Mueller's Criminal Past

True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.

As a pious and practicing bible thumper aren't you concerned about violating on of the Ten Commandments? Confess your sins you transgressor!
Christians are called to speak out against evil and what Mueller is doing is clearly wicked. He has nothing and he knows it. .

Why aren't you speaking out against President Trump then?
Mueller's Criminal Past

If Mueller has a "criminal past" - just imagine where that puts Trump. Mueller is overwhelmingly praised by Republicans and Democrats as a man of honor and integrity. I find it especially offensive when people who profess to be religious post such shit on message boards. Only "false" Christians support Trump and try to discredit those investigating him.

15 Remarks Donald Trump Found Less Offensive Than Anthony Scaramucci’s Meltdown
Excuse me, but Mueller does have a past of criminal behavior......Did you read this or skim over it?
Quoting news story:
Back in 2006, the Justice Department found evidence that Mueller, then the FBI Director, falsified testimony about the bureau’s surveillance on an anti-war protest in 2002. Specifically, the DoJ discovered that Mueller improperly opened and expanded investigations into certain Left-wing groups (via Mercury News).

In connection with the 2006 investigation into the FBI’s illegal surveillance of an anti-war protest in Pittsburgh, Mueller committed perjury by claiming the FBI was conducting an anti-terrorism investigation into The Thomas Merton Center, a pacifist Catholic organization (via Got News).
What else would you call it? Mueller makes up his own rules as he goes along! You think I'm okay with Mueller investigating our President? THINK AGAIN!

Your OP is bullshit fake news. There is no need to read it. Your sources are not credible. Neither are you!

Didn't you just source Huffpo and now your're whining about credible? LMAO
So far he has made 0 $ for his fake news... on his poor little scammer.
The Democrats didn't do a very good job of burying Mueller's history, did they.... what a fickle crowd... one day you guys are writing about his unethical methods, falsifying information, perjuring himself and then when he is about to investigate the President you hate? He's suddenly marvelous........ what hypocrites.
See? You can't stop yourself.

You are mentally, emotionally, and psychologically incapable of getting out of the piss drinker line.

You are positively schizophrenic now.

Where are the weapons of mass destruction? Mueller perjured himself.
Iraq had WMD's. That is a known fact. Even the Democrats agreed - before they disagreed.
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.
Did you actually listen to what Mueller said in the video or did you just read the headline of your "source" and exclaim AH HA and post that garbage? I took the time to transcribe the full 25 seconds of Mueller's testimony contained in the video to share with you and others reading this thread, and you'll find it directly below. Perhaps you and others can find where Muller perjures himself and can point it out;

"As Director<unintelligible> has pointed out Secretary Powell presented evidence last week that Baghdad has failed to disarm its weapons of mass destruction, willfully attempting to evade and deceive the international community. Our particular concern is that Sadam Hussein MAY supply terrorists with biological, chemical or radiological material."

Even a half-blind person can read in that transcription that the first sentence regards recounting evidence on the record collected by agencies such as the State Dept, NSA, CIA, et al, as testified before the UN by SecState Powell just a week before, but NOT the FBI. Mueller's second sentence relays only a concern, possible outcomes we heard over and over between Aug 2002 thru Mar 2003. There is no evidence of perjury in all in those two sentences, and you have only served in the capacity of a fellow traveler of those contriving and parroting falsehoods and outright bloody lies.

Your "source", the renowned 'True Pundit', along with yourself of are excellent examples of propaganda of the first and a useful idiot of the second.
Mueller has a history of perjuring himself and falsifying information. He is a bold faced liar with a history of breaking the law and getting away with it ......... going back to 2006 there is this story:

Robert Mueller Faces Scrutiny In Trump Investigation After Ties To Hillary Go Public – Patriot Journal
given Robert Mueller’s past, one must wonder why he’s even allowed to investigate President Trump.

Back in 2006, the Justice Department found evidence that Mueller, then the FBI Director, falsified testimony about the bureau’s surveillance on an anti-war protest in 2002. Specifically, the DoJ discovered that Mueller improperly opened and expanded investigations into certain Left-wing groups (via Mercury News).

In connection with the 2006 investigation into the FBI’s illegal surveillance of an anti-war protest in Pittsburgh, Mueller committed perjury by claiming the FBI was conducting an anti-terrorism investigation into The Thomas Merton Center, a pacifist Catholic organization (via Got News).
Mueller’s bipartisanship seems doubtful given that his law firm worked with the Left-wing Civis Analytics as recently as 2014-2015 (via Got News).

Many have also noted that Mueller has staffed his Russian probe team with many Hillary Clinton donors (via The Daily Caller).

No one should be surprised that Mueller is dishonest. After all, he took the blatantly partisan Special Counsel job even though he knew full well that Trump did nothing wrong.

What is surprising, however, is the extent of Mueller’s dishonesty.

Everyone knew about the Obama and Clinton operatives on Mueller’s team. Patriot Journal reported on those revelations when the information became public last week.

No one knew about Mueller’s history of perjury, though. The FBI surveillance scandal was also kept secret very well.

Apparently, then-FBI Director Mueller ordered several investigations that targeted peaceful anti-war protest groups. Mueller’s FBI also placed numerous activists on terrorist watch lists, even if there was no evidence to support those allegations.

When confronted by the Senate, Mueller gave a misleading testimony. He said the FBI was targeting a specific terror suspect at an anti-war rally, when the truth is that Mueller simply wanted to surveil the event.

Indeed, Mueller is not to be trusted.

Robert Mueller is a power-hungry crook who uses positions of authority to pervert justice for personal gain. Worse, whenever he gets caught, he lies about it.
So your bottom line is you are not going to address the lying title of YOUR "source" and YOUR indirect lies in support of that same obfuscation! You won't admit error or argue the merits of your position! GOT IT!

Instead, you've employed you ilk's time tested dodge of setting up a ranging illogical set of absurdities having nothing to do with the issue you broached (THE VIDEO) in the OP. The hypocrisies of you towering Pharisees knows no bounds! What would Jesus do you sanctimonious, self-righteous ass?
There you go again with what would Jesus do.....Democrats - you truly are an amazing bunch! Listen up! Let's give you the benefit of the doubt and say that Mueller really, really, really believed there were WMD's and therein he wasn't perjuring himself because he believed it. Even with that he's still a liar who perjured himself because the Justice Dept. caught him lying and falsifying information back in 2006? So he still perjured himself even without the first incident! What are going to do? Call the Justice Department liars?
Read it again......
Back in 2006, the Justice Department found evidence that Mueller, then the FBI Director, falsified testimony about the bureau’s surveillance on an anti-war protest in 2002. Specifically, the DoJ discovered that Mueller improperly opened and expanded investigations into certain Left-wing groups (via Mercury News).

In connection with the 2006 investigation into the FBI’s illegal surveillance of an anti-war protest in Pittsburgh, Mueller committed perjury by claiming the FBI was conducting an anti-terrorism investigation into The Thomas Merton Center, a pacifist Catholic organization (via Got News).
Mueller's Criminal Past

If Mueller has a "criminal past" - just imagine where that puts Trump. Mueller is overwhelmingly praised by Republicans and Democrats as a man of honor and integrity. I find it especially offensive when people who profess to be religious post such shit on message boards. Only "false" Christians support Trump and try to discredit those investigating him.

15 Remarks Donald Trump Found Less Offensive Than Anthony Scaramucci’s Meltdown
Excuse me, but Mueller does have a past of criminal behavior......Did you read this or skim over it?
Quoting news story:
Back in 2006, the Justice Department found evidence that Mueller, then the FBI Director, falsified testimony about the bureau’s surveillance on an anti-war protest in 2002. Specifically, the DoJ discovered that Mueller improperly opened and expanded investigations into certain Left-wing groups (via Mercury News).

In connection with the 2006 investigation into the FBI’s illegal surveillance of an anti-war protest in Pittsburgh, Mueller committed perjury by claiming the FBI was conducting an anti-terrorism investigation into The Thomas Merton Center, a pacifist Catholic organization (via Got News).
What else would you call it? Mueller makes up his own rules as he goes along! You think I'm okay with Mueller investigating our President? THINK AGAIN!

Your OP is bullshit fake news. There is no need to read it. Your sources are not credible. Neither are you!

Didn't you just source Huffpo and now your're whining about credible? LMAO

My sources have credibility and source links that can be verified. Do yours...?


15 Remarks Donald Trump Found Less Offensive Than Anthony Scaramucci's Meltdown
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury .

When was he convicted of this perjury exactly?
He committed perjury in 2006 and the Justice dept. found evidence that proved he did but clearly they let him get away with it. They should have held him accountable!
Back in 2006, the Justice Department found evidence that Mueller, then the FBI Director, falsified testimony about the bureau’s surveillance on an anti-war protest in 2002. Specifically, the DoJ discovered that Mueller improperly opened and expanded investigations into certain Left-wing groups (via Mercury News).

In connection with the 2006 investigation into the FBI’s illegal surveillance of an anti-war protest in Pittsburgh, Mueller committed perjury by claiming the FBI was conducting an anti-terrorism investigation into The Thomas Merton Center, a pacifist Catholic organization (via Got News).
Where are the weapons of mass destruction? Mueller perjured himself.

You guys thought I was kidding about Orwell.

Take a look at this:
Iraq had WMD's. That is a known fact. Even the Democrats agreed - before they disagreed.
I made the mistake of believing Mueller (who testified under oath and perjured himself). It won't happen again.

Yet you have no problem with Trumps excessive lies.
Here are seven pages of lies by Donald Trump. accompanied with documented proof that Trump's lies are exactly lies.
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Now for a Christian, you have selective outrage. Ask yourself, what would Jesus do?
Oh and your source, doesn't have a good track record for honesty.
true pundit Archives |
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.
Did you actually listen to what Mueller said in the video or did you just read the headline of your "source" and exclaim AH HA and post that garbage? I took the time to transcribe the full 25 seconds of Mueller's testimony contained in the video to share with you and others reading this thread, and you'll find it directly below. Perhaps you and others can find where Muller perjures himself and can point it out;

"As Director<unintelligible> has pointed out Secretary Powell presented evidence last week that Baghdad has failed to disarm its weapons of mass destruction, willfully attempting to evade and deceive the international community. Our particular concern is that Sadam Hussein MAY supply terrorists with biological, chemical or radiological material."

Even a half-blind person can read in that transcription that the first sentence regards recounting evidence on the record collected by agencies such as the State Dept, NSA, CIA, et al, as testified before the UN by SecState Powell just a week before, but NOT the FBI. Mueller's second sentence relays only a concern, possible outcomes we heard over and over between Aug 2002 thru Mar 2003. There is no evidence of perjury in all in those two sentences, and you have only served in the capacity of a fellow traveler of those contriving and parroting falsehoods and outright bloody lies.

Your "source", the renowned 'True Pundit', along with yourself of are excellent examples of propaganda of the first and a useful idiot of the second.
Mueller has a history of perjuring himself and falsifying information. He is a bold faced liar with a history of breaking the law and getting away with it ......... going back to 2006 there is this story:

Robert Mueller Faces Scrutiny In Trump Investigation After Ties To Hillary Go Public – Patriot Journal
given Robert Mueller’s past, one must wonder why he’s even allowed to investigate President Trump.

Back in 2006, the Justice Department found evidence that Mueller, then the FBI Director, falsified testimony about the bureau’s surveillance on an anti-war protest in 2002. Specifically, the DoJ discovered that Mueller improperly opened and expanded investigations into certain Left-wing groups (via Mercury News).

In connection with the 2006 investigation into the FBI’s illegal surveillance of an anti-war protest in Pittsburgh, Mueller committed perjury by claiming the FBI was conducting an anti-terrorism investigation into The Thomas Merton Center, a pacifist Catholic organization (via Got News).
Mueller’s bipartisanship seems doubtful given that his law firm worked with the Left-wing Civis Analytics as recently as 2014-2015 (via Got News).

Many have also noted that Mueller has staffed his Russian probe team with many Hillary Clinton donors (via The Daily Caller).

No one should be surprised that Mueller is dishonest. After all, he took the blatantly partisan Special Counsel job even though he knew full well that Trump did nothing wrong.

What is surprising, however, is the extent of Mueller’s dishonesty.

Everyone knew about the Obama and Clinton operatives on Mueller’s team. Patriot Journal reported on those revelations when the information became public last week.

No one knew about Mueller’s history of perjury, though. The FBI surveillance scandal was also kept secret very well.

Apparently, then-FBI Director Mueller ordered several investigations that targeted peaceful anti-war protest groups. Mueller’s FBI also placed numerous activists on terrorist watch lists, even if there was no evidence to support those allegations.

When confronted by the Senate, Mueller gave a misleading testimony. He said the FBI was targeting a specific terror suspect at an anti-war rally, when the truth is that Mueller simply wanted to surveil the event.

Indeed, Mueller is not to be trusted.

Robert Mueller is a power-hungry crook who uses positions of authority to pervert justice for personal gain. Worse, whenever he gets caught, he lies about it.
So your bottom line is you are not going to address the lying title of YOUR "source" and YOUR indirect lies in support of that same obfuscation! You won't admit error or argue the merits of your position! GOT IT!

Instead, you've employed you ilk's time tested dodge of setting up a ranging illogical set of absurdities having nothing to do with the issue you broached (THE VIDEO) in the OP. The hypocrisies of you towering Pharisees knows no bounds! What would Jesus do you sanctimonious, self-righteous ass?
About your first question -the USMB Moderators decided to merge my two threads about Mueller into one which is why it is perfectly legitimate for me to use either story to prove my case. God works in mysterious ways. Praise the LORD.
Wow, already setting up the excuses are we? Everybody loved this guy a few months ago. Interesting...

And don't hand me the bs that he's a registered Republican. So is traitor John McCain.

Because to the Trumpsters- anyone who dares contradict their Dear Leader is a traitor.

No, McCain is a traitor to his party and to his voters. He campaigned on repealing Obamacare. Makes him a filthy pig of a liar as well.

Nothing to do with Trump. R in name only.
Wow, already setting up the excuses are we? Everybody loved this guy a few months ago. Interesting...

And don't hand me the bs that he's a registered Republican. So is traitor John McCain.

Because to the Trumpsters- anyone who dares contradict their Dear Leader is a traitor.

No, McCain is a traitor to his party and to his voters. He campaigned on repealing Obamacare. Makes him a filthy pig of a liar as well.

Nothing to do with Trump. R in name only.

One who puts country before party is not a traitor.
Where are the weapons of mass destruction? Mueller perjured himself.

You guys thought I was kidding about Orwell.

Take a look at this:
Iraq had WMD's. That is a known fact. Even the Democrats agreed - before they disagreed.
I made the mistake of believing Mueller (who testified under oath and perjured himself). It won't happen again.

Yet you have no problem with Trumps excessive lies.
Here are seven pages of lies by Donald Trump. accompanied with documented proof that Trump's lies are exactly lies.
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Now for a Christian, you have selective outrage. Ask yourself, what would Jesus do?
Oh and your source, doesn't have a good track record for honesty.
true pundit Archives |
Let me be clear. I didn't elect a Pastor. I elected a President and he is a far sight better than that witch on a stick from Kansas. Or wherever she came from. Now I never said Trump was a man who never committed a sin in his life. And if you claim that you have never sinned in your life I'd have to question that. Furthermore, Snopes is not a legitimate fact checking source. My opinion of Snopes is that it is a site that covers up the truth and protects liars. And as for Politico? Far left news site and I wouldn't believe a word they write.
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.
Did you actually listen to what Mueller said in the video or did you just read the headline of your "source" and exclaim AH HA and post that garbage? I took the time to transcribe the full 25 seconds of Mueller's testimony contained in the video to share with you and others reading this thread, and you'll find it directly below. Perhaps you and others can find where Muller perjures himself and can point it out;

"As Director<unintelligible> has pointed out Secretary Powell presented evidence last week that Baghdad has failed to disarm its weapons of mass destruction, willfully attempting to evade and deceive the international community. Our particular concern is that Sadam Hussein MAY supply terrorists with biological, chemical or radiological material."

Even a half-blind person can read in that transcription that the first sentence regards recounting evidence on the record collected by agencies such as the State Dept, NSA, CIA, et al, as testified before the UN by SecState Powell just a week before, but NOT the FBI. Mueller's second sentence relays only a concern, possible outcomes we heard over and over between Aug 2002 thru Mar 2003. There is no evidence of perjury in all in those two sentences, and you have only served in the capacity of a fellow traveler of those contriving and parroting falsehoods and outright bloody lies.

Your "source", the renowned 'True Pundit', along with yourself of are excellent examples of propaganda of the first and a useful idiot of the second.
Mueller has a history of perjuring himself and falsifying information. He is a bold faced liar with a history of breaking the law and getting away with it ......... going back to 2006 there is this story:

Robert Mueller Faces Scrutiny In Trump Investigation After Ties To Hillary Go Public – Patriot Journal
given Robert Mueller’s past, one must wonder why he’s even allowed to investigate President Trump.

Back in 2006, the Justice Department found evidence that Mueller, then the FBI Director, falsified testimony about the bureau’s surveillance on an anti-war protest in 2002. Specifically, the DoJ discovered that Mueller improperly opened and expanded investigations into certain Left-wing groups (via Mercury News).

In connection with the 2006 investigation into the FBI’s illegal surveillance of an anti-war protest in Pittsburgh, Mueller committed perjury by claiming the FBI was conducting an anti-terrorism investigation into The Thomas Merton Center, a pacifist Catholic organization (via Got News).
Mueller’s bipartisanship seems doubtful given that his law firm worked with the Left-wing Civis Analytics as recently as 2014-2015 (via Got News).

Many have also noted that Mueller has staffed his Russian probe team with many Hillary Clinton donors (via The Daily Caller).

No one should be surprised that Mueller is dishonest. After all, he took the blatantly partisan Special Counsel job even though he knew full well that Trump did nothing wrong.

What is surprising, however, is the extent of Mueller’s dishonesty.

Everyone knew about the Obama and Clinton operatives on Mueller’s team. Patriot Journal reported on those revelations when the information became public last week.

No one knew about Mueller’s history of perjury, though. The FBI surveillance scandal was also kept secret very well.

Apparently, then-FBI Director Mueller ordered several investigations that targeted peaceful anti-war protest groups. Mueller’s FBI also placed numerous activists on terrorist watch lists, even if there was no evidence to support those allegations.

When confronted by the Senate, Mueller gave a misleading testimony. He said the FBI was targeting a specific terror suspect at an anti-war rally, when the truth is that Mueller simply wanted to surveil the event.

Indeed, Mueller is not to be trusted.

Robert Mueller is a power-hungry crook who uses positions of authority to pervert justice for personal gain. Worse, whenever he gets caught, he lies about it.
So your bottom line is you are not going to address the lying title of YOUR "source" and YOUR indirect lies in support of that same obfuscation! You won't admit error or argue the merits of your position! GOT IT!

Instead, you've employed you ilk's time tested dodge of setting up a ranging illogical set of absurdities having nothing to do with the issue you broached (THE VIDEO) in the OP. The hypocrisies of you towering Pharisees knows no bounds! What would Jesus do you sanctimonious, self-righteous ass?
About your first question -the USMB Moderators decided to merge my two threads about Mueller into one which is why it is perfectly legitimate for me to use either story to prove my case. God works in mysterious ways. Praise the LORD.
Praise the Lord we have a serial adulterer President who acquired his wealth by exploiting every human weakness. From gambling dens to contests of the flesh to defrauding seniors of their retirement nest eggs to a game show which encouraged the worst human failings of greed, lust, and envy.

You have been led astray by a great deceiver because you have never been on the path of righteousness.
Those in the Republican Party who showed political courage for voting NOT to take health insurance away from people and voted NO, the rich dont deserve a huge tax break at the expense of screwing the needy on Medicaid, should and will be rewarded with another term.

That's why Trump threatening Lisa Murkowski was hilarious since she isn't up for reelection this time. He didn't know that..Add that to the very long list of things Trump doesn't know.

I keep asking this question but the pussy Trump supporters keep pissing their pants and running..
here it is again..
if you consider those few smart brave republicans to be traitors for doing the right thing, explain to the forum why you wanted millions thrown off HC and why the rich deserves another huge tax break.
Go out it chumps.
((( crickets)))))
I said up front that I didn't approve of Scaramucci using the bad language. I'm consistent on the matter of using bad language. I'm glad Priebus and Spicer are gone. End of story.

reince and matt schlapp saved the party and won an almost impossible election.
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein. - end quote
Then there is the story about Mueller's criminal past here which included falsifying information, perjury (again) and more:
Robert Mueller Faces Scrutiny In Trump Investigation After Ties To Hillary Go Public – Patriot Journal
Back in 2006, the Justice Department found evidence that Mueller, then the FBI Director, falsified testimony about the bureau’s surveillance on an anti-war protest in 2002. Specifically, the DoJ discovered that Mueller improperly opened and expanded investigations into certain Left-wing groups (via Mercury News).

In connection with the 2006 investigation into the FBI’s illegal surveillance of an anti-war protest in Pittsburgh, Mueller committed perjury by claiming the FBI was conducting an anti-terrorism investigation into The Thomas Merton Center, a pacifist Catholic organization (via Got News).
Mueller’s bipartisanship seems doubtful given that his law firm worked with the Left-wing Civis Analytics as recently as 2014-2015 (via Got News).

do you ever post anything true?

never mind... we all know the answer to that.

I guess that whole thou shalt not bear false witness thing doesn't apply to you.

35 Bible verses about Satan, As Deceiver

Matthew 16:23 Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns."
Where are the weapons of mass destruction? Mueller perjured himself.

You guys thought I was kidding about Orwell.

Take a look at this:
Iraq had WMD's. That is a known fact. Even the Democrats agreed - before they disagreed.
I made the mistake of believing Mueller (who testified under oath and perjured himself). It won't happen again.

Yet you have no problem with Trumps excessive lies.
Here are seven pages of lies by Donald Trump. accompanied with documented proof that Trump's lies are exactly lies.
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Now for a Christian, you have selective outrage. Ask yourself, what would Jesus do?
Oh and your source, doesn't have a good track record for honesty.
true pundit Archives |
Let me be clear. I didn't elect a Pastor. I elected a President and he is a far sight better than that witch on a stick from Kansas. Or wherever she came from. Now I never said Trump was a man who never committed a sin in his life. And if you claim that you have never sinned in your life I'd have to question that. Furthermore, Snopes is not a legitimate fact checking source. My opinion of Snopes is that it is a site that covers up the truth and protects liars. And as for Politico? Far left news site and I wouldn't believe a word they write.
You retards act as if there were only Trump and Clinton to choose from.

There were far more righteous men and women in the Republican primary to choose from. Trump was literally the WORST POSSIBLE CHOICE.

And now you have gone full schizo in your devotion to him.
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.
Did you actually listen to what Mueller said in the video or did you just read the headline of your "source" and exclaim AH HA and post that garbage? I took the time to transcribe the full 25 seconds of Mueller's testimony contained in the video to share with you and others reading this thread, and you'll find it directly below. Perhaps you and others can find where Muller perjures himself and can point it out;

"As Director<unintelligible> has pointed out Secretary Powell presented evidence last week that Baghdad has failed to disarm its weapons of mass destruction, willfully attempting to evade and deceive the international community. Our particular concern is that Sadam Hussein MAY supply terrorists with biological, chemical or radiological material."

Even a half-blind person can read in that transcription that the first sentence regards recounting evidence on the record collected by agencies such as the State Dept, NSA, CIA, et al, as testified before the UN by SecState Powell just a week before, but NOT the FBI. Mueller's second sentence relays only a concern, possible outcomes we heard over and over between Aug 2002 thru Mar 2003. There is no evidence of perjury in all in those two sentences, and you have only served in the capacity of a fellow traveler of those contriving and parroting falsehoods and outright bloody lies.

Your "source", the renowned 'True Pundit', along with yourself of are excellent examples of propaganda of the first and a useful idiot of the second.
Mueller has a history of perjuring himself and falsifying information. He is a bold faced liar with a history of breaking the law and getting away with it ......... going back to 2006 there is this story:

Robert Mueller Faces Scrutiny In Trump Investigation After Ties To Hillary Go Public – Patriot Journal
given Robert Mueller’s past, one must wonder why he’s even allowed to investigate President Trump.

Back in 2006, the Justice Department found evidence that Mueller, then the FBI Director, falsified testimony about the bureau’s surveillance on an anti-war protest in 2002. Specifically, the DoJ discovered that Mueller improperly opened and expanded investigations into certain Left-wing groups (via Mercury News).

In connection with the 2006 investigation into the FBI’s illegal surveillance of an anti-war protest in Pittsburgh, Mueller committed perjury by claiming the FBI was conducting an anti-terrorism investigation into The Thomas Merton Center, a pacifist Catholic organization (via Got News).
Mueller’s bipartisanship seems doubtful given that his law firm worked with the Left-wing Civis Analytics as recently as 2014-2015 (via Got News).

Many have also noted that Mueller has staffed his Russian probe team with many Hillary Clinton donors (via The Daily Caller).

No one should be surprised that Mueller is dishonest. After all, he took the blatantly partisan Special Counsel job even though he knew full well that Trump did nothing wrong.

What is surprising, however, is the extent of Mueller’s dishonesty.

Everyone knew about the Obama and Clinton operatives on Mueller’s team. Patriot Journal reported on those revelations when the information became public last week.

No one knew about Mueller’s history of perjury, though. The FBI surveillance scandal was also kept secret very well.

Apparently, then-FBI Director Mueller ordered several investigations that targeted peaceful anti-war protest groups. Mueller’s FBI also placed numerous activists on terrorist watch lists, even if there was no evidence to support those allegations.

When confronted by the Senate, Mueller gave a misleading testimony. He said the FBI was targeting a specific terror suspect at an anti-war rally, when the truth is that Mueller simply wanted to surveil the event.

Indeed, Mueller is not to be trusted.

Robert Mueller is a power-hungry crook who uses positions of authority to pervert justice for personal gain. Worse, whenever he gets caught, he lies about it.
So your bottom line is you are not going to address the lying title of YOUR "source" and YOUR indirect lies in support of that same obfuscation! You won't admit error or argue the merits of your position! GOT IT!

Instead, you've employed you ilk's time tested dodge of setting up a ranging illogical set of absurdities having nothing to do with the issue you broached (THE VIDEO) in the OP. The hypocrisies of you towering Pharisees knows no bounds! What would Jesus do you sanctimonious, self-righteous ass?
About your first question -the USMB Moderators decided to merge my two threads about Mueller into one which is why it is perfectly legitimate for me to use either story to prove my case. God works in mysterious ways. Praise the LORD.
Praise the Lord we have a serial adulterer President who acquired his wealth by exploiting every human weakness. From gambling dens to contests of the flesh to defrauding seniors of their retirement nest eggs to a game show which encouraged the worst human failings of greed, lust, and envy.

You have been led astray by a great deceiver because you have never been on the path of righteousness.

and THAT is the truth.
Where are the weapons of mass destruction? Mueller perjured himself.

You guys thought I was kidding about Orwell.

Take a look at this:
Iraq had WMD's. That is a known fact. Even the Democrats agreed - before they disagreed.
I made the mistake of believing Mueller (who testified under oath and perjured himself). It won't happen again.

Yet you have no problem with Trumps excessive lies.
Here are seven pages of lies by Donald Trump. accompanied with documented proof that Trump's lies are exactly lies.
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Now for a Christian, you have selective outrage. Ask yourself, what would Jesus do?
Oh and your source, doesn't have a good track record for honesty.
true pundit Archives |
Let me be clear. I didn't elect a Pastor. I elected a President and he is a far sight better than that witch on a stick from Kansas. Or wherever she came from. Now I never said Trump was a man who never committed a sin in his life. And if you claim that you have never sinned in your life I'd have to question that. Furthermore, Snopes is not a legitimate fact checking source. My opinion of Snopes is that it is a site that covers up the truth and protects liars. And as for Politico? Far left news site and I wouldn't believe a word they write.
i just posted hillary's broom for sale on ebay, and on craig'slist as a job opening.
View attachment 141539
BOMBSHELL REPORT : Crooked Mueller Tied to Crooked Hillary's Schemes
As the Russia probe moves forward, more and more dirty details on Robert Mueller are emerging.

The day it was announced that Mueller was leading the Russia investigation, Julian Assange released a Wikileaks bombshell.

The Wikileaks document showed that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered Mueller to deliver a sample of stolen Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) to Russia in 2009.

As more information comes to light, it has become clear that the only “Russian ties” have been on the Democrats’ side, and had nothing to do with President Trump or his family.

The left overplayed their hand, and had they not screamed and yelled about Russia-related conspiracy theories as loudly and often as they did, the American people might not be so keen to the fact that Democrats, not Republicans, are the ones who’ve been involved in shady dealings with Russia.

Robert Mueller should never have been allowed to serve as the head of the “Special Counsel” witch hunt against President Trump, simply based on his close ties with James Comey and the Clinton family, and should be investigated himself…

If it exists, there is a special place in hell for you.

When Jerry Falwell died he went directly to hell, and his greeter, upon reading his life script sentenced him to the Ninth Circle for his Treachery.

As Falwell and his new guide walked the halls of the ninth level they saw a series of cells, in one there was Hitler and his cell mate was a fire breathing dragon with fowl breath and body odor, in the next cell Falwell saw Saddam Hussein and his cell mate was a wild pig wallowing in a hot muddy goo which smelled of rotten eggs and dead matter.

Finally they came to a cell and inside was a lovely young women scantily clad and perfumed with the sexiest scent, lying supine with one leg bent and the other off the side of the feather bed.

As he guide opened the door to her cell, Falwell looked at the guard and asked, "why am I here?"

In response the guard kicked Falwell into the cell and when he did the lovely ingenue screamed, "NOoooooo!" and the guard said to Falwell, "you are her hell" and slammed the door, the sound of which was muffled by the poor girls constant screams.
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein. - end quote
Then there is the story about Mueller's criminal past here which included falsifying information, perjury (again) and more:
Robert Mueller Faces Scrutiny In Trump Investigation After Ties To Hillary Go Public – Patriot Journal
Back in 2006, the Justice Department found evidence that Mueller, then the FBI Director, falsified testimony about the bureau’s surveillance on an anti-war protest in 2002. Specifically, the DoJ discovered that Mueller improperly opened and expanded investigations into certain Left-wing groups (via Mercury News).

In connection with the 2006 investigation into the FBI’s illegal surveillance of an anti-war protest in Pittsburgh, Mueller committed perjury by claiming the FBI was conducting an anti-terrorism investigation into The Thomas Merton Center, a pacifist Catholic organization (via Got News).
Mueller’s bipartisanship seems doubtful given that his law firm worked with the Left-wing Civis Analytics as recently as 2014-2015 (via Got News).


The people needs to start shouting back at the government's officials. Because they are playing with everybody as the way they plays with fools. Mueller is a close friend of Comey and which that is a conflict of interest. And one of the policing or whatever, is that the special counsel cannot have a close relationship with anyone that is being investigated. They planted Mueller in that position temporary, until they has enough time to schooled someone else that doesn't has any close relationship with any of them. Pres. Trump had fired Comey unexpectedly, and it has thrown things off again for them. But once they are finished schooling the new investigator, then they will replace Mueller.

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