Mueller's indictments lead straight to the White House. Trump will be gone by Christmas.

Yes, president pence will be fantastic. Lol

You people have a wishy washy leftie rightie now who will work with either side. But you're gonna do your best to push him out only to end up with a far rightie hardliner.

Makes complete sense when you consider how stupid liberals are. Lol
Trump's politics are closer to mine than Pence's but If Trump has committed treason then he has to go... Of course his supporters would still support him if he shot someone on 5th avenue

Even if he colluded with the Russians it's not treason.
Yes, it is

Like hell it is. Russia is not a declared enemy in a war. And that's how it is defined.

"2) Don’t hold your breath for “collusion.” For all the talk of Russian collusion, there isn’t really a federal crime that matches what the press, critics, and Capitol Hill lawmakers have been calling collusion, a word that refers legally to a narrow segment of antitrust law. And there’s almost zero chance anyone will be charged with treason, a charge that’s available to use only against enemies in a declared war."

How to Interpret Mueller’s Charges Against Paul Manafort
No that isn't how it is defined, this is how it is defined:
Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

Which a judge could rule that Russia's cyber attack counts.

No way. War would have to be declared and no Judge has that power. ETA: re so called cyber attacks have not been proven. Not one agency in the US examined the servers.
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tinydancer, post: 18486546
Clinton won't get it. The chain is set in the Constitution. I don't even know how you can get Trump out by impeachment for collusion. There's no federal crime for collusion so all of this is bullshit.

You don't think collusion with a foreign government to steal an electiin is a high misdemeanor? Idiot.

I think the pussy grabber in chief leaves or is forced out for mental narcissistic instability.
Liberals seem to be rejoicing that they will be saying "President Pence" in the New Year.


If they ever say “President Pence” it will be in 2024 :)
tinydancer, post: 18486546
Clinton won't get it. The chain is set in the Constitution. I don't even know how you can get Trump out by impeachment for collusion. There's no federal crime for collusion so all of this is bullshit.

You don't think collusion with a foreign government to steal an electiin is a high misdemeanor? Idiot.

I think the pussy grabber in chief leaves or is forced out for mental narcissistic instability.

Nothing was stolen. Nothing whatsoever. And collusion is not a crime.

ETA: where Clinton and the DNC could be in trouble here is that they actually paid Rssia informants thru Fusion GPS and Steel.
tinydancer, post: 18486546
Clinton won't get it. The chain is set in the Constitution. I don't even know how you can get Trump out by impeachment for collusion. There's no federal crime for collusion so all of this is bullshit.

You don't think collusion with a foreign government to steal an electiin is a high misdemeanor? Idiot.

I think the pussy grabber in chief leaves or is forced out for mental narcissistic instability.
Well if Hitlery won we could take her down. But since she lost, that isn’t possible. Thank gd!
tinydancer, post: 18486546
Clinton won't get it. The chain is set in the Constitution. I don't even know how you can get Trump out by impeachment for collusion. There's no federal crime for collusion so all of this is bullshit.

You don't think collusion with a foreign government to steal an electiin is a high misdemeanor? Idiot.

I think the pussy grabber in chief leaves or is forced out for mental narcissistic instability.

Nothing was stolen. Nothing whatsoever. And collusion is not a crime.

ETA: where Clinton and the DNC could be in trouble here is that they actually paid Rssia informants thru Fusion GPS and Steel.
The demolosers call that opposition dirt. Standard operating procedure.
Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755

My bet is -- that's not really an AP story. Is it? You want to blow ALL your stash of credibility on your first couple threads? AP would never report --- "He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls" -- without it being a quote. Or mis-spell ax.

Tsk Tsk Tsk.. I think you're badly infected with the TDSydrome. Seek treatment.
tinydancer, post: 18486546
Clinton won't get it. The chain is set in the Constitution. I don't even know how you can get Trump out by impeachment for collusion. There's no federal crime for collusion so all of this is bullshit.

You don't think collusion with a foreign government to steal an electiin is a high misdemeanor? Idiot.

I think the pussy grabber in chief leaves or is forced out for mental narcissistic instability.

Nothing was stolen. Nothing whatsoever. And collusion is not a crime.

ETA: where Clinton and the DNC could be in trouble here is that they actually paid Rssia informants thru Fusion GPS and Steel.
The demolosers call that opposition dirt. Standard operating procedure.

Campaign finance law. Check this out. :) Libs brought it up to show how Don Jr. could get nailed by it. But now it boomeranged with finding out the DNC and Clinton financed the dossier thru TWO foreign sources. Yeah baby.

Campaign Finance Law: When “Collusion” with a Foreign Government Becomes a Crime
By Bob Bauer
Friday, June 2, 2017 at 8:30 AM
Campaign Finance Law: When “Collusion” with a Foreign Government Becomes a Crime
Trump's politics are closer to mine than Pence's but If Trump has committed treason then he has to go... Of course his supporters would still support him if he shot someone on 5th avenue

Even if he colluded with the Russians it's not treason.
Yes, it is

Like hell it is. Russia is not a declared enemy in a war. And that's how it is defined.

"2) Don’t hold your breath for “collusion.” For all the talk of Russian collusion, there isn’t really a federal crime that matches what the press, critics, and Capitol Hill lawmakers have been calling collusion, a word that refers legally to a narrow segment of antitrust law. And there’s almost zero chance anyone will be charged with treason, a charge that’s available to use only against enemies in a declared war."

How to Interpret Mueller’s Charges Against Paul Manafort
No that isn't how it is defined, this is how it is defined:
Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

Which a judge could rule that Russia's cyber attack counts.

No way. War would have to be declared and no Judge has that power. ETA: re so called cyber attacks have not been proven. Not one agency in the US examined the servers.

Ok just look up the treason convictions in the United States and then you can apologize to me. I thought everyone knew they hacked the DNC, they hacked several States servers, they pushed 1000s of fake stories from their troll farms and we did land on the moon.... you caught up now?
ROFLMAO. Oh, there will be more indictments all right. But, um libtards. You won't be happy with whom will be on those indictments. So many prominent Dems about to be prosecuted......................
The fact you think that proves you watch too much of the sexual harassment station.
The fact that you don't see it, means you stay too much in your echo chamber of information.
Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755
Even if he colluded with the Russians it's not treason.
Yes, it is

Like hell it is. Russia is not a declared enemy in a war. And that's how it is defined.

"2) Don’t hold your breath for “collusion.” For all the talk of Russian collusion, there isn’t really a federal crime that matches what the press, critics, and Capitol Hill lawmakers have been calling collusion, a word that refers legally to a narrow segment of antitrust law. And there’s almost zero chance anyone will be charged with treason, a charge that’s available to use only against enemies in a declared war."

How to Interpret Mueller’s Charges Against Paul Manafort
No that isn't how it is defined, this is how it is defined:
Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

Which a judge could rule that Russia's cyber attack counts.

No way. War would have to be declared and no Judge has that power. ETA: re so called cyber attacks have not been proven. Not one agency in the US examined the servers.

Ok just look up the treason convictions in the United States and then you can apologize to me. I thought everyone knew they hacked the DNC, they hacked several States servers, they pushed 1000s of fake stories from their troll farms and we did land on the moon.... you caught up now?

Trump hacked the DNC and state servers? Trump ran troll farms? Can you post the evidence to support these claims?
Even if he colluded with the Russians it's not treason.
Yes, it is

Like hell it is. Russia is not a declared enemy in a war. And that's how it is defined.

"2) Don’t hold your breath for “collusion.” For all the talk of Russian collusion, there isn’t really a federal crime that matches what the press, critics, and Capitol Hill lawmakers have been calling collusion, a word that refers legally to a narrow segment of antitrust law. And there’s almost zero chance anyone will be charged with treason, a charge that’s available to use only against enemies in a declared war."

How to Interpret Mueller’s Charges Against Paul Manafort
No that isn't how it is defined, this is how it is defined:
Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

Which a judge could rule that Russia's cyber attack counts.

No way. War would have to be declared and no Judge has that power. ETA: re so called cyber attacks have not been proven. Not one agency in the US examined the servers.

Ok just look up the treason convictions in the United States and then you can apologize to me. I thought everyone knew they hacked the DNC, they hacked several States servers, they pushed 1000s of fake stories from their troll farms and we did land on the moon.... you caught up now?

CrowdStrikes opinions don't mean jack shit considering they are D all the way and not one agency examine the servers. CrowdStrike is also mega anti Russian and pro Ukraine and Dmitri is biased beyond belief. He's on the Atlantic Council funded by the Uks and specifically working with Victor Pinchuk who is one of Hillary's Foundation biggest contributors.

So the hacking charge against the Russians is total bullshit and anyone could come up with a list of countries who would have loved to have prevented Clinton from winning.

Oh and fake stories and ads? Facebook, Twitter, and Google reps said today on the hill that they were anti Trump not anti Clinton with the ads.
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tinydancer, post: 18486546
Clinton won't get it. The chain is set in the Constitution. I don't even know how you can get Trump out by impeachment for collusion. There's no federal crime for collusion so all of this is bullshit.

You don't think collusion with a foreign government to steal an electiin is a high misdemeanor? Idiot.

I think the pussy grabber in chief leaves or is forced out for mental narcissistic instability.
Have you ever touched pussy?
tinydancer, post: 18486546
Clinton won't get it. The chain is set in the Constitution. I don't even know how you can get Trump out by impeachment for collusion. There's no federal crime for collusion so all of this is bullshit.

You don't think collusion with a foreign government to steal an electiin is a high misdemeanor? Idiot.

I think the pussy grabber in chief leaves or is forced out for mental narcissistic instability.
Have you ever touched pussy?

Not since he was born.
Even if he colluded with the Russians it's not treason.
Yes, it is

Like hell it is. Russia is not a declared enemy in a war. And that's how it is defined.

"2) Don’t hold your breath for “collusion.” For all the talk of Russian collusion, there isn’t really a federal crime that matches what the press, critics, and Capitol Hill lawmakers have been calling collusion, a word that refers legally to a narrow segment of antitrust law. And there’s almost zero chance anyone will be charged with treason, a charge that’s available to use only against enemies in a declared war."

How to Interpret Mueller’s Charges Against Paul Manafort
No that isn't how it is defined, this is how it is defined:
Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

Which a judge could rule that Russia's cyber attack counts.

No way. War would have to be declared and no Judge has that power. ETA: re so called cyber attacks have not been proven. Not one agency in the US examined the servers.

Ok just look up the treason convictions in the United States and then you can apologize to me. I thought everyone knew they hacked the DNC, they hacked several States servers, they pushed 1000s of fake stories from their troll farms and we did land on the moon.... you caught up now?

NO physical evidence of your supposed attacks.. If you were tying to prove that it actually happened you would have had a credible source verify it, not pay one of your cronies to lie about it.

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