Murder in their eyes

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Benjamin Netanyahu visits a mother and her son in the hospital after they became victims of a terrorist attack. The young mother tries to tell Mr. Netanyahu what happened and what she saw. What does she say she saw? She says she saw "murder in their eyes". Have you ever seen murder in someones eyes before? What possible motive could anyone have for hating someone so much that their own heart is consumed with a desire to murder them? A desire to murder people they do not even know? It is difficult to comprehend that level of hatred. How much more difficult would it be to describe it to someone else?

How would you feel if you were this woman? Here is her story:

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I feel grieved about what is happening over in Israel right now. I feel grieved for the Israeli people who are right now wondering what is coming around the corner next! Wondering when the next attack will strike and who will be its next victim. I feel angry for a world that is once again turning a blind eye to senseless acts of violence against ordinary people going about their daily lives.
Why are these stories being ignored? Because it is happening in Israel and the world does not want to be troubled by the facts when it doesn't suit their agenda?
Perhaps it is time to ask the question, How would you feel? If this were happening to you what response would you expect? Are you sympathetic to what the Israeli people are suffering right now or are you emotionally detached from anything that might require a backbone? Have we become a people who will no longer speak up when the truth is inconvenient and may cost us something?

If that is what we have come to? It is a sad day for Americans. Truly a sad day. On 9/11 the Israelis wept for us. We should be weeping with them in their time of trouble. This is serious, folks. If it were happening in America we'd expect the world to stop turning. On a dime.
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I don't want to see anyone slaughtered. I'd like to see these people encounter the LORD and be delivered from this hatred. The Lord's arm is not too short that He cannot save the most hardened individual. No matter who they are!
I feel grieved about what is happening over in Israel right now. I feel grieved for the Israeli people who are right now wondering what is coming around the corner next! Wondering when the next attack will strike and who will be its next victim. I feel angry for a world that is once again turning a blind eye to senseless acts of violence against ordinary people going about their daily lives.
Why are these stories being ignored? Because it is happening in Israel and the world does not want to be troubled by the facts when it doesn't suit their agenda?
Perhaps it is time to ask the question, How would you feel? If this were happening to you what response would you expect? Are you sympathetic to what the Israeli people are suffering right now or are you emotionally detached from anything that might require a backbone? Have we become a people who will no longer speak up when the truth is inconvenient and may cost us something?

If that is what we have come to? It is a sad day for Americans. Truly a sad day. On 9/11 the Israelis wept for us. We should be weeping with them in their time of trouble. This is serious, folks. If it were happening in America we'd expect the world to stop turning. On a dime.
Occupation always has a price to pay, they, the jews had a choice to move there or not, The Palestinians have no choice, they were born there and are not permitted to leave
I feel grieved about what is happening over in Israel right now. I feel grieved for the Israeli people who are right now wondering what is coming around the corner next! Wondering when the next attack will strike and who will be its next victim. I feel angry for a world that is once again turning a blind eye to senseless acts of violence against ordinary people going about their daily lives.
Why are these stories being ignored? Because it is happening in Israel and the world does not want to be troubled by the facts when it doesn't suit their agenda?
Perhaps it is time to ask the question, How would you feel? If this were happening to you what response would you expect? Are you sympathetic to what the Israeli people are suffering right now or are you emotionally detached from anything that might require a backbone? Have we become a people who will no longer speak up when the truth is inconvenient and may cost us something?

If that is what we have come to? It is a sad day for Americans. Truly a sad day. On 9/11 the Israelis wept for us. We should be weeping with them in their time of trouble. This is serious, folks. If it were happening in America we'd expect the world to stop turning. On a dime.
Occupation always has a price to pay, they, the jews had a choice to move there or not, The Palestinians have no choice, they were born there and are not permitted to leave
I think you will find that the Pal'istanian beggars and welfare cheats are not permitted to return to their nations of origin because those nations will not accept the political and financial responsibility for such dysfunctional types.
You only kid yourself, you are fucked in the head, damaged goods, maybe thats why your single, no one wants to put up with your crap
I feel grieved about what is happening over in Israel right now. I feel grieved for the Israeli people who are right now wondering what is coming around the corner next! Wondering when the next attack will strike and who will be its next victim. I feel angry for a world that is once again turning a blind eye to senseless acts of violence against ordinary people going about their daily lives.
Why are these stories being ignored? Because it is happening in Israel and the world does not want to be troubled by the facts when it doesn't suit their agenda?
Perhaps it is time to ask the question, How would you feel? If this were happening to you what response would you expect? Are you sympathetic to what the Israeli people are suffering right now or are you emotionally detached from anything that might require a backbone? Have we become a people who will no longer speak up when the truth is inconvenient and may cost us something?

If that is what we have come to? It is a sad day for Americans. Truly a sad day. On 9/11 the Israelis wept for us. We should be weeping with them in their time of trouble. This is serious, folks. If it were happening in America we'd expect the world to stop turning. On a dime.
Occupation always has a price to pay, they, the jews had a choice to move there or not, The Palestinians have no choice, they were born there and are not permitted to leave

Israel was given to the Jews over 4,000 years ago, fanger. Anyone else living there during the times of their exile were occupying the land in the meanwhile. Nothing more. The land belongs to Israel. Abraham left a good inheritance to Ishmael and his children. God was more than generous considering how much of the Middle East belongs to the Arabs. Have you looked at the size of Israel on a map lately?
You only kid yourself, you are fucked in the head, damaged goods, maybe thats why your single, no one wants to put up with your crap
You're full of anger and self-hate. However, your response does nothing to address my post.
You're full of shit and religion, something to be avoided in older women
Your tirades are similar to those of a petulant child who has been scolded for bad behavior and sent for a time out.

Too cowardly (or too ineffectual / incompetent to addess?)

I think you will find that the Pal'istanian beggars and welfare cheats are not permitted to return to their nations of origin because those nations will not accept the political and financial responsibility for such dysfunctional types.
You sentiments are beautiful Jeremiah...and in a few million years we will be closer to your ideal. For now, wholesale slaughter on many fronts might get the stupid bastards attention.
et al,

This whole story is so said.

Benjamin Netanyahu visits a mother and her son in the hospital after they became victims of a terrorist attack. The young mother tries to tell Mr. Netanyahu what happened and what she saw. What does she say she saw? She says she saw "murder in their eyes". Have you ever seen murder in someones eyes before? What possible motive could anyone have for hating someone so much that their own heart is consumed with a desire to murder them? A desire to murder people they do not even know? It is difficult to comprehend that level of hatred. How much more difficult would it be to describe it to someone else?

How would you feel if you were this woman? Here is her story:

However, there will be many more before both sides agree on peace.

Most Respectfully,
I feel grieved about what is happening over in Israel right now. I feel grieved for the Israeli people who are right now wondering what is coming around the corner next! Wondering when the next attack will strike and who will be its next victim. I feel angry for a world that is once again turning a blind eye to senseless acts of violence against ordinary people going about their daily lives.
Why are these stories being ignored? Because it is happening in Israel and the world does not want to be troubled by the facts when it doesn't suit their agenda?
Perhaps it is time to ask the question, How would you feel? If this were happening to you what response would you expect? Are you sympathetic to what the Israeli people are suffering right now or are you emotionally detached from anything that might require a backbone? Have we become a people who will no longer speak up when the truth is inconvenient and may cost us something?

If that is what we have come to? It is a sad day for Americans. Truly a sad day. On 9/11 the Israelis wept for us. We should be weeping with them in their time of trouble. This is serious, folks. If it were happening in America we'd expect the world to stop turning. On a dime.
Occupation always has a price to pay, they, the jews had a choice to move there or not, The Palestinians have no choice, they were born there and are not permitted to leave

Good point. Why is it that no Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their native homelands so they can be freed from Israel?
I feel grieved about what is happening over in Israel right now. I feel grieved for the Israeli people who are right now wondering what is coming around the corner next! Wondering when the next attack will strike and who will be its next victim. I feel angry for a world that is once again turning a blind eye to senseless acts of violence against ordinary people going about their daily lives.
Why are these stories being ignored? Because it is happening in Israel and the world does not want to be troubled by the facts when it doesn't suit their agenda?
Perhaps it is time to ask the question, How would you feel? If this were happening to you what response would you expect? Are you sympathetic to what the Israeli people are suffering right now or are you emotionally detached from anything that might require a backbone? Have we become a people who will no longer speak up when the truth is inconvenient and may cost us something?

If that is what we have come to? It is a sad day for Americans. Truly a sad day. On 9/11 the Israelis wept for us. We should be weeping with them in their time of trouble. This is serious, folks. If it were happening in America we'd expect the world to stop turning. On a dime.
Occupation always has a price to pay, they, the jews had a choice to move there or not, The Palestinians have no choice, they were born there and are not permitted to leave

Good point. Why is it that no Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their native homelands so they can be freed from Israel?

By not permitting them their freedom, their frustration has reached the boiling point. Which is precisely what certain parties wanted to happen. It's gone beyond the point of no return and there is no longer the possibility of a resolution but rather I suspect we are headed for an outcome. Outcomes are sudden, drastic and most often do not turn out as people expect. Outcomes are what you are left with when all else fails. I feel this will not turn out as expected. In fact, I fear it will be far worse than anyone could possibly imagine.
et al,

This whole story is so said.

Benjamin Netanyahu visits a mother and her son in the hospital after they became victims of a terrorist attack. The young mother tries to tell Mr. Netanyahu what happened and what she saw. What does she say she saw? She says she saw "murder in their eyes". Have you ever seen murder in someones eyes before? What possible motive could anyone have for hating someone so much that their own heart is consumed with a desire to murder them? A desire to murder people they do not even know? It is difficult to comprehend that level of hatred. How much more difficult would it be to describe it to someone else?

How would you feel if you were this woman? Here is her story:

However, there will be many more before both sides agree on peace.

Most Respectfully,

Perhaps not, RoccoR. Perhaps not.
You sentiments are beautiful Jeremiah...and in a few million years we will be closer to your ideal. For now, wholesale slaughter on many fronts might get the stupid bastards attention.

I do not know that anything in this world works without God in the middle of it. The truth is these people in Gaza are frustrated beyond what most minds can fathom. They have been promised better days only to see worse days, more death, more destruction..... these people have children and I have to believe some place deep down inside of their hearts they have a dream to live a normal life, to watch their children grow, to flourish! Free from any danger! To see their children have an education and a future and a hope beyond today and it's misery. Yet they are drowning in sorrow because of political leaders who use them as one would use a pawn on a chess board. As a piece of little value, expendable and easily sacrificed for the end game to be developed. I feel disgusted and saddened for both sides because truly this is not what God had intended. Not at all. To be laughing at the harm you have caused your enemy is not a sign of being a sociopath but rather of being deeply, deeply resentful, angry, bitter! Who can change this but God?
You sentiments are beautiful Jeremiah...and in a few million years we will be closer to your ideal. For now, wholesale slaughter on many fronts might get the stupid bastards attention.

I do not know that anything in this world works without God in the middle of it. The truth is these people in Gaza are frustrated beyond what most minds can fathom. They have been promised better days only to see worse days, more death, more destruction..... these people have children and I have to believe some place deep down inside of their hearts they have a dream to live a normal life, to watch their children grow, to flourish! Free from any danger! To see their children have an education and a future and a hope beyond today and it's misery. Yet they are drowning in sorrow because of political leaders who use them as one would use a pawn on a chess board. As a piece of little value, expendable and easily sacrificed for the end game to be developed. I feel disgusted and saddened for both sides because truly this is not what God had intended. Not at all. To be laughing at the harm you have caused your enemy is not a sign of being a sociopath but rather of being deeply, deeply resentful, angry, bitter! Who can change this but God?
God is not going to intervene. He will allow us to slaughter one another until one side prevails and another cycle begins. So it is as we slouch our way to Heaven.

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