Mueller's Criminal Past

Not at all. Just reminding people of Mueller's record of perjury, lying, bungling huge cases, etc. Facts that should concern any American.
This is beyond stupid. EVERY SINGLE person in DC claimed he had weapons. But hey, let's give them all a pass except for Meuller since you know, he's investigating our beloved Trump.

Simply amazing the lengths some of you will go to to suck Trump Cock
The character assassination of Bob Mueller is standard operating procedure for Trump whores.'
Anyone who dares tells the truth about Trump or investigates him, the pack of wild dogs go after them.
Bob Mueller is the most respected man in Washington. Go after him at your own peril.
Oh fuck off with your high horse bullshit. Both sides do it and they do it with every President. You're no better than the op & this retarded premise of a thread
Anyone who has followed politics for decades like me... knows this isn't going to end well for the Trump Crime family or his cult.
wrong----depends on what you call "mass destruction" If genocidal actions on whole Kurdish villages up in the northern part of Iraq and genocidal attacks on Shiite villages in the southern part of Iraq SEEM
HO HUM to you------then saddams huge supply of poison gases is NUTHIN' Try not to forget
the victims of that monster-----it is SIN Saddam also had lots of biologicals and even stock-piles of
NITROGEN MUSTARD GAS -------gifted to him by his Baathist friends. HE WAS ALSO A
baathism = caliphatism = nazism = shiitism.
nitrogen mustard gas is a metaphor for all four-----for fun check its mode of action

remember "scalp money"?? a horror in the history of the USA----I hope it is all a libel---but it
might be true. Time for you guys to trivialize the filth of the ASSADS too. Maybe the French
revolution never took place and SIDNEY CARTON is still alive
The character assassination of Bob Mueller is standard operating procedure for Trump whores.'
Anyone who dares tells the truth about Trump or investigates him, the pack of wild dogs go after them.
Bob Mueller is the most respected man in Washington. Go after him at your own peril.
Oh fuck off with your high horse bullshit. Both sides do it and they do it with every President. You're no better than the op & this retarded premise of a thread
Lol. Everything I said was totally accurate. Truth scares you??
Before you know it, Trump's brainless proles will be "very pro-choice" and will be saying Bill Clinton was a great President.

But before that, they will be supporting universal healthcare (UHC).
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.

As a pious and practicing bible thumper aren't you concerned about violating on of the Ten Commandments? Confess your sins you transgressor!
Christians are called to speak out against evil and what Mueller is doing is clearly wicked. He has nothing and he knows it. Why are you afraid of looking at some of Mueller's past record? We haven't even touched on how he handled the IRS Scandal on this thread.
Does anyone here seriously bleev Book of Jeremiah bleeved there were WMDs in Iraq because of something Mueller said?

Are you really going to let him perpetrate that bullshit?


No, the pseudocons bleeved in WMDs in Iraq because Fox News told them so. Because Bush told them so. They never ONCE mentioned Mueller over the past 13 years.


And now they are flipping to cut-and-run Trump's point of view. Isn't that just amazing?

You're busted as one seriously fucked up Orwellian prole, Jeremiah. All in your obedient zeal to parrot the attacks on Mueller in defense of a New York limousine liberal huckster puppet of Putin.
Fox and Rush orders Trump's brainless minions to go after Mueller and they blindly obey like sheep.

Iraq had WMD's. That is a known fact. Even the Democrats agreed - before they disagreed.
Oh, the irony!

"Even the Democrats agreed - before they disagreed."

Goddam fucking Orwell. Jesus!
Don't use God's name in vain. It's true, the Democrats said there WMD's before they said there wasn't and now you're all acting as if there were WMD's. Make up your minds....
Anyone who has followed politics for decades like me... knows this isn't going to end well for the Trump Crime family or his cult.
Oh look, here's that character assassination you were speaking of!

Fucking moron
Hurts to hear the truth about the Trump Crime family doesn't it.
This family is in violation of the Constitution like everyone knows and trump has made a living out of defrauding people..
Fox and Rush orders Trump's brainless minions to go after Mueller and they blindly obey like sheep.

Oh, it wasn't only Mueller who said it. Clinton, Gore, a bunch of Democrats are on record as having said it. Go research it.
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.

As a pious and practicing bible thumper aren't you concerned about violating on of the Ten Commandments? Confess your sins you transgressor!
Christians are called to speak out against evil and what Mueller is doing is clearly wicked. He has nothing and he knows it. Why are you afraid of looking at some of Mueller's past record? We haven't even touched on how he handled the IRS Scandal on this thread.
Who the hell nominated you judge & jury?

In case you aren't aware you're making Christians look bad in this thread. You CLAIM to be the arbiter of righteousness so let's have a look a bit deeper.

Meuller claims Iraq had wmd = wicked/evil

Every other person in America who made the same claim?

Trump brags about sexually accosting women? Did you speak up then?
Trump manufactures most of his shit overseas but tells us to do it here? Did you speak up then?

The double standard is glaring and the pretend righteous indignation is laughable
So many alleged "Christians" who have so easily been misled by a great deceiver.

Wow. This is incredible.

It's because they were never on the path of righteousness to begin with.

Mustard seeds on the rocks. Blown to hell by earthly hack partisan polity.
Anyone who has followed politics for decades like me... knows this isn't going to end well for the Trump Crime family or his cult.
Oh look, here's that character assassination you were speaking of!

Fucking moron
Hurts to hear the truth about the Trump Crime family doesn't it.
This family is in violation of the Constitution like everyone knows and trump has made a living out of defrauding people..
Do tell. What exactly is Mueller going to investigate? He has found no connection with the Russians. So what is this investigation all about anyway?
Does anyone here seriously bleev Book of Jeremiah bleeved there were WMDs in Iraq because of something Mueller said?

Are you really going to let him perpetrate that bullshit?


No, the pseudocons bleeved in WMDs in Iraq because Fox News told them so. Because Bush told them so. They never ONCE mentioned Mueller over the past 13 years.


And now they are flipping to cut-and-run Trump's point of view. Isn't that just amazing?

You're busted as one seriously fucked up Orwellian prole, Jeremiah. All in your obedient zeal to parrot the attacks on Mueller in defense of a New York limousine liberal huckster puppet of Putin.
Exactly. They never mentioned Mueller's name even once during the Bush years but now he's public enemy #1.
Anyone who has followed politics for decades like me... knows this isn't going to end well for the Trump Crime family or his cult.
Oh look, here's that character assassination you were speaking of!

Fucking moron
Hurts to hear the truth about the Trump Crime family doesn't it.
This family is in violation of the Constitution like everyone knows and trump has made a living out of defrauding people..
Do tell. What exactly is Mueller going to investigate? He has found no connection with the Russians. So what is this investigation all about anyway?
Keep telling yourself there's no connections with Russians.

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