Mueller's Criminal Past

And now...the kill stroke.

The OP links to a hack web site, which in turn links to a 25 second video on Twitter. The video is an excerpt from FBI Director Mueller's testimony to Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in February 2003.

Here is Mueller's full testimony: 2003 National Security Threats to the United States

As you can see when you read it for yourself, Mueller's testimony is entirely in relation to the domestic efforts of the FBI to protect our homeland from chemical, biological, and nuclear attacks by terrorists, particularly by Al Qaeda.

In his testimony, Mueller alludes to testimony given by Secretary Powell about WMDs in Iraq. Mueller himself is not confirming or testifying there are WMDs in Iraq. He merely states the testimony by Powell about WMDs in Iraq gave him concern those WMDs would get into the hands of terrorists.

The FBI concerns itself with domestic threats.

So the OP is a total lie. Mueller did not perjure himself.

Once again, the parroting hacks fell for another hoax.

And they will get back in line to be lied to again. Every time I have predicted this, I have never been wrong.

It won't happen again.
Like I said above, it already has, prole. And will again. And again. And again, ad infinitum.

You can't stop yourselves. You are mentally, emotionally, and psychologically incapable of stopping yourselves.
That's your opinion. I think Mueller was at the very least "misleading" .......

He's not this White Knight that 'The Establishment' makes him out to be.
Goebbels was originally marketed to The German People as an Aryan Crusader who wanted to 'get to the bottom' of The Jewish Problem, and their "associations with Russia and the Communists, and their German Supporters."

So one has to be careful what they believe about an UNELECTED Appointment to an Unconstitutional Office, with Wide Ranging Powers that cannot be justified.
There is no Crime, so why isn't Mueller telling us what he is investigating, and why won't our Government share with us anything that is being done?
It's our RIGHT to know.
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.
So let me get this straight. I don't want to misunderstand what I am hearing.

After insisting and insisting and insisting for 13 years there were WMDs in Iraq, the pseudocon position is now the left wing position? To wit, there were never any WMDs in Iraq.

Is this correct?

Did I say Trump was going to lead the pseudocons into the left wing camp, or what?

Why yes. Yes, I did.

Silly G5000, you'll like this a lot.

So you can see it is a delicious irony that Jeremiah has now taken the left wing position after claiming the lefties agreed before they disagreed. :lol:

The cut-and-run New Yorker has taken you tards full circle.
And now...the kill stroke.

The OP links to a hack web site, which in turn links to a 25 second video on Twitter. The video is an excerpt from FBI Director Mueller's testimony to Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in February 2003.

Here is Mueller's full testimony: 2003 National Security Threats to the United States

As you can see when you read it for yourself, Mueller's testimony is entirely in relation to the domestic efforts of the FBI to protect our homeland from chemical, biological, and nuclear attacks by terrorists, particularly by Al Qaeda.

In his testimony, Mueller alludes to testimony given by Secretary Powell about WMDs in Iraq. Mueller himself is not confirming or testifying there are WMDs in Iraq. He merely states the testimony by Powell about WMDs in Iraq gave him concern those WMDs would get into the hands of terrorists.

The FBI concerns itself with domestic threats.

So the OP is a total lie. Mueller did not perjure himself.

Once again, the parroting hacks fell for another hoax.

And they will get back in line to be lied to again. Every time I have predicted this, I have never been wrong.

It won't happen again.
Like I said above, it already has, prole. And will again. And again. And again, ad infinitum.

You can't stop yourselves. You are mentally, emotionally, and psychologically incapable of stopping yourselves.
That's your opinion. I think Mueller was at the very least "misleading" .......
Once again no one cares what you think when Dems and repukes are totally united in their support of Mueller. What about this don't you get??
Interesting how Democrats use those words so one cares....everyone thinks if you believe you speak for everyone. You don't.
Colin Powell made the case UNDER OATH for "positive wmd's", as did damn near everyone on the right that opened their mouth and mentioned Iraq.


FK Trump
And now...the kill stroke.

The OP links to a hack web site, which in turn links to a 25 second video on Twitter. The video is an excerpt from FBI Director Mueller's testimony to Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in February 2003.

Here is Mueller's full testimony: 2003 National Security Threats to the United States

As you can see when you read it for yourself, Mueller's testimony is entirely in relation to the domestic efforts of the FBI to protect our homeland from chemical, biological, and nuclear attacks by terrorists, particularly by Al Qaeda.

In his testimony, Mueller alludes to testimony given by Secretary Powell about WMDs in Iraq. Mueller himself is not confirming or testifying there are WMDs in Iraq. He merely states the testimony by Powell about WMDs in Iraq gave him concern those WMDs would get into the hands of terrorists.

The FBI concerns itself with domestic threats.

So the OP is a total lie. Mueller did not perjure himself.

Once again, the parroting hacks fell for another hoax.

And they will get back in line to be lied to again. Every time I have predicted this, I have never been wrong.

It won't happen again.
Like I said above, it already has, prole. And will again. And again. And again, ad infinitum.

You can't stop yourselves. You are mentally, emotionally, and psychologically incapable of stopping yourselves.
That's your opinion. I think Mueller was at the very least "misleading" .......

He's not this White Knight that 'The Establishment' makes him out to be.
Goebbels was originally marketed to The German People as an Aryan Crusader who wanted to 'get to the bottom' of The Jewish Problem, and their "associations with Russia and the Communists."

So one has to be careful what they believe about an UNELECTED Appointment to an Unconstitutional Office, with Wide Ranging Powers that cannot be justified.
There is no Crime, so why isn't Mueller telling us what he is investigating, and why won't our Government share with us anything that is being done?
It's our RIGHT to know.
Wrong wrong and wrong again. Mueller owes you nothing.
And yes he is considered a white knight after he helped hold this country together after 9/11.
I see you're scared on what he has on Trump. You should be. He's looking at every aspect of Trump's finances. Trump's a dead man walking and even he knows it. That's why he inquired about pardoning himself and his family.,
This isn't going to end well for Trump and you DEPLORABLES.
And now...the kill stroke.

The OP links to a hack web site, which in turn links to a 25 second video on Twitter. The video is an excerpt from FBI Director Mueller's testimony to Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in February 2003.

Here is Mueller's full testimony: 2003 National Security Threats to the United States

As you can see when you read it for yourself, Mueller's testimony is entirely in relation to the domestic efforts of the FBI to protect our homeland from chemical, biological, and nuclear attacks by terrorists, particularly by Al Qaeda.

In his testimony, Mueller alludes to testimony given by Secretary Powell about WMDs in Iraq. Mueller himself is not confirming or testifying there are WMDs in Iraq. He merely states the testimony by Powell about WMDs in Iraq gave him concern those WMDs would get into the hands of terrorists.

The FBI concerns itself with domestic threats.

So the OP is a total lie. Mueller did not perjure himself.

Once again, the parroting hacks fell for another hoax.

And they will get back in line to be lied to again. Every time I have predicted this, I have never been wrong.

It won't happen again.
Like I said above, it already has, prole. And will again. And again. And again, ad infinitum.

You can't stop yourselves. You are mentally, emotionally, and psychologically incapable of stopping yourselves.
That's your opinion. I think Mueller was at the very least "misleading" .......

He's not this White Knight that 'The Establishment' makes him out to be.
Goebbels was originally marketed to The German People as an Aryan Crusader who wanted to 'get to the bottom' of The Jewish Problem, and their "associations with Russia and the Communists, and their German Supporters."

So one has to be careful what they believe about an UNELECTED Appointment to an Unconstitutional Office, with Wide Ranging Powers that cannot be justified.
There is no Crime, so why isn't Mueller telling us what he is investigating, and why won't our Government share with us anything that is being done?
It's our RIGHT to know.
He's innocent of the crimes Hillary Clinton, DWS, Barack Obama, the Podesta brothers and their gang are guilty of. Investigating the wrong person here. It's clearly a diversion and killing time while the real criminals walk free.
And now...the kill stroke.

The OP links to a hack web site, which in turn links to a 25 second video on Twitter. The video is an excerpt from FBI Director Mueller's testimony to Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in February 2003.

Here is Mueller's full testimony: 2003 National Security Threats to the United States

As you can see when you read it for yourself, Mueller's testimony is entirely in relation to the domestic efforts of the FBI to protect our homeland from chemical, biological, and nuclear attacks by terrorists, particularly by Al Qaeda.

In his testimony, Mueller alludes to testimony given by Secretary Powell about WMDs in Iraq. Mueller himself is not confirming or testifying there are WMDs in Iraq. He merely states the testimony by Powell about WMDs in Iraq gave him concern those WMDs would get into the hands of terrorists.

The FBI concerns itself with domestic threats.

So the OP is a total lie. Mueller did not perjure himself.

Once again, the parroting hacks fell for another hoax.

And they will get back in line to be lied to again. Every time I have predicted this, I have never been wrong.

It won't happen again.
Like I said above, it already has, prole. And will again. And again. And again, ad infinitum.

You can't stop yourselves. You are mentally, emotionally, and psychologically incapable of stopping yourselves.
That's your opinion. I think Mueller was at the very least "misleading" .......
Once again no one cares what you think when Dems and repukes are totally united in their support of Mueller. What about this don't you get??
Interesting how Democrats use those words so one cares....everyone thinks if you believe you speak for everyone. You don't.
Of course you failed to address my key point which is ALL of Congress has total support with Mueller... and it's rare we get both sides to agree on anything.
The two things they agree on are both part of Trump's downfall.
The Russian sanctions and Mueller being the right man for the job.
Sucks to be you..
Wow, already setting up the excuses are we? Everybody loved this guy a few months ago. Interesting...
Everybody? You speak for everybody? How interesting.
Don't play the word games... the overall reaction to Mueller when he was appointed was very positive from people on both sides of the aisle. Are you denying that?
Am I denying that RINO's have sided with the Democrats to falsely accuse our President? Not at all. It's a real problem and one that should be fixed come next election.
No one in Congress is on your side so you're swimming alone on this one..
We ALL are. No one in congress is on the side of the people. They are ALL on the side of "what do I have to do to remain in power". The sooner we all realise this the better.
I believe that is more true of THE SENATE. Wouldn't you?
There is a big difference between a Senator and a Representative.

I believe Senators should have Term Limits.
NaziCons would be fine with Mueller if he would just overlook Trump's many crimes. Hilarious!


15 Remarks Donald Trump Found Less Offensive Than Anthony Scaramucci's Meltdown
No one in Congress is on your side so you're swimming alone on this one..
We ALL are. No one in congress is on the side of the people. They are ALL on the side of "what do I have to do to remain in power". The sooner we all realise this the better.
That's not true. There are some good public servants, Cory Booker, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins to name just a few..
But ALL of Congress gives their 100% support of Bob Mueller which makes this thread a total joke.
Where are the weapons of mass destruction? Mueller perjured himself.

Iraq had WMD's. That is a known fact. Even the Democrats agreed - before they disagreed.

You parrot what you are told to parrot, and bleev what you are told to bleev.

You tards have been deliberately dumbed down into amnesiatic proles.

WTF are you talking about G5000? Fact, Iraq had WMD. We know that because they used them. Imminent threat of WMD was Democrat calling, check the record. Another fact, we didn't invade Iraq simply because of WMD. Was it a contributor? Fuck, I don't know. We invaded Iraq to stabilize the region. Was it wrong? I don't know enough about it, and neither do you, but I do know we were wrong to leave.
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.
So let me get this straight. I don't want to misunderstand what I am hearing.

After insisting and insisting and insisting for 13 years there were WMDs in Iraq, the pseudocon position is now the left wing position? To wit, there were never any WMDs in Iraq.

Is this correct?

Did I say Trump was going to lead the pseudocons into the left wing camp, or what?

Why yes. Yes, I did.

Silly G5000, you'll like this a lot.

So you can see it is a delicious irony that Jeremiah has now taken the left wing position after claiming the lefties agreed before they disagreed. :lol:

The cut-and-run New Yorker has taken you tards full circle.

Pseudocon Cannibals.

Not only do they push their former comrades in front of the speeding train, but they also pounce on and eat the pieces the train leaves behind.

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