Multiple Victims at Indianapolis FedEx Facility

The Constitution guarantees the right to protect oneself against tyrants in the Second Amendment whether one is red or yellow black or white. I think it may be that way for longer than Biden's biddies plan.
"The Constitution guarantees"
"The Constitution guarantees"
"The Constitution guarantees"
What does that mean exactly?
It means that we as American's have adopted throughout the generation's "our constitution" as our guideline to law and order, and we have made a commitment to honor it as the document in which we believe in, and go to in that implementation from a government and citizen standpoint.

We make an oath to protect it and utilize it as a guide for our countries stability, governmental affairs, and etc.
And where is the "guarantee"? The Constitution can be amended, repealed, and circumnavigated.
Yes these things can be, and have been done, but the context remains. Mostly it is improved upon, but never circumvented or reinterpreted for nefarious reason's. It has been tried, but the perps fail when they try it.

It is being tried more now than ever before, and here's the thing, if it fails then I'm afraid that next comes war. The Democrat's might want to tread lightly on the constitution, because the nation still holds it near and dear.
Those of us in western europe will have to put our heads together and try to find a solution to the daily slaughter in your communities. There must be an answer, maybe other countries have a different way of doing things. I just dont know.
A big part of that answer is sufficient mental health help that is available and actually helps patients, not just a holding pen. The family of the shooter and the police confirmed he has serious mental heath problems and has been denied treatment.

Most of our Mental health facilities, are not mental health hospitals, or clinics because that implies they actually help a person and put them on the road to some kind of recovery or at least stabilization. I have a grandkid with Schizophrenia. He is now an adult living with his parents, friends, and on the streets. He is delusional, hallucinates and hears voices constantly. He has been been in 6 different mental facilities over the last year. The last facility let him go giving him discharge papers, instruction, prescriptions which he promptly dropped upon leaving. He has not been seen for several weeks. He will probably turn up again and the cycle will repeat. Thankfully he doesn't own a gun. However, if he came across a gun, there is no telling what he might do with it. There are many people walking our streets today, that are time bombs that need help, if not for their sake, then for the sake of the rest of us.

Although I certainly support getting better gun laws, we will not fix the problem of these senseless mass shooting until we do something about the shooters, who are mentally ill.
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The Indians have been subdued? LMAO!!!!

I promise you smart "Indians" intermarried with Europeans generations ago, and 35% of Americans have tribal dna mingled in with all majorities as well as minorities.
You don't consider that being "subdued"?

The Constitution guarantees the right to protect oneself against tyrants in the Second Amendment whether one is red or yellow black or white. I think it may be that way for longer than Biden's biddies plan.
"The Constitution guarantees"
"The Constitution guarantees"
"The Constitution guarantees"

What does that mean exactly?
Quis Custodiet ipsos Custodes?
The Constitution guarantees the right to protect oneself against tyrants in the Second Amendment whether one is red or yellow black or white. I think it may be that way for longer than Biden's biddies plan.
"The Constitution guarantees"
"The Constitution guarantees"
"The Constitution guarantees"
What does that mean exactly?
It means that we as American's have adopted throughout the generation's "our constitution" as our guideline to law and order, and we have made a commitment to honor it as the document in which we believe in, and go to in that implementation from a government and citizen standpoint.

We make an oath to protect it and utilize it as a guide for our countries stability, governmental affairs, and etc.
And where is the "guarantee"? The Constitution can be amended, repealed, and circumnavigated.
Yes these things can be, and have been done, but the context remains. Mostly it is improved upon, but never circumvented or reinterpreted for nefarious reason's. It has been tried, but the perps fail when they try it.

It is being tried more now than ever before, and here's the thing, if it fails then I'm afraid that next comes war. The Democrat's might want to tread lightly on the constitution, because the nation still holds it near and dear.
I understand. My only comment is that the Consitution can be amended and it will still be the Constitution so "guaranteeing" anything is a misconception that is often misunderstood. The expression, "The Constitution guarantees ..... " is utter rhetoric - the same as "... may not be infringed upon". They are only relevant as it stands at the moment but if it is amended then those two expressions will (should) apply to the new addition/removal. In other words, anything repealed can no longer be "guaranteed" and will have been legally "infringed upon". That's a good thing.
The Indians have been subdued? LMAO!!!!

I promise you smart "Indians" intermarried with Europeans generations ago, and 35% of Americans have tribal dna mingled in with all majorities as well as minorities.
You don't consider that being "subdued"?

The Constitution guarantees the right to protect oneself against tyrants in the Second Amendment whether one is red or yellow black or white. I think it may be that way for longer than Biden's biddies plan.
"The Constitution guarantees"
"The Constitution guarantees"
"The Constitution guarantees"

What does that mean exactly?
Quis Custodiet ipsos Custodes?
Solus deus.
We know the shooter was a white male. I’m seeing a lot of the victim’s families are Black. Law enforcement is very tight lipped on details of the suspect. Are they scrubbing his social media?



White male? Like muslim male? or mixed hispanic like Zimmerman who had both white and black blood along with asian (native of central of south america) but called white because it fit the thugs at the various blm type race hos clubs and the medias agenda?
Would the people killed be less killed if the suspect was a gay Asian albino muslim who use to be Jewish??
No but the motive would likely be far far different. And as such----the way to prevent another such attack preventing more victims would changed as well.
Reports are that multiple people have been shot at the Indianapolis FedEx Facility. This link will be updated automatically as the story unfolds.

IndyStar said:
Indianapolis police are investigating after multiple people were shot at a FedEx facilityon the city's southwest side near Indianapolis International Airport.

Officers responding to 8951 Mirabel Road have "located multiple victims," a news release issued about 11:30 p.m. Thursday said. IMPD confirmed the site was home to the FedEx facility but could not immediately give information on the number of victims or the severity of injuries.

Indianapolis police are investigating after multiple people were shot at a FedEx facilityon the city's southwest side near Indianapolis International Airport.

Officers responding to 8951 Mirabel Road have "located multiple victims," a news release issued about 11:30 p.m. Thursday said. IMPD confirmed the site was home to the FedEx facility but could not immediately give information on the number of victims or the severity of injuries.

The FedEx IND hub, which employs more than 4,500 team members and is the second largest hub in the company's global network, a representative told the IndyStar in March.
More links:
Eight more fellow Americans down for the count like another senseless tragedy. Mental illness is the most cruel of all societal ills.
Eight more fellow Americans down for the count like another senseless tragedy. Mental illness is the most cruel of all societal ills.
Mental illness? Is that what you call a man whose back is against the wall and you keep chanting, "stand your ground!"?
Eight more fellow Americans down for the count like another senseless tragedy. Mental illness is the most cruel of all societal ills.
Mental illness? Is that what you call a man whose back is against the wall and you keep chanting, "stand your ground!"?
No. It's what we call any demented soul that wants to kill innocent any means.
Reports are that multiple people have been shot at the Indianapolis FedEx Facility. This link will be updated automatically as the story unfolds.

IndyStar said:
Indianapolis police are investigating after multiple people were shot at a FedEx facilityon the city's southwest side near Indianapolis International Airport.

Officers responding to 8951 Mirabel Road have "located multiple victims," a news release issued about 11:30 p.m. Thursday said. IMPD confirmed the site was home to the FedEx facility but could not immediately give information on the number of victims or the severity of injuries.

Indianapolis police are investigating after multiple people were shot at a FedEx facilityon the city's southwest side near Indianapolis International Airport.

Officers responding to 8951 Mirabel Road have "located multiple victims," a news release issued about 11:30 p.m. Thursday said. IMPD confirmed the site was home to the FedEx facility but could not immediately give information on the number of victims or the severity of injuries.

The FedEx IND hub, which employs more than 4,500 team members and is the second largest hub in the company's global network, a representative told the IndyStar in March.
More links:
Hmmmm, it seems that none of these mass murders or shootings were happening under Trump (maybe I'm wrong). Now it's like a weekly or monthly thing again, and this while Democrat's hold power. What's up ?????.

Ya. You might be wrong.


The source is "Mother Jones" ??? LOL

What is the definition of a mass shooting anyhow? How many people have to get shot in order for the shooting to be "mass"? Does it make a diff if two groups are shooting at each other? Was the climactic scene in Scarface a "mass shooting"- lots of gunfire lots of people shot? Or the Baptism shooting in "Godfather"? Or Bronson pulling out his machine gun to mow down the gange in Death Wish 3?
3 or 4 depending on who is defining. This is one of the reasons getting real stats is so difficult because even in the US the term is defined differently...........................
Eight more fellow Americans down for the count like another senseless tragedy. Mental illness is the most cruel of all societal ills.
Mental illness? Is that what you call a man whose back is against the wall and you keep chanting, "stand your ground!"?
No. It's what we call any demented soul that wants to kill innocent any means.
You've just described a mass shooter whose back has been forced against the wall and you keep telling him, "stand your ground!"?
Eight more fellow Americans down for the count like another senseless tragedy. Mental illness is the most cruel of all societal ills.
Mental illness? Is that what you call a man whose back is against the wall and you keep chanting, "stand your ground!"?
No. It's what we call any demented soul that wants to kill innocent any means.
@ asaratis: your answer is more accurate than my opinion was. Yeah, demented, pure evil for sure.
What is the definition of a mass shooting anyhow? ..............................
3 or 4 depending on who is defining. This is one of the reasons getting real stats is so difficult because even in the US the term is defined differently...........................
It is spun differently for political purposes.
There would be more victims if not for firearms which is why the socialists communists want them gone.
So it is your opinion that "socialists communists" want more victims. :auiqs.jpg:My, oh my, the things people believe! :ahole-1:
The same place many other people with untreated mental health problems will get them. If they don't get them they will get fertilizer.
You people need to be thoroughly punished out your vices of mental health allegations and forced medication and drugging in a court of law. When you say we shouldn't be allowed to possess firearms, instead you should be begging for a bullet to put you out of your misery.

You need to be whipped, beaten, and flogged out of your vicious claims that other people have "untreated mental health problems."

Your mental hospitals need to be torn down, the racks and instruments of medieval torture brought forth as evidence before the courts martial and war crimes tribunals, and all psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health workers, social workers, therapists and counselors hanged in the gallows.

Civilized people do not tolerate a so-called "mental health" district or permit it to exist anywhere on the face of the earth.
Going Postal, 2021
Indianapolis, Indiana, 2021[edit]
Main article: Indianapolis FedEx shooting
On April 15, 2021, a FedEx location within city of Indianapolis near the Indianapolis International Airport was the site of a shooting that left 8 people dead in addition to the gunman himself. 4 of those who had died appeared to have gunshot wounds while 4 appeared to have sustained injuries resulting from shrapnel. The gunman a 19-year-old former employee named Brandon Scott Hole, committed suicide.
Recipe: Create a hostile, harassment based work environment. Be rabidly anti-union so that no reps are available to intercede in disputes between peers or with management. Sprinkle ability to bring guns into such facilities..
Recipe: Create a hostile, harassment based work environment.
That's Democrat.
Be rabidly anti-union so that no reps are available to intercede in disputes between peers or with management.
But Democrats are 100% pro-union collective bargaining.
Sprinkle ability to bring guns into such facilities..
And we're supposed to work in a prison facility? Submit to being roughed up and shaken down for contraband every morning when we arrive at work? Random traffic stops and car searches, too?

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