Multiple Ukey Tank Columns Annihilated .

I think this is the 20th time I've seen the Russian shills post the same photo of knocked-out Bradleys, while claiming it's a new massacre of Urkainians.

The crews escaped, which is the important thing. And the vehicles, knocked out by mines, will be recovered and repaired.
It the same footage of the same 2 assaults that they've been milking out for over a week now.

Probably means they have nothing more to show.

The loss of the engineering vehicles is the worst of it. At least 2 of the Leo's were recovered and re-tracked. Most of the dismounts walked away with ringing ears but otherwise unharmed.

There are a lot of mines, and a lot of disabled vehicles. But the crews walk away, and they recover the vehicle later. One AFU soldier said they lost the "information war" on this one, but they have a lot of footage that they aren't releasing- Leo's taking multiple hits without harm, and M2's destroying Russian tanks.

There will be more losses- a lot more, if you're realistic. That's war. The AFU still hasn't committed the bulk of the new bde's. There are 12 of them, about 45-50K strong and 3,000 armored vehicles.

We'll know when they commit their main forces, it will be unmistakable.

Russian milbloggers are unhappy, and Putin met with a bunch of them recently to get their stories straight. (Peg-leg Pegov looks more like Rasputin every time I see him, lol)

In the last week or so, over half of the Leopard tanks & hundreds of NATO armored vehicles supplied to poxy Ukraine have been destroyed. The Russians are literally using NATO's war toys for target practice. Absolutely humiliating for Germany, NATO, & definitely Azov neo-Nazis.
Proxy Ukraine's so-called counteroffensive has been a disaster so far. The most likely outcome is minor territorial gain at a devastating cost. Launching an offensive without airpower let alone air superiority is just stupid. It's a suicide mission.
Normally you start your offensive with air raids, missile attacks, and artillery attacks, to pave the way for your soldiers on the ground. But proxy Ukraine only has the soldiers on the ground. They basically have no air force and crappy artillery.
That's why their soldiers are getting literally decimated. NATO's armored vehicles are also no good. They can't protect Ukrainian soldiers. They are being hunted left and right. This offensive is never going to succeed.
In the last week or so, over half of the Leopard tanks & hundreds of NATO armored vehicles supplied to poxy Ukraine have been destroyed. The Russians are literally using NATO's war toys for target practice. Absolutely humiliating for Germany, NATO, & definitely Azov neo-Nazis.
Proxy Ukraine's so-called counteroffensive has been a disaster so far. The most likely outcome is minor territorial gain at a devastating cost. Launching an offensive without airpower let alone air superiority is just stupid. It's a suicide mission.
Normally you start your offensive with air raids, missile attacks, and artillery attacks, to pave the way for your soldiers on the ground. But proxy Ukraine only has the soldiers on the ground. They basically have no air force and crappy artillery.
That's why their soldiers are getting literally decimated. NATO's armored vehicles are also no good. They can't protect Ukrainian soldiers. They are being hunted left and right. This offensive is never going to succeed.
They (both sides) still practice the old Soviet doctrine.

It's like when the North & South finally figured-out that standing elbow to elbow 50-100 yards apart and blasting away at each other's ranks with rifled muskets was not such a great idea.

The Ukes and Orgs are not there yet.
It's like when the North & South finally figured-out that standing elbow to elbow 50-100 yards apart and blasting away at each other's ranks with rifled muskets was not such a great idea.
You see, the russians discovered almost 200 years before the North-South War that after a volley of muzzleloading rifles, one should not load it within 20 yards of the enemy, but attack at bayonet point. The americans, whether Southerners or Northerners, never fully achieved this simple idea.
I wonder (aside from the fog of war and propaganda) what support the OP has for its claims?
If you had access to truly independent and alternative to MSM news sources, you would not have to dredge up such silly thoughts .
Four times in various threads --- but subject related --- I have referred Critical Thinkers to Simplicius The Thinker for the most comprehensive reports.
These tend to be long ,detailed and meticulously researched and will be too much for most posters here. Plus , their factual content will be most off- putting to those mired in over a year's MSM deliberate misreporting .
19 minute video .
Just the first 10 minutes underlines the disastrous results of this hopeless NATO led so called counter offensive .
The complete destruction of the so called elite Ukey brigade ( 47th ) is sobering .
Another week like this first one and Russia will have annihilated the third Ukey force/army in around 16 months .
Moscow must privately not believe how wretched NATO and US planning and command has been . Zelenskyy may be one of the greatest individual wretches and war criminals but he has been given rubbish to support his lunatic goals .
If you want the bigger picture , go to Simplicius The Thinker for a blow by blow acount given in remarkable detail .

The incompetent ass clowns in charge today is thanks to the fag Obama's purge
Pretty much
Nobody is worried about Russia's 3rd world military. They can't win in Ukraine, and that's with NATO not even having had to show up yet.
It's childish posts like that which lead to people being put on the permanent Ignore list which to date I have never resorted to , despite the number of Ding -a - Lings who frequent this site .
By all means hold on to whatsoever that satisfies you.But remember that you are in a Forum which expects engagement of discussion , not blowing random general verbal farts . Particularly when in isolation they smell like very low IQ responses.
UPDATE -- Look away Zelenskyy Nazi supporters
Top line only .



The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on June 13 2023
Ukraine Falling For A Russian Trap!?! | Ukrainian Summer Offensive Update 13/06/23

Further Ukrainian Advances | Russian Counterattack Continues | Ukrainian Summer Offensive 13/06/23

UKRAINE EJECTS RUSSIA FROM LOBKOVE AGAIN; Fighting continues south of Mala Tokmachka & Novodanylivka

'Russia Raining Artillery On Us': Zelensky's Biggest Admission of Putin's Onslaught

Ukrainian Platoon SURRENDERS To Russia

Ukraine's counteroffensive: Kyiv claims new gains in territorial battles
Russian soldiers break into the Nazi trenches and open massive fire on them.
The grenade is still a soldier's most important friend
No tank is going to fare well when it's drawn into a kill zone.....That's the point.
Which the Russians learned the very hard way. NATO and UAF obviously not.
Anyway, to launch a major attack without air-superiority and a capable air-ground capability is about as brainless as it can get.

This war is and probably will remain ridiculous till the end.
"Are the Russians fighting on our tank now?" - German Bild has reached a new stage of despair, worrying whether Putin will "drive a Leopard into Kiev?
Haha, naturally Hinckle had to jump on the bandwagon.

What a clown. 🤡

Actual documented destroyed equipment in those 2 assaults:

1x Leo 2A6 (2x 2A6 damaged/abandoned, at least one recovered)
1x Leo 2A4
3x Leo mine clearing tanks (this is biggest hit- this represents 1/2 of the total donated by Finland)
5x Bradley M2
up to 12x Maxxpro MRAP
And why do you side with the nazis? Are you a fool or a scoundrel?
I'm not, you Kremlin stooge.

The Nazis are the ones behaving like Nazis- that is to say the Russians.

Ukrainians are defending their country. That's their right.
Ukrainians are defending their country. That's their right.
So, you are moron. German nazis also defend their country.
That's what their Führer told them.
This war was totally, intentionally provoked by the United States, these politicians and rulers don't give a damn about Ukrainians, they just need them to keep fighting to weaken Russia because the American Empire is dying and they don't want to lose control of the world.

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