Mueller's Criminal Past

True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.
Did you actually listen to what Mueller said in the video or did you just read the headline of your "source" and exclaim AH HA and post that garbage? I took the time to transcribe the full 25 seconds of Mueller's testimony contained in the video to share with you and others reading this thread, and you'll find it directly below. Perhaps you and others can find where Muller perjures himself and can point it out;

"As Director<unintelligible> has pointed out Secretary Powell presented evidence last week that Baghdad has failed to disarm its weapons of mass destruction, willfully attempting to evade and deceive the international community. Our particular concern is that Sadam Hussein MAY supply terrorists with biological, chemical or radiological material."

Even a half-blind person can read in that transcription that the first sentence regards recounting evidence on the record collected by agencies such as the State Dept, NSA, CIA, et al, as testified before the UN by SecState Powell just a week before, but NOT the FBI. Mueller's second sentence relays only a concern, possible outcomes we heard over and over between Aug 2002 thru Mar 2003. There is no evidence of perjury in all in those two sentences, and you have only served in the capacity of a fellow traveler of those contriving and parroting falsehoods and outright bloody lies.

Your "source", the renowned 'True Pundit', along with yourself of are excellent examples of propaganda of the first and a useful idiot of the second.
Colin Powell made the case UNDER OATH for "positive wmd's", as did damn near everyone on the right that opened their mouth and mentioned Iraq.


FK Trump
Stop using bad language. Read this:
Arizona Rep. Trent Franks: Special counsel Mueller should resign
Why do you care if he uses bad language?
Trump admires it among his staff.
Trump is no longer using bad language after having been asked not to. As for you? You don't seem to be capable of demonstrating that level of self control. When you prove you can post on my threads without cursing? I'll respond. Until then.
Those in the Republican Party who showed political courage for voting NOT to take health insurance away from people and voted NO, the rich dont deserve a huge tax break at the expense of screwing the needy on Medicaid, should and will be rewarded with another term.

That's why Trump threatening Lisa Murkowski was hilarious since she isn't up for reelection this time. He didn't know that..Add that to the very long list of things Trump doesn't know.

I keep asking this question but the pussy Trump supporters keep pissing their pants and running..
here it is again..
if you consider those few smart brave republicans to be traitors for doing the right thing, explain to the forum why you wanted millions thrown off HC and why the rich deserves another huge tax break.
Go out it chumps.
Colin Powell made the case UNDER OATH for "positive wmd's", as did damn near everyone on the right that opened their mouth and mentioned Iraq.


FK Trump
Stop using bad language. Read this:
Arizona Rep. Trent Franks: Special counsel Mueller should resign
Why do you care if he uses bad language?
Trump admires it among his staff.
Trump is no longer using bad language after having been asked not to. As for you? You don't seem to be capable of demonstrating that level of self control. When you prove you can post on my threads without cursing? I'll respond. Until then.
I said Trump permits his staff cursing like drunken sailors " Bannon sucks his own cock"
didn't get a reprimand by Trump. It took Kelly to get rid of Scaramucci.

The bullfrog doesn't like cursing but he overlooks his prez belittling his AG, mocking the handicapped, dissing Gold Star parents sexually assaulting women etc etc etc

Those in the Republican Party who showed political courage for voting NOT to take health insurance away from people and voted NO, the rich dont deserve a huge tax break at the expense of screwing the needy on Medicaid, should and will be rewarded with another term.

That's why Trump threatening Lisa Murkowski was hilarious since she isn't up for reelection this time. He didn't know that..Add that to the very long list of things Trump doesn't know.

I keep asking this question but the pussy Trump supporters keep pissing their pants and running..
here it is again..
if you consider those few smart brave republicans to be traitors for doing the right thing, explain to the forum why you wanted millions thrown off HC and why the rich deserves another huge tax break.
Go out it chumps.
((( crickets)))))
Assange’s email signaled an investigation is needed into Mueller and his complex involvement with Russia and Uranium One, the company Bill Clinton promoted with Canadian entrepreneur Frank Giustra while Hillary Clinton served as Obama secretary of state in a criminal saga that ended up with Secretary Clinton voting to give the Russian State Atomic Nuclear Energy Agency, Rosatom, control of approximately 20 percent of all uranium holdings in the United States.

Mueller’s involvement in the Clintons’ drive to profit from selling 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Vladimir Putin’s Russian government should properly make him the target of a Department of Justice grand jury convened to examine the Clintons’ involvement with Uranium One, thereby disqualifying him from serving as Special Counsel appointed to examine the “no evidence” Democratic meme that the Trump campaign “colluded” with Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton.

The Uranium One saga

The complex saga involves Uranium One, a company created by Canadian entrepreneur Frank Giustra, in conjunction with former president Bill Clinton, in a deal that began in 2005 when Guistra and Clinton decided to corner the uranium market in Kazakhstan and ended up with the Clinton Foundation receiving $500,000 to give a speech in Moscow, with the speaking fee paid by Renaissance Capital, RenCap, a Cyprus-registered corporation controlled by former Russian intelligence officers with close ties to Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Along the way, Clinton secretly established WJC, LLC, a limited liability company registered in Delaware using his initials as a code easily recognized by Clinton family members to serve as a “shell corporation” through which Giustra (and others) could make under-the-table money-laundered cash and stock payments to Clinton for services rendered, while various Canadian entrepreneurs made millions of dollars in mostly anonymous contributions shuffled to the Clinton Foundation in New York City via Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative (CGSGI) in Canada.

Source: BOMBSHELL REPORT : Crooked Mueller Tied to Crooked Hillary’s Schemes
Silly G5000, you'll like this a lot.

So you can see it is a delicious irony that Jeremiah has now taken the left wing position after claiming the lefties agreed before they disagreed. :lol:

The cut-and-run New Yorker has taken you tards full circle.

Not only do they push their former comrades in front of the speeding train, but they also pounce on and eat the pieces the train leaves behind.

Your posts are a waste of pixels on a screen. And you aren't every imaginative. Everyone knows The Clintons aren't cannibals, they are Pedophiles.

Is it Pizza time?

Which Pseudo-con are you guys going to push next?

Which will be followed up by a Trip to Kiddie Porn Island on The LOLITA EXPRESS!

Then there's the pseudo cons who easily con the herd (or in your case the forest) with conflating issues and outrageous lies.

I understand. They've been doing it to ya'll for decades.
"Mueller perjured himself".

Another hoax on the mountain of hoaxes these clueless decriers of "fake news" drank down with gusto.
Those in the Republican Party who showed political courage for voting NOT to take health insurance away from people and voted NO, the rich dont deserve a huge tax break at the expense of screwing the needy on Medicaid, should and will be rewarded with another term.

That's why Trump threatening Lisa Murkowski was hilarious since she isn't up for reelection this time. He didn't know that..Add that to the very long list of things Trump doesn't know.

I keep asking this question but the pussy Trump supporters keep pissing their pants and running..
here it is again..
if you consider those few smart brave republicans to be traitors for doing the right thing, explain to the forum why you wanted millions thrown off HC and why the rich deserves another huge tax break.
Go out it chumps.
((( crickets)))))

WOW.......This is a REAL challenge. You guys too smart. But I'm game anyhow. I'd hate to see you guys go through life giving yourselves more credit than due.

1. Smart brave Republicans is code for if they side with you they must be smart. Fact is politicians often vote with their own hides in mind, as they face elections. On a side, dollars to donuts you don't know what they voted on, nor the impact it would have.

2. I would love to see the "capable" entitled thrown off of healthcare, because their worthless lives shouldn't cost me a nickle. At most they should be limited to critical healthcare only. See, difference between you and I is I believe in personal responsibility. You believe personal responsibility is the government's responsibility. That and they're only "thrown off healthcare" if they CHOOSE to REJECT healthcare.

3. I realize you expect corporations to take care of you, just as our government does. Fact is socialism doesn't work. Lower taxes for business operations achieves more business operations. Raise taxes and they leave the country. They hire folks willing to work as opposed on the computer entitled to be taken care of.

4. Healthcare reform and tax reductions distributes to the middle class as well. Obamacare is an assault on the middle class. The virtue of socialism & Progressive ideology is to reduce the general public to the lowest common denominator.

LOL @ "Go out it Chumps". You really got us a good one.
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True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.
Here are even more reasons for President Trump to fire Robert Mueller. Some of the history on this man's past is downright unethical and disgusting. This investigation of President Trump is nothing more than a personal vendetta that Mueller needs to get over.

In 2006 The Justice Dept. found evidence that Mueller and the FBI Director falsified testimony about the Bureau's surveillance of an anti-war protest in 2002. You'll also find Mueller was accused of perjury..... more on the video above......
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Here are even more reasons for President Trump to fire Robert Mueller. Some of the history on this man's past is downright unethical and disgusting. This investigation of President Trump is nothing more than a personal vendetta that Mueller needs to get over.

he glossed over obama's fake birth certificate. the original fake news.
OMG, this is the fakest of fake news. It's tabloid bullshit.
Idiot, anyone can open up a YouTube account and post anything they want.
Here's a few other bullshit fakes stories from this squeaky goon:

LAUGHING MY ASS OFF! "Please Donate to me with PayPal" Bahahahahaha....Idiots only fall for stupid shit like this.
Here are even more reasons for President Trump to fire Robert Mueller. Some of the history on this man's past is downright unethical and disgusting. This investigation of President Trump is nothing more than a personal vendetta that Mueller needs to get over.

he glossed over obama's fake birth certificate. the original fake news.

The man may say he is a Republican but he is no more of a Republican than John McCain.
I'll be happy to give you another news source for that 2006 story about Robert Mueller. He's got a history of falsifying information, perjury, and criminal behavior. Here you go:

Robert Mueller Faces Scrutiny In Trump Investigation After Ties To Hillary Go Public – Patriot Journal
...given Robert Mueller’s past, one must wonder why he’s even allowed to investigate President Trump.

Back in 2006, the Justice Department found evidence that Mueller, then the FBI Director, falsified testimony about the bureau’s surveillance on an anti-war protest in 2002.

Specifically, the DoJ discovered that Mueller improperly opened and expanded investigations into certain Left-wing groups (via Mercury News).

In connection with the 2006 investigation into the FBI’s illegal surveillance of an anti-war protest in Pittsburgh, Mueller committed perjury by claiming the FBI was conducting an anti-terrorism investigation into The Thomas Merton Center, a pacifist Catholic organization (via Got News).

Mueller’s bipartisanship seems doubtful given that his law firm worked with the Left-wing Civis Analytics as recently as 2014-2015 (via Got News).

Many have also noted that Mueller has staffed his Russian probe team with many Hillary Clinton donors (via The Daily Caller).

No one should be surprised that Mueller is dishonest. After all, he took the blatantly partisan Special Counsel job even though he knew full well that Trump did nothing wrong.

What is surprising, however, is the extent of Mueller’s dishonesty.

Everyone knew about the Obama and Clinton operatives on Mueller’s team. Patriot Journal reported on those revelations when the information became public last week.

No one knew about Mueller’s history of perjury, though. The FBI surveillance scandal was also kept secret very well.

Apparently, then-FBI Director Mueller ordered several investigations that targeted peaceful anti-war protest groups. Mueller’s FBI also placed numerous activists on terrorist watch lists, even if there was no evidence to support those allegations.

When confronted by the Senate, Mueller gave a misleading testimony. He said the FBI was targeting a specific terror suspect at an anti-war rally, when the truth is that Mueller simply wanted to surveil the event.

Indeed, Mueller is not to be trusted.

Robert Mueller is a power-hungry crook who uses positions of authority to pervert justice for personal gain. Worse, whenever he gets caught, he lies about it.
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.
Did you actually listen to what Mueller said in the video or did you just read the headline of your "source" and exclaim AH HA and post that garbage? I took the time to transcribe the full 25 seconds of Mueller's testimony contained in the video to share with you and others reading this thread, and you'll find it directly below. Perhaps you and others can find where Muller perjures himself and can point it out;

"As Director<unintelligible> has pointed out Secretary Powell presented evidence last week that Baghdad has failed to disarm its weapons of mass destruction, willfully attempting to evade and deceive the international community. Our particular concern is that Sadam Hussein MAY supply terrorists with biological, chemical or radiological material."

Even a half-blind person can read in that transcription that the first sentence regards recounting evidence on the record collected by agencies such as the State Dept, NSA, CIA, et al, as testified before the UN by SecState Powell just a week before, but NOT the FBI. Mueller's second sentence relays only a concern, possible outcomes we heard over and over between Aug 2002 thru Mar 2003. There is no evidence of perjury in all in those two sentences, and you have only served in the capacity of a fellow traveler of those contriving and parroting falsehoods and outright bloody lies.

Your "source", the renowned 'True Pundit', along with yourself of are excellent examples of propaganda of the first and a useful idiot of the second.
Mueller has a history of perjuring himself and falsifying information. He is a bold faced liar with a history of breaking the law and getting away with it ......... going back to 2006 there is this story:

Robert Mueller Faces Scrutiny In Trump Investigation After Ties To Hillary Go Public – Patriot Journal
given Robert Mueller’s past, one must wonder why he’s even allowed to investigate President Trump.

Back in 2006, the Justice Department found evidence that Mueller, then the FBI Director, falsified testimony about the bureau’s surveillance on an anti-war protest in 2002. Specifically, the DoJ discovered that Mueller improperly opened and expanded investigations into certain Left-wing groups (via Mercury News).

In connection with the 2006 investigation into the FBI’s illegal surveillance of an anti-war protest in Pittsburgh, Mueller committed perjury by claiming the FBI was conducting an anti-terrorism investigation into The Thomas Merton Center, a pacifist Catholic organization (via Got News).
Mueller’s bipartisanship seems doubtful given that his law firm worked with the Left-wing Civis Analytics as recently as 2014-2015 (via Got News).

Many have also noted that Mueller has staffed his Russian probe team with many Hillary Clinton donors (via The Daily Caller).

No one should be surprised that Mueller is dishonest. After all, he took the blatantly partisan Special Counsel job even though he knew full well that Trump did nothing wrong.

What is surprising, however, is the extent of Mueller’s dishonesty.

Everyone knew about the Obama and Clinton operatives on Mueller’s team. Patriot Journal reported on those revelations when the information became public last week.

No one knew about Mueller’s history of perjury, though. The FBI surveillance scandal was also kept secret very well.

Apparently, then-FBI Director Mueller ordered several investigations that targeted peaceful anti-war protest groups. Mueller’s FBI also placed numerous activists on terrorist watch lists, even if there was no evidence to support those allegations.

When confronted by the Senate, Mueller gave a misleading testimony. He said the FBI was targeting a specific terror suspect at an anti-war rally, when the truth is that Mueller simply wanted to surveil the event.

Indeed, Mueller is not to be trusted.

Robert Mueller is a power-hungry crook who uses positions of authority to pervert justice for personal gain. Worse, whenever he gets caught, he lies about it.

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