Muhammed vs. Jesus

Christians believe Mohammed is a false prophet. That means Mohammed is a liar according to Jesus. I would understand why you would promote that lie. Your entire religion is a lie and tyrannical. I'll take Jesus. He was a far better man than Mohammed.
Please provide the chapter and verse in the Bible where Jesus inferred or said that Muhammad is a liar.

Thank You in advance.

2 Corinthians 4:2
Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.

Isaiah 45:19
I have not spoken in secret, from somewhere in a land of darkness; I have not said to Jacob's descendants, 'Seek me in vain.' I, the LORD, speak the truth; I declare what is right.
My first impression is to say that Jesus would be cooler. Stoners are pretty cool people in general. He walked around in sandals and had long hair, talking about whirled peas and shit. A hippie before his time.

But Muhammed could be pretty cool too. I'm sure he had a sweet opium hook up, and from what I hear he was a ladies' man. They could both be my facebook friends.
Did Jesus believe we should abide by the Old Testament?

You have proven yourself deceptive. It sounds like you may need to "comprehend" the Old and New Testaments.

Jesus repeatedly referred to the Old Testament. Parts of the Old Testament are horrific. But "Christians" who want to selectively pull things out of the Koran are often the same ones who are apologists for the Old Testament, selectively explaining away the brutality for their own convenience. Are you one of them?
Did Jesus believe we should abide by the Old Testament?

You have proven yourself deceptive. It sounds like you may need to "comprehend" the Old and New Testaments.

Jesus repeatedly referred to the Old Testament. Parts of the Old Testament are horrific. But "Christians" who want to selectively pull things out of the Koran are often the same ones who are apologists for the Old Testament, selectively explaining away the brutality for their own convenience. Are you one of them?

IMHO the Old Testament is a book of spiritual growth for the Hebrew people. It shows terrible things that were done by people, without the Lord's guidence. It demonstrates the power the Lord could use by having the ex-slaves (weaklings) conquer those that displeased Him. It "demonstrates" the wrath of the Lord (what some that selectively use verses to support, only, their belief, refer to as genocide, even though these people are mentioned in the OT afterwards), when "His people" turn away from Him.
There are "rules" for certain times, that some people say are forever. There were laws made that were made irrelevent in the NT (non-jews eating "unclean" animals). The Ten Commandments still stand. Personally, I no longer consider the "sabbath" to be especially special (when the Hebrews came out of Egypts as newly freed slaves, the Lord provided for them on the "sabbath", therefore it was an extremely special day); since Yeshua came, I consider EVERY day to be His day.

In the OT, there was "little" chance for forgiveness by the Lord. A sin committed by a father was passed to his children, and to all his descendents. It was "important" to stop a sinner (they were killed or ran to a "sancuary city"), for his descendents to be blessed by the Lord. Much of Levitcus was to prevent families from being cursed.

In the NT, there is a "new covenant" with the Lord. Now you can be forgiven your sins. Now the Lord is written onto each man's heart (he knows right from wrong, and he knows there is a Lord). The NT does not encourage a sinful path. It encourages people that are lost that there is a "good chance" they can find the right path, and with the Lord's help, they can follow it to eternal life.

Many think that is not a big deal. When the "fallen angels" learned that as punishment for their destructive acts against the Lord, that they would NEVER be allowed in His presence again, they fell to the ground an gnashed their teeth, ripped their clothes and cried (book of Enoch). These were "beings" that had been in the presence of the Lord, and could not comprehend the pain of never being near Him again. In Revelations, it says that every knee will bow before Him. I would rather join Him as a broken sinner, than to be rejected to an eternity of never seeing Him again after that encounter. I listen to a lot of people make light of that day. I have been around long enough to know that people rarely act the way they brag.

One of the biggest differences to me between islam and Christianity: Christianity wants every person to spend eternity with the Lord, islam wants to condemn/kill every person that does not believe as them. Christianity is HOPE. Islam is death.
You have proven yourself deceptive. It sounds like you may need to "comprehend" the Old and New Testaments.

Jesus repeatedly referred to the Old Testament. Parts of the Old Testament are horrific. But "Christians" who want to selectively pull things out of the Koran are often the same ones who are apologists for the Old Testament, selectively explaining away the brutality for their own convenience. Are you one of them?

IMHO the Old Testament is a book of spiritual growth for the Hebrew people. It shows terrible things that were done by people, without the Lord's guidence. It demonstrates the power the Lord could use by having the ex-slaves (weaklings) conquer those that displeased Him. It "demonstrates" the wrath of the Lord (what some that selectively use verses to support, only, their belief, refer to as genocide, even though these people are mentioned in the OT afterwards), when "His people" turn away from Him.
There are "rules" for certain times, that some people say are forever. There were laws made that were made irrelevent in the NT (non-jews eating "unclean" animals). The Ten Commandments still stand. Personally, I no longer consider the "sabbath" to be especially special (when the Hebrews came out of Egypts as newly freed slaves, the Lord provided for them on the "sabbath", therefore it was an extremely special day); since Yeshua came, I consider EVERY day to be His day.

In the OT, there was "little" chance for forgiveness by the Lord. A sin committed by a father was passed to his children, and to all his descendents. It was "important" to stop a sinner (they were killed or ran to a "sancuary city"), for his descendents to be blessed by the Lord. Much of Levitcus was to prevent families from being cursed.

In the NT, there is a "new covenant" with the Lord. Now you can be forgiven your sins. Now the Lord is written onto each man's heart (he knows right from wrong, and he knows there is a Lord). The NT does not encourage a sinful path. It encourages people that are lost that there is a "good chance" they can find the right path, and with the Lord's help, they can follow it to eternal life.

Many think that is not a big deal. When the "fallen angels" learned that as punishment for their destructive acts against the Lord, that they would NEVER be allowed in His presence again, they fell to the ground an gnashed their teeth, ripped their clothes and cried (book of Enoch). These were "beings" that had been in the presence of the Lord, and could not comprehend the pain of never being near Him again. In Revelations, it says that every knee will bow before Him. I would rather join Him as a broken sinner, than to be rejected to an eternity of never seeing Him again after that encounter. I listen to a lot of people make light of that day. I have been around long enough to know that people rarely act the way they brag.

One of the biggest differences to me between islam and Christianity: Christianity wants every person to spend eternity with the Lord, islam wants to condemn/kill every person that does not believe as them. Christianity is HOPE. Islam is death.

I would have repped you for everything but that last paragraph.
Hey hypocrite. When you are calling others "liar," please try not to lie yourself.

Where in the Bible does it say that Jesus created the universe?

You lied to me. I don't deal with liars. Go fuck yourself.

Well, then you don't deal with yourself, do you "liar?"

The other reason why you won't answer is because you're getting hoisted on your own petard, and you know it.

self awareness isn't exactly his strong suit, but you might be right.
One of the biggest differences to me between islam and Christianity: Christianity wants every person to spend eternity with the Lord, islam wants to condemn/kill every person that does not believe as them. Christianity is HOPE. Islam is death.

Do non-Christians go to Heaven?
Jesus repeatedly referred to the Old Testament. Parts of the Old Testament are horrific. But "Christians" who want to selectively pull things out of the Koran are often the same ones who are apologists for the Old Testament, selectively explaining away the brutality for their own convenience. Are you one of them?

IMHO the Old Testament is a book of spiritual growth for the Hebrew people. It shows terrible things that were done by people, without the Lord's guidence. It demonstrates the power the Lord could use by having the ex-slaves (weaklings) conquer those that displeased Him. It "demonstrates" the wrath of the Lord (what some that selectively use verses to support, only, their belief, refer to as genocide, even though these people are mentioned in the OT afterwards), when "His people" turn away from Him.
There are "rules" for certain times, that some people say are forever. There were laws made that were made irrelevent in the NT (non-jews eating "unclean" animals). The Ten Commandments still stand. Personally, I no longer consider the "sabbath" to be especially special (when the Hebrews came out of Egypts as newly freed slaves, the Lord provided for them on the "sabbath", therefore it was an extremely special day); since Yeshua came, I consider EVERY day to be His day.

In the OT, there was "little" chance for forgiveness by the Lord. A sin committed by a father was passed to his children, and to all his descendents. It was "important" to stop a sinner (they were killed or ran to a "sancuary city"), for his descendents to be blessed by the Lord. Much of Levitcus was to prevent families from being cursed.

In the NT, there is a "new covenant" with the Lord. Now you can be forgiven your sins. Now the Lord is written onto each man's heart (he knows right from wrong, and he knows there is a Lord). The NT does not encourage a sinful path. It encourages people that are lost that there is a "good chance" they can find the right path, and with the Lord's help, they can follow it to eternal life.

Many think that is not a big deal. When the "fallen angels" learned that as punishment for their destructive acts against the Lord, that they would NEVER be allowed in His presence again, they fell to the ground an gnashed their teeth, ripped their clothes and cried (book of Enoch). These were "beings" that had been in the presence of the Lord, and could not comprehend the pain of never being near Him again. In Revelations, it says that every knee will bow before Him. I would rather join Him as a broken sinner, than to be rejected to an eternity of never seeing Him again after that encounter. I listen to a lot of people make light of that day. I have been around long enough to know that people rarely act the way they brag.

One of the biggest differences to me between islam and Christianity: Christianity wants every person to spend eternity with the Lord, islam wants to condemn/kill every person that does not believe as them. Christianity is HOPE. Islam is death.

I would have repped you for everything but that last paragraph.

I understand, it is a leap.
One of the biggest differences to me between islam and Christianity: Christianity wants every person to spend eternity with the Lord, islam wants to condemn/kill every person that does not believe as them. Christianity is HOPE. Islam is death.

Do non-Christians go to Heaven?

In Revelations it says that every knee will bend before Him. If He is your Lord, and you recognize Him as your Lord (no matter what name you believed to be His), and tell Him so, I believe you have a good chance. While He was here, He was extremely merciful and forgiving. It was one of the ways He healed people, by forgiving their sins. He knows your heart, and you will be judged. You will be punished for your sins, as I will be punished for my sins. Knowing He is the Light and the Truth and believing He is the way will put many people in heaven that never called Him, Yeshua, or Jesus. Hopefully, our punishments will be mild, and not last all eternity.
One of the biggest differences to me between islam and Christianity: Christianity wants every person to spend eternity with the Lord, islam wants to condemn/kill every person that does not believe as them. Christianity is HOPE. Islam is death.

Do non-Christians go to Heaven?

In Revelations it says that every knee will bend before Him. If He is your Lord, and you recognize Him as your Lord (no matter what name you believed to be His), and tell Him so, I believe you have a good chance. While He was here, He was extremely merciful and forgiving. It was one of the ways He healed people, by forgiving their sins. He knows your heart, and you will be judged. You will be punished for your sins, as I will be punished for my sins. Knowing He is the Light and the Truth and believing He is the way will put many people in heaven that never called Him, Yeshua, or Jesus. Hopefully, our punishments will be mild, and not last all eternity.

Is that what the Bible teaches? Is that what it says in John 14:6?
Do non-Christians go to Heaven?

In Revelations it says that every knee will bend before Him. If He is your Lord, and you recognize Him as your Lord (no matter what name you believed to be His), and tell Him so, I believe you have a good chance. While He was here, He was extremely merciful and forgiving. It was one of the ways He healed people, by forgiving their sins. He knows your heart, and you will be judged. You will be punished for your sins, as I will be punished for my sins. Knowing He is the Light and the Truth and believing He is the way will put many people in heaven that never called Him, Yeshua, or Jesus. Hopefully, our punishments will be mild, and not last all eternity.

Is that what the Bible teaches? Is that what it says in John 14:6?

6Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Does that say something different to you? I didn't quote the chapter and verse in Revelations, I would have to look for it. I might not have the words exact, but it does say that Yeshua will be the one doing the judging. My impression, He would be the one saying if you got to see His Father.
If we are going to believe in fairy tales.....

I prefer Superman. He has x-ray vision, is incredibly strong, and he can fly.

Jesus created the universe. I think that's far greater than anything Superman did.

Hey hypocrite. When you are calling others "liar," please try not to lie yourself.

Where in the Bible does it say that Jesus created the universe?

Genesis 1:1
-1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Colossians 1:16-17
-16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
-17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

Hebrews 1:2
-2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

John 1:1-3
-1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
-2 The same was in the beginning with God.
-3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

In Revelations it says that every knee will bend before Him. If He is your Lord, and you recognize Him as your Lord (no matter what name you believed to be His), and tell Him so, I believe you have a good chance. While He was here, He was extremely merciful and forgiving. It was one of the ways He healed people, by forgiving their sins. He knows your heart, and you will be judged. You will be punished for your sins, as I will be punished for my sins. Knowing He is the Light and the Truth and believing He is the way will put many people in heaven that never called Him, Yeshua, or Jesus. Hopefully, our punishments will be mild, and not last all eternity.

Is that what the Bible teaches? Is that what it says in John 14:6?

6Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Does that say something different to you? I didn't quote the chapter and verse in Revelations, I would have to look for it. I might not have the words exact, but it does say that Yeshua will be the one doing the judging. My impression, He would be the one saying if you got to see His Father.

Most interpretations I've seen of the verse from John use it to suggest that Christianity is the only way to God and therefore, one might conclude, Heaven. Are you saying that this is incorrect?
Do non-Christians go to Heaven?

Alright. If that's the case, then this is untrue:

Christianity wants every person to spend eternity with the Lord, islam wants to condemn/kill every person that does not believe as them. Christianity is HOPE. Islam is death.

In the words of Allah ta'ala:
Those who believe and those who are Jews and the Sabeans and the Christians and the Magians and the polytheists -- surely Allah will decide between them on the day of Resurrection. Surely Allah is Witness over all things. - 22:17

Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good, they have their reward with their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve. - 2:62​

So much for Christian "hope" for non-Christians... :eusa_eh:
Do non-Christians go to Heaven?

Alright. If that's the case, then this is untrue:

Christianity wants every person to spend eternity with the Lord, islam wants to condemn/kill every person that does not believe as them. Christianity is HOPE. Islam is death.

In the words of Allah ta'ala:
Those who believe and those who are Jews and the Sabeans and the Christians and the Magians and the polytheists -- surely Allah will decide between them on the day of Resurrection. Surely Allah is Witness over all things. - 22:17

Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good, they have their reward with their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve. - 2:62​

So much for Christian "hope" for non-Christians... :eusa_eh:

Wrong because as Christians we do hope that everyone will find Him, but we realize that isn't going to happen and we have no desire to kill those who don't.
Wrong because as Christians we do hope that everyone will find Him, but we realize that isn't going to happen
Then I guess your "hope" doesn't mean much...

and we have no desire to kill those who don't.
Nah, you ensure that they get some fun time before they roast eternally in a lake of fire.

We can bring the Word to them, we don't force anyone to accept it. And we don't make anyone go to hell. That is by their own choice.

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