MUELLER's new round of subpoenas (from everyone) in Trump circle back to NOV 1, 2015


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
Remember how small the team would have been back then? This is the inner circle of the inner circle--look at the list of names. This reads like an investigation of the collusion angle. Who were you talking to at the beginning and why?

Special counsel wants documents on Trump, numerous campaign associates

WASHINGTON — The grand jury investigating alleged collusion between Russia and Donald Trump's presidential campaign has sent a witness a subpoena seeking all documents involving the president and a host of his closest advisers, according to a copy of the subpoena reviewed by NBC News.

According to the subpoena, which was sent to a witness by special counsel Robert Mueller, investigators want emails, text messages, work papers, telephone logs and other documents going back to Nov. 1, 2015, 4½ months after Trump launched his campaign.

The witness shared details of the subpoena on condition of anonymity. The news site Axios reported Sunday that a subpoena was sent to a witness last month.

White House chaos is caused by the Russia probe, Chuck Todd says 4:13

NBC News reported last week that Mueller's team is asking pointed questions about whether Trump knew about hacked emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign before the public found out. The subpoena indicates that Mueller may be focused not just on what Trump campaign aides knew and when they knew it, but also on what Trump himself knew.

In addition to the president, the subpoena seeks documents that have anything to do with these current and former Trump associates:
  • Steve Bannon, who left the White House as chief strategist in August.
  • Michael Cohen, a personal lawyer for Trump who testified before congressional investigators in October.
  • Rick Gates, Trump's former deputy campaign manager, who pleaded guilty last month to conspiracy and lying to the FBI.
  • Hope Hicks, who resigned last week as Trump's communications director.
  • Corey Lewandowski, Trump's campaign manager until June 2016.
  • Paul Manafort, a former Trump campaign manager and Gates' business partner, who pleaded not guilty to money laundering, conspiracy and making false statements last week.
  • Carter Page, a former Trump campaign aide.
  • Keith Schiller, a former bodyguard for Trump who left as director of Oval Office operations in September.
  • Roger Stone, a longtime Republican political operative and Trump campaign adviser who sources have told NBC News is the focus of investigators interested in his contacts with WikiLeaks during the campaign.
Once Hicks' resignation takes effect in the next few weeks, Cohen will be the only person listed in the subpoena who hasn't left the employment of Trump or of the White House...

Mueller reportedly subpoenas one witness's communications with Trump, among others

I'm just guessing here but I think it is RHONA GRAFF. She's the one who was his girl-Friday for decades. She was still there during the election and I think stayed, as a Trump Enterprise employee. She was interviewed (in secret) by the House Committee (IN NYC at Trump Tower over a holiday weekend) but not Mueller until now as far as we know. Trump doesn't use email so I'm betting she pulled off emails for him, has the phone numbers, logs, daily 'planner', the contacts, the messages--all of it. (Assuming they weren't shredded long ago). She sure seems like the most logical who we have heard very little about but integral before and during the campaign.


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Or maybe an infiltrator is being tripped up...

particularly since they don’t ask for them going all the way back.
That's about as all the way back as you can get.
No, it’s not, and it coincides with Katrina Pierson being hired by the campaign. An Obama supporter, cnn contributor...

Pierson voted for Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election,[5][12] and has listed Malcolm X as her political idol, stating that Martin Luther King, Jr. was "too moderate".[13]

Yet, suddenly became a tea party and Trump supporter
Nov. 9, 2015 - Trump Campaign Names Katrina Pierson as National Spokeswoman
That's about as all the way back as you can get.
No, it’s not, and it coincides with Katrina Pierson being hired by the campaign. An Obama supporter...

Pierson voted for Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election,[5][12] and has listed Malcolm X as her political idol, stating that Martin Luther King, Jr. was "too moderate".[13]

Yet, suddenly became a tea party and Trump supporter
Nov. 9, 2015 - Trump Campaign Names Katrina Pierson as National Spokeswoman

And that has WHAT to with the subject? Katrina Pierson is a 'spy'? (Russian or Democrat?) Kathrina Pierson has all the records of the others on the list?
We shall wait and see...
That's about as all the way back as you can get.
No, it’s not, and it coincides with Katrina Pierson being hired by the campaign. An Obama supporter...

Pierson voted for Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election,[5][12] and has listed Malcolm X as her political idol, stating that Martin Luther King, Jr. was "too moderate".[13]

Yet, suddenly became a tea party and Trump supporter
Nov. 9, 2015 - Trump Campaign Names Katrina Pierson as National Spokeswoman

And that has WHAT to with the subject? Katrina Pierson is a 'spy'? (Russian or Democrat?) Kathrina Pierson has all the records of the others on the list?
Two reasons.
1. When you are on a fishing expedition you cast a wide net hoping to catch something, anything.
2. When you have nothing and don't want to quit you start looking for anything, no matter how inconsequential, to keep going.
Two reasons.
1. When you are on a fishing expedition you cast a wide net hoping to catch something, anything.
2. When you have nothing and don't want to quit you start looking for anything, no matter how inconsequential, to keep going.
But I think the date may be of significance, otherwise they would have requested back to the additional 4 1/2 months.
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Two reasons.
1. When you are on a fishing expedition you cast a wide net hoping to catch something, anything.
2. When you have nothing and don't want to quit you start looking for anything, no matter how inconsequential, to keep going.

You cast a wider net because there are more FISH out there. But then "FISH" don't compromise national security, whereas people
That's about as all the way back as you can get.
No, it’s not, and it coincides with Katrina Pierson being hired by the campaign. An Obama supporter, cnn contributor...

Pierson voted for Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election,[5][12] and has listed Malcolm X as her political idol, stating that Martin Luther King, Jr. was "too moderate".[13]

Yet, suddenly became a tea party and Trump supporter
Nov. 9, 2015 - Trump Campaign Names Katrina Pierson as National Spokeswoman
Well unless she was KIDNAPPED by the REP party, I don't really see the significance. Trump, remember, was a Democrat. (At least one of his kids and his son in law was as well). R's and D's don't have a caste mark on their heads.
One of Trumps former campaign advisors, Sam Nunberg is refusing to comply with Mueller subpoena......not because he's guilty of anything, its just that he's fat, lazy and like most people don't want to spend the time going through all that shit.....however, he's convinced Trump does have something to hide....I find it rather interesting.....all these people that fucked with Trump are being forced into all this legal shit, while the real culprit, ie Trump and his fuckin son's and family, all sit back and hire mf's to do their dirty work with money raised. Poor sam will be the first to go to jail for Trump...tsk, tsk

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