump even announced his run for president.
  • Trump denied that he ever called female adversaries some of these things: “fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.” He used all of those terms.
  • Trump said in June “there are no jobs” to be had, when official statistics were showing 5.4 million job openings — the most in 15 years.
  • Trump claimed economic growth in the U.S. has “never” been below zero — until the third quarter of 2015. “Who ever heard of this?” he asked. Except it’s not unheard of. Economic growth has been below zero 42 times since 1946.

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